Hitler and the Forgotten Nazis (47 page)

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Authors: Bruce F. Pauley

Tags: #Europe, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Hitler; Adolf; 1889-1945, #General, #United States, #Austria, #Austria & Hungary, #Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei in Österreich, #Biography & Autobiography, #History

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24.    Franz Morari to Strasser, 10 Mar. 1930, Slg. Sch., folder 1.

25.    Excerpt from the MunzigeMrcAiv, 20 Sept. 1934, TA, Frauenfeld folder; Juan Linz, “Some Notes Toward a Comparative Study of Top Fascist Leaders,” p. 10.

26.    Autobiography of A. E. Frauenfeld, AVA, NS Parteistellen K. 14; Frauenfeld’s curriculum vitae (sent to Gregor Strasser in Munich on 20 Feb. 1930), NA, T-580, R.


27.    Party order of Hitler, 7 Apr. 1927, Slg. Sch., 305 folder 1.

28.    Interrogation of Frauenfeld, 26 May 1945, essay by Frauenfeld, “Rise of Nazism in Vienna,” NA, NI, p. 1; Friedrich Scheu,
Der Weg ins Ungewisse
, p. 100.

Der Kampfruf,
17 Sept. 1932, p. 8.

30.    Interview in Vienna. Eduard Frauenfeld became the Gaupropagandaleiter of Vienna and during World War II was known as the “Goebbels of Viefina.”


31.    Rudolf Neck, “Simmering—16. Oktober 1932," p. 99.

32.    G. E. R. Gedye,
Fallen Bastions,
pp. 69-70; A. E. Frauenfeld, “Der Aufstieg des Gaues Wien der N.S.D.A.P.” pp. 281-82.

33.    Frauenfeld to Strasser, 22 Mar. 1930, Slg. Sch., 305 folder 2; excerpt from the Frankfurter
, 9 Dec. 1932; Slg. Sch., 302 folder 1.

34.    Franz Sumetinger to Hitler, 24 Feb. 1931, BDC, PK, Proksch folder,

35.    NSDAP circular letter, 31 May 1927, Sig. Sch., 305 folder 2.

36.    Circular letter to party members from Emst Sopper, 22 Mar. 1931, ibid.; Strasser to Sopper, 24 Mar. 1931, ibid.

37.    Proksch to the Landes USCHLA in Linz, 15 Apr. 1931, AVA, K. 14. For an , excellent account of Nazi party justice see Donald McKale,
The Nazi Party Courts/
especially pp. 2, 3, 5, 23.

38.    Frauenfeld to Strasser, 27 Jan. 1932, Slg. Sch., 305 folder 2; anonymous article, “Hitler oder Schulzpartei,” Slg. Sch., 302 1:5.

39.    Anonymous, “Hitler oder Schulzpartei,” Slg. Sch., 302 1:3, 8, 10.

40.    Unsigned report, 30 July 1931, PAAA, 3/K468971-72; Peter Katzenstein,
Disjoined Partners,
p. 136. For example, the Landesinspekteur between 1931 and 1934, Theo Habicht, was a German as was the Gauleiter of Carinthia, Hans vom Kothen, as well as a number of SA and SS leaders. See Gerhard Jagschitz, “Zur Stmktur der NSDAP vor dem Juliputschp. 4; Richard Moschner,
p. 21.

Nazi Party,

42.    “The Union of Austrian Industrialists” (Hauptverband der Industriellen Oster-xeichs) explicitly rejected aid to the Nazis in 1923. See DAP, 16 June 1923, p. 3.

43.    Derda Robert and Emst Graber to Friedrich Jankovic, 14 Sept. 1926, NA, T-580, R. 63.

Beitr'age zur Vorgeschichte und Geschichte der Julirevolte,
p. 4; Rudolf Brandstotter, “Dr. Walter Riehl und die nationalsozialistische Bewegung in Osterreich” p. 270.

45.    Raimund Haintz, “DieNSDAP” p. 259.

46.    Heinrich Schmidt to Strasser, 8 Sept. 1928, Slg. Sch., 305 folder 2.

47.    Haintz, “NSDAP” p. 265.

48.    Gauparteitag in Linz, 16 Mar. 1930, Slg. Sch. 305 2:4.

49.    Landesleitung
Osterreichs der
NSDAP (Hitlerbewegung), ed.,
Das Dienstbuch der NSDAP
p. 50. See also, Z. A. B. Zeman,
Nazi Propaganda,
p. 18. For a description of the leading newspaper of the entire Nazi party, which was also read by Austrian Nazis, see Roland Layton, Jr., “The
Volkischer Beobachter,
1920-1933,” especially pp. 370-72.

