Read Honor Thy Teacher Online

Authors: Teresa Mummert

Honor Thy Teacher (16 page)

BOOK: Honor Thy Teacher
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“I ha-haven’t” Angela replied in a hushed tone, searching the lot for anyone who was listening.


“We need to talk
…some other time. For
I don’t want to see you. I
want to even hear you breathe my name. You will regret it.
” I lowered my voice so no one would hear but I made sure it kept its edge. She
respond, just nodded while fidgeting with her necklace. She turned and made her way to her car.




Chapter Twenty-


waste a second. I needed to
make sure that Emma made it home safe. I drove to her place, making sure no one else was home. Emma’s car was not there. I parked up the road and walked behind her house, finding her bedroom window unlocked. I smiled at how careless she really was where her safety was concerned.
I slipped inside her window and waited anxiously for her to come. It
take long. Within the minute, I heard the sound of the garage door raising and lowering. I listened to her as she went about her business, unaware of what could be lurking around the corner. As she made her way down the hall
I felt my pulse quicken in time with her steps.


The door opened.


“So you enjoy the pain?” I asked. She was too stunned
. S
reply. Her eyes locked onto mine as if trying to figure out if I was
really there
. “Close the door.” She stepped inside and slid the door shut behind her. She leaned back against it and her eyes flickered to the window. “If Angela
knew about you, she isn’t going or
or do anything about it.”
I told her, trying to ease some of her worry
. I
going to let anyone hurt her.
If I was strong enough to stay
I would. She looked confused. “
She’s married. The last thing she wants is for her husband to find out she likes fucking other men.”
I explained. Her expression changed to hurt and I cursed myself for revealing more to her than I intended. She looked at her feet, biting her lip out of nervousness. “She wasn’t really my type. I like my women all to myself.” I took a step closer to her and lifted her chin with my fingers.
“Breathe Emma.” As if my words were her command she sucked in a ragged breath.
I let my hands glide over her body. I traced her jaw as my other explored her waist. I let it slip lower, carressing her hip. She let out a breathy moan and I continued on, running my f
ingers down her thigh and hook
ing my hand underneath her knee. I pulled it quickly and pressed the length of myself against her. I let my lips ghost across her face to her ear. “I miss the taste of you on my lips.” She relaxed, held there by the pressure of my weight against her. She moaned in my ear. I nearly lost myself at the sound. I let my thumb glide over her bottom lip as she parted them. I pushed my finger inside and she
welcomed it with her tongue. “I should go.”


“No” Her words where panicked and full of longing.


“I tried to stay away from you Emma, but I can’t. You consume my every thought. After graduation we should get away from here for a
She looked hesitant. I pressed my forehead against hers, inhaling her flowery scent.


Her voice was quiet.


Just… far away from this place.
I want to wake up to your smile.”
I looked in her eye, wanting to see her happy. She smiled back at me. I was aching for her to agree. “Say yes”


“Yes, Sir” She grinned and I pushed my lips against hers, wanting to taste her, to feel her happiness. “Be a good girl” I knew how those words affected her. I could see it in her eyes. It was also a warning. I knew that I was in too deep with her now. I
resist her pull; couldn’t be responsible for what I would do if she ever left me.


I forced myself to leave so her aunt
catch us. I
risk it when we were so close to being able to be together. I kept busy the rest of the evening, planning for our upcoming getaway and the end of the school year. I f
elt like I had control again. A
feeling I very much missed.


I searched endless sites but always came back to one.
Emma’s profile.
I loved flipping through her pictures. She looked so sad, so broken. I wanted to change that. I wanted to always make her smile, feel happiness,


That night I fell asleep to her face as I drifted off on the couch. I
want to sleep in my bed alone.
A feeling that bothered as much as it comforted.
I dreamt of her all night. We went away together where no one knew us. She was at my side everywhere I went.


“You are beautiful.” Her cheeks turned pink under the praise. “I have something for you.” She sat quietly, patiently waiting. I pulled a velvet box out that I had hidden in a drawer and held it out to he
r, sinking down on my knee
. “Open it” She took it in her delicate fingers and slowly opened the hinged top. Her eyes glowed with excitement. “May I?” I asked, taking the box from her hand. She watched me as I pulled the leather strap from the box and fixed it around her neck. “Mine” She sat taller on her heels.


