Indignation (20 page)

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Authors: Celinda Santillan

BOOK: Indignation
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“I thought that I’d ever see you again. I thought I lost you forever.” She confesses.

“I thought I lost you.”

“You have no idea how lost I was without you when you left.”

“You were never lost. You were always strong.”

“I’m not as strong as you think.”

“No, you’re not. You’re stronger than I would have ever imagined.”

She lets her fingers trace the outline of his jaw. “I love you.” She whispers before pressing her lips to his. The feel of familiarity is like a taste of heaven to her.


The Confession



“Brandon, Jim, calm down!” Alyssa yells at her friends with aggravation.

Brandon points at her with anger showing on the veins on his forehead. “Don’t tell us to calm down after we find you sleeping in his arms. He’s a freaking physco murder!”

“Alyssa, come here.” Jim demands. Julian is in front of her, blocking her from her best friends who insist on being her heroes even if she has told them that she doesn’t need saving.

“Um…” She bites her lip nervously. “I can’t?” She more asks then states.

Jim takes a step toward her. It doesn’t help the situation when Julian has dried blood on him that has rubbed off on Alyssa while they slept. “Julian let her go.”

“That won’t be happening anytime soon and unless you want to end up in a coma, I suggest you leave.”

“Julian!” She gasps in horror.

“You see!” Brandon throws his hands up in the air. “I’m calling the police.” He states after reaching for his phone.

“Julian, just go. I’ll see you later. I need to talk to them.” She begs him.




“Pretty please?”


“Gosh, you’re as stubborn as ever.” She rolls her eyes. “At least give me some time alone with them?”

“No. Mortals are impulsive when filled with anger.” He doesn’t whisper, but he also doesn’t speak loud enough for the men to hear.

“Do you seriously think that they would hurt me?”

“I’m not taking any chances.”

“You wanted to kill me, do you not remember that? I was hurt so much that my Dad had to stick an IV into me and make me sleep for three days.” She points out.

He tilts his head toward her to glare at her. “I’m not in the mood to argue. No is no.”

“How the hell would anyone want you as their king? You’re as hardheaded as a piranha.”

“I really don’t think that’s the saying.”

“Shut up.” She snaps at him.

“Aly, the cops are coming.” Brandon states.

“What? Brandon! Why would you call them for?”

His eyes don’t leave Julian’s. “I said I was.”

“I’m perfectly fine!” She defies.




“Physically, yes. Mentally, no.” Jim says.

“Julian isn’t going to do anything.” She crosses her arms not bothering to push pass Julian to stand between the men. She has tried that several times but no luck is on her side. “All three of you are idiots.” She sits down on the floor to lay done.

“What are you doing?” Julian asks her.

“I’m going to sleep. I’m tired and I don’t want to put up with either of you three.” She yawns. “Hey, Brady, Jim-Jam?”

“Yeah?” They say in unison.

“When the cops come, make sure they don’t see the liquor all over the floors. Julian is old enough to drink, but you both aren’t. I really don’t want to wake up to one of you calling me to bail you out.”

“Crap.” Brandon leaves the room in a rush.

“Wow, Brady! If I was in real danger, I like to know that you would run when there’s a chance you can go to jail. Thanks for having my back!” She yells out before closing her eyes. She can hear Julian and Jim arguing, but she tunes them out. She really is tired.




Alyssa opens her eyes to find Julian staring out the window. She forgets about her dream when she sees a frown placed on his face. She sits up to stretch her numb arms.

“Is everything okay?” She asks alarmed when she notices the fists on either side of him. She’s hoping that Brandon and Jim aren’t outside, or better yet, inside the house. She doesn’t want her dream coming true. She’s really afraid how she will explain her new relationship status with Julian. The fact that they witnessed how Julian was about to kill her with his Longsword isn’t going to help the situation.

“Dias, Gabriel, and Miranda are here.”

She hurries out of the bed and points at herself. “My- my, you mean the God is here?” She points at the ceiling to make sure he understood her question.

He nods lightly.  He turns to her with anger showing in his stance. “Stay behind me at all times. No matter what happens, you stay behind me.” He commands like the king he was. 

