I Won't Give Up (7 page)

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Authors: Sophie Monroe

BOOK: I Won't Give Up
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“Thanks man, take care.” I watched him leave
as Tabby came through the door.
She was w
earing an outfit almost exactly like what
Fiona had on except Tabitha
looked trashy and Fiona was going to star in my dreams for the next hundred years.

“Why were you talking to Luke Prescott?” She whined. I hated girls
when girls
I should just say I’m not feeling well and go home.

“I just met him, I’m new remember
rying to meet people and whatnot.”

“Whatever.” She said rolling her eyes. “Listen there’s a party at the field later
we should go.”

Man, I really wanted to say no but I was hopeful that maybe Fiona would be there and maybe I’d get another chance to talk to her

.” We had dinner, I tried to make small talk but she just wanted to talk about herself. I ate quickly and then luckily
it was time to go.

“I guess I’ll follow you there.” I said since I had my bike.

“Can’t I ride with you?” She purred
running her hands up my chest

. S
orry I don’t take passengers.”

“Fine. Whatever. Lets just go.” Wow Lu
ke was right Tabby had claws.
I was
myself for even
agreeing to this in the first place.

When we finally arrived at
the field it was almost dusk but it was already buzzing with
I looked around there was an old dilapidated barn off to the side and a couple of picnic tables randomly placed around the field part one had coolers set up so
I went to grab a soda
never drank alcohol and rode the bike
A group of guys approached and I felt myself tense.

“Hey new guy. I’m Drew and this is Ryder, Hunter and Nate.” I’d seen them at school a couple times
this week
and knew they were part of the “in” crowd.

“Nice to meet you guys, I’m Cooper.”
I wasn’t in the mood for small talk.

“Hey when’d you get all that ink bro, th
at’s sick!” The one named Nate

“Um, thanks I’ve been getting bits
here and there for the last four
months or so.”

“I’d kill to get some but my parents would totally kick me out. My dads the pastor in town and my mom
is about as June Cleaver as you
could get.”
I laughed. I didn’t think he would last more than two lines with the ink gun by the looks of him.

“There you are.” Tabby said hooking my arm and hanging on me. I already smelled alcohol on her breath and we’d only been here five minutes.

“Yep, here I am.”
I said internally cringing.

“Let’s dance.” She suggested as she pulled me
toward the clearing. She danced while I stood there wanting to disappear. People kept bringing her shots and she was
getting really loud and touchy-feely
she was really
on my nerves.

Finally I saw the reason I came. Fiona. She was dressed in a short mini skirt with a tight white tank top. She lost the hooker make up from earlier and her brown hair was curled and flowing
with the breeze. I caught her eye
and she gave me a tight smile
just as Tabby kissed me. Oh shit. I watched as her face fell from the little bit of happiness I
caught a glimpse of
for a millisecond

he turned and walked away.
I was going to make her trust me, at any cost.





“Come on Fiona it will be fun.” Casey whined for
what seemed to be
the millionth time
since she got here
, fifteen minutes ago
We went to the field almost every weekend and had for the past four years, this was supposed to be the best year because we were the hierarchy now, the seniors, but I didn’t want to deal with the people. I walked over to my desk and grabbed my flask only to realize it was empty.

“Fine. But only
because I’ve had the day from hell and I’m only going
for like an hour because I’m out of booze.” I was
already a little
buzzed but not enough to make me forget and that’s how I liked it.

“Yay.” She said clapping. “Go shower and wash your face you look scary.” I stuck my tongue out and headed to my en suite.  When I got out of the shower I curled my hair and decided just to put on a little mascara and bronzer this time. I grabbed a cute denim mini skirt and w
hite tank top and my baby pink C
onverse so I wouldn’t have to worry about my heels sinking in the dirt.

“All ready to go?” Casey asked.

“Let’s go.” I yelled a goodbye to my mom as we headed for Casey’s car.

When we got to the field I was greeted with the usual amount of fakeness
I we
nt to the keg and got a beer,
downed it quickly then tapped

this is so great isn’t it!” Casey beamed.
I hated when she spoke text.

“Awesome.” I plastered on my best
smile a
nd let the alcohol get into my system.

I looked around to see if there was someone, anyone I could fake talk to other than Casey cause her rainbows and
attitude was killing my buzz. I locked eyes with Cooper
who was dancing with Tabby. I gave him a slight smile
just in time to see them kiss.
So much for that I though wryly, for some reason I felt hurt.

I wanted to go home
. I turne
d to start walking away when
someone grabbed me from behind.

“Hey Fiona.” Hunter purred in my ear

“Get the fuck off me.”
I screamed
and tried fighting him off
as he started dragging me towards the abandoned barn. “Hunter let go of me you’re hurting me.” But he was too strong. He was the quarterback of the football team
probably 6’3” and close to 23
0 pound
of muscle.
He was huge.