The next morning all I could think about was seeing her. I
keep myself away any more.
I drove to work earlier than usual, anxious to catch a glimpse of Emma. My h
eart was racing like a stampede
of wild horses.


I spotted her car immediately. She sat inside, her eyes searching around her. I texted her to let her know I was there.


Eager to learn Ms. Townsend?


A smile spread across her face.


You are a great teacher.


There are so many more things I would like to teach you, Emma.


I watched her get out of her car and make her way into the building.
It took every ounce of self-control not to run after her. Instead, I watched her. Watched her fingers glide through her hair. Watched her hips sway gently as she walked.
Watched as she disappeared out of sight.
My phone beeped and my heart leapt in my throat, but it was not from Emma. It was my father. He was out on location filming a movie and wanted me to check on his property. I swallowed hard and clenched my jaw. That was all my father ever cared about, his things. He never asked how I was. We had an understanding that we would stay out of each other’s lives. That was, after he made sure I had lost the only thing I had loved a few years ago. I
respond. I grabbed my belongings and made my way inside.


My classroom was empty as usual in the morning. I pulled out my laptop and began searching flights to California. Perhaps I could kill two birds with one stone and take Emma out there.
It was on the complete opposite side of the country.


A knock came at the door and I quickly closed my computer.


“Come in” I shouted. The door slowly opened and Tracy stepped inside. She was in the same class as Emma. Her hair was golden
and long. Her skin had a deep tan. “What can I do for you Tracy?” She chewed on her lip as she pulled the door closed behind her.
An action that got my attention immediately.
She stepped closer, closing the distance between us.


“I was wondering if there was something I can do to help improve my grade.
extra credit?” Her fingers traced the collar of her s
hirt. I splayed my hand out on
the desk and rubbed the surface. She smiled seductively as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other.
I stood and rounded my desk, walking towards her. Her eyes never leaving mine as her smile grew wider. I
stop, walking past her to the door and pulling it open.


“I suggest you study and do your assignments.” I said, smiling back politely. She pouted but reluctantly left the room. I slammed the door behind her and leaned back against it, running my hands through my hair roughly. I was used to
being hit on
. That was nothing new. I just
used to turning someone down.


The rest of the morning went by quickly and I was soon anxiously awaiting Emma. The students filed in, chatting for a few minutes before taking their seats. Emma was not among them. I closed the door and began the lecture. I glanced towards the door and caught sight of her. She smiled and I knew what she wanted.


“Ms. Townsend, see me after class.” Her cheeks burned red. I was glad I had planned something that would not force me to take my mind off her. “Everyone clear your desks for the chapter quiz.” This close to the end of the year the work no longer meant much of anything but it was important to keep them on their toes. I circled my desk and took a seat, waiting for the papers to make their way to the back row. I sent Emma a quick text.


I know just how to punish you.


I watched as she read over her phone, then her eyes shot up to meet mine. She bit her lip and I felt my body go rigid as other parts of me reacted.


Slide the phone between your legs and leave it there.




She hesitated
but did as I told her, slipping the phone down between her thighs. I texted again and watched as her eyes grew wide. Her hands gripping the edge of her desk as it vibrated pleasure through her. I could not help but grin, slipping my hand under the desk to rub against myself. I hit send again and watched her mouth fall open, her eyes begging me for sweet release. I licked my lips, wanting to taste he
rs. I sent another and another, pushing harder against
as I grew uncomfortably stiff.


A knock came at the door and her eyes shot to it wildly. I cleared my throat, doing my best not to sound turned on.


“Come in” I adjusted myself to hide my growing arousal and sat up, waiting for the door to open.
Nothing could prepare me for the gut wrenching pain that sunk in the pit of my stomach. “Abby” I was in disbelief. The woman who had caused all of my pain had just sauntered in as if she owned the world.

BOOK: Honor Thy Teacher
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