Hitler and the Forgotten Nazis (48 page)

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Authors: Bruce F. Pauley

Tags: #Europe, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Hitler; Adolf; 1889-1945, #General, #United States, #Austria, #Austria & Hungary, #Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei in Österreich, #Biography & Autobiography, #History

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42.    Koppel Pinson and Klaus Epstein,
Modern Germany,
pp. 603 and 604.

43.    Walter Simon, “The Political Parties of Austria,” p. 294.

Ibid.; Dienstbuch,

45.    Pinson and Epstein,
Modem Germany,
p. 603.

46.    Simon, “Political Parties,” p. 294; Botz, “Social Structure of Austrian National Socialismp. 14.

47.    Rieth to the AA, 12 Oct. 1932, NA, T-120, R. 2832/E450793.

48.    Report by Lerchenfeld on the domestic political situation, 31 Dec. 1930, NA, T-120, R. 4494/K231328. For comparisons with Germany see Diehl,
Paramilitary Politics,
p. 283.

49.    Zeev Stemhell, “Fascist Ideology,” p. 320.

50.    Anton Rintelen,
Erinnerungen an Osterreichs Weg,
12-1 A.
My emphasis.

51.    Anonymous, membership list drawn up in 1938, Slg. Sch., 303 folder 1.

Der Panther,
20 May 1933, p. 2.

53.    Wladimir von Hartlieb,
Parole: Das Reich!,
pp. 28-29.

Der Panther,
14 Jan. 1933, p. 1, 20 May 1933, p. 2. Sometime toward the end of 1933 or the beginning of 1934 Arthur Seyss-Inquart, at that time still a member of the Heimatschutz, advised Kammerhofer to copy Pfrimer’s example and join the NSDAP. See Wolfgang Rosar,
Deutsche Gemeinschaft,
p. 60.

55.    Kammerhofer to Rodenbiicher, 15 Jan. 1935, Kammerhofer-Prozess, p. 259;
27 Apr. 1933, p. 2.

5 May 1933, p. 5. For further information on the GVP see Isabella Ackerl, “Die Grossdeutsche Volksparteiespecially pp. 69-70, 97, 105, 312, 314, and Karl Jung, “Die Grossdeutsche Volkspartei,” especially pp. 176-77, 179, 414-15.

57.    Isabella Ackerl, “Das Kampfbiindnis der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei mit der Grossdeutschen Volkspartei vom 15. Mai 1933pp. 5 and 6.

58.    Ibid., pp. 7-8, 23.

5 May 1933, p. 5.

60.    “Minister Rieth to State Secretary Bulow,” 22 Feb. 1933,
C 1:52-53; Franz Langoth,
Kampf um Osterreich,
p. 102.

61.    Ackerl, “Kampfbiindnis,” pp. 18, 20, 24.

62.    Report concerning the transfer of the Landbund and the Griinen Front to the NSDAP, etc., Gendarmerieabteilungskommando, Weis, 26 Aug. 1934, DOW, #6155.

63.    Political report by Prince Erbach, German Legation, Vienna, to the foreign minister, 29 Aug. 1934, NA, T-120, R. 3395/E605512. For additional information on the Landbund see Angela Feldman, “Landbund fiir Osterreich,” and Ursula Benedikt, “Vinzenz Schumy, 1878-1962.”

Chapter VI

1.    “Memorandum by an Official of Department II,” 20 May 1933,
C 1:474—75.

2.    Weinberg,
The Foreign Policy of Hitler’s Germany,
pp. 87, 106; Petersen,
p. 135; John Heineman,
Hitler's First Foreign Minister,
p. 104.

3.    An exception was Vorarlberg, the province bordering on democratic Switzerland, where the Nazis gained only 10.5 percent of the vote in November 1932. The 8,033 votes did represent more than a tenfold increase since November 1930, however. See Hans Volz,
Daten der Geschichte der NSDAP,
p. 110.

4.    Gerhard Jagschitz,
Der Putsch,
p. 28; Emst Hoor,
Osierreich 1918-1938
, p. 59; Hans Huebmer,
Osierreich 1933-1938,
p. 30.

5.    Report, “Impressions of the Revolution in Austria from 12-15 February and Its Consequences,” NA, 77, R. 900/5652691.

6.    Pp. 480-81.

Der Kampf,
14 Mar. 1931, p. 7.

