Hitler and the Forgotten Nazis (51 page)

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Authors: Bruce F. Pauley

Tags: #Europe, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Hitler; Adolf; 1889-1945, #General, #United States, #Austria, #Austria & Hungary, #Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei in Österreich, #Biography & Autobiography, #History

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49.    Anonymous report in a letter of Prince Erbach sent to the A A, 2 Mar. 1935, NA, T-120, R. 2499/E371924; McKale,
Swastika Outside Germany,
p. 107.

The Foreign Policy of Hitler's Germany,
p. 88.

51.    Report by Muff on the Austrian Situation, 10 Sept. 1934, NA, T-120, R. 2695/E414397.

52.    Anonymous article written in Vienna on 11 Mar. 1935, “Notes concerning the Political Situation in Austria,” ibid./E453008.

53.    The German consul in Linz (Langen) to the AA, 30 Aug. 1934, ibid., R. 3394/E606189; Franz Langoth,
Kampf um Osterreich,
p. 100; Wolfgang Rosar,
Deutsche Gemeinschaft,
p. 113.

54.    Affidavit by Arthur Seyss-Inquart, “The Austrian Question,”
#3254, 5:964.

55.    The German consul in Linz (Langen) to the AA, 30 Aug. 1934, NA, T-120, R.

3394/E606189; report by Reinthaller, n.d., ibid./E606196.

56.    Report by
in Vienna (Muff), “The Crisis of
the Fuhrerprin-zip
Austrian NSDAP28 Aug. 1935, ibid., R. 2837/E453230-31.'

57.    Papen to Hitler, 4 Apr. 1935,
p. 389; report of the Federal Police Directory, Vienna, to the Security Directorate in Vienna concerning the action against Johann Amann, etc., 8 Apr. 1936, DOW, #6014.

58.    Report by Muff, “The Crisis of the Fiihrerprinzip in the Austrian NSDAP,” 28 Aug. 1935, NA, T-120, R. 2837/E453232.

59.    Ibid./E453232,-36.

60.    Rainer to Biirckel, 6 July 1939,
#812-PS, 3:391; Ulrich Eichstadt,
Von Dollfuss zu Hitler,
p. 76; Rosar,
Deutsche Gemeinschaft,
p. 89.

61.    Testimony of Friedrich Rainer, 15 Nov. 1945, NA, NI, p. 20; unidentified newspaper clipping, BDC, SS-Fiihrer, Hubert Klausner folder.

62.    Rainer’s speech, IMT, #4005-PS, 34:14.

63.    MLB, Sept, 1935, pp. 3, 6.

64.    Report concerning the activity of the NS lawyers of Austria, 10 Oct. 1936, DOW, #6036, p. 1.

Chapter X

1.    All figures are from Friedrich Hertz,
The Economic Problems of the Danubian States
, p. 147.

2.    MLB, Mar. 1935, p. 1.

3.    Ibid., May 1935, p. 2, June 1935, p. 2, July 1935, p. 2, Sept. 1935, p. 16, Mar.

1936, p. 1.

pp. 468-69, 473. Hereafter referred to as Baar-Baarenfels’s memorandum.

5.    MLB, May 1936, p. 6.

6.    Adam Wandruszka, “Osterreichs politische Struktur,” p. 339. On the nature of the Dollfuss regime see also Heinrich Busshoff,
Das Dollfuss-Regime in Osterreich in geistesgeschichtlicher Perspektive unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der ‘ ‘Schoneren Zukunft” und “Reichspost

7.    R. John Rath, “Authoritarian Austria,” pp. 26-27; Karl-Rudolf Hiibener, “lllegale osterreichische Presse von 1933 bis 1938,” pp. 576, 589.

8.    Grete Klingenstein, “Bermerkungen zum Problem des Faschismus in Osterreich,” pp. 4—5. For an apology of the new constitution see Ernst Hoor,
Osterreich, 1918-1938,
p. 111.

