Hunting the Huntress (2 page)

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Authors: Ember Case

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #shapeshifter, #Fantasy, #Paranormal

BOOK: Hunting the Huntress
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He was too damn fast.

Her eyes closed. She waited not in defeat, but in fury. She felt his arousal, his hardness tucked against the base of her tail. Nilana tensed when she felt his strength and readiness above her. She was torn by the conflicting urges pulling at her. The woman in her wanted her freedom to hunt and run with no mate. The spirit of the
wanted to be claimed and possessed by the warrior who had been able to catch her. With the full moon riding high in the sky, the urge to join herself with him filled her like the hunger after a spirit fast. A low growl emerged from her throat as she fought the desire to give in.

He was waiting. The intensity of his hunt left her sure he had come for more than one night of pleasure. She lay still, refusing to shift from cougar to human.
He will not
take me this easily
. Even if they coupled, as long as she held her cougar body she could

deny him the complete merging necessary to form the lifelong mating. Only by mating in human flesh while binding their totem spirits could the mate bond be forged.

Tate could take her body now. He was inches away from her heat, and it would take only one shift of his powerful hind legs to cover her fully. Her flesh ached with readiness for him, the animal in her aroused by the thrill of the chase. The scent of her heat surrounded them, a clear signal of her body’s willingness to join.

But taking her now would lead to only one night of pleasure. The longer he held still above her the more she was sure the rumors were true. He wanted more. He wanted a life-bond mating that would tie her soul to his forever.

I cannot let him take my future away
. She focused on the thought, running it through her head repeatedly and fighting the desire coiled tightly in her gut. She clung to her cougar shape, determined to hold it throughout the night ahead.

During the long race the moon had climbed until it rode high in the night sky. Now that she had been run to a standstill, the canyon was well lit by its light. There were no shadows, only the clear, harsh lines of the night.

Cheveyo had paced from the shadows to join them, moving gracefully to crouch in the small opening to the side. Nilana ignored him, more worried about the battle in her head than the shaman who quietly lay watching them. Her pride would not let her admit she had been trapped.

A low moan of animal pleasure came from her right and she turned her head in time to watch the shaman as the change swept over him. She growled as he rose, his human body hard and proud as he stood before them. His skin was much paler than the skin of the
warriors of her tribe, and marked with the ceremonial scars of a shaman from chest to groin. The scars did not mar the line of muscles, instead enhancing his power and beauty. His hair hung long in the back, the streaks of gray a mark of his experience and wisdom.

Her gaze dropped lower, following the firm line of his muscled abdomen before stopping where his manhood jutted proudly from his strong thighs. Her mouth went dry at the sight of his arousal.
Great Spirits above.


He was long and thick, and making no effort to hide himself from her. She watched, entranced, as he paced towards them. His scent reached her, the smell full of passion and hunger. Her body, already aroused by the hunt, began to throb with need in answer. Her mind was still denying her body’s hunger, but her totem knew what the ceremony behind this night was for.

Cheveyo crouched in front of them. Bringing his head close to hers, he stared into her eyes and began to chant softly, his breath feathering across her whiskers. Nilana growled again low in her throat as she felt his power reach into her totem and stroke her beast. Who did he think he was to try to master her spirit without her blessing?

His authoritative voice swelled around her, demanding she release control to his power and return to her human form. The form which could open the door to a lifetime bond, and close forever the door to a life of freedom.

Her rising anger mingled with panic as she struggled against him. But much like the physical battle moments before, within minutes she was overwhelmed. Tate’s furred body lay still above her, seeming content to wait until this inner battle was over.

Cheveyo’s gaze forced a bond into her soul, unblinking as he continued his chant.

His will was relentless, his energy scorching through her, licking with white-hot heat from her head to her heels. Nilana felt her body begin to quiver from the power he was passing through their bond. Every bit of her began to tingle where he focused his attention. Desperate fear howled through her as she tried to break from his gaze, certain if she could only close her eyes she would find the strength inside to break the bond he had forged.

But her eyes refused to obey her demand to look away. His voice swelled around them, the deep melodic chanting weaving words she could not understand in a voice that entranced her. Her spirit could not resist. With one last snarl, she felt her totem submit to his will. Closing her eyes she submitted to the change as it coursed along the path of fire his spirit had forged in her body.

Her eyes flew open—human eyes that could see the vibrant reds and yellows lit by moonlight in the rocks around them. Her next breath captured only the smell of sweat and

dust, with none of the magical scents of the night that had caressed her cougar senses moments before.

The steady thudding of a heartbeat filled her ears. Nilana focused on the slow rhythm and swallowed the impulse to fight. There were sharp claws in the paws resting on each side of her shoulders and face, much too sharp for her to battle with her furless human hide.

Grudgingly she admitted to herself they had won this battle. The war for her future though was not yet decided.


Nilana has one night to make the choice of a lifetime: Accept the love of two men, or keep hunting-alone. No man has ever tempted Nilana to give up her freedom. Life as a huntress has given this shapeshifter everything she thought s

Chapter Two

Nilana has one night to make the choice of a lifetime: Accept the love of two men, or keep hunting-alone. No man has ever tempted Nilana to give up her freedom. Life as a huntress has given this shapeshifter everything she thought s

“Submit. You have been caught.” Tate’s voice was low above her, raspy with the dust of the dry, night air.

