Here For You (35 page)

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Authors: Denise Muniz

BOOK: Here For You
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Before we could walk away I stopped her. “Go back to his headstone and wait for me,” I told her, kissing the top of her head before running toward her car.

I was going out on a limb here but luckily I found what I was looking for. As I ran back to where she was I could see the confusion through her face as she arched her eyebrows. Before a word could leave her mouth I presented her with a blanket. It was probably dirty, but I didn’t care. I lay the blanket where her father was buried and stepped into the middle, stretching out my hand toward her. Placing her hands in mine, we bent down onto our knees before lying back on the ground and looking toward the sky.

I could hear her sniff as the tears ran down the side of her face. I locked hands with her and looked up. The stars were so bright out there, too many to even begin counting. The sky was black with the twinkles in the sky letting us know that beauty was everywhere, especially right beside me. I knew this was the place where she could escape. The place where things lifted from her when she looked up. I wanted to erase the bad and fill it with good.

Tilting my head so I could see her, I brushed a tear away. She turned my way with a broken smile on her lips and whispered, “James this is…” She could barely speak the words.

“You don’t have to say anything. Just know that I love you and I will always do my best to put a smile on your face, taking that huge frown I placed on you away forever. I know the times are tough. And it won’t be easy, as I said, it’ll never go away.

But if there’s one thing I want you to know. Well, two things actually, one is that I love you with everything that is in me, in the deepest part of my soul. It belongs
to you and only you. And second…”

I paused to kiss the
tip of her nose. “...I’ll always be here for you.



About the author




Denise Muñiz


I am a daughter to the King.

A wife to a hard-working man for 10 yrs+.

A mother to 2 pain-in-the-ass boys.

A friend, granddaughter, sister, daughter, and I guess now author.

I absolutely Love Love.

I’m slowly losing my mind.

I have a million book boyfriends.

I love to read & write.






Author Denise Muniz








First off I want to Thank
The Lord
because I wouldn’t be breathing if it weren’t for his sacrifice and love for me. Praise you father.


Thank you to my wonderful
for putting up with the late night sleeps. He switched over to morning shifts so we can sleep together at night then I decided to write a book. So all those times he would be upstairs sleeping I would be downstairs writing. I’m sorry baby lol. Thank you for all that you do for our family, I know its stressful at times but you always try and keep a positive attitude. I appreciate and love you till the end.


To my boys (
Jaime & Josiah
) I’m sorry that those few times I should’ve been playing with you I was writing. Sorry that when you called me I would say ‘Hold on.’ But you kids are great sports and allowed mommy to write never failing to be my pain-in-the-asses. I strive for you and your father. I’m so happy God made me your mother.


To my strict parents who hated for me to go out of the house. I found a love for reading because of them. Dad all those time we went to Barnes & Noble, that’s where I fell deep in love for books. Mommy you’ve been my rock and the things I know you’ve done just for my sibling and me, you’re my baby. I love you
Mom & Dad


To my crazy-ass sibling.
Broski & Jerkface
you guys are my all. I love you forever. I am extremely close to my sis and bro and I love them dearly. Syl I remember when you were the one to write a book, when you finished watching Blackhawk Down you had your journal and playlist along with character names. Thank you for starting it for me. Rub what can I say but ‘JM Out.’


To my DOLL -
. My amazing and wonderful Brit, friend, and editor. Shit, let me just say that I wouldn’t have finished if it weren’t for you. I’m so sorry I took up so much of your time and pestered you endless. You put up with me (I don’t know how you did it) but you did. I can honestly say I finished this book and a huge part was because of you. The words ‘Thank You’ doesn’t come close to the feeling in my soul for what you have done for Here For You and me. My editing is horrible and without you this book would be blah lol. I can’t wait until I go to London and see you and your handsome-cute-loving boys. My DOLL!


To my
: Sara Fuller, Alicia Hendrickson, Zulakya Anissa, Amber Barker, Bonnie Harmon, Anjuli Rivera, Kim C, Akilah, and Alexandra Gonzalez. Thank you so much for wanting to read my book. You took time out of your schedule to read and I can’t express my gratitude. Thank you for your feedbacks and patience. You ladies are amazing. Don’t get too comfortable, I’ll have the next one lined up for you soon. Lol. And to my lovely lady Heather Elliot I love ya girl, thank you so much for everything especially dealing with my crazy–self and helping me along the way.


