Intentional (23 page)

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Authors: MK Harkins

BOOK: Intentional
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She takes an extra look at Jimmy. I’ve tried to clean him up, but he still looks a little rough. She asks, “Are you friends of Mattie’s, or clients?”

I answer, “Friends.” She decides we’re okay—well, okay enough to tell us that her name is Julianne and that Mattie won’t be in all day.

I ask, “Do you know when she’ll be back?”

She shakes her head. “But I know where you can find her tonight. She’ll be at the Emerald City Nightclub, watching Hard Reign play. If you get there by ten p.m., you should catch her.” I thank Julianne, and we leave.

More waiting! I try to relax. The next several hours stretch by like an eternity.

Chapter 39



I love Saturdays! I find myself humming away as I do my shopping. I’ve decided to make brunch for Cade tomorrow instead of going to Bennett’s Bistro. We both love Bennett’s, but I think it will be nice to stay tucked in at home—a big storm is scheduled to arrive sometime tonight. I love the storms here. They are so powerful and exciting. I know the bright lightning and loud, crashing thunder scare a lot of people, but I love them.

I pick up all the ingredients I need at the store and head back to my apartment. As I’m making my way to the elevator, I bump into Julianne in the hallway. She says, “Oh Mattie, you just missed a couple of your friends!” I wonder who they could be—no one has mentioned stopping by.

I ask, “Who were they?”

She looks at me blankly and starts laughing. “You know what—I forgot to ask their names!”

I laugh with her. “Okay, then a description would be in order.”

“That I can do. The first one was tall, dark, and handsome.”

“Really?” I’m not sure if she’s joking around.

“Oh, yes! He was possibly the best-looking man I’ve ever seen. He might even edge out Cade!” She laughs. “But the other guy…well, he was kinda creepy. He was looking me up and down like I was a piece of meat or something.”

I’m wondering,
Who do I know who is extremely good-looking and has a creepy friend?
I come up empty. “Oh well, I’m sure they’ll come back and we can clear up this little mystery.”

She looks excited. “I think they might go to the show tonight. I told them about it—is that okay?”

“Sure, it’s a public place. I’m sure they’re fine—especially the good-looking one.” I wink at her.

She walks down the hall. “What is it with you and good-looking guys, anyway?”

I shake my head. “I haven’t married a good-looking guy like you have, Julianne. You’re the lucky one.”

“You’re right!” she says with a grin.

I’m looking forward to another great evening with Cade and the band—first, because I’ve become great friends with them. They’re
a wonderful group of guys, and all the teasing and joking around never fails to lift my spirits. Second, tonight is going to be special—I can feel it. I give myself plenty of time to get ready, because I want to look different. If I’m going to push myself to move on from the past, if I’m going to tell Cade that tonight’s the night I’m ready to bury the pain and start fresh with him, I want to look extra good. I chose a dress that drapes suggestively down my body in black and gold; it’s the best and most daring I own. Nervously, I predict earning a couple looks tonight, and hopefully Cade will be one of those who notice. After rounding out my outfit with my favorite Jimmy Choo shoes, I feel significantly taller and prettier—is it the marketing or what? I laugh at myself in the mirror and know that this is going to be a night to remember.

Chapter 40

Saturday Sarah

I don’t need to follow Mattie tonight. I know just where she’ll be. All I had to do was google “Hard Reign,” and I got their schedule. Easy. I’m putting my plan into action tonight. I’m tired of this dismal city.

I’m sitting in my car in the Walgreens parking lot again. I’m surprised a manager or someone else hasn’t noticed me yet. I do move my car around every few hours, but anyone who was even a little bit observant would have noticed me and asked me what I was doing. I suppose it’s the small-town mentality—everyone is so trusting. Even if someone did ask me what I was doing, I’d just lie anyway.

It’s the middle of the afternoon, and I am so sick of watching, waiting for Mattie to come and go. I am so bored, but I know that my reward in the end will be worth it. Once I map out everything—her routines and the people she sees and cares about—I’ll be able to plan out the best way to bring her down once again. The truly smart people are patient.

