Read Hypnotized Online

Authors: Lacey Wolfe

Hypnotized (13 page)

BOOK: Hypnotized
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I closed my notebook that held my study notes. The session went well, but I was glad it was over. We ended up staying at the pizza place, which had been fine by me. I hadn’t really wanted to have everyone over.

My head ached from trying to absorb all the knowledge. Going home and going to bed sounded like the best way to end this evening. Well, if Gabe was there, that would make it perfect, but he had to work. Speaking of work, I needed to check with Ms. Clara about next week’s schedule. I had a doctor’s appointment I’d forgotten to tell her about.

“I’m so ready for this test now,” Debbie said as she zipped up her back pack.

“I’m ready for a beer.” Even groaned.

Evan was always ready for an adult beverage of some kind. “Well, I’m going to go.” I slipped my back pack on. “See ya in class.”

“Wait up, Pais. I’ll walk with you.” Evan was by my side before I could even get out of the restaurant. “Getting all settled into the new place?”

I smiled. Maybe this would be my Evan. The one who wasn’t being a jerk most of the time. “I didn’t have too much, so yeah.”

“You have a second bedroom, if you need a roommate, let me know.”

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “You live with Pete. Is that not going well?”

“He’s a horn dog. I get kind of tired of his revolving bed.”

“And you had bad things to say about Gabe?” I lifted an eyebrow and chuckled as we crossed the street toward my apartment.

“Gabe only wants one thing from you.”

Here we go again. “Evan.”

“Let’s not talk about him.”

“Good idea.” I stopped outside the door that would take me up to my apartment. “I’d invite you up, but I’ve got a headache. So it’s probably best if we part ways.”

“I could draw you a bath.”

Draw me a bath? I’d never heard Evan make such a suggestion. “How is it going with Kelly?”

He stared into my eyes. “She isn’t the one I want. You know that.”

I didn’t want to have this conversation with him. I was tired of the circles we seemed to be going around in all the time. “I really need to get up and get some meds to stop this pounding in my head. Good luck on your test.”

Evan opened the door for me. “Sure I can’t come up?”

“I am.” I watched as his expression went from hopeful to sour. I hated that Evan and I had seemed to lose what we once had. But for some reason, he couldn’t except I wanted to be with Gabe. In his twisted head, he and I were suddenly a couple, which just made no sense.


He nodded and left in the direction I assumed he was parked.

Once inside my home, I pulled my phone from my purse and sent Gabe a quick text.

Hope your night goes well and you stay busy.

Before I could even put the phone down, he responded.
The night would be better if I could ditch work and spend it with you.

I smiled then went in search of medicine to help with this headache, then wondered if I should give Gabe a key so he could spend the night whenever he wanted. This relationship was growing stronger by the day; maybe it was time to start thinking about the next steps.


“Gabe!” I screeched as he wrapped his arms around me from behind and nuzzled his face into my neck, leaving light little kisses.

“Did I scare you?” he whispered.

“I just didn’t see you.” I’d stopped by the coffee shop, needing to see him after being away for him for several days. However, when I’d first come in, it looked like he hadn’t been here. His stuff wasn’t in the corner like usual.

“I was in the back dropping a few things off, but then I’m going home.” He lightly kissed behind my ear. “Come with me.”

I gulped. I had to work tonight, but I had a few hours to kill. “For a little while.”

“Let’s go then. Screw the few other things Dad asked me to do.”

He took my hand and led me out the door. I hadn’t even gotten to order my coffee, but I didn’t need it now. Gabe was better a flavored coffee.

Outside he brought me straight to his bike and patted the seat. “Hop on.”

Gladly. I loved riding. Which was funny, since before Gabe, I’d never been on one of these things. Now I was addicted. If things progressed, maybe I’d look into a leather jacket for the winter.

A few minutes later, I held onto him as the breeze met my face on the open road. He didn’t live far and the ride was over much quicker than I’d wanted, but I also couldn’t wait to get inside his place. Lately, all I could think about was kissing him and other things. I wanted to play and explore. No more holding back.

There was an urgency in his gaze as he took my hand after climbing off the bike. We walked hand in hand down the stone pathway to his front door.

Inside his place, I took my helmet off and set it by his on the table by the front door. Rubbing my hands together, I began to worry if this had been a good idea.

“Can I get you anything?” he asked, his dark, messy hair falling into his eyes.

He was sexy. I shook my head. The only thing I needed stood right in front of me.

As if speaking with our mind, we walked through the house toward his bedroom. Was I dreaming? Before I could let my mind talk me out of it, he took my hand and led me over to the bed. I sat down.

He brushed my hair behind my shoulders then lightly tickled my neck with the tips of his fingers. I smiled.

“I have to kiss you.” He leaned close, but hesitated.

Licking my lips, I closed the space and kissed him. Gabe groaned and grabbed me, pushing my lips open and letting his tongue slide in. Feeling brave, I started to lay back. I wanted his body on top of mine, to feel the heaviness.