8.    Landesleitung Osterreichs der NSDAP (Hitlerbewegung),
Das Dienstbuch der NSDAP (Hitlerbewegung),
p. 198.

9.    Ibid., pp. 44-45.

10.    Ibid., p. 46.

11.    Ibid., p. 49; Geoffrey Pridham,
Hitler's Rise to Power,
p. 101.

Steirische Gaunachrichten der NSDAP,
24 Feb. 1933, p. 2;
pp. 190-91.

Steirische Gaunachrichten,
10 Feb. 1931, p. 1;
p. 181.

Steirische Gaunachrichten,
10 Feb. 1931, p. 1;
p. 182.

15.    See, for example,
27 Sept. 1931, p. 11, and
6 Oct. 1931, p. 5.

5 May 1932 (p.m.), p. 4.

17.    Habicht’s Election Plan, Slg. Sch., 305 folder 1,

30 Apr. 1933, p. 5. Compared to the last local election in 1931, the Nazis picked up 8,000 new votes; 4,000 came from the GVP, another 2,000 from the SDP, and 500 from the CSP. The Nazis undoubtedly also benefited from the abstention of the HW, which had gained nearly 3,500 votes in 1930 (ibid.).

Der Vormarsck, 2
June 1933, p. 2.

20.    Wladimir von Hartlieb,
Parole: Das Reich!,
p. 37.

21.    Habicht’s General Election Plan, part vii, Communal Politics, Slg. Sch., 305 folder 1.

22.    Ibid., part I, The Situation.

23.    Juan Linz, “Some Notes Toward a Comparative Study of Top Fascist Leaders,” p. I.

24.    NA, T-175, R. 451/2966867-916.

25.    Gerhard Jagschitz, “Die Jugend des Bundeskanzlers Dr. Engelbert Dollfuss,” p. 114; Linz, “Notes,” p. 81.

26.    Emst Starhemberg,
p. 308; Alfred Persche. “Die Aktion Hudal DOW, # 5116/1, 2:234; Arnold J. Toynbee, ed.,
Survey of International Affairs,

1933, pp. 133-34; Impressions of Austria by Braun von Sturm, Sept. 1936, NA, T-120, R. 5415/K287562.

27.    Otto Reich von Rohrwig,
Der Freiheitskampf der Ostmark-Deutschen von St. Germain bis Adolf Hitler,
p. 93. The former Gauleiter of Vienna Leopold Tavs said that 50 percent of the Nazis were under the age of thirty. Many of the older Nazis were no doubt far Jess active than the younger ones, however.

28.    “Training for Citizenship, ‘Authoritarian’ Austrian Style,” p. 145; letter from Rath to the author.

29.    Peter MerkI,
Political Violence under the Swastika,
pp. 258, 712.

30.    Richard Moschner,
pp. 35-36;
p. 117.

31.    Memorandum by Eduard Baar-Baarenfels, “Information over the Present Condition of the National Socialist Movement in Austria,” 4 Apr. 1936,
p. 468. Hereafter referred to as Baar-Baarenfels’s memorandum. Persche, “Aktion Hudal,” 2:234.

32.    John Haag, “Blood on the Ringstrasse,” p. 32.

33.    Peter Pulzer,
The Rise of Political Anti-Semitism in Germany and Austria,
pp. 11-14.

34.    Baar-Baarenfels’s memorandum, p. 468.

35.    See above, p. 18.

Der Kampfruf,
3 Feb. 1931, p. 1.

Der Panther,
17 June 1933, pp. 2-3; interview with Walter Strzygowski.

38.    Rath, “Training for Citizenship,” p. 145.

39.    Interview with Eduard Frauenfeld.

40.    Riehl to Proksch, 26 Apr. 1932, Slg. Sch., 305 2:1. See also Walter Simon, “The Political Parties of Austria,” p. 325. The German Nazi party experienced a similar growth in its membership coming from the intelligentsia. See Michael Kater, “The Social Composition of the Nazi Party’s Membership, 1925-1945,” p. 5, or his larger study, “Quaruifizierung und NS-Geschichte,” pp. 453-84.

