Hypnotized (11 page)

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Authors: Lacey Wolfe

BOOK: Hypnotized
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I leaned against the door when I got home that evening and sighed loudly. I still felt like complete shit. At least the work day was behind me and now all I wanted was my bed.

Kicking off my flip-flops, I then groggily walked through my place. To watch TV, or not? It was only nine in the evening, but I knew I’d just fall asleep. So the question was, sleep on the couch with the TV or get in my big, fluffy bed?

In my bedroom, I changed into some sleeping shorts and a tank top. I had no reason to leave this room. All I needed was my bed. As I climbed on and the plush softness greeted me, I smiled. Hopefully tomorrow I’d feel like a person again.

Nuzzling my head into my pillow, I swear I heard the sound of someone knocking on my door. I wasn’t expecting anyone. The last thing I wanted was to get out of my warm sheets, but whoever it was knocked again.

I tossed the covers back and made my way back through the apartment to peek through the peep hole. It was Gabe.

I opened the door. “Hey.”

His gaze swept over my body. “Going to bed?”

“I was.” Now that he was here, I had other ideas. “Want to come in?”

“I don’t want to keep you from—”

“Get in here.” I yanked him in by his shirt sleeve.

As the door was shut, his hands were on me. His fingers gripped my hips. “Damn it, you’re sexy.”

Taking in his dark hair that was messy from his helmet, I was positive he looked even more mouth-watering than I did. “You’re not so bad yourself.” He stared at me with such intensity, I didn’t even realize the words slipped out of my mouth, “Want to go to bed with me?”

“What did you say?”

Crap. “I, uh.”

He grinned. “Just don’t take advantage of me.”

“As if.” I giggled, clasping his hand in mine.

When we entered my bedroom,  he kicked his shoes off. I couldn’t believe I had invited him into my room and my bed. My parents always made me keep my door open in the past when I’d had boys over. There was nothing holding us back. Anything could happen, if I wanted.

As I climbed back into my heavenly bed, Gabe joined me.

“I didn’t come here for this.”

“I know, but standing is still hard on my head since this headache just won’t leave.”

His palm caressed my cheek. Was he going to kiss me? I hoped so. We hadn’t fooled around since that day at his house, and I wanted to play.

“Maybe we should slow things down. I don’t want you to feel any pressure from me,” he whispered.

Slow things down? “I don’t want to.”

He groaned. “You make this difficult.”

“Good. Because you’re the first guy I’ve wanted more from.” Courage was with me as I rubbed his stomach and guided my hand lower and lower.

But then he grabbed my hand. “Paisley, I don’t think you know what you’re getting yourself into.”

Oh, I knew. “I’m not a baby.”

“I never said you were.”

I stared into his eyes. “I’m not as innocent as you think.”

He kissed me cheek and softly said, “You’re anything but.”

A shiver swept up my spine as I brought his lips to mine. I knew I hadn’t fooled him into believing I wasn’t a virgin, but at least he humored me.

He had one hand by my head, the other on my side, leaving my hands free again. Only this time, he wasn’t going to stop me. I was going to touch him. Sure, I could go about this the sexy way. Letting my palm glide down his chest, to his stomach, and finally to the destination I wanted, but last time he stopped me. Not again. Instead I just went for what I wanted without holding back.

His kiss froze as my fingers teased his hard length. I’d only felt a few of these before, but wow, his was much, much bigger than I’d expected.

Gabe stopped kissing me and stared into my eyes. “You make me feel fifteen again.”


“I’m not in control.”

What did he mean? He seemed to be in control. I tightened my grip the best I could around his shaft with his jeans on and he grunted. Had I hurt him? Gabe rested his forehead against mine, his eyes closed and his breathing rapid. Was I doing that to him?

I moved my hand a little faster, but then he stopped me. “I’m not coming in my pants.”

“Take them off.”

He shook his head. “You need your rest.”

I sighed and he rolled off of me. “Will you stay?”

“The night?”

What was the point in having my own place if my boyfriend didn’t sleep over? “Please.”

“If that’s what you want.”

“It is.” I wiggled over to my side and scooted back, letting my ass press against his erection.

His arms wrapped around me. While I felt slightly rejected, being held in his arms made it slip away. I found sleep fast.

* * *

I woke the next morning to a clinking noise coming from the kitchen. Someone was here. Then it dawned on me—Gabe. Damn, I’d slept good last night. I think that was the first full night of rest I’d gotten since moving in. Maybe he should sleep here more.

But now my curiosity was piqued. What was he looking for in the kitchen?

Tossing the covers back, I slid out of bed and padded my way toward the direction of the ruckus. I leaned against the door jam and asked, “What are you looking for?”

Gabe jumped and spun around. “Shit.”

I giggled. “Did I scare you?”

“Got a coffee pot? Instant coffee? Anything?”

