Innocent (3 page)

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Authors: Aishling Morgan

BOOK: Innocent
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‘Food first,' Sulitea said, ‘and perhaps a wash in the sea… but what extraordinary fruit! Look, Aeisla, like a parade of yellow cocks, each prouder than the last!'

‘They are called bananas,' Aeisla replied. ‘I saw them in Apraya. It is the fruit from which Babalyn N'Jukolana made that fiery spirit. They are good to eat also.'

Cianna looked up at the bananas, some four times her own height above her head. Sulitea whistled, made a complex gesture with her hands, and one great wing unfurled from the demon's side, rising, to hook a clawed tip around the stem of the banana bunch, which landed with a thump in the sand. Sulitea took one, bit it and made a face.

‘You remove the skin first,' Aeisla explained.

‘I see,' Sulitea answered as Aeisla demonstrated. ‘Even more like a cock. Hmm, a better taste though. Delicious in fact. Now, by my reckoning Makea is some four to five hundreds of leagues to the south and west. This means, that should we rise aloft at dusk, eight to ten hours of flight will bring us to the Makean coast in the dead hours of night, with only two moons in the sky, one gibbous but both low. Thus we keep the risk of observation to a minimum.'

Aeisla shrugged in response.

‘Once there,' Sulitea went on. ‘I will banish the demon and in the morning we will claim to be the victims of a shipwreck. None will have reason to disbelieve us. After all, how else would we be there, three women alone on a strange shore?'

‘Might they not guess?' Aeisla queried.

‘Unlikely,' Sulitea answered. ‘It is the habit to men to assume inferior intelligence in others, women especially. Besides, we must be meek, submissive, feigning awe. Obviously we say nothing of our true intentions, to anyone. Praise them, flirt with them, take them to bed, but choose carefully. You will wish to court savants, or high warriors perhaps, maybe skilled artisans, those likely to have the knowledge we need.'

‘And if they simply take us as slaves?' Aeisla demanded.

‘Why you should assume them to be slavers I do not know,' Sulitea said, ‘but if they are, what matter? Those rich enough to purchase us are likely to know the secret. If not, behave badly. Dissatisfied, they will pass us on.'

‘Doubtless after a good whipped,' Aeisla responded. ‘You make it sound so simple, as if we were on a hunting expedition! What if we become separated? What if we are put in a seraglio, like the one at Vendjome, with only girls bred for pleasure as company?'

‘Naturally we must accommodate ourselves to circumstances. Rely on me. In the case of extremity I will merely scry for you, summon, collect you both and we try our luck elsewhere.'

Aeisla sighed and shook her head.

‘Explain to me, please Mistresses,' Cianna asked. ‘What is this slavery we risk?'

‘It is an abomination!' Aeisla answered immediately. ‘A vile foreign habit! Men and women are sold, for money, as if they were cattle! It is hideous, unthinkable! In…'

‘All this is true,' Sulitea broke in, ‘but it misses the point. To be a slave is a thing of the mind, a concept valid only if the person enslaved believes it so. To be sold as a slave does not make you a slave, as Aeisla well knows, from experience. So long as you are free in your mind you are free, no matter how many chains weigh you down.'

Cianna stared blankly, understanding nothing of Sulitea's explanation, as was so often the case.

‘Let me explain,' Aeisla. ‘You have given your oath of fealty to Sulitea, yes?'

‘Yes,' Cianna agreed.

‘Yet if some Thane or Reeve where to mistake you for another girl, a vassal of their own, it would not make you so, would it?'


‘Then there we are. You know you are Sulitea's vassal. Just so, as you would know you are Sulitea's maid, if taken in slavery, you would know you are free, whatever others may think. '

Cianna nodded doubtfully.

‘In truth,' Sulitea went on, ‘it occurs to me that the distinction between our system of fealty and slavery is more limited than we care to believe. The primary distinction is that the exchange of oaths replaces the giving of money…'

‘An oath given freely!' Aeisla broke in. ‘To one deserving of loyalty! The difference is absolute!'

‘It is conceptual, no more,' Sulitea insisted. ‘In practise, the relationship is the same, an obligation to obedience within a system of law crafted by those in authority…'

Cianna picked up a banana and began to peel it, feeling both awed and confused. Sulitea and Aeisla continued to talk, in an increasingly heated argument which Cianna was unable to follow. Soon she had stopped even trying, instead looking out across the blue sea to where some huge fish or even a monster had briefly broken surface.