After I finish with Mattie and her tattoo boy, I’m headed straight back to Las Vegas. It might be a little hot there, but at least I won’t have to contend with rain, gray days, and storms. I’ve heard there’s a big storm moving in tonight. I hate storms—they are so inconvenient. I plan to look really good tonight, so that storm had better hold off until after midnight. I don’t want my hair to be a mess.

Mattie is going to have the surprise of her life.

Chapter 41

The Engagement: Twelve Months Ago


I look down at the engagement ring in my hand. I take a deep breath. The weekend is all set. Mattie has been talking about this Cannon Beach place ever since we first met. I want everything just right for the proposal. I want it perfect for Mattie. The stage is set. I’ve never felt so certain about anything in my life. Mattie means everything to me. I feel almost consumed by my love for her. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she’s my soul mate. I’m pretty sure she feels the same way.

We fly into Portland, Oregon and pick up our rental car for the one and a half hour drive. As we approach Cannon Beach, Mattie takes on the characteristics of a child. She is adorable! She’s talking a mile a minute—calling to my attention the places she visited with her family. She points over to her favorite pizza place, her favorite store, a place where we can buy kites, and so on. She’s so excited, she’s practically hyperventilating. I love seeing her so carefree and happy. I think this place brings back a lot of good childhood memories for her.

I know it was hard for her to lose her parents like she did. She doesn’t talk about it very much, but when she does, I can see the pain that fills her eyes. She always tells me, “I’m just glad I got to experience them for as long as I did.” Mattie sees the good in everything and everyone. She’s brought so much warmth and happiness to my life, I can’t imagine living without her.

Once we get to the house I rented, I start to unpack. Mattie wants to go on a beach walk. I make an excuse about needing to do some other things so I can put my plan into action. Mattie doesn’t mind and heads for the beach.

First, I need to find a shell where I can hide the ring. I look around the house; these rental places usually have decorative shells lying around. As I search, I start to worry about the time. I don’t want Mattie to come back before I can get everything together.

I look down the beach and try to find her. I can’t see her, so I must have more time. I decide to head into the town. One of those shops should have a shell to purchase. As I’m walking down the street, looking for a store that might possibly sell shells, I see Mattie! I dart into the closest store and peer out the window. I wonder what she’s up
to. She goes right into Pizza a’fetta, the pizza place she pointed out earlier. I laugh to myself. Mattie—she thinks of everything.

I look around the store, and lo and behold, I find the perfect shell. It’s the right size and shape; it will work just right for my plan. I pay for it and quickly make my way back to the house.

I’m back at the house ten minutes before Mattie comes back, holding her precious pizza. She has a huge smile when she sees me relaxing on the chaise lounge on the sundeck. We talk and laugh; we’re having such a great time. I look at Mattie. “You’re right about this place.” I can tell she’s happy that I like it.

I placed the shell with the ring inside it on the beach, behind some rocks, before Mattie came home. I’m getting a little worried about someone else finding it. I wonder if she’s getting suspicious about my glancing at the beach every few seconds. I’m so excited about this—nothing could feel better, or more natural, than to make Mattie mine in every way. I ask her to take a sunset walk, and she agrees immediately.

In my head, I keep repeating over and over what I want to say. My thoughts are getting jumbled. I’m nervous. I look at Mattie. The wind is blowing her hair back; her cheeks are rosy. At this moment, I
have never seen her look more beautiful. My eyes start to well up. I look away for a moment. It’s time.

I’m about to point out the shell, but Mattie spots it first. Mattie is an experienced beach girl. The first thing she notices is that the shell is not beach worn. Why didn’t I think of that? She picks up the shell, and, just as planned, the ring falls out.

I kneel down and start the proposal. I tell Mattie how I feel. I let it all out. I want her to know how much she’s changed me, how she’s changed everything for me. I tell her that I will love her forever, that I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Within minutes, we are both laughing and crying, hugging and kissing. It’s perfect. She’s perfect.

I hold Mattie in my arms. She whispers, “I told you this place was magical.” I couldn’t agree more. We promise to be together for always.

Chapter 42



I’m getting ready to leave the Walgreens parking lot, when I notice a car pulling into the Mercer. It looks like two men. One of the men actually looks like Jeremy. Shit. He couldn’t have found her already! This will ruin everything! Wait a minute—maybe not. First, I have to see if I’m right. I could just be feeling paranoid because my plans for revenge will be set in motion tonight.