I shook my head. “I’m eighteen. I don’t drink coffee on a regular basis yet. Only the special stuff that comes from your parents place.”

He leaned against the counter and ran his hands through his dark hair. “Just wait as the semester goes on. You will, but that doesn’t help me now.”

I walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist. “Thank you for staying last night.”

He brushed his fingers across my cheek. “I slept great. How about you?”

Like a baby, but wait, did babies actually sleep well? “We should do this more often.”

Gabe smirked. “Most guys would run to hear a girl talk like that, but me—it’s music to my ears.” He ran a hand under my hair. “I could get used to waking up with you each morning.”

“Maybe I’ll even have a coffee pot for the next time.”

He groaned. “Don’t say the C word.”

I pushed away from him. “Let me get dressed, then we’ll go out.”

In my bedroom, I changed quickly into a pair of jean shorts and a loose v-neck tee. My hair was a mess from sleep. A bun would have to do. He’d seen me at my worst now, anyway, so I didn’t need to make sure I was perfect.

I found him in the living room, leaning against the wall. He smiled at me, lighting me on fire with just a look. I was in trouble with this guy. And I didn’t care. Didn’t give a damn what anyone had to say about him. Even if this wasn’t forever, I was going to enjoy it while it lasted.

“Want to just go to the diner on the corner?” I asked.

“Sounds good. The sooner I have coffee, the better.”

“Hey,” I touched his arm, “watch it. You said don’t say the C word.”

He laughed then clasped his hand with mine.

As we entered the cool diner five minutes later, I wished I had a jacket. It was September, in Georgia, and probably already eighty something degrees outside, but this place felt like the arctic.

The sign said to
Please seat yourself
. He led us to toward an empty booth. As I slid in on my side, I heard my name.


I turned to see Evan with…Kelly. Oh yeah, just who I wanted to see. “Hey, Ev.”

Kelly smiled at Gabe, and I didn’t like it.

“You look like you just got up,” Evan said.

“We did.” I hoped Evan got the point we’d slept together and back off on the whole kissing me thing.

He looked at Gabe and I noticed he still had the just-out-of-bed look.
Please, please, please don’t let Evan say anything.
Thankfully, he glanced away, and I noticed Kelly raise an eyebrow at him and smile.

“So, you two out on a breakfast date?” I asked.

“We are.” Kelly reached out and rubbed Evan’s hand.

“Good, good.” I nodded. “Enjoy breakfast.”
Could we just get this awkward convo over?

“I’ll text you later. We just finished, actually.” Evan stood and grabbed the check.

“It was good to see you again, Paisley.” Kelly let her gaze meet Gabe’s. “You, too.”

Gabe didn’t say anything, just leaned back in the booth and appeared to be irritated. After a moment, Evan and Kelly were at the front of the diner, and it was just Gabe and me again.

“That’s just weird,” I said, hoping to make this a little less strange.

“What is?”

“Kelly and Evan.” Please don’t make me spell it out.

“Yeah, it kinda is.” Gabe rubbed his chin. “At least he’s seeing someone.”

“I guess you’re right about that.”

The waitress appeared, and we ordered our drinks. As our breakfast went on, I noticed something was off with Gabe. He’d been himself until encountering Evan and Kelly. I couldn’t help wondering what the story was between him and Kelly.

* * *

I finished putting away the latest used books that had come in a few days later. We’d been having a lot of used books coming in lately, but not many going out. Ms. Clara didn’t seem bothered by it, though.

She’d run out for a snack and left me here alone. I had a feeling when she got back, she’d be sending me on my way. Though, after having the week off, I needed the hours. My parents didn’t pressure me to work, but I knew they weren’t going to supply me money for buying clothes.

It had been way too long since I’d been to the mall and bought something new. With Kristy gone, I’d have to do it all alone. I guess I could always FaceTime her in the dressing room or send her photos. It wouldn’t be the first time.

Maybe she’d come home and visit soon. I could use some girl time.

The jingle of the front door echoed through the quiet store. I glanced up from where I was, expecting to see Ms. Clara, but instead Evan came in.

“Hey.” I waved. For once, I was happy to see him. Maybe with him being with Kelly, things between us would get back to normal.

I hadn’t forgotten what he’s said that night in his bed, but I knew there was no way he had feelings for me. He was simply confused.

“Would you believe I’m here to get a book?” he asked.

“You?” I smiled. “What are you looking for?”

He handed me a piece of paper. “I gotta read that for Lit class. Got a copy?”

“I think we have one.” I spun around on my heels and went to the classic section. Letting my fingers run along the spines, I found the book and handed it to him. “You’re in luck.”

“Have you read it yet? I dread reading it.”

I laughed. “I haven’t. Sorry. Maybe Kelly has?”

He stared at the book, ignoring me. Was it that I mentioned Kelly? Though, something looked off in his eyes. Probably just needed sleep.

“So, are you two seeing each other?”

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