Infinite Love (36 page)

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Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Infinite Love
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‘I was trying really hard to concentrate on my work, but I kept imagining that time you held me down on my desk and fucked me. It got me all turned on and wet.’

‘Are you wearing knickers?’ he asked as his eyes flickered with heat.

‘Yes. Very wet knickers.’

‘Remove them and bring them to me. Now.’ He snapped the end off another carrot in his teeth as he watched me.

‘Yes, Sir,’ I smiled and quickly hitched up my skirt and shimmied them down. I smoothed my skirt back into place and did a sexy strut over to him, twirling the item in question on the end of my finger. He put the knife down and took them from me and rubbed them between his thumb and forefinger and nodded.

‘You are wet.’

‘What would you like to do about that, Sir?’

‘Lift your skirt up and go and bend over the dining table and wait.’

‘Wait for what?’

‘Me,’ he smirked as started chopping again. I looked at him aghast. I’d just offered sex on a plate and he’d rather chop carrots? ‘Do I need to repeat myself?’

‘No, Sir,’ I replied and quickly went and did as I was told, making sure my backside was facing him.

‘Spread your legs further,’ he ordered and I bit my lip and did as I was told. I was completely exposed to him, in all my sodden, swollen glory. I wanted him before, now I was desperate. I listened to him chopping and dicing and shook my legs impatiently. ‘I owe you ten paddles on that backside and ten on the clit,’ he advised as he continued to torture me by preparing dinner.
I thought he’d forgotten about that threat he’d made when we had facetime sex nearly five months ago.

‘You do?’


‘Are you going to?’


‘O shit,’ I groaned and felt myself pulsated at the thought of it.

‘You like that idea?’

‘Bottom yes, the rest I’m not sure.’

‘Then we’d better try and see how you feel. Don’t move.’

‘No, Sir,’ I called as I heard him make his way to the bedroom. I was breathing too fast, I was nervous, but also loved trying new things. The lace of my bra was constricting my nipples, they wanted to peak, but the bra and the glass of the dining table was stopping them. I was so wet I was sure I was going to overflow. I heard him return and stand behind me, then his hand run over my bare backside.

‘Do you know how much I love this?’ he whispered, almost in awe.

‘As much as I love your beautiful cock, Sir?’

‘O you’re good,’ he chuckled. I felt the heat of his breath on my flesh and two short chaste kisses before his hand rubbed again. I was beyond excited knowing what was coming. ‘Count them,’ he instructed as he laid two quick sharp slaps with the paddle that covered a large surface area and made me hiss in delight.

‘One, Two, Sir,’ I advised as he quickly stuck a finger inside and stirred around. I groaned as I heard him suck it and then again as another two spanks landed. ‘Three, Four, Sir.’

‘Your little clit is quivering, Mia. You love this, don’t you?’

‘Yes, Sir. Five, Six,’ I squealed and reached over and gripped the other side of the dining table.

‘My cock is so hard for you. Would you like it inside you?’

‘Yes please,’ I sighed. ‘Seven, Eight,’ I yelled as my shoulders arched off the table.

‘I’m so close to coming, watching you getting turn on by this,’ he growled. He thrust two fingers inside me and scissored them and started to thrust. I cried out and started to grind my hips, but he pressed down on my lower back with his other hand, holding me steady.  My toes curled and my fingers tightened, my jaw went slack and just as I was on my way to an orgasm he removed his fingers and laid another two firm spanks on me.

‘Nine, Ten. Please don’t stop, I’m so close to coming.’

‘Me too,’ he groaned and laid the paddle next to my face. I heard him moving away and then he reappeared in front of me, the erection tenting his shorts, impressive as ever. He undid his zip and pulled himself out and I automatically licked my lips as I looked at it and he chuckled. He pulled out a chair, sat down and shuffled forward. I looked up at his face with a
What the hell are you doing? I need to come,
look on mine. He just winked. ‘Look down through the glass, I want you to watch me come.’

‘Noooo,’ I uttered.

‘Now I won’t let you come until after dinner. Do as you’re told.’ He smirked at me and nodded downwards and I clenched my throbbing backside and pussy and looked down to watch his hand moving up and down his thick shaft. I could see a bead of pre-come gathered on his tip and he swept over it with his thumb, then brought his hand from under the table to hover in front of my mouth. I automatically opened and he chuckled and stuck it in his own mouth as I watched aghast.
So this was the theme of the night,
I thought. He was going to keep teasing me until I begged him. ‘Watch my cock, Mia.’

