Indignation (17 page)

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Authors: Celinda Santillan

BOOK: Indignation
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“Are you threatening me, Annalisa?”

“My name is Alyssa, and no I’m not.” She walks pass Caillech. “It’s a warning.”


Miranda blocks Caillech from going after Alyssa. “You might want to watch your words goddess. Alyssa is the God’s daughter, and you know how protective he is of his daughters.”

“Let us see how Dias reacts when she is dead and her blood is handed over to me in different vials.” Caillech titters, making her look more sinister than she really is.

Alyssa leaves the two women behind and analyzes Julian who’s across the room. Julian stands with an unfamiliar man standing off to his side. They seem to be in a deep conversation. He has taken his leather jacket off and now stands with his black tight shirt hugging his almost perfect body. She remembers underneath the thin scars that spread around his ribcage. His hands are on his sides with her mother’s Katana in on his right hand, and his Longsword on his left. She can’t help, but admire his Longsword. The grip of the Longsword has three purple diamonds running in a vertical line.  The entire hilt is the color of royal purple. She remembers something in history stating that royal blue wasn’t only the color of royalty. There was also a dark rich purple, and gold. The very detailed scabbard is hiding the blade from view. The Longsword looks fit for a king.

Her Katana is so much different. The handle of the Katana has silver runes covering the black color on the cord wrap. The guard looks simple from afar, but when inspected closely, you can see the small symbols that cover it. The sheath that covers the blade has three tally marks that are usually covered by the hanging cord. The blade is as silver as the moon’s sky. The Katana looks as deadly as the waves when under a storm. She feels attached to the ancient weapon. It must be because it’s her mother’s.

Julian’s voice snaps her out of her thoughts. “Are you ready to fight?” He asks her with no amusement in his voice. His eyes are neutral not showing anything. He throws her Katana.

“I was born ready.” She says as she catches the weapon in her hand.

He attaches the Longsword on his waist and she does the same with her Katana. “Let the fight begin.”

“Let the fight begin.” She repeats after him. They move towards each other, only leaving two feet away from each other. Their weapons are in their own scabbards.

They both stand still with one hand on the handles of their weapons. Their eyes don’t leave each other’s. They are waiting for the other to make the first move. “Ladies first.”

“You talk too much Julian.” Alyssa lowers herself into a horse stance before she pulls the Katana up, lowering the scabbard, and making a fluid strike in front of her, tearing Julian’s shirt. She jumps back to put distance between them. “How’s that for a lady?” She grins at him. She loves the feel of fighting. She could have cut Julian if she leaned forward on her strike, but she wouldn’t do that unless it’s her last option.

“You talk too much Alyssa.” Julian releases his Longsword from the scabbard and thrusts it forward and then downward. She misinterprets his move and moves her Katana to block it in front of her, but his Longsword misses the blocking. The point of the Longsword slices through the fabric covering her mid-thigh. He jumps back to put distance between them like she did Moments ago.

Her purple eyes challenge his black ones. They both have their weapons posed in front of them in defense. She swats into a horse stance and begins to move to the side, her body facing his with her every step. He does the same. They circle each other, waiting for one to make another strike. She knows that Julian can play mind tricks now, from the stunt he did with her blocking. She has to be even cleverer than he is. An idea pops into her mind. Alyssa thrusts the Katana forward, aiming for his heart. Julian blocks the strike like she expected. She slides the edge of the Katana down the blade of his Longsword. When her blade collar meets his rain guard she adds her weight by pushing down while she moves to his side. She knows that Julian is stronger than her, so she reacts quickly and kicks his right leg. Then she hits him with her left elbow and moves swiftly behind him. With the curve edge of the Katana she slices through the skin on his back. She sees his blood soak through the long tear on his back before he turns with his Longsword in front of him. The blade slices through the skin just above her left ankle.

Julian stands and thrusts his Longsword toward her, but she blocks it. The cling of the swords contact is heard like an echo. He pushes his weight to his sword making her take a couple of steps back to keep her balance. He moves as graceful as a snake. He doesn’t give her time to recover when he aims for a next hit. She’s not so lucky to block it this time. The point of his blade pierces into her exposed arm. She can feel the liquid of her blood stream down her arm like water but, with her adrenaline rush, she can’t feel the pain of the puncture. He aims for her torso, but she blocks it.