I put on the hat that I purchased just for an occasion such as this. I tuck in my hair and make my way into the parking garage for the Mercer’s residents. Good—it’s nice and dark in here. The car is parked over by the elevator. If it is Jeremy, he won’t be long, because Mattie left about an hour ago.

I look around and find a good place to hide, from which I can view the car. I have to wait only ten minutes until I hear the elevator ping. Out walk two men. I take a quick look. My heart sinks. It
Jeremy. I can’t make out other guy who is with him; he has his back to me. What the hell? Why is Jeremy coming to visit Mattie with some
other guy? I know he doesn’t have a brother. Maybe he brought a friend? This doesn’t make sense.

I’m going to have to revamp my plans for tonight. This might even be better. I can make Mattie look like the whore she is. Jeremy thinks she’s so perfect. Wait until he finds out she’s been sleeping with Tattoo Boy. That should be a show.

I think I’ll bring my gun tonight. I’m going to be the one with all the answers—and power.

Chapter 43



Will this day ever end? I was able to ditch Jimmy for a few hours, but walking around and trying to distract myself has only caused more stress. My thoughts of Mattie and how happy we were less than a year ago keep tracking through my brain.

My life depends on tonight. If she rejects me, I honestly don’t know what I’ll do. I’m only now entertaining the thought that maybe she’s moved on. The thought of that sends me into an emotional tailspin. No. Mattie loved me. She wouldn’t just move on so easily. The thought of it makes me ache. I don’t know if I can keep up this waiting. I am literally going crazy.

I collect Jimmy from his room, and we head out around 9:30 p.m. I look up, and it appears the heavens are going to open up. Dark, tumultuous clouds are moving in, obscuring the entire area to the west. I can feel the heaviness in the air, which is thick with moisture. A gigantic storm is brewing. I hope we’re able to get inside before it hits.

Luckily, we find parking close to the nightclub. It hasn’t started raining yet—maybe that’s a good sign. I am strung so tight, I feel like I could snap. I don’t like feeling like this. I’m typically a calm person.

I take a deep breath as I enter the front door. I immediately look for Mattie. I see her! Dear God, she’s more beautiful than I remember. She’s wearing a dress that makes her look like a goddess. She’s sitting on a stool next to the bar. She’s alone! I feel relief surge through my body. That’s when I notice something. She’s smiling, she has her hand on her chest, she looks emotional.

I turn to see what she’s looking at. It’s some guy onstage. He’s singing to her. No, he’s serenading her. I can’t believe my eyes. Who is this guy, and why is he looking at her like that?

Chapter 44



Cade stops to pick me up outside my apartment, as usual. His mouth drops open when he sees me. Good—that was just the reaction I was hoping for. I give him an innocent smile. “What?” I ask.

He says, “Oh, Mattie, I can’t help myself—you look hot!”

I laugh and say, “Thanks. You don’t look so bad yourself.”

Something just occurred to me. “Hey, I just remembered—you owe me the entire history of your tattoos. Remember the first night we met? You were supposed to give me the history of one tattoo per week.”

Cade laughs. “It looks like I didn’t have to bribe you after all!” He adds, “How about after the show? I’ll take off my shirt, and you can ask away.”

I know he just needs to roll up his sleeves, but I say, “Sure.” Things are moving along with us. I can feel it. I can feel that I’m finally ready to move on. It’s been hard, but I’ve finally shoved
Jeremy out of my heart. There is now a place for Cade. I’m going to tell him tonight.

We arrive at the nightclub a little before nine. The guys start preparing for their set, which starts just after nine thirty. I order a glass of champagne. I feel like celebrating. I look around the nightclub. I can feel the excited energy whenever the band starts setting up.

The Hard Reign really have a loyal following. Most of their fans are pretty respectful, but there is a group of women who just won’t give up. They are always trying to get Cade’s attention. They wear practically no clothes and a ton of makeup, and scream and wave at every opportunity. He always smiles at the crowd, but he never encourages anyone in particular. Won’t they take the hint? They are relentless.

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