9.    Ernst Nolte,
Die Krise des Uberalen Systems und die faschistischen Bewegungen,
p. 306; Robert Ingrim,
Der Griff nach Osterreich,
p. 80; Ralf Koemer,
So haben sie es damals gemacht
, p. 141. According to Nolte, Latvia and Lithuania also developed authoritarian regimes as a defense against fascist movements
p. 280),

10.    Mitzi Hartmann (pseud
Austria StiilLives,
p. 19; Hans Kohn, “AEIOUpp. 524-25.

11.    Memorandum by Kurt Rieth of a conversation with Hitler in Berlin, 10 Feb.

1934, NA, T-120, R. 2889/E454209.

12.    Baar-Baarenfels’s memorandum, p. 474.

13.    Guido Zematto,
Die Wahrheit uber Osterreich,
p. 94.

14.    Quoted in Charles Gulick,
Austria from Habsburg to Hitler,

15.    Unpublished documents assembled for the
Rot-Weiss-Rot Buch,

short report of the Landeshauptmann, 30 May 1946, DOW, #8339, p. L. See also Stefan Zweig,
The World of Yesterday,
p. 403.

16.    Hans Frisch,
Die Gewaltherrschaft in Osterreich,
p. 38.

17.    Malcolm Bullock,
Austria, 1918-1938,
p. 272.

18.    Quoted in Gulick,
Habsburg to Hitler,
2:1486. This anecdote may have been borrowed from Fascist Italy, as an identical story was popular there. See Alan Cassets.
p. 71.

19.    Vaterlandische Front, Bundeswerbeleitung,
Richtlinien zur F'uhrerausbildung,
p. ix.

20.    On anti-Semitism in the VF and the Austrian government see especially VF
, p. 48; Karl Stadler,
p. 140; Martin Fuchs,
Showdown in Vienna,
pp. 71-72, 221, and Sylvia Maderegger,
Die Juden im osterreichischen Standestaat 1934-1938,
pp. 115-16, 197, 224, 241, 266-67.

21.    Imgard Bamthaler,
Die Vaterlandische Front,
pp. 56, 58.

22.    Vaterlandische Front, Bundespropagandaleitung,
Richtlinien fur den Zellenlei-ter, Zellenvertrauensmann und Nachtricktenmann,
pp. 3-4, 6, 8.

23.    Bamthaler,
Die VF,
p. 189; Hartmann,
Austria Still Lives,
pp. 188-89.

24.    Zematto,
pp. 91-92. For comparisons with the Kraft durch Freude program in Germany see Richard Grunberger,
The 12-Year Reich,
pp. 216-17.

25.    Diverse circular letters of the VF LL, DOW, #7544,7548; Zematto,
pp. 91-93.

26.    Alfred Fersche, “Hauptmann Leopold,” DOW, #1460, p. 248.

27.    Reinhold Lorenz,
Der Staat wider Willen,
p. 139; Bamthaler,
Die VF,
p. 58.

28.    Letter of Prinz zu Erbach, Vienna, 10 May 1935 (destination unknown), NA, T-120, R. 2837/E453021-22; Kurt von Schuschnigg,
My Austria,
p. 256. For a picture of a VF rally see
Stimme der Heimat,
Feb. 1936, p. 1.

29.    Bamthaler,
Die VF,
pp. 173-77.

30.    “The Appeal of Fascism and the Problem of National Disintegration,” p. 62.

31.    “The Minister in Austria to the Fuhrer and Chancellor,” 27 July 1935, DGFP, C 1:500.

p. 307.

33.    See above, pp. 148-50.

34.    Jens Pletersen,
pp. 482-83.

35.    Zematto,
p. 168.

36.    Emst Starhemberg,
, pp. 186-87; MLB, Oct. 1936, p. 18; Ludwig Jedlicka, “Emst Rudiger Fiirst Starhemberg und die politische Entwicklung in Osterreich im Fruhjahr 1938.”

37.    F. L. Carsten,
F ascist Movements in Austria,
pp. 275, 278-79.

38.    MLB, May 1936, pp. 5-6, Sept. 1936, pp. 15- 16.

39.    Papen to Hitler, 21 Aug. 1936,
p. 407.

40.    “Text of the German-Austrian Communique,” 11 July 1936,
D 1:281-82.

41.    Kurt von Schuschnigg,
The Brutal Takeover,
p. 172.

42.    G. E. R. Gedye,
Betrayal in Central Europe,
pp. 188-89; testimony of Eduard Baar-Baarenfels,
pp. 320-22.

43.    “The German Ambassador in Austria to the German Foreign Ministry,” 23 July

D 1:302.

