Immortal Distraction (20 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Finn

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Vampires

BOOK: Immortal Distraction
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“Stay with Brit.” He yelled as he darted off down the street. Angus wanted to destroy the man, and though it was a fight to keep his run aimed toward Driscoll’s direction and not turn back to her cries, he did, knowing the chance was too good to pass up. He darted down side streets, one after another, following the scent of the vampire’s blood, but as he continued, the scent grew more faint. He was healing already, and his lead was too great for Angus to track without a blood trail. When it disappeared entirely, he stopped, slamming his fist into a nearby brick wall and sending splintering cracks out from where his fist landed. He’d failed. He’d paused when he needed to chase. He couldn’t stop himself when he heard her cries, and he was standing alone in a deserted street far from them now as a result.

When he reached the alley again, Brit was sniffling back the last of her terrified tears. She was kneeling beside her mother, cradling the frail, waspish woman in her arms. Truman was crouched beside Brit with a hand on her shoulder. When Angus approached, Truman stood and retreated to the mouth of the alley to stand guard, and Angus knelt beside her. The sound of the woman’s heart was oddly strong for someone who’d so abused her body. After moving her head from side to side as he studied her neck, he found it intact. She was passed out, and she had a gash on her forehead from where she’d hit the brick wall, but aside from that, she was fine.

“She’s okay, Brit. Her heart’s beating strong. She’s just unconscious. It’s pretty quiet around here right now, but we’ve got to go. Someone could have heard the gunshots.” She looked up with tears sitting on the lower rims of her eyes, and his insides clenched in need to comfort her. She nodded her head tersely before moving to her knees and helping her mother to slump against the wall. Her mother was barely conscious and instantly slumped to the ground in her stupor.

Brit’s gears kicked in, and Angus stood back and watched her. She started looking around the littered ground. Brit picked up a discarded can of spray paint and started scrawling on the wall near her mother as Truman crossed his arms and appraised her actions. He looked nearly amused were it not for the situation. He cocked his head as he met Angus’ quizzical expression.

Her graffiti art was lacking for sure, and once she’d emptied the can, she wiped it clean on her pants before placing it in her mother’s hand. “Wow, Brit. I had no idea you were into petty crime.” Truman was being sarcastic, and Angus wanted to join him, but he was wired to the point of feeling like he was coming undone at the seams. He wanted her away from here, safe and secure. When she left the alley, he followed closely behind. She approached a nearby payphone. She slipped a glove on her hand, picked up the receiver, and dialed 911.

“Yeah I’d like to report a disturbance. There’s a woman. She looks drunk or high, and she’s spray painting on the side of a building in Chinatown.” After giving the operator their location, she hung up on them before they could ask her any further questions.

When she turned back to them, she inhaled deeply and her gaze met his. “She’ll be safer in jail. If I take her somewhere, she’ll leave the second she needs a fix. Trust me. It’s happened before.” Her face was slack and tired, distraught to the point of shock. But when he tried to get her to leave, she just stood looking around for a moment. “I have to stay. I’m going to wait in my car until the uniforms get here. Make sure she’s safe.”

There was no arguing with her, so he didn’t even try, but there was an alternative. “I’ll stay. You and Truman go back to the building.” She looked at him, but said nothing.

“No, Angus. You need to be with Brit. The two of you can take her car back to the building. I’ll park my car down the block and wait until the police get here.” He clapped a hand on Angus’ shoulder and approached Brit. Taking her hands in his, he studied her until she looked at him. “I won’t leave until I know she’s safe. I promise. Please. You need to go with Angus. She’s going to be fine.” She nodded.

When Angus clamped his hand down on Brit’s as he took it, his body relaxed for the first time since finding out she had left the building. He wanted to drive, but it wasn’t an option in her police issued car, but as he slid in next to her, he couldn’t help commenting. “Bench seat in the front and all. It’s lovely.” She looked at him hesitantly at first, but then a small smile pulled her lips up. He reached for hand again, then changed his mind, and reached for her cheek instead, pulling her face to look at him. He swallowed over the words his heart wanted him to say and instead leaned to her mouth. It was a gentle kiss, but it lit a fire in his soul after a week of no kisses, no touches, no tastes, no everything from her.