’ I hissed as I gave him a glare and looked back down. This was utter torture. I didn’t have to watch for long as I saw his thighs tense and then he groaned and caught the streams of white fluid that shot from him. He stood back up and made me lick his hand clean before wiping himself down with a tissue, tucking back in and heading back to the kitchen. ‘Sir?’ I uttered as I heard him wash his hands and start his food preparation again.

‘Yes, Mia?’

‘What now?’

‘You lie there until I tell you otherwise.’

‘But you’re cooking.’


‘I’m horny.’

‘I know, very,’ he replied with another chuckle. I sighed and lay there and listened to the sounds in the stir fry pan and Gabe humming. He was driving me insane. He reappeared with two plates of food and ordered me to stand up and lose the skirt and the shirt, then let my hair down. I stood in my heels, hold ups and bra and raised an eyebrow at him. ‘Sit and eat,’ he nodded. ‘In silence.’

I gave him my best
I’m seriously pissed off right now face
and did as I was told. It was a delicious black bean beef stir fry with carrots, sugar snap peas and baby sweet corn. But my mind was constantly on the unsatisfied longing between my thighs and he knew it. He made me sit on one of the bar stools, with my legs spread and my hands behind my back as he cleared up. Every now and then he would come and kiss me, letting our tongues get wild, then would pull away leaving me giddy and confused. Once he was done, he walked back over and lightly trailed his fingers down my stomach and over my clit. I closed my eyes and dropped my head back as I started to pant. He thrust his fingers into me again and I screamed and clenched tightly around him as he leaned forward and ran his tongue up my neck.

‘Gab … Sir,
’ I begged.

‘How badly do you need to come, Mia?’

‘Like you wouldn’t believe.’

‘Go to the bedroom, expose the headboard, take off your bra and lie on your back with legs spread and wait for me.’

‘Yes, Sir,’ I beamed and shot off the stool and virtually ran to the bedroom.

‘No touching yourself,’ he called.

‘Damn it,’ I muttered under my breath. I could feel my arousal dampening my thighs. I got ready as he’d asked and banged my feet up and down on the mattress in frustration as I waited. He casually sauntered in and my eyes lit up. He was naked, and hard. He opened the blanket box at the end of the bed and slowly pulled out the bondage rope and leather handcuffs and I nearly passed out with excitement. He straddled my waist as he secured my wrists, his penis bobbing inches from my lips and I just wanted to catch it in my mouth and suck. Before I had a chance he was securing the rope around my feet.

‘Backwards roll, I want those legs spread and feet close to the headboard so I can secure them.’

‘O God,’ I groaned, and quickly did as I was told. My entire privates were opened up for him to see and he lazily cast his eye over them and ran his index finger through my wetness and sucked, slowly. I was dying. Literally dying to have him inside me. The paddle in his hand came into view and I went wide eyed as I looked at him. He slowly lowered it to cover me and slid it up and down, the cool leather making me whimper and suddenly he flicked it, twice in a row really quickly, slapping it down onto my clit and I yelped.

‘Eight more,’ he advised. I lay there slightly stunned. That was painful, but
arousing. I wriggled my hips. I needed friction, on my clit,
He slapped twice again, then leaned down and ran his tongue along my length until I quivered when he reached my clit. ‘Damn, you’re wet,’ he sighed and did another two slaps.

‘Gabe,’ I cried as my eyes blurred with the intensity of it.

‘You were doing so well, that’s another two,’ he sighed. Whack, whack, whack. Three in a row. I was burning, burning and on the verge of exploding.

I sobbed.

‘Please what?

‘I want you, I want you, I … want … you,’ I pleaded and watched his face light up. He plunging his fingers into me again and pumped a few times, removing them when he read the signs that I was about to come. I thrashed my head in frustration and he shoved his fingers in my mouth and made me suck. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as I got the remaining three slaps to my tender swollen lips and clit. My whole body was filled with a tension that needed to be released immediately. I felt on the verge of passing out with the desire that had built up inside me. I could just make out his stormy blue eyes watching me, flames burning. He was my mini Dom, he loved teasing me. He positioned himself over me, barely nudging the head of his cock into the first inch of my grasping opening and then suddenly released the rope anchoring my feet to the headboard. As my legs fell, I slid down his shaft at speed, and exploded in the most intense orgasm of my life, my entire body shaking as I screamed and thrashed and soaked him with my climax. He came immediately without even thrusting and released my cuffs and pulled me into his arms as I sobbed with relief.