50.    For example, Alfred Frauenfeld was the editor of
Der Kampfruf',
Alfred Proksch edited
Die Volksstimme,
and Walter Oberhaidacher published
Der Kampf,
see also Geoffrey Pridham,
Hitler's Rise to Power,
p. 253.

51.    Karl Jung, “Die Volkische Presse
in Osterreich
pp. 345-46.

52.    R. W. Rothschild,
Austria's Economic Development between the Two Wars
, p.






53.    Julius Braunthal,
The Tragedy of Austria,
pp. 113-14.

54.    Bemt Hagtvet, “The Theory of Mass Society and the Dissolution of Parliamentary Democracy,” p. 28.

55.    Guido Zematto,
Die Wahrheit uber Osterreich,
p. 66; memorandum by Eduard Baar-Baarenfels, “Information about the present condition of the National Socialist

Movement in Austria,” 4 Apr. 1936,
p. 468; Alfred Pfersche, “Die Aktion Hudal ” DOW, #5116/1, 2:234; Alfred Porsche, “Hauptmann Leopold,” DOW, #1460, p. 246.

56.    Report on the November elections [of 1930] by Walter Riehl, Slg. Sch., 305 folder 1.

Steirische Gaunachrichten der NSDAP,
10 Jan. 1931, p. 2; anonymous letter to theFinanzund P&rteiverwaltungz. Hd. Reichsleiter Meiler, 14Dec. 1938, Slg. Sch., 303 folder 1.

58.    Emst Starhemberg,
p. 85; Franz Winkler,
Die Diktatur in Oster-reich,
p. 31; Franz Langoth,
Kampf um Osterreich,
p. 83.

59.    Winkler,
Diktatur in Osterreich,
pp. 31-32.

60.    Starhemberg,
pp. 88, 89, 94.

61.    Expose by Leo Haubenberger sent to the RL, 3 Mar. 1930, Slg. Sch., 305 1:4.

10 Nov. 1930, p. 1. The Nazis did by far the best in the Alpine provinces of Upper Austria, Salzburg, Tyrol, and Vorarlberg where their total vote leaped from

1,196 to 19,139. They also enjoyed a substantial increase in Lower Austria from 8,692 to 34,335. Elsewhere their vote followed or trailed the national average. See the report on the domestic political situation by Lerchenfeld, 31 Dec. 1930, NA, T-120, R. 4494/K231317. The Nazi vote in 1930 may have been hurt slightly by the constitutional reform of 1929, which raised the voting age from twenty to twenty-one.

15 Nov. 1930, p. 1.

64.    Report on the November elections [of 1930] by Walter Riehl, Slg. Sch., 305

65.    The German Consul in Klagenfurt (Hans) to the AA, 28 Oct. 1930, NA, T-120, R. 2832/E450782.

66.    Report on the domestic political situation by Lerchenfeld, 31 Dec. 1930, NA, T-120, R. 4494/K231320-29.

Chapter V

Between Hitler and Mussolini,
p. 69. Habicht’s association with the Communist party after World War I was never denied by the Nazis. See Gerhard Jagschitz,
Der Putsch,
p. 24.

p. 223.

3.    Memorandum by Franz von Papen, 3 May 1945,
, p. 348; two unidentified documents written in Oct. 1933, NA, T-120, R. 2836/E45373-74.

4.    Excerpt from
Der Morgen,
29 Aug. 1932, TA, NS-Fiihrung.

5.    Dietrich Orlow,
The History of the Nazi Party, 1919-1933,
p. 294; Gerhard Jagschitz, “Bundeskanzler Dollfuss und der Juli 1934,” p. 152.

   Habicht to Strasser, 2 Apr. 1932, Slg. Sch., 305 folder 1; Landesleitung Osterreichs der NSDAP (Hitlerbewegung),
Das Dienstbuch der NSDAP,

preface, pp. 12, 14, 19, 21-22.

8.    “Notes of the Hungarian government agent concerning his conversations with the Heimwehr leader P&bst,” 25 Jan. 1931, in Lajos Kerekes, “ Akten zu den geheimen Verbindungen zwischen der Bethlen-Regierung und der tisterreichischen Heim-wehrbewegung,” p. 338.

9.    Preface. See also Habicht to Strasser, 2 Apr. 1932, Slg. Sch., 305 folder 1.

22 Apr. 1931, p. 1,22 Aug. 1931, p. 7.

Der Kampf,
31 Dec. 1931, p. 7.