To my brilliant and talented Book-Cover Designer
Monica Martinez
. Distorted Edge Designs (FB page). The cover is everything I wanted and could imagine. You went above and beyond and I can’t tell you how happy and satisfied I am with my cover. You’re Amazing!


SmiBookClub (Juewelz)
thank you so much for being created, I wouldn’t have met so many amazing, wonderful ladies that I can share my book obsessions with. I’ve connected with some of them on a personal level and we discuss all aspects of life. I love all you ladies.


Thank you to the
that shared my book taking a chance on this indie author. We need all the support we can get, so thank you so much. (Thank you Steph from Romance Addict Book Blog for my cover-reveal, everything came out perfect.) You bloggers are our lifeline.


And lastly thank you to my 2
grade teacher
Dorothy Sabio
, I love you so much. You have taught me a lot and I’m thankful to still have you in my life after all these years.


Ps- Thank you to
who just read the book. Whether you liked it, loved it, or hate it thank you for taking the time out to purchase and read it. I appreciate everything.






“Read on for some of the first chapter of Flaming Sons (Flaming Sons #1), due to be released 2014.”



Flaming Sons

Coming 2014…




Hurry Up


Class is so boring. I just want go home and play my damn guitar. Why do I need to pay attention to this garbage anyway? Why does a twelve year old need to know about Columbus and how wonderful he was? Man, that guy stole this place from the Indians and ain’t nobody teaching me otherwise. Maybe if I put my head down I can catch a nap before the next class? I cross my arms on the desktop, making a nice cushion for my head, but before I can rest someone throws something at the back of my head. What the hell? Turning around, I see my best friend, Brad, looking at his desk and ripping a piece of paper before rolling it into a ball. That jerk. When he looks up he sees me and smiles. Turning back around, I grab whatever paper I can find on my desk, ball it up, and throw it at him before he figures out what I’m doing.

Probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do. With my back to the teacher, I hear his voice. “What are you doing, Chad?”

I turn to face him, leaning back on my chair. Teachers think they are so high and mighty, especially this bald, skinny, big glasses wearing teacher. I look up to the ceiling, ignoring his question. If he
looking at me then he’d already know what I was doing.

“Okay, smarty pants. Detention after school,” he snaps, stomping to his desk.

“Nothing new,” I mumble, still looking at the ceiling.

I hear him grunt, “You just got yourself another day of detention. Want to make it a week?”

“I’m shaking in my boots,” I snort, pretending to shake my hands as if I’m scared.

“Dude, shut up.” I look to Brad and find him trying to hide a smile. That jackass. The teacher doesn’t even say anything to him. He’s just staring a hole in my face. As quick as I can I grab another paper, ball it up, and aim. Right before I can throw it at Brad, he catches me square in the face, making me drop my paper to the floor.

“That’s it, the both of you, detention for a week!” Mr. Annoying yells.

Uh oh.…

I count down with my fingers then point to Brad behind me, without needing to look at him.

I hear his chair back up. “That’s bullshit!” he states loudly.

Now it’s my turn to laugh. If there’s one thing teachers should know it’s that I’m a harmless asshole, but Brad, well, Brad has anger issues. He’d been held back a year, making him thirteen, but despite his youth I swear, he’s out of control. Actually, I’m surprised he hasn’t been kicked out. It doesn’t help that his father is a dick and his mother is stuck up. Brad is a tall, skinny kid, with a scare-you-in-your-boots kinda persona. He has jet-black hair that he sweeps across his face, and he wears head-to-toe black, screaming GOTH, but he isn’t. Some people have dared to call him a fag because he chooses to wear eyeliner, but that shit looks badass on him.


Brad plays the bass, something that has truly bonded us these last couple of years. Everyday after school, or shall I say after detention, we rock out and have a good time with music. There aren’t many places we can go because everywhere is always so damn crowded, so when my parents aren’t home, or his parents are in a good mood, we play there. I guess you can call music our means to sanity. I don’t know what I would be doing if it weren’t for my guitar.

