Read Hypnotized Online

Authors: Lacey Wolfe

Hypnotized (14 page)

BOOK: Hypnotized
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I giggled. “You’re crazy, smooth talker.”

He shrugged. “Whatever it takes.”

He likes innocent girls.

Damn it. Why did Gabe have to say that?




I finished the outline of the massive tattoo an older woman wanted. It covered her entire back. After she healed from the outline, she’d be back and we’d start to fill it in with the colors. I liked tattoos and had a few of my own, but I never understood why some wanted to cover their entire bodies, but whatever. It kept my bills paid, so who was I to complain.

“Here you go.” I handed her the mirror. “Full length is that way.”

“I can’t wait to see it.” The woman walked topless over to the mirrors.

Topless women were something I was used to seeing a place like this. Hell, I’d seen a few women get their lower regions tattooed. That was one tattoo I had yet to do. Which made me happy. I didn’t have the maturity yet to deal with that and I wasn’t afraid to admit it.

“What do you think?” I asked as she came back over.

“It looks good. Much bigger than I thought.”

She’d wanted it on her entire back. What had she expected?

“You did good, kid.” She winked.

Music to my ears. Knowing clients were happy made this all the more rewarding.

After she was dressed, she paid me in cash and went over to schedule her next appointment. The rocker looking chick went over a few things with her and the massive back tattoo lady was gone.

I sat down and rubbed my hands. They were sore. Hopefully this place would be dead for the rest of my shift. Yawning, I could use a nap. Between working here and helping Dad out at the coffee shop, I was beginning to feel my age. I needed a good night out, with Paisley, preferably.

What was she doing right now? Probably sleeping. Which she needed to be doing so she could keep her grades up. She was a smart girl and I wanted to see her go far in life. I also wanted to see her naked and underneath me.

I had patience and I could wait until she was ready, but her sweetness really turned me on. The way she murmured at each touch and wiggled. If I was lucky, I’d get to be the one to be with her for her first time. If it was going to happen, I had a feeling it would be soon. She was almost to that point. Now if I could only figure out what to do about Evan.


I sat in the corner of my parents coffee house, typing away. I’d slept most of the morning, since Paisley was in class. But she’d texted me awhile ago that her afternoon class had been canceled and she had free time before she had to work. Once I finished up this last little bit, I planned to go over and see her.

Writing a book wasn’t as easy as one would think. One’s personal life really got in the way. Now that I knew she was waiting on me, I didn’t feel like writing anymore. All I wanted to do was close this up and get over there so I could have every minute with her possible. Jeez, I was turning into a real softy. For Paisley, it was worth it.

“Where you headed?” Leah came over with a wet rag in her hand and began to wipe off the seats.

“Over to see Paisley.” I put my laptop in my bag.

“Gonna get an afternoon quickie?” She snickered.

In my dreams.
I didn’t answer. It wasn’t any business to her what Paisley and I did. “Is my dad in the back still?” I wanted to leave my stuff in his office, since I planned to walk over.

“I think.” She cleaned the table next to mine.

Walking past her, I went back to his office. “Hey, Dad. I’m going to leave this here. That okay? I’ll be back in a bit.”

“Yeah, it’s fine.” He didn’t glance away from the computer monitor.

I set my bag down then turned to leave. Leah was still wiping off table and shot me a sexy grin. Yes, she was attractive, just not currently my type.

I jogged to Paisley’s, needing as much time with her as I could get. I don’t think she has any idea what she does to me. As I climbed the steps to her apartment, I heard laughing from inside. Maybe she was on the phone. I knocked and a moment later, she opened the door with a grin spread across her sweet face.

“Hey, Gabe.”

I entered and my gaze darted to Evan. Shit. Why was he here? Last I knew he and Paisley were at odds because Evan didn’t like me and continued to tell her I liked innocent girls.

I put my arm around her waist and kissed her cheek, then glanced back at Evan, hoping my stare would tell him she was mine. “How’s it going?”

“It’s good,” she said.

“Real good,” Evan added. “What brings you by?”

“Paisley asked me over before she has to work.”

I wasn’t getting that afternoon quickie Leah had mentioned, not that I ever thought I was.

“What brings you by?” I asked in return.

“I came by to share a funny story with Pais about someone we know.”

