Hitler and the Forgotten Nazis (50 page)

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Authors: Bruce F. Pauley

Tags: #Europe, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Hitler; Adolf; 1889-1945, #General, #United States, #Austria, #Austria & Hungary, #Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei in Österreich, #Biography & Autobiography, #History

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23.    Dr. Siebert to Minister President Ludwig Siebert, 21 June 1934, NA, T-120, R. 2838/E453503; political report by Hassel (Rome), 28 June 1934, ibid./E453493; letter by an unidentified individual to the AA received 5 July 1934, ibid./E453501.

24.    See above, p. 126.

25.    Jagschitz,
Der Putsch,
p. 80.

26.    Wladimir von Hartlieb,Para/e:
Das Reich!,
pp. 206, 212, 222; report on the NS uprising of 25 July 1934 in Vienna by Dr. Rudolf Weydenhammer, HI, NA-HA, R. 33, folder 634, p. 15.

27.    NA, T-175, R. 32/2-539840-41.

28.    Report on the NS uprising of 25 July 1934 in Vienna by Dr. Rudolf Weydenhammer, HI, NS-HA, R. 33, folder 634, p. 2.

29.    Hartlieb,
Das Reich,
p. 222.

30.    Gertiard Jagschitz, “Zur Struktur der NSDAP vor dem Juliputsch 1934 ” pp. 17—18; Jagschitz,
Der Putsch,
pp. 138-39; Franz Langoth,
Kampf um Osterreich,
p. 314.

31.    The military and air attache in Vienna to the Oberkommando des Heeres in Berlin, 21 Dec. 1937, NA, T-78, R. 456/643545.

32.    Report by the military attache in Vienna (Muff), 7 Dec. 1933, NA, T-120, R. 2695/E414230.

33.    “The Legation in Austria to the Foreign Ministry,” 26 July 1934,
3:256, footnote 3; Austria, Political Situation (no name), 2 June 1934, NA, T-77, R. 900/5652947.

34.    Report by V. L. R. von Renthe-Fink, Berlin, 15 Feb. 1934, NA, T-120, R. 3393/E605383-84.

35.    “Memorandum by Rudolf Weydenhammer,” 7—8 Mar. 1934,
C 2:576. As the Austrian ambassador to Rome, Rintelen had been doing everything in his power to disrupt Austro-Italian relations and had kept Habicht informed about the details of the numerous trips Dollfuss made to Italy (ibid., pp. 575-77).

36.    Andrew Whiteside, “Austria,” p. 347.

Beitrdge zur Julirevolte,
pp. 84-87; Jagschitz,
Der Putsch,
p. 114.

38.    Report by a Gestapo agent on the situation in Austria, late Aug. 1934, NA, T-120, R. 2889/E454322-24.

39.    “The Minister in Austria to the Foreign Ministry,” 26 July 1934,
, C 3:246-48.

40.    Hans Rauter, opinion on the statement of Oberhaidacher, 24 Nov. 1937, Slg. Sch., 277.

41.    Jagschitz,
Der Putsch,
p. 157, 161—62; Richard Moschner,
p. 28.

42.    Jagschitz,
Der Putsch,
p. 183; G. E. R. Gedye,
Fallen Bastions,
p. 122; Johann Messinger,
The Death of Dollfuss,
pp. 107-9.

Beitrage zur Julirevolte,
pp. 80-82; Walter Maas,
Assassination in Vienna,
p. 97.

44.    Otto Reich von Rohrwig,
Der Freiheitskampf der Ostmark-Deutschen von St. Germain bis Adolf Hitler,
p. 192; report by Gilbert In der Maur, Vienna, 16 Feb. 1934, NA, T-120, R. 2832/E450901.

Die Juli-Revolte,

46.    Anonymous report on the July Putsch, 31 July 1934, sent to the AA on 2 Aug.

1934,    NA, T-120, R. 3393/E605508-509.

47.    “The Head of the Volksbund fur das Deutschtum im Ausland to the Foreign Ministry,” 2 Aug. 1934,
C 2:286.

Die Erhebung der osterreichischen Nationalsozialisten im Juli 1934,
p. 8.

49.    NA, T-175, R. 32/2-539856-61; Ross,
Hitler und Dollfuss,
p. 216.

50.    Franz von Papen,
Der Wahrheit eine Gasse,
p. 381; Jurgen Gehl
, Austria, Germany, and the Anschluss, 1931-38,
p. 101.

51.    Jagschitz, “Struktur der NSDAP,” p. 15; report on the Austrian
Wfehrmacht Office, Berlin, 10 Oct. 1934, NA, T-77, R. 900/5653690.