Living in South California is so boring for me compared to others. The only thing I want to do is play music all day. And that’s exactly what I
to do. My father is always drunk, only ever acknowledging the fact that I live there when I play my guitar too loud. “Shut that shit off, Chad!” is his favorite thing to shout out. He’d much prefer me to go out and find him some beer. He didn’t give shit what I did. And as far as my mother is concerned...What mother?

Looking to my left, I see this girl looking just as bored as I am as she stares outside. What the heck is she looking? I try to see what has stolen her attention but all I see is swaying trees, cars, and a woman walking her dog.

“What are you looking at?” I ask her, just ‘cause I’m curious. I've never really spoken to her before. I know her name is Sydney, but that's it. I can never keep my mouth shut. If there’s something I want to say then I’ll say it. I don’t care who you are or what you’re doing at that moment.

She slightly moves her head toward my voice and I lose my breath.

I’ve never had a girlfriend, I’m twelve, but as soon as her eyes find mine I know that she’s going to be important to me. She might think that I have cooties or something – isn’t that what girls think? – but I don’t care. I’ve seen her around before, but there’s something about today that has me captured.

I’ve known some sexy girls, even made out with them, but compared to her they’re nothing. She's beautiful whereas those chicks are just stuck up. She has long, dark blonde hair that stops at the middle of her back, and she has these cute little pink lips, coated in some shiny stuff. Her eyes are a light, honey brown. The sun is hitting her face, making her white skin turn yellow from the reflection. As she looks to me she looks bored. Maybe she is used to this happening all the time with me and Brad in class, always getting in trouble, interrupting the teacher.

She seems so different from all the other girls around here though. It doesn’t seem like she follows the annoying weekly fashion trends. No, she’s just dressed in light blue jeans and a yellow t-shirt, nice and simple. There’s nothing extravagant about the way she looks, but she’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen, leaving me to wonder why I’ve never paid attention to her before.

Mr. Annoying slams his hand on my desk with the pink slip, breaking my trance. I swear this teacher hates us. Just when I think she’s going to go back to looking at nothing her lips move.

“What did you say?” her soft voice asks.

My brain short circuits. Is this what love feels like?


Present Day – Twelve Years Later


“Baby, are you listening to me?”

I feel soft, smooth hands shaking me in my sleep. I make whining noises in my pillow, not wanting to get up. Maybe if I take my pillow and smother her she’ll stop. My inner joke makes me smile, and that smile grows when her hands travel down to my shaft. Instant hard-on.

“Oh yeah, you don’t want to get up but you wake up so easily?” she says, removing her hands.

I grab her wrist before she can let go, and she giggles. God, I love that fucking giggle. It turns me on even more than what her hand is doing, if that’s even possible.

“Baby, let go of my hand.” She tries to pull her hand from my dick but I keep it there.

“Finish what you were going to do,” I plead, throwing my other hand over my eyes.

“You’re going back to sleep?” Her voice is suddenly right next to my ear.

Removing my hand, I open my eyes enough to look into the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever looked upon. Light, honey brown. “You’re so fucking sexy, you know that?” I tell her, trying to ignore my morning breath.

She squeezes me down below, holding me captive. I can’t move. Why do females do that? That’s like our weakness, and we need our guy. He’s kind of important.

Leaning in close, her lips are next to my ear. Her tongue runs up my lobe, her warmth tickling me. “You tell me all the time and I love hearing it.”

She starts to move her hand up and down through my boxers. I feel my heart accelerate with each movement. A small moan escapes my throat. Her touch is ecstasy to me. You’d think the feeling would somewhat go away because we’ve been together for such a long time. But it’s the complete opposite. I can never get enough of her.

I slowly open one eye, looking into her hooded honey eyes. She has that seductive look blanketing her features that I love so much. In truth, there’s not much that I don’t love about her. Just then, she grabs the duvet and starts to pull it over her head. I can see her fiery red hair feathering over my chest, before she pulls the blanket to cover it.

With her hands on the waistband of my briefs, she tugs them, letting me know to lift up so she can pull them down. Just as I lift my ass for her there’s a loud ass bang on the door.

“Hey, fucker, hurry up! We need to get shit ready for tonight! You guys can have sex later!” Brad shouts through the door.

