Read Honor Thy Teacher Online

Authors: Teresa Mummert

Honor Thy Teacher (20 page)

BOOK: Honor Thy Teacher
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“I’m here, no matter how long it ta
kes. I’m not going anywhere.” I
looked her
in the eye and nodded. “So…what did your lawyer have to say?”
Her face sad with worry.


“He doesn’t think I should pay her. He thinks I should give up my job.”
I looked away, wondering if I could change things, would I?


“What do you want to do?” She leaned closer but still kept a reasonable distance between us.


“I don’t know. I don’t want to give her another fucking dime, but I don’t want to quit my job. She wins either way.”
I threw my hands in the air. I should have let her rot on that bathroom floor. She would have died soon enough had I not thought the baby could be saved.


I knew what I had to do but I wasn’t sure I could face her and not lay hands on her. I grabbed my phone and paced the floor as I called.


“I’ll get you the fucking money but if I ever see your face again, or if you come near Emma I will fucking kill you.”
I meant every fucking word of it.


“Will, don’t mean that.” She was on the verge of tears. If I was going to make her cry I wanted it to be in person so I could watch. I hung up the phone and headed into my room to grab my shoes and a jacket. I was going to  put an end to this now.


“Where are we going?”
was the first thing that crossed my mind.
was off the couch and walking towards me.


“You are staying here.”
It wasn’t up for debate. I cupped her
face in his hands
and tried to soften my expression
. “ I am going to go pay Abby and get her out of our lives.”
I kissed her softly on the forehead, ho
lding it an extra second just in
case it is the last time. I wanted to kill Abby. I wanted to ensure she would never be a problem again.
“Have you thought anymore about where we
are going after graduation?” I
trying to direct her thoughts elsewhere. She looked confused. “What?”


“You still want to go?” She must have assumed I only asked her because of the note. She had no idea the other skeletons in my closet.


“Of course. Why wouldn’t I? Just pick some place warm. I want yo
u naked as much as possible.” I
grinned wickedly and turned to leave. “Don’t
answer the door for anyone.” I
d and locked it
I knew I couldn’
t kill Abby, at least not
now. I had left a trail, starting with my lawyer that leads to my front door. I would have to use a different approach.


I called Stephen and told
come get me.
I pulled Emma’s car around the corner while I wai
ted, just in
case someone stopped by.
He arrived moments later and we made our way downtown. Crowds were forming waiting to get into clubs. Where there were partiers, there would be drugs. I parked and walked up to two young guys hanging on the corner by the liquor shop.


“Hey, you holding?” I asked with a nod. One of the guys walked behind me, looking for anyone who might be within ear shot. He came back and nodded to his buddy.


“Yeah, man. Whatchyu need?”


I whiped my nose to make it look more believable. I had done this many times in the past and knew how to play the game.


“Hook me up with an 8 ball.”
We made the
xchange and I shoved it in my pocket quickly and headed back to Stephen’s car.


“What the fuck? What are you doing?” He was terrified. I didn’t expect anything different from Stephen. I was the one always looking out for both of us.


“I’m going to kill her with kindness.” I said, giving him a hard look. We pulled off and didn’t speak another word. I texted Abby and got the location for the meet. I knew it would be a hotel since she still lived in California. How fitting.
Her message came back that she was at Seaside Motel. It was only a few blocks away. I had been there a time or two before.


We pulled into the parking lot as my phone rang. It was Emma.


“What’s wrong?” I
asked, glancing over at Stephen
who pretended to be distracted by something outside of the car.


“Angela is here!” She whispered in a panic.


“Shit. She probably saw my car downstairs and thinks I am avoiding her.”


“Your car is downstairs? How did you…”


“Stephen picked me up. He wanted to go with me for the exchange of money. Just stay inside and be quiet. She will leave soon.”
I hoped she wouldn’t question me further. Stephen and I were in this mess together and would finish it that way.


“Okay. What about my car?
” I could hear knocking at the door in the background.


“I moved it before I left. It is parked around the building. Emma, I’m
sorry about all of this.” I waited for a reply, clenching my jaw


“No worries” She said and after a moment the line went dead
. Stephen looked at me for confo
rmation that we were going through with this. I nodded and got out of the car.