She lay back, resting her head on her arm, thinking of how awed her friends and family would be when she returned to Boreal. Her eldest brother had been to Aegerion, where the High-Prince of Aegmund held court, a journey of some three hundred leagues. Sulitea had said they were some three thousand leagues to the south, ten times as far, and in a land almost totally unknown. Better still, she would be able to say she had ridden a demon, without having to reveal how terrified she had been.

With the sun striking long shadows from the banana palms, they once more took to the air. The demon ran into the evening breeze, out along a spit of sand exposed by the tide, then over water, tearing up spray with its great claws until it finally managed to wrench itself into the air. Flapping ponderously, with the girls clinging against the heave and twitch of the great muscles which controlled the upstroke of the wings, it rose above the island in a great spiral, using what little heat was still rising from the land to gain altitude. Throughout, Sulitea whispered to it, urging it to greater effort, until at last she stood back, the demon banking to the west before settling into a glide.

‘When we leave Makea,' she stated, ‘remind me to summon on a hillside. Now, supper, a little play, then rest. Cianna, fetch out the last of the mead.'

Cianna hastened to obey, going about her tasks kneeling, with her legs well splayed, for balance. Making up plates of dried meat garnished with a pickle of fruit and vegetables, she served both girls then herself, while the flask of mead was passed between Sulitea and Aeisla.

The meal was finished with the sun its own breadth above the western horizon and the land in the east no more than a dim line of dull grey-green. Licking the last of the pickle from her fingers, Cianna knelt back, waiting to see what was expected of her. Sulitea licked her lips and gave a quick glance to the west before speaking.

‘This evening, Cianna,' she declared, ‘you shall provide us with a little show, masturbating with the bananas. We will watch, until we are ready, when you may lick us both.'

‘Yes, Mistress,' Cianna answered, blushing.

‘Come then, up with your dress and in with a banana!'

Cianna responded hesitantly, lifting her knees to get her dress high enough, then peeling a banana from the bunch. Sulitea was watching, smiling openly, Aeisla too. Trying to push her sense of duty over her embarrassment, Cianna pulled up her dress, exposing her sex. Pressing the banana to her tuppenny, she began to rub, sliding the smooth, firm skin up between her lips and over her clitoris.

‘Put it in yourself, I said,' Sulitea ordered.

Shutting her eyes, Cianna knelt right back, sticking out her sex towards the watching girls. With the banana in her hand, she felt for the hole of her vagina. She was moist, and the tip slid in easily, followed by the thick yellow shaft as she pushed it up, her flesh opening to accept it. She sighed, imagining it as the feel of a cock, or one of the carved dildos Sulitea occasionally fucked her with.

‘Now on your knees,' Sulitea said. ‘Come, little one, bottom up. Aeisla help me.'

Cianna opening her eyes to find Sulitea sat cross legged with her skirts rucked up to her waist and her drawers and pantalettes split wide to expose the plump, yellow furred mound of her sex. Aeisla was beside Sulitea, a hand on her friend's belly, then burrowing down. Cianna turned over, lifting her bottom as she caught the wet sound of Aeisla masturbating Sulitea and a little cry of pleasure.

On her knees, Cianna reached back, feeding the banana in and out of her open tuppenny. Her embarrassment was still there, but fading behind the need to please her Mistress and to come herself. Pausing, with the banana held firmly in her sex, she made quick work of unlacing her bodice, letting her breasts tumble free.

‘Wonderful!' Sulitea crowed. ‘That's right, titties too. You do look comic, Cianna! Put another one in, up your bottom!'

‘My bottom?' Cianna answered.

‘Why not?' Sulitea giggled. ‘Come, I want to see how absurd you look, with a fat yellow fruit in each hole!'

Despite a fresh, sharper pang of shame, Cianna reached out to twist a new fruit from the bunch. Realising that what she was being made to do was likely to get messy, she tugged off her dress, tossing it to one side. Now nude but for her short boots and necklace, she knelt once more, with her bottom stuck well up. Placing the banana on the leathery surface between her knees, she reached back behind herself with both hands, pulling the cheeks of her bottom wide to put her ring on full show. Using her longest finger, she touched her anus, feeling the tight little muscle twitch in anticipation of what was coming. Her face was burning with blushes, and she could her the slapping sound of Aeisla masturbating Sulitea.