‘You. Are. Amazing,’ he sighed as he kissed around my ear. ‘You blow my mind, baby. You’re so receptive to everything I do to you, always trusting that I’ll let you come.’

‘Gabe,’ I whispered with a shaking voice, unable to control the spasms still continuing in my pelvis.

‘Close your eyes for me baby, because when you’ve rested I want to make love to you, slowly and gently. I want to make you come for me with my tongue, my fingers and my cock. I want to please you the way you please me every day, Mia. You’re everything to me, I’m so in love with you. Nearly three years on and I can’t get enough of you my beautiful girl. Sleep.’

I wanted to say something back, to tell him how much I loved him, but I was too tired after all that. I let out a contented sigh and let his strong heartbeat lull me to sleep as his cheek rested on my head and his arms held me tightly.


It was nearly dark when I woke up, alone. I stretched out and smiled, some seriously hot submissive sex and then another hour of making love had left me completely shattered. I headed to the bathroom to use my bidet to clean myself up, pulled on some knickers and a small crop top and headed out to the lounge. He was in the armchair watching some nature programme on the TV. It was still only ten o’clock.

‘Hey. I woke up and you’d gone.’

‘Hey,’ he smiled as I ran my hand through his hair, caressing his scalp. ‘Sorry, you looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you.’ He patted his lap and I climbed on and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his forehead.

‘I was tired. You did make me come rather hard, a number of times.’

‘I did,’ he smiled proudly.

‘Are you all packed?’

‘Yes, but we’ll go shopping when we arrive to fill our wardrobes over there to save carting everything each week.’

‘Ok,’ I smiled and chewed on my bottom lip.

‘What’s the matter?’ he asked as he pushed my sex tangled hair away from my face.

‘Something Doug said.’

‘O good, you’re talking again,’ he beamed.

‘You set that up! You were supposed to do a handover with him.’

‘It’s your business now Mia, I figured it was a way to break the ice, that you needed to deal with this.’

‘We did, he’s apologised and I’ve accepted, but told him I won’t be friends with him again until he apologies to Lexi and makes things ok with her.’

‘Seriously?’ he sighed. ‘He’s my best friend Mia, I want to be able to invite him around to join us sometimes.’

‘Well, Lexi’s my best friend and I won’t betray her.’

‘Bloody hell, you’re so damn stubborn.’

‘No, he was an arse and until he admits it I refuse to pretend that it all never happened. It needs to be out in the open, they need to hash it out and either never speak again or somehow be friends. The longer they leave it to fester the worse it will be.’

‘I wish you’d apply that logic to our situation,’ he sighed.

‘What situation?’

‘Don’t make out like you don’t know what I’m talking about. You’re refusing to discuss the IVF again.’

‘No, I’m not refusing to discuss it. We
discuss it and I told you categorically that I wasn’t doing it. There’s no further discussion to have.’

‘Yes, there is.’

‘I knew it,’ I uttered as I sat up straight. ‘Doug said he was happy to hear we were trying again. You told him we were, didn’t you?’

‘Mia, I don’t want to argue about this.’

‘I’m not arguing, I’m asking you to answer a question. Did you tell Doug that we were trying it again?’ I demanded.

‘Yes,’ he shot back. ‘Because we are! We can try it in August so if you get pregnant you won’t be suffering in the heat of the New York summer.’

‘Excuse me?’ I hopped off his lap and looked down at him in horror.

‘It’s the best way,’ he shrugged.

‘Did you even listen to me when we had all of those discussions in and out of therapy? I’m
doing it again.’

‘Yes we are Mia, it’s the only way.’

‘No we’re not, and no it’s not the only way, you’re the one being stubborn now.’

‘This is a joint decision Mia, you don’t get to say it’s not happening,’ he glared.

‘And you don’t get to say it is,’ I glared back.

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