Hypnotized (18 page)

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Authors: Lacey Wolfe

BOOK: Hypnotized
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Gabe just told me he loved me! And I’d said it back.

A grin spread across my face and there was no wiping it off. I leapt into his arms and he picked me up, pressed be against the wall. This was the right time; the perfect moment for us to connect and be one. I’d always imagined I’d lose my virginity right after someone said those three words to me. “Please, Gabe. Make love to me.”

He groaned. “I don’t think I can say no.”

So we were going to do this? Oh. My. God. We were going to do this! Hell yeah! I’d been fantasizing about this for days, weeks, months. And now we were going to do it. Eek!

“So uh, should we go to my room?”

Gabe nodded, and carried me that way. It was like slow motion as we went. Our gazes were locked and all I could think was this was going to happen. I was going to give my innocence to Gabe. Something I’d held onto for the right time, and now the time was here.

I had never told someone other than my parents I loved them. No one else had told me. Those words were like gold.

Gabe laid me down softly on my bed. “Are you sure?”

“I am.”

Our lips met and the magic started. He climbed on top of me as his hands touched me all over. We lay this way for awhile, but the need to be with him kicked in and I needed much more than what we were doing. I had a feeling he was waiting on me this time. Tugging at his shirt, I pulled until I was able to get it off. I rubbed my hands along his bare chest then gazed down at the small trail of hair above his waistband.

Gabe started to remove my clothing as well, kissing my body as he did. I should’ve felt nervous lying in front of him in only my bra and panties, but I didn’t. He stared at me with such passion in his eyes; I couldn’t wait to see what was next.

“We can still stop at any time,” he whispered into my neck.

I shook my head. There was no turning back. To show him, I reached behind my back and unclasped my bra. Gabe removed his pants and slid his boxers down too. I took in the sight of his long, erect penis. I’d touched it and tasted it, but now it was going to be inside of me.

Gabe removed my panties. This was it, time for him to enter me. Instead, he pushed my thighs apart and teased me with his fingers. He kissed me again as he slid his fingers inside me, and I felt the slight pain of something thicker. I knew he was preparing me. His cock was much bigger than even two of his fingers.

“So wet,” he whispered. “It’s going to be hard to be gentle, but I promise I will.”

Pleasure poured through me at the idea this was going to happen. Soon we’d be connected as one.

Gabe pulled back and left me as he grabbed something from the floor. His pants. A condom. Thank God he’d thought of that.
Smart Paisley
. I wasn’t on birth control and I didn’t need to get pregnant from my first time.

Gabe rolled the condom over his cock. He pushed me father up the bed, holding himself in his hand. We were about to do this.

“Are you sure?” he asked again.


He laced a hand around my neck, titling my head back as he position his dick at my opening. “It’s going to sting. You tell me when you’re ready for me.”

“Okay.” My heart pounded. I was beginning to get scared.

He was at my opening and I could feel him pressing in. This wasn’t so bad—yet. “I love you,” he said, then thrust in a little deeper.

Oh God. There it was. The burn. The tear. My virginity was gone. He was inside of me. We were one, and oh, my gosh, it hurt. I took deep breaths as my body got used to him.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yes. Yes.”

“I won’t move until you’re ready.”

“Okay, maybe move a little.” His hips thrust slowly and that helped. “More.”

He chuckled. “Already making demands. I like where this is going.”

I smiled. He always knew how to do that to me.

Gabe picked his pace up and the pain subsided. “More,” I repeated.

And he obliged. Finally, it started to feel like he wasn’t going to hold back. A whole new pleasure started and I couldn’t hold back as it built. This was intense. This was good. No, this was great.

I moved my hips with him, bringing him deeper inside. My arms wrapped around his neck and then it happened. “Ahhh!” I cried out as something so intense tore through me. I’d just come and it was incredible. It was like fireworks shooting off from every nerve in my body. I wanted another. God, why had I waited so long for this?

Gabe’s breathing picked up and his fists clenched my hair as his buried his face into my neck. He thrust two more times hard and then relaxed against my body.

I’d done it. We’d done it. I was no longer a virgin. I’d given it to Gabe, along with my heart.

After a moment, he rolled off of me and tugged me close to him. His chest was warm and damp. Closing my eyes, I could stay like this forever. I’d found love and I never wanted to let it go.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Better than okay. I could do this over and over again.”

He chuckled softly. “Well, you’d better wait a day, just in case.”

Even though I wanted to experience that again, I knew he was right. “I love you, Gabe.”

He propped up on his elbow. “I love you, too, Paisley. Now, let’s go clean up.”

“Can’t we take a nap?”

“I wish. I’ve got to work.” He stood, giving me a great view of his hot body. Damn, he was mine. “Let’s shower.”