Alyssa can feel the tears of sweat move down her face. Her breathing is profound from all the energy she’s depositing into the fight. For mintues they both block each other’s hits until Alyssa slashes her Katana forward and then to the side before he has time to block it. The point of the Katana slices horizontally above his chest, below his neck. Julian strikes back like a reflex. The edge of the blade slices across her cheek, if she didn’t step back and lowered her stance in time, it could have been her neck. When the blade silts through her skin again, this time to her lower arm, she takes the time to thrust her Katana through his side. 

She pants when they both jump away from each other. Her back is facing the weaponry board. She feels like she’s losing her energy. She’s wounded, and although he is too, it appears like he’s not hurt at all. The blood that’s soaking through his shirt seems like a scratch compared to the cuts she wears. She narrows her eyes at Julian as he saunters forward to her. She blocks his strike before it punctures her skin again, but he uses the same technique she did before. He slides his blade down her edge until his rain guard meets her blade collar. His weight is added to his Longsword. She’s pushing her Katana up as much as she can’t but his physical strength is much more than hers. She drops to her knees still trying to fight for control. He moves beside her and takes her Katana from her hand. Before he can claim her death, she surprises him by moving back on her knees and standing straight. She quickly grabs the Shuriken from the weaponry board and begins to throw one at a time when she notices the long distance he’s put between them. With each Shuriken heading his way, he takes a couple of steps forward, slowly closing the distance between them.

Alyssa tries to grab another weapon, but his speed is too quick for her to beat. Before she has a chance to turn around and get the Battle Axe, Julian has his Longsword pressed against her neck. She tilts her head up so the point won’t inject her vein. Her sweat is dripping into her eyes, but she’s too cautious to move her hands. Julian motions her with the point of his blade for her to go down. She slowly moves her body downward until she’s kneeling before him.

His black eyes show all his hatred. She wants to cry, but she doesn’t plan to. He wants to kill her, she knows it. The hesitation is what’s making her doubt if he will go through with it. “Do you have anything to say before you kill me?” She asks him in a low voice.

“No.” He answers.

“Then kill me.” She wraps her fingers around the middle of the fuller. She pulls the blade to have the sharp point sting her skin.  “Kill me and get it over with.”

“You’re impatient.” He comments without thinking.

“I’ve been too patient. I just want you to claim your prize for winning. Kill me so you can finally be satisfied with your life.”

“Do you think I will be satisfied when I kill you?”

The question takes her by surprise. It’s like a piece of the Julian she had fell in love with showed in that question, but she can’t ignore the fact that he will kill her. “I don’t know what to think anymore. All I know is that I’m here on my knees waiting for an execution. I’m waiting for my peace of mine back.”

“You sound like a victim when you’re not.”

“I’m not trying to sound like one. All I want is for this to be over so you can move on. So I can move on.”

“You have a lot of guts. You fought me even though you knew you were going to lose. You bargained for your own death.”

“Bargain for someone’s biggest desire. You told me that once.”

“Stop talking.”

“No. I don’t want to.” She chokes on the knot on her throat. “You also told me once not to ever show weakness to anyone, not even yourself.” Her tears rain down her face with her bloodshot eyes showing every ounce of weakness she has. “You thought I was strong, when I’m not. I can’t handle anymore truths being thrown in my face. I can’t handle the fact that I’m practically dead, or the fact that I killed you. I can’t handle seeing you hate me. I can’t handle being an emotional roller-coaster that won’t stop. I’m weak. I’m in front of you. Kill me. Make everything stop for me.”

“You shouldn’t be begging for death. You should be screaming at me and begging me to live!” He yells.

“Why?” She yells back. “So you can torture me with my own regret and guilt? Is that what you want?” She riotously screams.

“Admit it! Swear it on the love you once had for me, if you had any that you remember. Swear it now!” He’s losing his control. You can tell by the black pupil of his eyes slowly spearing to the whiteness that surrounds it.

“It’ll be a lie if I do!” She screams back.