I walked inside one of the side doors and
made my way to room 213. Abby
answered, leaning flirtatiously on the door, wearing a short skirt and tight white tank, no bra. I looked her up and down and she smiled before holding the door open wide for me to get in.


“I missed you.” She purred. I could tell she had been drinking. I didn’t turn around or respond. She came up behind me and slid he
d around me, runing it down my stomach. “You bring me something?” I knew she was anxious to get her hands on the cash. I didn’t bring any.


“Of course I did.” I turned around slowly and pulled the coke from my pocket. “For old times sake.” I grinned. She put her hands up to refuse, but she bit her lip and I knew it wouldn’t take much to persuade her.


“Come on Abby.” I stepped closer. “If I recall, you and I had some pretty good times.” She smiled and brushed her hair back from her face.
“Just a taste?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. She giggled and nodded her head. “Good girl” I made my way over to the dresser and began cutting lines. Abby put on some low music and was pouring us a drink. I drank my shot and and pulled a one-hundred dollar bill from my wallet. I rolled it between my fingers and held it out to her. “Ladies first” She gi
gled and licked her lips, staring into my eyes. I smiled back and nudge the bill closer to her. She took it like an excited kid at Christmas.
I knew once I got her started she wouldn’t be able to stop.
She glanced back at me one last time before the line disappeared beneath her. She sat up, touching her finger tips to her nose as her eyes fluttered.


“Thank you” She said as she passed me the bill.


“There is nothing I wouldn’t do…” I grinned.
She had no idea.
I took the bill from her hand. I had committed at
least nine crime
already today, one more wouldn’t change anything. My thoughts flashed to Emma. I saw her smiling, biting her lip. I closed my eyes and leaned over, snorting my line quickly.


“Yeah!” Abby wrapped her arms around my neck from behind. “I’ve missed this. I’ve missed us.” I didn’t say anything. I held the bill over my shoulder for her.
She took it without hesitation. Her next line was gone in an instant as I fixed myself another drink.
“Your turn.”


I held up my drink to signal I was already in the midst of my own party. She pouted, sticking out her bottom lip like a child.


“One vice at a time.” I joked and drank from my glass.


“Suit yourself” She shrugged and did the next one for me. As she stood up she stumbled b
ackwards, abrely catching hersel
f before she fell. I had her where I needed her.


“I have to get going.” I said, checking my watch.


“Ohh, You can’t leave me here all alone.” She sounded desperate. Pathetic. She crossed the room, shaking her hips and trying her best to look sexy. “The fun was just beginning.” Her arms snaked around my waist.


“I’ll make it up to you. I’ll order room service. Anything you like.”
A witness to see you alive and alone.
She smiled wide, unable to refuse anything for free. I guided her to the phone and dialed for her, but let her place the order. I knew nothing would likely happen to her tonight, but it was important to cover all of the bases.
I waited until she hung up before leaving some money on the dresser, next to the remainder of the cocaine.


“Aren’t you forgetting something?” She called from behind me. I turned around to see her fingers sliding over her chest.


“It will take a few days to get the money together. You didn’t expect me to carry two million in my pocket, did you?” She bit her lip, struggling to focus.


“So I’ll see you again?” She asked, running her hand through her hair.


“Whatever it takes.” I smiled and left quickly, knowing she wouldn’t be able to resist the
drugs. I also left enough extra money for her to purchase more,  if she survived tonight.


I made my way to Stephen’s car.


“Well?” He asked, sounding more panicked than before.


“I took care of it.” I said as he pulled out into traffic. He looked like he had seen a ghost.


“You didn’t..” his voice trailed off, unable to say the words.


“She’s alive…for now.” I said. He didn’t ask anything else, just took me home.


Chapter Twenty-Eight


I found Emma curled up in a ball on the couch. I slipped my arms under her and lifted her from the couch to ca
rry her to bed. She stretched and
yawned. “Shhh” I whispered.


“What time is it?” She asked, looking around.


“Just after three in the morning.” I laid her down on the center of my bed.

BOOK: Honor Thy Teacher
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