Nilana flexed, trying to get even an inch of breathing space. He did not give. He had shifted from
to human in an instant, his warm fur giving way to hot, male flesh.

The stroke of his body across hers as he settled snugly into her curves brought her nerves to instant awareness. Awareness she was desperate to deny.

“I submit to no man. Especially when he is not man enough to have caught me alone.” She aimed for where the voice had come from and flung her head back in a desperate ploy to free herself. He read the move easily, ducking the attempted headbutt without giving her an inch.

“Enough.” The sharp sound of flesh against flesh was the only warning she had before her backside erupted in a fiery burn. Damn him, it almost sounded like he was laughing at her. “Don’t push me little cat. You won’t like what you find if you do.”

Nilana lay still, stunned less by the blow to her ass than by the sudden heat between her legs, and the wetness which had come with it. Why did this man have to be the one to turn her on? Her nipples pebbled beneath her, and even her human nose picked up the scent of her arousal surrounding them.

His body stretched over hers, his legs anchored around hers to keep them still. The position had forced his erection into the crevice between her legs, and her body was swiftly letting her know it was a welcome hardness. Every inch of her that was pressed to him reveled in the feel of his flesh touching her.

The scent of her moisture filled the air around them. He swelled in response, hot and heavy against her. Arching her back, she tried to wiggle free from the delicious weight of him.


“Maybe you need to be petted a bit to calm you down.” It took only one of his large hands to hold both of hers. The other began a leisurely search of her body. Slowly it roamed, exploring the flesh stretched beneath him. Every inch from her ears to her ass was stroked, caressed and aroused.

Nilana sucked in breath as she fought for control, twisting side to side in his grasp as she tried to move away from his hand. Her body was betraying her. She quivered under him as her hungry flesh began to respond.

Her focus narrowed down until all she heard was his heartbeat, strong and steady in her ears. All she felt was his skin, hot and aroused pressed to hers. And all she smelled was him, his musk, his desire. The scent was so heavy in her nose she could taste it. It tasted like need.

She didn’t want to feel his need.
a voice inside was screaming. The voice did not offer a plan on how.

“You’re hurting me.” It wasn’t exactly true. Her wrists did throb in his grasp. Not as much from pain, but from the touch of his skin on hers. “Could you let me go? I can’t exactly fight back in this position anyway.”

“You may be down, but you’re not helpless, Wildcat. I think I’ll hold your claws out of range for now.” The hand stroking her ass seemed fascinated with her roundness. Top to bottom, it stroked the shadowed line, following it down between her thighs.

Desperately she willed her body to lie still and not respond to the sensual shockwaves rippling through her. She might have been able to hold still if he hadn’t eased his weight up, his leg rolling her with him just enough to slip his hand under her hips.

Nilana fought the battle against the rising desire, grinding her teeth together. Always, she was in control—of her life, her pleasures, her lovers.

She wouldn’t admit even to herself this was turning her on. For an instant she had a vision of what it would be like to loosen the leash she held on her control, to have a man, this man, ruling her flesh and its needs. Nilana creamed harder at the thought.


She banished the image from her mind. Clenching her eyes shut, she willed her body to fight the traitorous impulse to give in.

Continuing its exploration, his hand came up to cup one breast, molding the fullness to fit his palm. Then it found her nipple, rubbing until the pressure built, radiating down to her core in a blinding stroke of need.

She remembered her dreams from the night before, how he had moved his hands on her nipples, first rubbing, then pinching, pulling, teasing her to arousal until she could scream from her need. Her heart began to race as his actions now mimicked those of her dream. Need curled through her body like smoke rising from a newly lit fire. Her only thought was of his hand and what it was doing to the stiff crest. The instinct to rub against him in enticement warred with the urge to resist until she had nothing left to fight with.

Pleasure won. Her body went stiff, then melted beneath him as he moved on. She arched her back when he reached the other breast, caressing the quivering peak with demand.

His chuckle raised the fine hairs behind her ears. “I think you like my hands on you.”

“Maybe I do.” She hissed the words, torn between wanting him to touch her and wishing she was anywhere but there.

“Then let’s find out what else you like.” His hand slid down her front, making a path between the cool earth and her heated skin. Deliberately he stroked across her flat stomach and past the tight, ebony curls at her core. One finger brushed lightly against her bud before slipping down to tease her wetness, bringing a cry from her throat.

She bit back the moan of hunger but it was beyond her to stop the thrust of her hips.

Tate whispered encouragement as she rocked against him.

His hand slid fully between her thighs, one finger entering her intimate folds. Her body heated until she felt on fire from his touch. The world had shrunk until there was nothing but his hands on her flesh and the need swelling in her core.

“That’s it. Come for me.” His satisfied whisper was harsh in her ear.


Sudden anger swept through her at the sound of his voice, so smug and sure he had won her. Anger at him for having caught her, and at herself for not fighting harder. She welcomed the rush of emotion, using it to push back the climax before it could sweep her away. A growl erupted from her throat where seconds before there had been a pleading whimper.