The Foreign Policy of Hitler’s Germany,
pp. 103-4.

53.    Petersen,
p. 338; Ross,
Hitler und Dollfuss,
p. 236; Goring’s testimony, 11 Mar. 1946, IMT, 9:102.

54.    Kopke to Hassel, 16 July 1934, NA, T-120, R, 2889/E454309.

55.    Note (by Rieth) over a conversation with the Reichskanzler, 10 Feb. 1934, NA, T-120, R. 2836/E452732. Cf. Edward Peterson,
The Limits of Hitler's Power,
p. 15.

56.    Papen,
p. 381.

57.    Theodor Eschenburg, “Franz von Papenpp. 154—56, 161.

58.    Papen,
p. 383; guiding principles (of Franz von Papen) for Germany’s future policy toward Austria, 19 Aug. 1934, NA, T-120, R. 2833/E451092.

59.    Guiding principles (of tapen) for Germany’s future policy toward Austria, 19 Aug. 1934, NA, T-120, R. 2833/E451090-92. This second group of demands was not mentioned by Papen in his memoirs.

60.    Franz von Papen,
p. 341. Although Goring as well as Papen took credit for Habicht’s dismissal it should be recalled that Hitler had been unhappy with the Landesleiter for some time. See also John Heineman,
Hitler’s First Foreign Minister,
p. 107.

61.    Anonymous report in the confidence of the German legation in Vienna, 22 Jan-

1935,    NA, T-120, R. 2892/E455615.

62.    Guiding principles (of Papen) for Germany’s future policy toward Austria, 19 Aug. 1934, NA, T-120, R. 2833/E451093. Frauenfeld, for example, received a position in the Reichstheaterkammer.

63.    “The Fiihrer’s Deputy, Hess, to Herr Frauenfeld,” 21 Aug. 1934,
C 3:353.

64.    Gehl,
Austria, Germany, and the Anschluss,
p, 102.

65.    “The Fu'hrer and Chancellor to Ministers Hess and Goebbels, Herr von Papen and the Office of the Secret State Police,” 8 Aug. 1934,
C 3:299.

66.    “The Fiihrer’s Deputy, Hess, to Herr Frauenfeld,” 21 Aug. 1934, ibid. /352.

250 • Notes to Pages 138-43 Chapter IX

1.    Report by W. Heinzmann, 30 Oct. 1935, and given to HitJer on 28 De<;/1935, NA, T-120, R. 2837/E453288.

, 23 Aug. 1934; speech by Friedrich Rainer in Klagenfurt, Carinthia, 11 Mar. 1942, before Nazi leaders concerning National Socialism in Austria from the July rebellion in 1934 to the seizure of power on 11 Mar. 1938, IMT, #4005-PS, 34:6. Hereafter referred to as Rainer’s speech.

3.    Report by a man in the confidence of the German legation in Vienna, 22 Jan.

1935, NA, T-120, R. 2892/E453616.

4.    Everhard Holtmann, “Zwischen ‘Blutschuld’ und ‘Befriedung,’ ” pp. 4, 7, 8.

5.    Karl Stuhlpfarrer, “Zum Problem der deutschen Penetration
p. 317; Maurice Williams, “German Nazis and Austrian Relief,”

Williams, “Delusions of ‘Grandeur,’ ” p. 14; Stuhlpfarrer, “Deutsche Penetration Osterreichs,” p. 317; interrogation of Friedrich Rainer, 15 Nov. 1945, NA, NI, p. 19.

7.    Williams, “Delusions of ‘Grandeur,’ ” p. 14.

8.    Stuhlpfarrer, “Deutsche Penetration Osterreichs ” p. 318.

9.    Ibid., pp. 318-19.

10.    Ibid.

Der Heimatschutzer,
28 Apr. 1934, p. 1;
20 Nov. 1934, pp. 10-12.

12.    MLB, Nov. 1935, p. 4; Franz von Papen,
p. 353.

13.    Papen,
, p. 347.

14.    “The Minister in Austria to the Fuhrer and Chancellor,” 27 July 1935,
C 4:500.

15.    The Political Situation in Austria (no name), 12 Dec, 1935, NA, T-78, R. 455/6433134.

16.    Report is dated 15 Jan. 1936, NA, T-120, R. 2837/E453294—95.

17.    Robert Schwarz, “The Austrian Nazi Movement (1918-1973),” p. 34; Max Dachauer,
Das Ende Osterreich,
pp. 214-15;
Der Kampf,
19 June 1934, p. 1; Richard Moschner,
, p. 17.