Brutal Takeover,
p. 154; Alois Adler,
Die historischen Fakten des Nationalsozialismus in Osterreich,
p. 5.

45.    Otto Reich von Rohrwig,
Der Freiheitskampf der Ostmark-Deutschen von St.

Germain bis Adolf Hitler,
p. 367. See also Max Dachauer,
Das Ende Osterreich,

232 and
Jan. 1938, p. 2.

46.    Testimony of Richard Schmitz,
p. 192.    


47.    “The German Ambassador in Austria [Papen] to the Fiihrer and Chancellor,” 12 Jan.
1931, DGFP,
D 1:368.

48.    Report from Carinthia concerning the reception of the German-Austrian Agreement, n.d., in
Vom Justizpalast zum Heldenplatz,
ed. Ludwig Jedlicka and Rudolf Neck, doc. #65, p. 452.

Mitteilung der Landespresse Amtes,
10 July 1936, pp. 1,2.

Austria, Germany, and the Anschluss,
p. 148.

51.    Memorandum by Franz von Papen,
Supplement A, #3300-PS, 467-68.

52.    Franz von Papen
, Der Wahrheit eine Gasse,
pp. 419-20.

53.    Conversation between Friedrich Rainer and Siegfried Uiberreither, 8 July 1945, NA, NI, p. 6; testimony of Friedrich Rainer, 15 Nov. 1945, ibid., p. 24.

54.    Conversation between Friedrich Rainer and Siegfried Uiberreither, 8 July 1945, ibid., p. 6.

55.    Speech by Friedrich Rainer in Klagenfurt, Carinthia, 11 Mar. 1942, before Nazi leaders concerning National Socialism in Austria from the July rebellion in 1934 to the seizure of power of 11 Mar. 1934, IMT, #4005-PS, 34:16.

56.    Testimony of Friedrich Rainer, 15 Nov. 1945, NA, NI, p. 26.

57.    Norman Rich,
Hitler’s War Aims,
1:119-20. See also Herbert Levine,
Hitler’s Free City,
p. 52.

58.    Document of the Security Directorate concerning the Nazi Movement in Austria after the July Agreement, 24 July 1936, DOW, #6524, p. 1.

59.    MLB, 27 July 1936, pp. 2, 4;
Sept. 1936, p. 4.

60.    Norbert Schausberger,
Der Griff nach Osterreich,
pp. 479, 497.

61.    Report of the military and air attache concerning Styria sent to the Oberkom-mandodes Heeres in Berlin, Vienna, 12 Dec. 1937, NA, T-78, R. 456/6434540,-42; excerpt from the
Wirtschafts-Zeitung des Pester Lloyd,
2 Apr. 1937, ibid./6434594.

62.    “Professor Franz Wehefsich to Dr. Altenburg of the German Foreign Ministry,” Berlin, 10 Sept. 1936,
D 1:296.

63.    MLB, Sept. 1936, p. 1; Oct. 1936, p. 2; Nov. 1936, p. 1.

Stimme der Heimat,
Aug. 1936, p. 1.

65.    MLB, Aug. 1936, p. 14.

66.    Affidavit of George Messersmith,
, #1760-PS, 4:321-22.

Showdown in Vienna,
pp. 62, 237.

pp. 275-76.

Brutal Takeover,
p. 153.

Chapter XI

1.    Maurice Williams, “Delusions of‘Grandeur/ ” p. 8.

2.    Papen to Hitler, 14 Jan. 1937,
p. 414; Alfred Persche, “Hauptmann Leopold,” DOW, #1460, p. 49.

3.    Gerhard Botz, “Aspects of the Social Structure of Austrian National Socialism (1918-1939),” p. 21; Papen to Hitler, 4 Apr. 1935,
p. 389.

4.    Report by anonymous official in the German legation in Vienna, 2 Mar. 1935, NA, T-120, R. 2892/E455611.

5.    Franz von Papen,
p. 385.

6.    MLB, Feb. 1936, pp. 1-2.



7.    Botz, “Social Structure of Austrian National Socialism,” p. 21.

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