Instant Orgasm: Excitement at First Touch (4 page)

BOOK: Instant Orgasm: Excitement at First Touch
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very journey begins with the first step. This book spotlights that first step over and over. If you de- cide to read this book you will be going on many
journeys. There will be trips, rides, and expeditions to an abundance of pleasure. You will get to where you are go- ing by enjoying the path.
We have named this book
Instant Orgasm
because we want to focus your attention on our human potential and onwhatissensuallypossible, andwewanttobuildonwhat wehavecoveredinourpreviousbooksonextendedmassive orgasm. However, the title may be a little misleading for a couple of reasons. First of all, it would probably be more



more precise to call it
Instantly Orgasmic.
We are not saying that the orgasm
lasts for an instant but rather that a person can become orgasmic in an in- stant. This instant can be extended for however long one desires, one stroke at a time. The second issue is that this ability to be instantly orgasmic exists in women and not in men, although men’s ability to feel pleasure instantly can be dramatically improved, too.
Pleasure is always available just around the next corner—but are you hav- ing pleasure right now? You can. Orgasm is cost effective. Instant orgasm will cost you something to get, but the results will be well worth your while. You can have it whenever you desire. The price is only some attention, time, and practice. As we have just stated, this is especially true for women and less true for men, although they, too, can have way more immediate pleasure than they currently do. That is what this book is about: how to invest a little time and attention in creating an orgasmic experience whenever you choose. We will give you specific ways to experience this natural phenomenon while still func- tioning in society. Do not worry that you will become some nonfunctioning, tripped-out hedonist. Your positive influence on your friends and associates and on the world in general will actually increase. The caveat is that you will have to read this book; merely putting it under your pillow and hoping for results will not suffice. And furthermore you will have to practice the tech- niques regularly, especially at first. To get the most out of this work you will have to rearrange your priorities to place pleasure at the top of the list, at least for a while. You may learn that once you make pleasure a priority your other concerns will all be appropriately addressed. Your life will actually make more sense. You can always rearrange your priorities later if this does not work out, though we doubt that you will want to.


Y How This Book Works Z
In this book we describe many times how to pleasure one’s partner, focusing on different details with each approach. While we therefore end up repeating certain information, each time we add a new twist or additional information that will add to your understanding of just how to receive and give pleasure. Each sensual or sexual act can be seen as merely a repetitive experience with
the same old person, or it can be viewed as an entirely new experience that you enter with an open mind and a novel and fresh approach.
In our earlier books we deliberately took the reader on a mental trip through an orgasm, from beginning to end. We started by describing plea- sure, slowly took you higher, peaked you, and then intentionally brought you down. In this book we constantly give you opportunities to feel each “stroke,” if you will, one at a time, continually taking you up and down on short orgas- mic rides. There is no exact high point, and there is no nice and tidy finish. The pleasure of being instantly orgasmic can happen on any page, including this one. All you have to do is put your attention on your genitals. If you are un- able to create this experience at this time, hopefully before you finish reading the book that will change. If you are able to, congratulations! We are confident that we can take you even higher.
Although in different parts of this book we write about similar acts, we place emphasis on different aspects of the experience. For example, in both the “Pleasure Training” chapter and the “Partnered Pleasure” chapter we de- scribe how to rub on a woman’s clitoris. In the chapter on training we stress the importance of a couple’s verbal exchanges regarding the experience, while in the chapter on pleasuring we emphasize the position of the “pleasure giver’s” hands, and we pay more detailed attention to specific strokes. At other times
we discuss
communication skills and actual techniques, such as in the
chapters “Advanced Tips for Creating Orgasms” and “The Pleasure of Peak- ing.” By combining the information in all these chapters and reading the ma- terial on self-pleasuring—even the information about self-pleasuring that is addressed to the opposite sex—we believe that a reader can obtain a well- rounded education on pleasuring one’s partner and expanding one’s own or- gasm.
It is fine to practice the techniques described in any chapter of this book immediately after reading the chapter; we even recommend it. However, we also recommend studying the entire book before expecting to be able to apply the information with any skill. If one is knowledgeable about the techniques but lacks communication skills, then obviously one must spend more time reading and rereading the material on communication. It is important to mas- ter all the parts of both giving and receiving pleasure if one wishes to become
a class-A sexer. In order to become great at receiving orgasms, it will help if you have also learned how to give them. Likewise, the better you are at receiv- ing pleasure, the better you will be at giving it.
Another difference between this book and our earlier books is that in this one we have located the information about men close to similar information about women, rather than dividing chapters up along gender lines. On occa- sion we describe some differences between the sexes, but for the most part we are speaking to both sexes at once. Again, we think you will get the most out of this book if you read all of it, even those parts relating to the other sex, as it contains a wealth of information that will make you a better lover no matter what sex you are.
We have included information about pleasuring and about ways of being pleasured that we did not cover fully in our other books; that is, in addition to the emphasis on instant orgasm, we have incorporated more details about giving and receiving extended massive orgasms (EMOs). The ability to give an EMO takes practice. Learning more ideas and techniques for doing so will produce a reservoir of knowledge that a person can tap into to be more inven- tive in creating extended massive fun in bed.
It is essential that fun remain the overriding goal of any sensual encoun- ter, whether it takes place with one’s lover or with oneself. This book covers a lot of information, yet we believe that someone who knows little or nothing about sensuality can catch on quickly. There is plenty of useful information for the expert, too.
We conclude the book with our answers to some questions that we have received since our last book