18.    Report of Count Revertera, n.d., DOW, #2162, p. 4; Dachauer,
Ende Osterreich,
p. 215.

19.    MLB, Mar. 1935, p. 6.

20.    Report of Count Revertera, n.d., DOW, #2162, p. 11.

21.    Schwarz, “Austrian Nazi Movement,” p. 35, 60-61.

22.    German Consulate in Graz to the AA, 18 June 1935, NA, T-120, R.

2892/ E455767,-82.

23.    Guido Zematto
,Die Wahrheit uber Osterreich,pp.
152-53; Hans Bleyer-Hartl,
Ringen um Reich und Recht,
p. 138.

24.    Donald Me Kale,
The Swastika Outside Germany,
pp. 79-80, 107.

25.    Ibid., p. 107; Christine Fessl, “Die Innenpolitische Entwicklung in Osterreich in den Jahren 1934 bis 1938,” p. 45.

26.    Renthe-Fink to the German embassy in London, Aug. 1934, NA, T-120, R. 2836/E452915; Gerhard Jagschitz,
Der Putsch,
p. 182.

27.    Landesleitung Osterreichs der NSDAP (Hitlerbewegung),
Das Dienstbuch der NSDAP,
pp. 13, 105-106, 113. Hereafter referred to as
p. 68; Gerhard Botz, “Faschismus und Lohnabhangige in der Ersten Republik,” p. 120.

pp. 62-63; Dietrich Orlow,
The History of the Nazi Party, 1919-1933,

29.    F. L. Carsten,
Fascist Movements in Austria,
pp. 197, 253.

30.    Alfred Persche, “Hauptmann Leopold,” DOW, #1460, p. 142. See also Hans Schopper,
p. 44.

31.    Gerhard Jagschitz, “Zur Struktur der NSDAP vor dem Juliputsch 1934,”
10; testimony of Emst Kaltenbmnner, IMT, 14:34. Persche placed the size of the Austrian SS in 1937 at only “two to three thousand,” but he was a hostile witness. See “Hauptmann Leopold,” p. 29.

32.    Report by a man in the confidence of the German legation in Vienna, 22 Jan

1935, NA, T-120, R. 2892/E455616-17.

33.    Altenburg to Kopke, 29 Dec. 1934, NA, T-120, R. 3395/E606969l70.

34.    “Memorandum by an Official of Department II,” 29 Nov. 1934,
C 3:668; “Memorandum by an Official of Department II,” 29 Aug. 1934, ibid.:369-70; “The State Secretary to the Fiihrer’s Deputy,” 23 Nov. 1934, ibid.:662-63.

35.    Osterburg report on the domestic situation in Austria, 11 Oct. 1933, NA, T-120 R. 2836/E452562.

36.    Anonymous letter to the RL, 29 Jan. 1938, NA, T-120, R. 751/345205.

37.    Pfersche, “Hauptmann Leopold,” pp. 7, 166, 185; Frageboden, BDC, PK, Alfred Rsrsche folder. Unidentified newspaper clipping of 2 Apr. 1938.

38.    Copy of an SA order sent by Papen to the AA, 22 June 1935, NA, T-120, R. 2837/E453079-80.

39.    SA order (Obergruppe Austria) to all brigades and for further distribution to all of the SA, Nov. 1936, DOW, #6115.

40.    Copy of an SA order sent by von Papen to the AA, 22 June 1935, NA, T-120, R. 2837/E453082.

41.    MLB, May 1935,
4, and Nov. 1935,

42.    Robert Houston, “Emst Kaltenbrunner,” especially pp. 5, 10-11, 15, 17, 21; Gideon Hausner,
Justice in Jerusalem,
p. 30.

43.    Gerhard Jagschitz, “Zwischen Befriedung und Konfrontation,” pp. 162-63.

44.    “The Charge d
Affaires in Austria to the Foreign Ministry,” 18 Oct. 1934,
C 3:499-500;
21 Sept. 1934, p. 17.

45.    “The Charge d’Affaires in Austria to the Foreign Ministry,” 18 Oct. 1934,
C 3:500.

, 12 Oct. 1934, pp. 2-16; the reconciliation action of Reinthaller written by Dr. Harold Hipfiner, 18 Aug. 1938, HI, NS-HA, R. 33, folder 642, pp. 1-3.

47.    Emst Starhemberg,
p. 212; Barbara Berger, “Emst Rudiger Fiirst Starhemberg,” pp. 146-61.

48.    Conversation between Friedrich Rainer and Dr. Siegfried Uiberreither, 8 July 1945, NA, NI, p. 2. See also Rainer to Burckel, 6 July 1939,
#812-PS, 3:500.

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