He scowls at her. “You’re a natural born liar.” His voice lowers, but it just sounds deadlier now that he isn’t screaming.

“And you’re a coward.” She says with much confidence. “You do all of this to kill me. Yet, has the thought ever crossed your mind to talk to me? Huh? Has it?”

“You had your time.”

“No. I didn’t. You just made yourself believe that.”

“Alyssa!” Brandon’s voice echoes across the room. Julian is blocking her view from seeing him.

“Why the fuck aren’t you doing anything? Look at her! She’s covered in blood!” Jim’s voice booms loud enough for her to shiver. She can tell they both must be talking to someone who’s holding them back. They know them better to think that she would just stand there and watch without doing anything. Her eyes connect with Julian’s once again. She can’t read him; she doesn’t know if it’s good or bad, she just stands still hoping for the best either way. “Are you alright? Let me go!” Jim yells to her and then someone else.

“Jim, don’t. It’s fine. I’m okay.”

“Okay? This doesn’t look okay, Alyssa.” Brandon says rather loudly.

“Kill Julian. Kill her. That is an order.” Caillech’s voice is heard as loud as the roars before a thunder storm. She’s clearly raged from the hesitation on Julian’s part. 

“What? No!” Jim and Brandon say at the same time.

“I don’t follow orders, Caledonia. You do well to remember that.” His eyes never leave hers. “Get up.” He orders her.

“What are you doing?” Alyssa confusingly asks.

“Don’t question me.” He retrieves his Longsword in its scabbard that’s attached to his waist. He then places her Katana in the scabbard beside her hip. “You try anything; I will snap your neck without any hesitation that I can swear.”


“Leave.” He threatens through his teeth.

She nods before moving pass him to Brandon, Jim, Miranda, and Gabriel. Caillech is nowhere in sight.

Brandon and Jim attack her with their protectiveness, which she completely ignores. “I’m fine. How did you know I was here though?”

“There’s not much you can hide from me, Aly.” Brandon looks at her with concern filling his eyes. His eyes pass her to glare at Julian.

“Let’s get you to the hospital.” Jim says after analyzing all her cuts and bruises.

“No, I’m-”

Miranda hugs her, cutting her off from easing her friend’s worries. “Alyssa.” She pulls away to see the warning in the Elim’s eyes. The Adviser Elim leans in to whisper in her ear. “Take the mortals away from here. The Jag is surrounded by Underworlders, and Julian’s Loyals. They don’t like mortals roaming on immortal ground that isn’t a follower.”

“Okay.” She pulls away. “Thanks, Miranda.”

“You’re the one who had the courage.”


“Let’s get you out of here.” Jim wraps his jacket around her and leaves his arm around her in a gentle caress. He’s always so sweet.

Miranda and Gabriel lead the way. Brandon walks in front of her as Jim leads her from behind. They all climb the stairs, but Alyssa’s mind is in frenzy. An emotion she isn’t counting. Slowly it passes until a thought plans in her head.

“I need to do something.” She states to everyone who’s looking at her with misunderstanding. “Just wait in the car. I’ll be there in five mintues.”

“We can’t let you go back with a killer.” Brandon argues.

“I’ll be fine. I just need to do something.”

Jim disagrees as well, but she doesn’t stay long enough for him to comment.

Alyssa stares around to find Julian in the same place he was when he let her go. He stands in silence with his own thoughts to hear.

“I told you to leave.” He articulates without turning back.

“I know.” She walks toward him, stopping just behind him.

“I told you that if you tried-”

“I would never hurt you as much as I wish I had when you came back.” She lays her hand softly on his shoulder to turn him around. He reluctantly faces her. “I’m going to leave everything on the table.” She says before taking a deep breath. “I love you. I want you to know that. I always have and will, but I meant what I said earlier. Whether I lived or died tonight, all this is over for me. I won’t feel guilty for something I don’t remember. I want to move on. That’s why I’m giving you this.” She grabs his hand and places the small angel necklace he gave her years ago when he first uttered that he loved her. Her mind was set in forgetting that she never noticed the silver angel necklace that was placed on her neck every single day after his leave. “Be happy Julian. Don’t live in the past.” She closes his hand for him.

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