41.    Riehl to Proksch, 26 Apr. 1932, Slg. Sch., 305 2:1; Franz Borkenau,
Austria and After,
p. 234.

42.    Riehl to Proksch, 26 Apr. 1932, Slg. Sch., 305, folder 1; Gerhard Botz, “Faschismus und Lohnabhangige in der Ersten Republik,” p. 115; Joseph Buttinger,
Am Beispiel Osterreichs
, p. 493.

43.    Lajos Kerekes, “Wirtschaftliche und soziale Lage Osterreichs nach dem Zerfall der Doppelmonarchicp. 93.

44.    Gerhard Botz,
Wien vom "Anschluss” zum Krieg,
p. 218; Evan Bukey, “The Nazi Party in Linz, Austria, 1919-1939,” p. 10.

45.    Jagschitz,
Der Putsch,
pp. 37-38; Wolfgang Rosar,
Deutsche Gemeinschafi,
p. 345.

46.    Simon, “Political Parties,” pp. 182, 184, 321.

47.    P. 134.

48.    Raimund Haintz, “Die NSDAP,” p. 272. This trend also occurred in Germany during the same period. See Bemt Hagtvet, “The Theory of Mass Society and the Dissolution of Parliamentary Democracy,” p. 28, and Botz, “Faschismus und Lohnabhangige,” p. 119.

49.    Unpublished document assembled for the government’s
Rot-Weiss-Rot Buck,
report from Carinthia, Gendarmeriepostenkommando Gnessau, 27 May 1946, DOW, #8350.

50.    Jagschitz,
Der Putsch,
p. 26; Everhard Holtmann, “Zwischen 'Blutschuld’ und ‘Befriedung,’" p. 14.

51.    Imgard Bamthaler,
Die Vaterl'andische Front
, p. 179; Simon, “Political Parties,” p. 206.

52.    Bamthaler,
Die VF,
p. 179. See also Helene Grilliet,
Eine Franzosin Erlebt Grossdeutschland,
p. 19.

53.    Simon “Political Parties,” p. 318.

54.    Diestel to Dr. Lammers, 16 Aug. 1934, NA, T-120, R. 3393/E605763.

55.    Peter Merkl, “The Nazis of the Abel Collection,” pp. 25-26.

p. 467.

57.    Persche, “Hauptmann Leopold” pp. 4-5; Botz, “Faschismus undJLohnabhan-gige,” p. 115. Persche does not define his term
Presumably he-is talking about railroad and postal workers and the like.

preface, and pp. 48,129.

, 30 Apr. 1933, p. 5.

60.    Simon, “Political Parties,” p. 330; Gerhard Botz,
Gewalt in derPolitik,
p. 196, n. 35.

61.    Botz,
Wien vom “Anschluss" zum Krieg,
p. 218.

62.    Austria, Political Situation (no name), 2 June 1934, NA, T-120, R. 900/ 5652945.

63.    Interview with Eduard Frauenfeld and Leopold Tavs; interview with Herbert Steiner.

64.    Report on the situation in Austria as of 5 Jan. 1936 (by an unidentified official of the Volksbund fur das Deutschtum im Ausland), NA, T-120, R. 2837/E453296.

65.    Erika Weinzierl-Fischer, “Osterreichs Katholiken und der Nationalsozialismus,” 18:429, 432, 434, 438.

66.    Friedrich Heer,
Gottes erste Liebe,
pp. 363-65.

Sylvia Maderegger,
Die Juden im osterreichischen St'andestaat
p. 138.

68.    Weinzierl-Fischer, “Osterreichs Katholiken,” 18:432.

69.    Maderegger,
Juden im osterreichischen Standestaat,
pp. 135 and 203; Heer,
Gottes erste Liebe,
p. 364.

70.    Weinzierl-Fischer,
Katholiken” 20:501.




71.    Report on the discussion held on 17 Nov. 1932 by Hans Eibl, NA, T-580,

R. 63, pp. 1-2.

72.    Eibl to the Fiirstenbischof, n.d.

73.    Weinzierl-Fischer, “Osterreichs Katholiken," 20:506-507.

74.    Essay on the HW by G. R. Hoffmann of the German legation in Vienna and sent to the AA, 23 Aug. 1929, NA, T-120, R. 2833/E451048-49.

Fascist Movements in Austria,
p. 283.

76.    For the best study of the Nazi attitude toward women see Jill Stephenson,
Women in Nazi Society.

77.    Heinz Cohrs, “Das Innere
Gefiige der
pp. 301-302.

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