Opening my legs, he took my hint and nuzzled between, never breaking the kiss. This was what I craved. This closeness. I needed more. I was so addicted to Gabe, I couldn’t get enough. I needed to become one with him.

I started to grab and tug greedily at him. Wrapping a leg around his waist, I pressed my center into his hard erection. God, I wanted to feel that inside me. Lots of my friends had been intimate with guys. The stories they’d told me about the way a man could fill them. The pleasure they’d experienced. I wanted that with Gabe. No one else.

He stopped kissing me. “We can stop whenever you want.”

“I don’t want to.” Crap, had I said that out loud? He made me feel so confident. “Um…”

Pressing his forehead to mine, he smiled. “Don’t be afraid to tell me what you want.”

I wanted things. Was I ready? “I want more. But I do need to work at the book store, too. The things I want to do with you, I don’t think we have time.”

His hand rubbed my stomach. “Then for now, let’s play. I have one thing I’ve been dying to do to you.”

I raised an eyebrow, my curiosity peaked. “What’s that?”

“You just lay back and find out.”

He kissed my neck and his hands toyed with the buttons on my jeans. He began to trail a kiss down my neck, to my collar bone. Then over my shirt, he kissed and sucked my breasts. I grew wet between my legs in anticipation of what was to come. Finally, his hot breath met my lower belly, right above my jeans. I was so turned on; I wanted to cry out in pleasure. I needed to get myself together or he’d surely know how innocent I was.

He only likes innocent girls.

Get the fuck out of my head, Evan!

Gabe tugged at my jeans, pulling them down my hips. I lost all train of thought when he licked right above my panty line.

He sat up, grinning as he removed my jeans all the way. He pushed my legs father apart. I expected his mouth to return to my belly, but it didn’t.


His mouth was on my girl parts. Oh. My. God. Was he going to? Never, ever, ever had anyone done this to me.

I squirmed as his tongue probed me through my panties. This was new. I’d never felt pleasure like this. I couldn’t quite wrap my head around what I was feeling.

He pushed my panties to the side. Was he going to put his mouth—“Oh!”

Yes, yes he was. Oh my
His tongue lapped up and down my folds. Then it swirled around my sensitive nub.

Gripping the sheets until my knuckles turned white, I wasn’t sure how much of this I could handle. I was on fire down there. Every nerve wanted to burst from my body. My breathing picked up. Just as I thought I could get a grip, he slid a finger into my opening, sending me over the edge.

“Gabe!” Instinctively, my hips ground into his hand; never in my life had I wanted anything so deep inside me as I did right now. His finger just wasn’t long enough as my orgasm tore through me.

I shook as I calmed down from the pleasure. Gabe stopped fingering me, and then slowly kissed up my stomach, until finally moving off me and lying by my side. He propped himself up on his elbow and stared at me.

“How was it?”

We had to talk about it? Oh, I’d enjoyed it all right. But now I felt slightly self-conscious. He’d just been down there, between my legs. Did it smell? I’d heard horror stories from girls at school and guys, too. Something about a fish…

Did I smell? Gazing back at him, I didn’t get an odor from him, and since his face had just been down there, I’d think I’d smell something.


“Uh.” What did I say? You totally rocked my world?

“Have you ever been pleasured like that?”

I shook my head. That was much easier then telling him no.

“Wow. I can’t believe no one has tasted your sweet honey yet. I plan to have seconds very soon.”

He was going to do it again—soon?

“Don’t look so panicked. I’m not going to right now. You’re so cute, Pais, you know that?”

You’re so fucking sexy.

He brushed the hair back from my forehead. “You’ve got to talk to me. I’ll never know what you like, or don’t like, if you’re quiet all the time.”

“Can I taste you?” It was only fair.

He chuckled. “I’d like that, but not yet.” He sat up and handed me my jeans. “Want anything to drink?”

“Have a soda?”

“Yup. Be right back.”

As soon as he was gone, I stood and pulled my pants on in record speed. I walked around the room, looking for any personal items or pictures. There were none. A pile of dirty clothes sat in the corner. His dresser was cluttered with papers and folded clothes he hadn’t taken the time to put away.

Besides his dresser and bed, the only other item in here was a nightstand with a lamp and alarm clock. This room didn’t say much about Gabe, other than he didn’t spend much time in here other than to sleep. But with a place of your own, how much time did one really need to spend in the bedroom.

Gabe came back, holding a red can. I took it from him, my heart warmed when I saw he’d already opened the can for me.

“Maybe we’ll both have a night off together soon and we can spend the night together again.” He sat on his unmade bed.

I sat down next to him. “I enjoyed it when you stayed with me.”

“I like where things are headed.”

I sipped my coke. “This is real? It’s not just a fun time.”

“It’s real. I’d walk to the ends of the earth for you.”

BOOK: Hypnotized
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