12.    F. L. Carsten,
Fascist Movements in Austria,
p. 199,

13.    Juan Linz, “Some Notes Toward a Comparative Study of Fascism in Sociological Historical Perspective,” pp. 29-30. For more detailed accounts of the Austrian Heimwehr see C. Earl Edmondson,
The Heimwehr and Austrian Politics, 1918-1936
; Ludwig Jedlicka, “The Austrian Heimwehr”; Reinhart Kondert, “The Rise and Early History of the Austrian ‘Heimwehr’ Movement”; Sepp Kogelnik, ed.-,
Oster-reichisches Heimatschutz-Jahrbuch 1933',
Herbert Muller, “Heimatschutzbewegung, Heimatwehr, Heimwehr, Heimatbund, Heimatblock-Paitei.”

14.    Charles Gulick,
Austria from Habsburg to Hitler,
New York Times, 2
Dec. 1928, p. 4; C. A. Macartney, “The Armed Formations in Austria,” p. 627; essay on the Austrian Heimwehr by G. R. Hoffmann, 23 Aug. 1929, NA, T-120, R.

2833/E451048. Veterans of the World War played a crucial role in the development of fascist movements all over Europe.

15.    Ludger Rape, “Die osterreichische Heimwehr und ihre Beziehungen zur bayerischen Rechten zwischen 1920 und 1923,” pp. 533, 535.

16.    For a complete history of the Frontkampfervereinigung see Ingeborg Messerer, “Die Frontkampfervereinigung Deutsch-Osterreichs,” especially pp. 21, 44, 60, and 118.

17.    See above, pp. 13-14.

18.    Memorandum on the development of the party crisis in Austria (by HJ leader Pischtiak), n.d., NA, T-580, R. 63, p. 3.

19.    Interview with Karl Maria Stepan; interview with Walter Pfrimer.

20.    C. Earl Edmondson, “Early Heimwehr Aims and Activities,” p. 129.

21.    Letter, illegible signature, from Klagenfurt to the AA, 18 June 1929, NA, T-120, R. 4494/K230827.

22.    Bruce Pauley,
Hahnenschwanz und Hakenkreuz,
pp. 73-74.

23.    Proksch to the USCHLA of the NSDAP in Munich, 10 Mar. 1931, BDC, PA, Proksch folder.

24.    Pauley,
Hahnenschwanz und Hakenkreuz,
pp- 117-20, 127; Egon Berger-Waldenegg, “Ungedruckte Erinnerungen des ehemaligen osterreichischen Aussen-ministers und Gesandten in Rom ” pp. 308, 317; James Diehl,
Paramilitary Politics in Weimar Germany,
p. 283.

25.    Konstantin Kammerhofer to Siegfried Uiberreither, 30 July 1940, Land* esgericht fiir Strafsachen, Kammerhofer-Prozess, pp. 227, 253.

26.    Gerhard Botz, “Faschismus und Lohnabhangige in der Ersten Republic,” p. 106.

Der Kampf,
28 Nov. 1931, p. 1.

28.    Ibid., 7 Nov. 1931, p. 1.

Mein Kampf,
p. 516.

Steirische Gaunachrichten der NSDAP,
16 Nov. 1931, pp. 3—4, 19 Nov. 1931, p. 1.

31 Oct. 1931, p. 2, 20 Aug. 1932, p. 4.

Steirische Gaunachrichten,
2Jan. 1932,p. 2;
Der Panther,
16Jan. 1932,p. 15.

33.    This
rivalry was not unique. The Stahlhelm, which had earlier joined the German Nazis in the “Harzburg Front,” had also dropped out of their alliance. “At the end of 1932 it was often impossible to determine who was hated more by Rohm’s storm troopers and Goebbels’s propagandists, the ‘Marxists’ or the Stahl-helmer.” See Volker Berghahn,
Der Stahlhelm
, p. 243.

11 Mar. 1933, p. 2, 17 June 1933, p. 1.

Der Panther,
26 Mar. 1932, p. 7;
Steirische Gaunachrichten, 2
Feb. 1932, p. 5.

11 Mar. 1933, p. 2.

14 May 1933, p. 5; Habicht’s general plan for the parliamentary i|M campaign, part 1, “The Situation,” Slg. Sch., 305 1:2. f :    38.    
14 May, 1933, p. 5.

i    39.    Elections to the Parliament in Austria. Results for the various parties, Linz, 4

I!;; May 1932, HI, NS-HA, R. 33, folder 635.

;!];    40.    Gerhard Botz, “Aspects of the Social Structure of Austrian National Socialism

t (1918-1939),” p. 14.

41.    Elections to the Parliament in Austria. Results for the various parties, Linz, 4 May 1932, HI, NS-HA, R. 33 folder 635.

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