“You look so hot tonight Fiona and
now that you and Jack are done
I want a piece of that.” He whispered in my ear. It was so loud and there were so many people no one could hear me yelling and now I was going to get raped.

“Let her go.”
A voice commanded
“Hey new guy, you can have a go when I’m done.” Hunter said
trying to push
placed himself

You have two options.
Let her go
NOW or I
beat your
face in.
It’s you choice.
” Cooper was
now, how did he even find me,
I just saw him
with Tabby.

“I’d like to see you try.”
Hunter snapped
sounding confident
Cooper was tall and defined but Hunter was just
there was no way that Cooper could win.

Cooper took a step forward and Hunter tossed me out of the way
making me
fall. I
d my knees and go
t gra
vel in the palms of my hands. Cooper and I
locked eyes for a split second
Cooper was
getting into attack mode.
Hunter took a step towards Cooper and threw a punch, which Cooper quickly dodged and landed his fist to Hunter’s face with a loud crack. Blood was pounding behind my ears as the sh
ock was starting to wear off, t
he pain was starting to set in
and tears stung my eyes
I couldn’t make out much of the scuffle
after that
except that Cooper could kick ass, every time Hunter came at him he blocked it and managed to get in a hit.

“Had enough yet tough guy?” Cooper asked.
“It’s not so fun when you pick on someone your own size is it?”

“Fuck you.” Hunter spat as Cooper delivered an impressive uppercut to Hunters jaw causing him to fall backwards and pass out.
Cooper walked over to me and held out his hand to help me up.

“Let’s go. Now.” He said looking me over
“Did you drive Fiona?” I shook my head. “Shit. Alright come on.” He
dragged me in the shadows across the field
over to his death trap.

no way I’m
getting on that thing.” I said when my whit returned.

“It’s this
or you stay and risk what almost happened.”
“And how do I know that you’re not trying to do the same thing. Maybe you were just pretending to be the hero but you’re really a villain.”
My voice was full of hostility.

“Fiona I’m not a villain but we need to go before the other guys find out what happened and come looking for us. Please just put this on.” He said handing me his helmet.
I put it on my head,
I can’t believe I’m actually about to do this. He climbed onto the bike.

“What about you?”

“I only have one helmet and you’re more important. Come on
step here and swing your leg over than wrap your arms around my waist.” I did just that. Being so close to him it was apparent that it was getting harder and harder not to like Cooper Kinley.
He started up the bike just as Drew and Nate were coming into view.
I swore that I heard Cooper growl.

I had so many questions for him but mostly w
here the hell did he learn to fight like that?
We were now more into town than the woods and my head started to become cloudy I felt my eyes getting heavy. Cooper pulled to the sidewalk.
are you alright?”
His voice full of concern.

“Fine, just sleepy.”
I mumbled.

“Can you hold on for five more minutes?”

“Sure.” I hoped it was the truth.
He p
ulled back onto the road
one of his hands to hold my hands
and started speeding through the streets. We finally pulled into a driveway, then into a garage.

“Hope off C
He said patting my leg.

“Where are we
?” I already knew the answer.
“My house. Let’s get you inside.”
I can’t believe I trusted him. Here I was at his house where no one would find me. Stupid Fiona, really stupid.

“I wanna go home.” I whined.
I was a little scared but I really didn’t think that he would hurt me.

“I can’t risk riding with you like this
I’ll take you home after you sober up. I promise.”
He held his hands up in the scouts honor.

“Fine.” I spat. It’s not like I had much of a choice at this point and he did sound sincere. He opened the door leading into the living room and led me upstairs. All the turns on the bike made my stomach churn and I knew I was going to throw up.

“Where’s your bathroom?” He took my hand and opened the door to the bathroom off his bedroom. I just barely made it to the toilet before I started throwing up. He came up behind me and I flinched, except he was only holding my hair back. When I was done he opened a drawer in the sink and handed me an unopened toothbrush.

“Here get cleaned up and I’ll wait for you in my room.” I brushed my teeth and walked into his room.

“You’re not totally unscathed.” He said looking at my tank
top that
had vomit on it, gross. “
” He pulled his shirt off and handed it to me. I rolled my eyes and tapped my foot. “Come on I don’t want you getting vomit on my new sheets.” He laughed.
He really was sweet.
I grabbed the shirt and went
into the bathroom to change. I walked out feeling self conscious in just his t-shirt and my barely there panties.
He stood there in just his boxers and it looked like
e had set up a
bed on the floor for me. I went to sit on the floor and he stopped me. “Take the bed it’s more comfortable.” He pulled back the comforter and tucked me in before turning out the light and
curling up on the floor. “Hey C

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