She shakes her head, looking down as if she’s trying to solve a complicated problem. “What is he even doing here?”

“I don’t know, but we’ll find out.”

The first thing she can think of is him coming to hurt her. The way Julian seems at the edge of control has her doubting what the God is really capable of. “He wouldn’t hurt me, would he? He’s my father.” She tries to see reassurance in him, but that doesn’t come.

He fumbles through his pocket. He pulls out his phone and begins to dial an unknown number. “With Dias expect everything and anything.” He says while placing the phone to his ear. “Go change.” He orders her. If it was another Moment where her father wasn’t entering her house, she would tell him where he can stick those orders, but now is not the time.

She decides to leave her purple bikini on from yesterday. She quickly slides into a pair of white shorts and a blue vest corset. She searches through her closet until she finds the black shirt she remembers she has. Brandon always leaves his clothes in her closet for when he decides to have a sleepover without her noticing. She can hear the orders Julian is barking to the other person on the phone. If the orders were thrown to her, she would be very frightened of him. He sounds like a mad man on the bridge of losing control. She has learned from the past weeks that when Julian loses control, he can go on a killing spree becoming the king he once was.

She rushes back to her room. She observes the way his muscles are extending from the force of keeping control. His eyes are becoming all black. Walking towards him seems like a lifetime of time. Each step she can see herself being attacked by him, but when his black eyes turn to hers, she gains the confidence she needs. She cups his face with her gentle hands and massages his temple with her thumb. Her forehead presses against his so their eyes can be connected. He still the phone pressed against his ear, but the line is silent.

“Please, don’t lose control.” She whispers almost silently.

He takes a deep breath before he pulls away to lightly kiss her forehead. “I want all trespassers dead, or else.”  He threatens to the other person on the line. He retrieves his phone back into his pocket. “Never show your fear, Alyssa.” He simply states.

“I’m not scared of you.” She tries to convince him. “I’m scared of the person you can snap to at any second.” She holds up the black shirt she has on her hand. “Julian, put this on.” She throws the shirt at Julian as he hangs up his phone. It fits him tightly, but nothing that can’t be stretched.

“We will need to talk about you having other men’s clothes in your closet.”

She rolls her eyes at the possessive side she remembers too well. “It’s Brandon’s.” She walks past him to get her white sandals.

When they both finish, Julian grabs her hand and leads her down the stairs. He pulls her toward the back yard. Alyssa is confused when she sees nothing except the beer bottles scattered around the floor and the pool filled with empty liquor bottles and red cups.

“Cleaning up is so on my to-do list.” She mutters to no one in particular.

“Julian.” She blinks to find a tall man in a white suit appear a few feet away from them. His dark hair is perfectly cut clean, just as the beard that covers most of the skin below his nose. His broad shoulders show how strong he his, but his bright gold eyes show his power. She gulps when she notices who he is. He’s the God, her father.

“Dias.” Julian glares at her father while pushing her back gently to keep his body covering most of hers.

“Alyssa.” Dias greets her. She remains silent, not knowing what she could call him or even say to the man who claims to be her father.

“Hey, Miranda. Gabriel.” She greets the Elims that stand on each side of the God, ignoring her father completely.

“I can see you will be as difficult as Selene.” Dias narrows his eyes at her with annoyance.

The mention of her mother from the only person, who can possibly know the truth, makes her mind form too many questions. “How did she die? How did my mother die?” Alyssa tries to step away from behind Julian, but he extends his arm to push her back behind him. She takes a step back to please Julian. If she remembers correctly, he will give her hell about this later.

Dias taps his chin with curiosity. “Now why would you want to know that?”

“Because she’s my mother. My real mother. How don’t I want to know that?”

“She was, Alyssa. She was your mother.” He says slowly as if he’s talking to a child. “She died, there’s not story to tell.”

“What do you want Dias?” Julian coldly asks the God.

“I want many things Julian. One is to have you dead for threatening the life of my daughter, which now I see you protect.”

“He didn’t kill me.” She says, but it falls on death’s ears. The men ignore her.