“Oh yeah?” I tugged on her. “Do I know them?”

She shook her head and looked up at me. “No, it was someone we went to school with.”

Hopefully Evan would leave, now that I was here, but the way he was positioned on the couch, it didn’t look like he was.

“Crap. I’ve got switch the laundry. Be right back.” Paisley left my arms and went in the direction of her bedroom.

I leaned against the wall and glared at Evan. Perhaps I could scare him away.

“I’m guessing my being here is ruining your little fun, huh?” Evan chuckled.

“No. You can stay as long as you want. We’re probably just going to watch a movie, or whatever.”

“You’re really off your game, huh? Haven’t you usually got the girl in bed by now?”

I groaned. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. Pete and his sister have filled your head with lies.”

“I don’t think so, man. I’m not easily fooled.”

Yeah, right. “You live with Pete, and you think he’s a nice guy. I’d say you’ve been fooled.”

“Are you boys getting along?” Paisley came back in the room.

“The best we can.” I put her back in my arms where she belonged. “Evan is welcome to stay and watch a movie with us.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right. You two will kill each other before it’s over. You don’t mind leaving, do you, Ev?”

Score one for me. I tried to hide my smirk, but it was near impossible as Evan stood.

“I guess so. Just be good to her.” Evan shook his head. “See ya, Pais. Call if you need me.”

Once he was gone, Paisley tugged me over to the couch and climbed into my lap. Wow, where had this come from? Her lips were on mine and she wasted no time slipping her tongue in. Now this was a side of her I could get used to. Her lips left mine and she started to kiss down my neck. A shiver ran down my spine.

She started to kiss further down on my chest and before I knew it, she was on her knees in front of me.

“Pais, what are you doing?”

“I’ve been thinking about this a lot. And I want to take you in my…” She sucked her bottom lip in then said, “My mouth.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I want to. Like, really want to. Please let me.”

My cock was hard from her plea. How could I deny her? Paisley unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down with my boxers. I sat before her with a hard on and she stared at it as though it was her first time being this close to a dick—unless you counted Evan.

She wrapped her hand around my length and stroked up and down. Then she leaned forward with her eyes on mine and took me into her hot mouth. Oh God, I was going to come just with the sight of her before my very eyes. The woman memorized me in more than one way.

She pulled back and asked, “Am I doing this okay?”


She smiled and went back to sucking on my length. She was a natural. There was no way I could hold out long. I wanted to, man did I. This was so good; I never wanted it to end. Just knowing my cock was the first to ever go in her mouth…shit I was about to spill my seed.

“Paisley, stop!”

She stopped and fell back from my abrupt outburst. I covered my tip with my hand as my orgasm hit. Closing my eyes, I leaned back against the cushion to catch my breath. Damn…that had been…

“Was it bad?” she asked.

I shook my head. “No, why would you think that?”

“You told me to stop.”

I chuckled. “I didn’t want to release in your mouth.”

“I would’ve let you. Isn’t that what was supposed to happen.”

Oh wow, she had a lot of things to learn. I patted the seat next to me and she curled up next to me. “Pais, I only want you to do what you want. Never what you think is expected of you. Go it?”


I leaned forward and kissed her pretty lips. Man had my world changed the day she walked into my parent’s coffee shop.




“I can’t wait to see you!” I could hardly contain my excitement as I squirmed on the couch. Kristy was coming home this weekend.

“Any good parties?”

I rolled my eyes. “I have no idea.”

“That figures. You never know.” She laughed.

“You’re better off to call Evan.” He always knew where every party was. Hopefully before long he’d slow things down and focus on his studies.

“I just might. I’m staying with you, so no wild sex with your boyfriend this weekend.”

I giggled. “Please.”

“Have you done anything with him?”

I shrugged, even though she couldn’t see it since we were on the phone. “We’ve played.”

“How?” she pressed.

I hadn’t yet told her about him kissing me down below the belt. I still couldn’t believe he’d done that. “We’ve had some below the waist action.”

“Like with hands.”


Kristy squealed. “Seriously? You’ve done both.”

My cheeks burned. “Yeah.”

“Damn, girl! I’m proud of you. Now you see what you’ve been missing out on.”

I sighed. I’d been missing out on quite a bit of good things I’d saved for the right person. “It isn’t like I’ve never had an orgasm.”