She drove in silence, and he watched her. He wanted her home with him, and he wasn’t willing to let go of his worry until they were together in his residence.

When they entered the building Ember was waiting for them. “Truman just called. The police left with your mother, and he’s on his way back here. I’m so sorry, Brit. Tru and I will be staying for the next few days, so if you need anything, please just let me know.” She kissed Angus’ cheek quickly before they entered the waiting elevator.

Chapter 18

She’d been shivering and shaking since they’d returned. She was trying to stay away from Angus, but after the night they’d had, all she wanted was to be near him. When he finally entered the bedroom to find her, she was sitting on the side of his bed staring into space. She’d just gotten out of the shower and was wearing only a robe. Her brain was exhausted and ready to shut down, but her heart still sped as he walked toward her, kneeling at her feet on the floor. They just stared at one another.

When he reached for her ankle, she didn’t stop him, but she took a deep and steadying breath. His touch was cool but sent a warm wave through her body. And as he worked his fingers up her calf under her robe, she started to shake. She could feel the wet warmth starting to build between her legs, and she knew he could sense it. It left her cheeks warm and flushed, knowing she couldn’t hide it from him.

She’d made it clear they had no business being together, and it was as true on this day as the day she’d said it over a week ago, but she needed this touch more now than ever, and she was too weak not to accept it. When his hand reached her knees, he worked it between her tightly set legs and pulled her legs open. She swallowed hard as her mind started imagining what he would feel like again after so many days apart.

“What are you doing?” Her voice was quiet, even in the silence of his room as she spoke.

“Fucking you. I know how much you like it after nearly dying.” Slight smirk. “And I need it right now too. Call it life affirming. I just have to have you.” And then his hands were creeping up the inside of her thighs. She parted them, knowing the invitation would make it all the more difficult to put a stop to this. But she had no intention of stopping him. He was right. She needed it. But it wasn’t because she’d nearly died … again. It was just him.

She reached for the sash of her robe, pulling it as he watched. Then she shrugged it off her shoulders, letting it pool at her waist. It still covered her groin and where his hand was roaming up her thigh, but her breasts were exposed, and his focus stopped there. He was studying her nipples, and they were hardening by the second.

“Touch your breasts.” His eyes found hers again, and he didn’t look back to her nipples until her hands moved to cover and caress the swell of her breasts. She squeezed as he watched her hands move over her skin. She could feel the rock-hard peaks of her nipples as her palms grazed over them and the wetness was pooling between her legs now.

He pulled the robe open, letting it fall away from her thighs. “Scoot to the edge and spread your legs.” She complied, and as she held her legs in place and braced her feet on her tiptoes, he sighed and licked his lips. “Did you touch yourself that night on the phone?” His gaze had moved to hers. She nodded but said nothing. “Did you come?” She nodded again but bit her lip as she started to shake at where this might be going. “How?”

She was almost mumbling as she responded. “Touching myself.”

He was not mumbling when he very clearly responded. “Tell me how you touched yourself.” She stared at him. She knew it was shock on her face, but she couldn’t stow it. “Come on, sweetie. Did you touch your clit?” She nodded. “Did you put your finger in your pussy?” She nodded. “Then say it. I want to hear you say the words.” She shook her head. She was trembling like a leaf at this point, but she was flushing with excitement and need at the same time.

He knelt between her legs, pushing them even wider than they already were. He pulled her hands from her breasts and caressed the roundness of them with the palms of his hands. He pinched the nipples between his fingers as she cried out, and then he released them and held his cool palms to soothe the skin. When his lips touched her earlobe, she shuddered. “Say it.”

She cleared her throat, and she could feel his smile against her cheek where his lips caressed just in front of her ear. “I…” She cleared her throat again. “I rubbed my clit, and I … put my finger inside of me.” She let out a shaky breath.

“Say pussy, love.” His voice was seductive and warm as he spoke against her cheek.

Her voice was barely above a whisper when she responded. “Pussy.”