Y “No Time” and Other Excuses Z
When we wrote and talked about extended massive orgasm, one of the usual comments we heard was “When do you think we would have time to do that?” We would explain that, yes, we were talking about extended orgasms, but, no, they do not all have to last for an hour or longer. We pointed out that the major reason we demonstrated hour-long orgasms was to show that they were pos- sible, yet we did not really expect most people to repeatedly try to do what we
were doing. One of the main things we wanted to convey about an extended massive orgasm is that people have the ability to begin orgasming on the first stroke or even before. Beyond that, even if you did it for “only” five minutes you would still be having a five-minute orgasm, which is way more than most people allow themselves. Somehow this point got lost in the idea of doing it for hours and hours. In this book we want to emphasize that coming from the very beginning is not only possible (for women) but also easily achieved. (Yes, increasing the intensity of this initial moment will take practice and dis- ciplined—fun—dedication.) We are hereby removing the “no time” excuse from your bag of resistances. All you require is a second. Now you will have to dig into your bag and find some new excuse.
Another resistance we encounter is the belief that studying and learning and practicing will somehow limit a person’s creativity. That is just lazy think- ing. We knew a beautiful young woman who met a potential lover. He said he was interested in becoming the “world’s best lover.” She thought this could be great because he was also cute. She told him about her sensual studies and of- fered to show him our book. He said that he did not want to read from another man’s point of view as it would cramp his style. Needless to say, he never got to show her his stuff as he really did not want to learn and she wanted someone who was more open-minded.


Y Pleasure Now Z
For most people, the ability to feel instant orgasmic pleasure is there. But most of us are so conditioned into thinking that it takes a certain amount of time to reach orgasm that we do not believe there is a simpler way to do it. And even if we know that it takes just a moment of our focused attention to have an orgasm, we still don’t let ourselves do it because we believe we have more important things to do or that we do not deserve such pleasure. We have all received messages from our society that say pleasure is sinful, and thus to sin on a whim must be doubly sinful. Furthermore, our minds are filled with thoughts, many of which are negative, about guilt and about defending who we are and justifying ourselves. They are also filled with everyday business and tedious, habitual clutter. There is little availability to attend to pleasure,
unless one is deliberate about it. If you intentionally create space and time in your mind for pleasure, you will be surprised by how easy it is to do it and how the negative thoughts and clutter will vanish, at least temporarily.
Let us use our experience as writers to illustrate what we mean. In order for us to teach and write about pleasure it is important for us to act in as plea- surable a way as possible. Therefore, it wouldn’t make sense for us to labor for endless hours over a book manuscript, neglecting other parts of our lives, to the point where all pleasure was lost. It might even be hypocritical. So how will we accomplish the demanding task of writing a book while enjoying the process? Will we only write when we feel like it, when it feels right, when it is fun to do so? Writing requires some discipline, so waiting until the good feelings just happen to show up and overwhelm us may not be an honest ap- proach either. Writing and many other endeavors are comparable to having sex in that sometimes you may not have a great desire or a chemical urge to do so, yet once you sit down at the keyboard and start typing, or once you start touching yourself or your partner, the juices start flowing and the desire is cre- ated—instantly at times. Therefore, we claim the middle ground, which is to work on this book with as much dedication as we can muster while still enjoy- ing every minute.
While writing this book I had a couple of minor medical problems that kept me away from the keyboard. My shoulder froze up, which could have been caused by repetitive motions such as typing (or stroking clitorises?)— the cause was unknown. But I stayed away from writing and also from repeti- tive sensual movements (you can overdo anything) for a couple of months, and now that I am feeling better I type for only thirty to sixty minutes at a time, and usually just once or twice a day. I also had a problem with dry eyes; my eyes function better if I do not spend long hours staring at the computer monitor. Taking it slowly gave Vera and me more time to discuss the issues in the book and to make up for lost time in bed. I have found that ignoring my body and sitting for a long time at the computer to meet a writing deadline is counterproductive because it causes my back to hurt so intensely that I must take a break for the following few days. I have gotten better at pacing myself so that writing has become a more and more pleasurable activity.
We have found that this approach to life has enabled us to live an existence that we thoroughly enjoy and wish to continue enjoying. We like to think that we practice what we preach. As we tell our students about sensual experiences, “Taking breaks is beneficial and helpful in creating more pleasure.” Likewise, when reading this book, it may be a good idea for you to take a break on occa- sion. Do not try to read everything at once; instead, try out some of the infor- mation and techniques we present before reading more. In addition, practice simply putting your attention on pleasure for brief moments throughout the day. Then you can read further and gain additional skill.

As in our other books, we usually use the proper terms for sexual organs and the sexual act; however, we sometimes use the more racy terms when doing so seems appropriate. We have found that most people do not mind those “vul- gar” words, and many actually prefer them, but to those of you who may be of- fended by them we apologize in advance.

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