And just like that, Sydney pulls my briefs up, moving up my body slowly until her head peeks out from under the covers. We’re face to face. With my hands, I start at her thighs and slowly make my way up her naked body. Soft like a baby’s butt. She wiggles against my body in a playful motion.

Another loud bang.

“You heard Brad. And I know you guys are still in bed. Get the fuck up already before I drag you out of there myself.”


The perks of living with your friends.

Well, I only live with two of them. Brad, Landon and I share a small three-bedroom apartment. It has the basics; kitchen, living room and bathroom, but the reason we moved here is because there’s a large garage space where we can set up our instruments and rehearse down the block. The last place we were able to rehearse was Sydney’s basement, but her mother’s a bitch. She kept giving her shit about the music, even though she was rarely home. Fuck her and her garage.

The door starts to rattle. Those fuckers are trying to get in!

“You dicks! If you come in here I will kick your ass so bad nobody will recognize you when I’m done with you!” I shout, squeezing Sydney’s ass.

My girl is naked in my arms and nobody gets to see her but me. But those asshole are playing with me, as usual. They always like to rattle my cage. I have a short fuse, what can I say?

“Just hurry up. Sydney, please get dressed. You’re distracting him,” Landon pleads before walking away.

“Sorry!” she yells back, laughing.

I can feel her laughter in the pit of my stomach, the movements making me even harder. “You keep on wiggling like that and we’re never leaving this room,” I tell her before grabbing her lower lip and sucking it in between my teeth.

She lifts her head, looking into my eyes. The lip I had imprisoned between my teeth is now a faint shade of red from the assault. I could kiss those lips every minute of the day for the rest of my life. If we could have our lips permanently connected so I could suck, nibble and kiss those babies all day then I’d be the first in line. She sticks her tongue out, running it over my lips slowly. The barbell on her tongue is cool against my lips. I grab it between my teeth, keeping her tongue in my possession. She smiles. My little devil.

She tries to speak but because she can’t close her mouth it comes out muffled. Reluctantly, I let her go.

“Jackass. Come on, we have to get dressed before they really come in here. I don’t want them to see me naked. It hasn’t happened before and I don’t plan on it happening anytime soon.” Placing her hands on my chest, she pushes her body up.

The warmness of her breasts rises from my chest. “You mean, ‘ever.’” I’d be damned if any of them, or anybody at all for that matter, would get to see her naked. This body has been mine for so long, and that’s how it’s going to stay. She’s mine.

Reaching up, I grab one of her large breasts in my hand. It barely fits. I squeeze it, rolling her nipple with my fingers. Her eyelids flutter as I pull on the barbell that runs through it. Fuck, she’s sexy. I don’t know how she does it, but she grabs my wrist and fiercely looks into my eyes.

“We need to stop, Link.” Oh, she said my name. Well, my nickname, but I probably get called that more than I do Chad. Her saying my name means business, both inside the bed and out. I’m trying to figure out which one means more as I continue to squeeze her nipple. She lets out a broken breath. “They’re going to come in here. You want them to see me naked and turned on?”

Fuck. I stop.

“Thanks for killing it, babe.”

She kisses me on the mouth then gets up with a smile. Her beautiful figure is on full display for me to enjoy. Her soft vanilla skin is bare, just for me, with inked colors splashed over her arms and lower back. She shakes her juicy booty at me before bending down to get her clothes from last night. I don’t let any time pass as I spring from the bed and grab her waist, pressing my still hard cock against her ass. With half her body bent, she tilts her head to look behind her, not once trying to stand up straight.

Her bright fiery hair almost touches the floor. “Seriously, you horn dog, we have to get dressed.” She smacks my legs before reaching for her bra.

Finally standing up, I back away. “Down boy,” I mumble, looking down. Doesn’t look like it’s going to happen any time soon, “I’m going to have blue balls now.”

With her under garments on I know we won’t be getting it on for sure now. I’m gonna need a cold ass shower. Sitting down on the bed, I throw my body back, lying down…again.

Sydney climbs on top to straddle me. “It’s okay, I’ll take care of you later.”

“I know you will,” I agree, lightly smacking her thigh.

The banging starts up again. “Are you guys almost done? I swear to fucking G…”

“We’re almost done, Landon. Fuck off!” Sydney screams.

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