“Thank you. You have a beautiful pussy, Brit. Now how about you show me how pretty it is when you slide your finger in.” He pulled back from her cheek, leaving her cheeks flushed and her heart racing. His nostrils were flaring and his jaw clenching as he watched her. He sat back on his heels as he waited.

Her hand trembled as she reached between her legs. His focus was glued to the junction of her thighs, waiting. And when her fingers delved between her lips, they were soaked with her silky liquid in an instant. And when she pushed her middle finger into her entry, the wetness made an audible sweet, smacking sound that sent a shiver of fire running through her body. He groaned at the sight or perhaps the sound and reached for the waist of his pants, sliding the zipper down and undoing the button. He pulled his hard length from his trousers and stroked as he studied her hand. She pushed and pulled, and she stared at his erection that he held in his hand. She wanted to touch him, taste him again, and just the sight of his large masculine hand wrapped around the impressive breadth of his cock had her wetness building and seeping around her finger.

When he leaned toward her, he reached for her pussy, and she stilled her hand, waiting for his touch. “Don’t stop. Push your finger in.” She slid her middle finger in as deep as she could, and he touched the lips of her sex. He parted the lips, letting his fingers graze down the inside of each. He pinched the tight nub of her clit gently, and she groaned, and he then started slowly working his middle finger into her pussy as well. She could feel his finger alongside hers as it pushed slowly inside. Her wetness was coating them both, and she could feel it moving around their fingers as he pushed through it to her depths. When his finger was deep and snug to hers, he moved to sit beside her on the bed, wrapping his thumb up and over the palm of her hand. His angle was the same as her own, and he started pulling both their fingers out of her tight and quivering channel as he nuzzled against her neck.

He thrust and used their fingers to fuck her body over and over, his larger finger alongside her smaller one. Her wetness was sucking and smacking as he pushed and pulled, and Brit was panting. She reached for his rigid arousal beside her and stroked as he started to hum out his satisfaction. Her muscles were clenching around their fingers, and just when she reached her threshold, he stopped the thrust and started pulling their fingers from her body. She pushed, trying to keep going, but he was stronger, and as she met his gaze, he shook his head.

“Lie down.” His voice was warm and purring out his seduction. She moved to the head of his bed and laid back against the pillows as he slowly worked his way up her body. His cock hung hard and ready against her stomach, teasing and taunting her flesh, and when he used his knees to part hers, she pulled her knees up; she was ready too. He leaned to her mouth, dipping his tongue between her lips. “Hands above your head please.” She raised her arms, and he trailed his fingers up the underneath side, tickling across her skin until he reached her hands and laced her fingers with his, pinning her to the bed.

He lowered his body, and he ground his pelvis into hers. His cock slipped between the lips of her vagina without entering her body, and he slid through her wetness, driving her clit insane with need with every pass over the tight nub. She pushed her hips up to meet his body as he thrust between her lips, trying to get him inside her, but he pulled back until she dropped her hips back down to the bed. And when he smirked, she knew he wasn’t going to be giving in until he was ready to.

He set a slow and hypnotic pace as he glided his shaft between the slick lips of her sex. She was near orgasm and ready to come every time he grazed over her clit, and when he pushed through his stroke, his testicles hit gently against her bottom, teasing her even more.

“Now, Brit, I’m not sure I want to take your body tonight if you’re simply going to withhold it again tomorrow.” His voice was taunting, and as he spoke, he thrust one long, slow movement against her groin. “I understand very well that we have no business fucking one another.” His eyes were searing into hers as he spoke, toying with her. “But, I won’t have you pushing me away and then accepting me when it suits you.” He pulled back from her body as he watched her face. “You’ve tortured us both this past week when we could have been enjoying one another immensely.” Her mouth was open, and with every move of his body, she gasped and sighed at just how close and yet faraway she was from her release. “Do I need to worry about you pushing me away again?” And he leaned back to her mouth, stopping short of kissing her but grazing across her lips with his. When he pulled back to look at her again and pushed one long slide of his cock against her slit, she cried out in frustration. She shook her head. She was desperate, and in this moment, she couldn’t imagine pushing him away ever. “Say it.”

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