“Fine. Just do it then. Have your fun, and we can finish this.”

“Just do it?” His voice held amusement. Every nerve already alert, she faced the gut-wrenching fear this was more than a game. “This isn’t just a fuck, Nilana.”

The laugh she forced out sounded more like desperation than humor. “What is it then?”

His hand tightened around her wrists. “Let’s see if you can figure it out.”

His teeth nipped at the nape of her neck, finding the nerves hiding there. Licking, tasting, and finally closing his sharp teeth lightly on the sensitive flesh.

“Damn you.” She gasped as a wave of pleasure rolled through her. “Can’t we get this over with?”

“That mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble.” His fingers danced along her slit, two fingers slipping easily into her wetness. “You’re ready for me, Wildcat. Your body knows it, even if your mind has decided to fight it.” His hand withdrew and she heard the pleased hum he made as he licked his fingers clean.

“You would wish!” Her laugh held a ring of hysteria now, but she was beyond caring. “You are a flea-ridden son of a valley dog! You may have overpowered me for now, but you will never be able to know my mind.” The sharp words flew from her lips.

He grew still. Alarm skittered across suddenly tight skin.

“I already know you, Nilana. Your dreams, your desires, your fears.” The hand he moved to hold her chin still smelled of her need. Firmly he turned her face until their gazes locked “Before I’m done, you’ll be screaming for me to take you. Pleading with me to make you mine.” The words were delivered with promise.

“I beg no one, you—” His mouth on hers ended the words before they were finished.

His tongue thrust in, bringing with it his taste, dark and demanding her surrender.


The kiss changed everything she knew about herself. Hungry, carnal, demanding, it shook her to her core. Some part of her knew she should be fighting him, but the reasons slipped away and it became important only that she quench the fire he had brought to life.

She moaned into his mouth and recognized the sound for what it was. Need. His answering groan rumbled from his throat.

Lost in his kiss, she barely noticed the movement behind them, or the shifting touch on her wrists. When his lips lifted from hers, she sobbed at the loss. The world spun around her, the shadows of the full moon rotating before she realized she was the one in motion. She came to rest with her head cradled by firm thighs.

Nilana looked up, seeing the man now sitting behind her still-spinning head.

Cheveyo. The shaman’s hands held her wrists, his lap supporting her head. His naked chest was above hers, muscled and scarred. And his gaze was on hers. Nilana froze. His gaze held power. This man spoke with the spirits.

Her breath caught in her chest. There was more than power in his gaze. There was hunger as well.

“Wildcat.” Tate’s voice held a husky note she had not heard before. Strong hands spread her thighs, stroking the smooth flesh as he held them firmly apart. His head lowered to hover over her core, determined lips heating her already burning flesh. His tongue came out to tease her curls, then traced a path to the sensitive nub hidden within.

“Stop!” It was too much. How could she fight him, when her body was already arching up to meet his touch? “I don’t want this!” It had been hard to fight before. It became impossible with his lips and tongue arrowed in on her pleasure.

“I don’t think she meant that.” Cheveyo murmured the words. His fingers remained locked around her wrists, his gaze following the motions of the warrior between her legs.

Tate hummed his agreement. One large thumb began to press down her drenched slit, spreading the moisture leaking from within while his lips coaxed her higher.

Her hips bucked again, desperate to feel more. Higher she climbed, hovering on the peak. Waves of sensation washed over her until her world centered on the unbearable

crest of need. His lips sucked her nub firmly and took her to the edge of climax. Then they released her flesh, leaving her body craving a release he wasn’t ready to give.

“Don’t stop!” She tried again to thrust her hips higher and cried her frustration when hard hands held her still. His lips still moved, but they had shifted higher to tease the sensitive skin of her belly. She felt the climax slipping away, and howled her frustration.

Tate’s voice called to her, demanding her attention. “Nilana. Look at me.” Her gaze snapped to meet his. His eyes were watching her, his resolute features stamped with hunger.

“You can’t fight this, Wildcat. Your body knows it even if your head won’t admit it.” His finger slid inside, stroking her from her heated core.

Her body convulsed around him on a gasp. Release hung just a breath away.

She didn’t want to fight him right now. She wanted to come. Her body quivered on the edge, teased by the dreams of last night without fulfillment, tortured by his stroking fingers and talented mouth.

When his thumb brushed lightly against her nub, her body bowed in pleasure. When his head lowered to taste her essence, she bit back another moan of longing. And when he sucked her flesh between his teeth, running the sensitive fold between his lips, sucking deeply, she felt her remnants of control fly away. “No! I don’t want—” As the mind-shattering, aching pleasure ripped into her soul, she screamed his name. “Tate!”

“That’s it, Wildcat.” His head came up, those brilliant eyes watching her with a gaze hot enough to scorch her.

Nilana twisted against the hand still busy between her legs. “Don’t stop! Please!”

Tate smiled, his gaze flickering from her to the shaman who held her wrists. “We’re not stopping. We’ve barely even begun.”


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