“So, tell me. What was it like when he went down on you? Did you like it?

Like was an understatement. “Yeah, it was a good experience.”

She laughed. “Did you let him come in your mouth? Guys like that.”

I still wondered if I had done something wrong. “No, he stopped me before he finished.”

“Really? Usually guys are all about you swallowing that nasty crap.”

I loved Kristy. Every girl needed a friend they could just talk to. “So, how’s it going with the guy you mentioned last time we talked.”

“Uh, it’s not working.”


“It’s okay. We can talk more about it later. I’ve got an exam tomorrow, and I really need to hit the books. Blah.” She took a deep breath. “I can’t wait to see you. I’m texting Evan to get a party together, and you’re coming. Bring Gabe along. He seems to bring out the better side of you.”

“Okay. I’ll see if he can get off work.”

“Maybe I’ll get a tramp stamp while in town. Think he’ll give me a discount.”

“I have no idea.”

“Ask him. See ya, girl.” She ended the call.

I tossed the phone on my bed. I really didn’t want to go to a party where Evan would be. I still wasn’t sure what I felt about him. He was showing up unannounced a lot, and trying to be the Evan I always knew, but I wasn’t falling for it. Something still wasn’t right with him and I was beginning to worry. I really needed to stop putting it off and ask him if he was doing more than just alcohol. In math the other day, he seemed off. Not in a tired way, but something else. Surely Evan wasn’t getting mixed up in that stuff. His parents raised him better than that.


I stood outside Blue Mountain Coffee. Hopefully Gabe was here. His bike wasn’t. I really should’ve texted him first before just showing up. We were boyfriend and girlfriend after all. That thought alone sent a shiver down my spine. How had I landed a guy like Gabe?

Well, I was here. Might as well go in. Hopefully he could go to the party tomorrow night. Kristy would be coming soon and even though she was my BFF, I needed Gabe at that party with me.

Entering the coffee house, I glanced directly to where Gabe always sat. Crap. He wasn’t here. Now, turn and leave? Or get coffee?

“Hey, Paisley.” Leah smiled from behind the counter. “Here for Gabe? I’ve not seen him yet today.”

Hopefully he was okay. “Oh, I’ll just call him.” I started to turn to leave.

“What, no drink since he isn’t paying for it?”

I didn’t like her tone. Was she implying I was only here for free coffee? “More like, I don’t trust you to make it right since he isn’t here.”

Leah laughed. “Bitch.”

I rolled my eyes and walked toward the door.

“You know, maybe you’re not so bad, after all,” Leah added.

“Oh yeah, why is that?” Humor me, please.

“You’ve got more backbone than I thought. You come across as kind of wimpy.”

Wimpy? Seriously?
“See ya around.” I left the coffee house. I was no wimp. I was a strong person who spoke my mind. I was tired of everyone thinking I was naïve. Things had to change.

I slumped against the side of the building. Sure, I wasn’t experienced like half my friends, and the thought of moving away from my parents had terrified me at first, but now I liked being on my own. Being able to come and go as I pleased. Not to mention my first adult relationship with Gabe. That was the best part. With him, I was catching up with sexual experiences my friends had, had pretty quickly. I’m not ashamed that I wanted to wait for it to be with someone who deserved it and not just because it was prom night and it was expected. But now that I found that special person, I didn’t want to wait any longer.

I started to walk back toward my place. Kristy would be here soon, so I didn’t have time for a pity party about how freaking wimpy I am.

I pulled my phone from my back pocket and called Gabe. I am his girlfriend. I have no reason to be a chicken to call or wait on his.

“Hey,” he said groggily.

“Were you sleeping?”

“I was.”

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

He chuckled. “It’s fine. I need to get up. Works been busy the last few nights and I needed a day to just sleep. I missed your voice. I’m glad you called.”

I could hardly contain my grin. He’d missed me. “I missed you, too.”

“So what’s up?”

“Well, there’s a party tomorrow night and I want you to come with me.”

“Damn, I wish I could, Pais.”

A knot formed in my stomach. “Oh.”

“I’m going to be working again.”

“I understand.” Though I was very disappointed.

“Kristy’s still coming, right?”

I nodded like a dork. “Yeah.”

“You’ll be fine with her.”