Ooh, and now I got to run my hands down his body. We might not be having sex again, but I had a feeling, we’d still play.


I’m worried about you.
I sent a text off to Evan after Gabe left. I needed to be at work soon myself, but I really just wanted to lie in bed and fantasize about being with Gabe again. God, it had been better than I expected. When we connected and became one, life felt complete.

It had hurt like hell and I never wanted to have my cherry popped again. Once that had subsided, it had been like a slice of heaven. I could see why people did this a lot. I wanted to have sex with Gabe ten times a day if I could.

I covered my mouth and giggled. I couldn’t believe it. I’d done it! I had to tell Kristy.

Hey. Guess what I did?

I wasn’t sure if she was in class. She liked her sleep and took evening classes. My phone dinged.

No idea. What?

I grinned from ear to ear as I typed.
I was with Gabe.

My phone blasted a moment later. “Hey.”

“You had sex!” she screamed from the other end.

I giggled. “Yes.”

“Oh my! I can’t believe it.”

“Me either.”

“What was it like?”

What else could I tell her, other than it had been wonderful and I wanted to do it again, and again, and again. “Amazing. It hurt like a bitch at first, but then when the pain went away, all I can say is wow.”

“God, girl. I can’t believe it. I wish I had more time to talk, but I have to be in class in like five minutes, and I need to get across campus like pronto. So I’m about to run my ass that way.”

I laughed. “What? Can’t talk and run?”

“Hell no. I’m gonna kill my lungs just from the running.”

“Call me later. I need to get a hold of Evan anyway.”

“You’re not going to tell him, are you?”

“No! Gabe said he came into the coffee shop high or messed up on something. I don’t know what to do.”

Kristy sighed. “You have to tell his parents. I’d do it to you, if you got involved in that mess.”

“I know.”

“Gotta go. So sorry I can’t talk.” She disconnected the call.

I needed to get out the door, too, and get to work. Tossing the phone into my purse, I gathered up a sweater in case it got chilly, and headed out the door. After closing my door, the stairwell was almost pitch black as I made my way down. Hopefully the landlord fixed that soon.

I opened the door at the bottom, thankful for the sunlight. As I crossed the street toward the book store, my phone dinged. I pulled it from my purse to see Evan had texted me back from earlier.

I’m fine. I told you before.

Rolling my eyes, I type back.
No you’re not. You need help. You can’t keep down this path.

He responded right away.
It’s not your business or problem. Got it?

Anger boiled through me. Yeah, I got it.


Parking my car in my parent’s driveway, I wiped my palms across my shorts. I wasn’t sure if they could help or how this was going to go down after I told them, but I had to tell someone.

The gravel crunched under my sandals as I walked up the path to the front door. It felt weird here now. How had I spent so many years here, and now everything looked so different? There were purple flowers planted by the walkway that I didn’t remember being there before. They must’ve been, but I’d never paid any attention.

As I entered the house, I called out, “Mom, Dad.”

I found them in the living room, munching on sandwiches. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have class?” Dad asked.

Yup, and I’d skipped them. My first time, but we weren’t doing anything and several of my friends from classes said I could copy their notes. “They were canceled.” Good one, just lie to the parents.

“All of them?” Mom stared at me with disbelief.

“Okay, I lied. I needed to talk to you.”

“Sit down. What’s wrong?” Mom pointed at the couch.

I sat in my usual spot. Funny how we all have places we like to sit, and it feels like your spot. “I need to talk to you guys about Evan.”

“His parents are concerned about him. He’s ignored their calls,” Mom said.

I wasn’t surprised. There was no easy way to say it, then to just say it, right? I took a deep breath. I could do this. “He’s involved with drugs. I don’t know how bad, or for how long, just that I’ve seen him at a party snorting coke, and—”

“What?” My mom dropped her plate on her lap, the chips falling to the floor. “You’re just now telling us?”

Sure, make me the bad guy. “He said it was a onetime thing, but then he went into Gabe’s place high. I don’t like that Pete guy he lives with, either.”

My parents exchanged a look, then my dad said, “Thank you for telling us.”

“I’m worried, too,” I added.

“His parents were worried about that.” Mom started to pick up the fallen chips up. “You did the right thing telling us.”

I hoped so. Evan was going to be pissed at me.

“We’ll talk to them,” Dad said, as though he knew I was worried about that.

“So how is it going with that boy?” Mom asked.

“Good.” And that’s how I wanted to leave it.

“Don’t get too serious now. You’re young and have your whole life ahead of you.” Mom set the plate of dirty chips on the table next to her.

“I don’t really want to talk about it.”

My parents chuckled. “Of course not, but we can still put our two cents in.” Mom stood. “Can I get you something to eat while you’re here? You’re supposed to be putting on the freshman fifteen, but you look thin.”

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