Still with one hand stretching her bottom wide, she put the other in her mouth, all four fingers, to collect as much saliva as she could, slapping it between her buttocks and onto her anus. Letting her ring relax, she touched it again, finding the flesh wet with spittle. Her finger went in, probing the tight, hot hole, and Sulitea sighed with pleasure, then giggled.

For a moment Cianna fingered her bottom, pushing deep into the slimy cavity of her rectum, to lubricate her ring properly, until the flesh was puffy and soft, the hole slack enough to take the thick banana. She had been buggered, caught in the woods by three of the boys from the village and made to take one in each of her holes. Despite the breach of a strong taboo, she had been pleading for it deeper and harder by the time the one up her bottom had come, yet the use of her anus still filled her with shame. Now she had been told to do it, which made it so much easier as she took the firm, cock-like fruit and pressed the tip to her slimy bumhole.

For a moment it hurt, as her ring stretched, and then it was in, sliding up her, to fill her rectum as her vagina was filled, leaving her feeling gloriously bloated sexually, as well as lewd. Sticking her bottom high, she wiggled it, showing off what she had done to herself.

‘Oh but doesn't she look funny?' Sulitea laughed. ‘Come, Aeisla, up with your dress. I want to touch you too. Cianna, masturbate, but you are not to come until I say.'

‘Yes, Mistress,' Cianna managed.

There was the rustle of cloth behind her as Cianna began to show off, probing her holes with the bananas and rubbing at her sex and breasts, to keep herself on heat but short of orgasm. Behind her, peering back between her dangling breasts and spread thighs, she could see Sulitea and Aeisla, kissing, their fingers busy between each other's thighs. Both had their breasts out, plump and pale in the light of the dying sun, the nipples straining out in their arousal. Despite their passion, both had their eyes open, fixed on the rude display Cianna was making of her rear view.

Knowing it would not be long before she was permitted to come, she began to rub her nipples against the leathery skin beneath her. She had a thumb to her clitoris, teasing the little bud as she pushed the bananas in and out of her gaping holes. Fluid was trickling down over her sex, leaking from both vagina and anus as she probed herself. She rubbed it in, over her clitoris, bringing her right to the edge of orgasm, even as she saw Sulitea's thighs lock on Aeisla's hand.

Cianna rubbed harder, shutting her eyes, feeling her sex and anus squeeze on the intruding bananas. She was coming, in blinding ecstasy, rubbing frantically, with one banana pushed deep up, in her bumhole, as her contractions squeezed the other slowly from her sex, a glorious rude feeling as she called out her Mistress' name in wanton bliss.

When she at last opened her eyes, it was to find Sulitea knelt between Aeisla's legs, licking busily, with her broad white bottom lifted high and bare. Aeisla was smiling, and stroking Sulitea's blonde curls, and as she saw Cianna, she beckoned. Cianna came close without hesitation, to take one heavy breast and start to suckle, kissing and mouthing at Aeisla's erect nipple.

The light was fading fast, and as the sun finally sank into the sea, Cianna caught the outline of a great double mountain against the red orb, a plume of smoke rising from one peak, for a second, before her sight was blotted out by plump breast flesh. Sulitea's hand found her bottom, touching the banana stem which was all that protruded from Cianna's anus.

They tumbled together, licking and groping, their fingers and tongues probing at wet holes, lips kissing other lips, nipples and wet, open sexes. Aeisla came, her sex pushed in Sulitea's face, Cianna's head pressed between her breasts. With that they came apart, to finish the flask of mead together in the darkness, before once more coming together. They quickly became passionate again, giggling with drink, Sulitea and Aeisla bottom up as Cianna licked their holes. Cianna was buggered, held by Aeisla as if by man, the fat yellow fruit fed in and out of her rectum until she was panting out her lust into Sulitea's breasts. With her bottom thoroughly used, she was allowed to pull out the banana, and made to suck it, to the sound of giggles of disgust and delight in equal measures.

From then, the sex became ever more lewd and uninhibited. For the first time, Sulitea kissed Cianna's sex, sucking at her clitoris to bring on a second orgasm. Cianna responded in kind, while to her delight Aeisla licked the sloppy orifice of her bottom ring, tongue burrowed deep up, to provide the most exquisite feelings as Sulitea came in her face.

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