I would, hopefully. But with Gabe not going, I really didn’t want to go now.

“I trust you. Just if you get drunk again, call me.”

I giggled. “I’m not doing that again.”

“At least have some fun and enjoy yourself.”

In other words, don’t be uptight. My own boyfriend thought that of me, too. “I’ll try.”

Gabe groaned. “It’s later than I expected, shit. I’m starving.”

“Meet me.” I was desperate to see him.

“As long as it’s at a public place. When I’m alone with you, I never want to leave you.”

“The feeling is mutual. We could eat at that Greek place on Broad.”

“Okay, works for me. Give me an hour. I need a shower.”


“See ya soon.”

I slid the phone back into my back pocket. Now to find something to do for an hour. I supposed I could go home and study. I had a test tomorrow. I felt ready for it, but could one ever be too ready? College sucks. It’s no different than high school. Not like everyone said. There are still pop quizzes and tests constantly. Only difference, the teacher couldn’t care less if you show up, or if you pass or fail.


Gabe was waiting for me outside the restaurant. He leaned against the brick wall with a pair of cargo pants and a black t-shirt with some band name on it. He didn’t dress the clean cut way he usually did. He looked more like a tattoo artist.

“Hey.” He kissed my cheek.

I smiled as he opened the door and we went in. It was a seat yourself kind of place, so I let Gabe lead the way to our seats.

“How has your day been?” he asked.

I’ve come to the realization the world finds me boring.
“It’s been a normal day, I guess. I’m looking forward to Kristy’s visit.”

“I bet.” He opened the menu and I did the same.

A few moments later, a server appeared and we placed our drink and food order.

I tapped my fingers on the table. “I went by the coffee house to surprise you today.”

“Aw, and it would’ve been a good one, too.”

He always flattered me and made my stomach do flip flops. Was this love? Or was it just him smooth talking me like always. Either way, I liked it and I hoped it didn’t end anytime soon. “Leah was there.”

“She usually is. She’s desperate for the hours, and my dad likes to have the least amount of employees that he can.”

Not able to bite my tongue, I said, “I wanted to clear the air that I don’t go there for free coffee.”

He grinned. “Good. I was hoping you came there for the hot guy in the corner.”

I shook my head playfully. “Well, she implied that’s why I came there, since I left without getting a drink today.”

He rubbed his palm along the edge of the table. “Pais, don’t worry about Leah. Seriously. She’s just jealous.”

Which was something I had to learn to deal with. This wasn’t high school anymore, where I only had a few girls to worry about. There was a whole city out there that knew Gabe. Girls he’d dated and whatever else.

The server returned with our drinks. I grabbed mine immediately and sucked my soda down.

“Thirsty?” Gabe raised an eyebrow.

More like, I needed a reason not to talk. I was trying to keep our time light and fun, but really I wanted to blow up and let him and the whole world know I had a back bone.

“Any other plans besides the party for when Kristy is here?”

“I don’t know. Probably shopping.” I had yet to find anyone in my classes I connected to. I really needed a girlfriend to hit some of these boutiques with to spruce up my wardrobe. But it seemed like every waking moment away from school and work, I wanted to be with Gabe. But that wasn’t such a bad thing, was it?

“Keep in mind, I like it when you wear pale yellow.”

He had a color he liked me to wear? Note to self, wear it all the time. “I’ll remember that.”

“Oh, and I like you in dresses, skirts, shorts. Whatever I can see your legs in.”

I laughed. “Got it. Legs and yellow.”

The server was back again, this time with our food. “Can I get you two anything else?”

I shook my head and Gabe told her we were fine.

“Your mom back?” I asked before I took a bite from my pita.

“She is. And she’s back to the good mom for now. Guess the trip did her some good. Nate’s been pretty happy. We’ll see how long it lasts.”

“Was she like that when you were growing up?”

He nodded. “Yeah, she’s always been like that. I spent a lot of time with my grandma. My parents live an interesting lifestyle to say the least. Not one I’m interested in.” He paused, “I think it’s why I’m so attracted to you.”

My curiosity was peaked. “What kind of lifestyle?”

He smirked. “Really want to know?”

“Yes.” I wanted to know everything about Gabe I could. He didn’t open up a lot, so if he felt like sharing, I was more than willing to listen.

BOOK: Hypnotized
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