“My men are surrounding the perimeter. You attack and I will defend myself at all cost.”

“Defend yourself? I know you well Julian to know that under certain circumstances you would do anything, but warn me of your attacks. Your Loyals are attacking my Elim Guards. I can smell the death surrounding us.”

“I’m warning you Dias. Leave now before you have no more Elim Guards to protect you.”

Dias takes a step forward in a superior way. “You might want to remember under whose realm you belong to before you threaten me.”

“I may be under your realm, but I answer to no one but myself.”

“That I know very well. The fallen king thinks he can rise to his throne once again. You will be wasting your time if you think I will allow that to happen.”

“Don’t be surprised when it does.”

The God glares at him. “Miranda, take Alyssa inside.”

“No.” Julian roars.

The Adviser Elim takes a step forward with her arms raised in front of her. Everyone knows not to test Julian too far because he can be dangerous to everyone if he turns into the king he once was. “Julian, the God would never hurt his own daughter. Just let her go. Nothing will happen to her. I’m her Elim, I can promise that.” Miranda pleads him.

“Julian, Miranda wouldn’t say that unless it’s true. I trust her.” Alyssa whispers to him from behind. He doesn’t say anything as Miranda cautiously walks to them and takes Alyssa by her arm to move her beside Gabriel instead of leading her back inside.

Alyssa starts to panic when Dias walks forward to stand in front of Julian. She’s confused by the turn of events when white winged men appear one by one around them.

“What-?” The Authority Elim grabs her arm in a tight hold before she even takes a step forward to try to go back to Julian. Her eyes widen. She feels trapped.

Gabriel’s jaw tenses. “Don’t move.” He warns her. Alyssa knows that nothing good could come out of anything if she tries to fight against the men of the God.

As the multiple Elims stands, ready to attack, Dias stands tall in front of Julian. “You killed my some of my Elim Guards. That is unacceptable.” The God’s voice is heard loud and clear.

“What is he going to do to him?” She asks Miranda in panic, who’s on Gabriel’s other side.

Miranda presses her finger to her lips. ‘Ssshhh, don’t interfere.’ The Elim mouths to her, warning her to be cautious on her interference. Her blue eyes bore into her purple ones with conviction.  Alyssa turns her attention back to Dias and Julian. The two men stand in defiance.

“I want your blood oath for the protection of my daughter. You will not kill Alyssa. In exchange for your oath you will take position as her Elim once again, but with Miranda beside you.”

“That won’t happen.”

Alyssa can feel her heart stop. Julian will not make a blood oath to not kill her? Last night he said that he loved her. Did he lie to her? Does he really want to kill her? So many questions are running through her mind, but she can’t figure out whether to feel angered at the thought of him using her or feel lost at the emotions she has regained towards him. She lowers her eyes to the ground to hide the frown on her face. How could she be naïve enough to believe that he was changing back to the man she fell in love with so long ago? He’s different. He has been.

“Your blood oath will only put value in the promises of protection you gave my daughter last night. Or did you mean nothing by your declarations to her?” She lifts her eyes to stare at Julian, waiting for him to say anything, but he remains silent, not looking at her. “Do you want to rethink your choice?”

“I’ll give my blood oath for Alyssa’s protection, if I
become her Elim.”

“Why should I trust you?” Dias crosses his arms.

“My blood oath will be binding.”

“Your blood oath will only protect my daughter’s life by you as the harmer. How will it protect her from harm from your Loyals?”

“If you want that as well, then I will accept to my blood oath to state that none of my men are to kill her as well. In exchange I want Caledonia from Hades’s realm.”

Dias curiously narrows his eyes at Julian. “What interest do you have in Caillech?”

“The same as it’s always been, company from a goddess.” Julian simply states.

“Then it is done. I have your blood oath from you and your representation to your Loyals, you becoming my daughter’s Elim, and you get Caillech.”

“Sounds like a deal.” Julian smirks.

“Miranda, bring me Athena’s vital.” Dias orders. The Adviser Elim nods with noticeable hesitation, but no one thinks anything of it. One of the Elim Guards steps forth and places the red wooden box in her hands. She hands the box to the God.

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