Introducción a la ciencia II. Ciencias Biológicas (90 page)

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5. La Atmósfera

Bates, D. R. (editor):
The Earth and Its Atmosphere
. Basic Books, Nueva York, 1957.

Glasstone, Samuel:
Sourcebook on the Space Sciences
. Van Nostrand, Nueva York, 1965.

Ley, Willy:
Rockets, Missiles, and Space Travel
. Viking Press, Nueva York, 1957.

Loebsack, Theo:
Our Atmosphere
. New American Library, Nueva York, 1961.

Newell, Homer E. JR.:
Window in the Sky
. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Nueva York, 1959.

Nininger, H. H.:
Out of the Sky
. Dover Publications, Nueva York, 1952

Orr, Clyde, Jr.:
Between Earth and Space
. Collier Books, Nueva York, 1961.

Young, Louise B.:
Earth's Aura
. Alfred A. Knopf, Nueva York, 1977.

6. Los elementos

Alexander, W., y Street, A.:
Metals in the Service of Man
. Penguin Books, Nueva York, 1954.

Asimov, Isaac:
A Short History of Chemistry.
Doubleday & Company, Nueva York, 1965.

Asimov, Isaac:
The Noble Gases
. Basic Books, Nueva York, 1966.

Davis, Helen Miles:
The Chemical Elements.
Ballantine Books, Boston, 1959.

Holden, Alan, y Singer, Phylis:
Crystals and Crystal Growing
. Doubleday & Company, Nueva York, 1960.

Ihde, Aaron, J.:
The Development of Modern Chemistry
. Harper & Row, Nueva York, 1964.

Leicester, Henry, M.:
The Historical Background of Chemistry
. John Wiley & Sons, Nueva York, 1956.

Pauling, Linus:
College Chemistry
(3.ª ed.). W. H. Freeman & Company, San Francisco, 1964.

Pryde, Lucy T.:
Enviromental Chemistry: An Introduction
. Cummings Publishing, Mento Park, California, 1973

Weeks, Mary E., y Leicester, H. M.:
Discovery of the Elements
(7.ª ed.). Journal of Chemical Education, Easton, Filadelfia, 1968.

7. Las partículas

Alfren, Hannes:
Worlds Antiworlds.
Freeman, San Francisco, 1966.

Asimov, Isaac:
The Neutrino
. Doubleday & Company, Nueva York, 1966.

Feinberg, Gerald:
What Is the World Made Of?
Anchor Press/Doubleday, Garden City, Nueva York, 1977.

Ford, Kenneth W.:
The World of Elementary Particles
. Blaisdell Publisbing Company, Nueva York, 1963.

Friedlander, G., Kennedy, J. W., y Miller, J. M.:
Nuclear and Radiochemistry
(2.ª ed.). Wiley & Sons, Nueva York, 1964.

Gardner, Martin:
The Ambidextrous Universe
. Basic Books, Nueva York, 1964.

Glasstone, Samuel:
Sourcebook on Atomic Energy
(3.ª ed.). D. Van Nostrand Company, Princeton, N.J., 1967.

Huches, Donald J.:
The Neutron Story
. Doubleday & Company. Nueva York, 1959.

Massey, Sir Harrie:
The New Age in Physics
. Harper & Brothers, Nueva York, 1960.

Park, David:
Contemporary Physics
. Harcourt, Brace & World, Nueva York, 1964.

Weinberg, Steven:
Te Discovery of Subatomic Particles
. Scientific Library, Nueva York, 1983.

8. Las ondas

Bent, H. A.:
The Second Law
. Oxford University Press, Nueva York, 1965.

Bergmann, P. G.:
The Riddle of Gravitation
. Charles Scribner's Sons, Nueva York, 1968.

Black, N. H., Y Little, E. P.:
An Introductory Course in College Physics
. Macmillan Company, Nueva York, 1957.

Freeman, Ira M.:
Physics Made Simple
. Made Simple Books, Nueva York, 1954.

Gardner, Martin:
Relativity for the Million
. Macmillan Company, Nueva York, 1962.

Hoffman, Banesh:
The Strange Story of the Quantum.
Dover Publications, Nueva York, 1959.

Rouse, Robert S. M. y Smith, Roberto O.:
Energy: Resource, Slave Pollutant.
Macmillan, Nueva York, 1975.

Schwartz, Jacob R.:
Relativity in Illustration.
New York University Press, Nueva York, 1962

Shamos, Morris H.:
Great Experiments in Physics
. Henry Holt & Company, Nueva York, 1959.

9. La máquina

Bitter, Francis:
. Doubleday & Company, Nueva York, 1959.

Clarke, Donald (dir.):
The Encyclopedia of How It Works.
A & W Publishers, Nueva York 1977.

De Camp, L. Sprague:
The Ancient Engineers
. Doubleday & Co., Nueva York, 1963.

Kock, W. E.:
Lasers and Holography
. Doubleday & Company, Nueva York, 1969.

Larsen, Egon:
. Roy Publishers, Nueva York, 1959.

Lee, E. W.:
. Penguin Books, Baltimore, 1963.

Lengyel, Bela.:
. John Wiley & Sons, Nueva York, 1962.

Neal, Harry Edward:
. Julius Messner, Nueva York, 1960.

Pierce, John R.:
Electrons, Waves and Messages
. Doubleday & Company, Nueva York, 1956.

Pierce, John R.:
Symbols, Signals and Noise
. Harper Brothers, Nueva York, 1961.

Singer, Charles, Holmyard, E. J., y Hall, A. R. (dirs.):
A History of Technology
(5 vols.). Oxford University Press, Nueva York, 1954.

Taylor, F. Sherwood: A.
History of industrial Chemistry
. Abelard Schuman, Nueva York, 1957.

Upton, Monroe:
Electronics for Everyone
(2.ª ed. rev.). New American Library, Nueva York, 1959.

Usher, Abbot Payson:
A History of Mechanical Inventions
. Beacon Press, Boston, 1959.

Warschauer, Douglas M.:
Semiconductors and Transistors
. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Nueva York, 1959.

10. El reactor

Alexander, Peter:
Atomic Radiation and Life
. Penguin Books, Nueva York, 1957.

Bishop, Amasa S.:
Project Sherwood
. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, Mass., 1958.

Fowler, John M.:
Fallout. A Study of Superbombs, Strontium 90, and Survival
. Bassic Books. Nueva York, 1960.

Jukes, John:
Man-Made Sun.
Abelard-Schuman, Nueva York, 1959.

Jungk, Robert:
Brighter Than a Thousand Suns
. Harcout, Brace & Company, Nueva York, 1958.

Purcell, John:
The Best-Kept Secret
. Vanguard Press, Nueva York, 1963.

Riedman, Sarah R.:
Men and Women behind the Atom
. Abelard-Schuman, Nueva York, 1958.

«Scientific American» (dirs.):
Atomic Power
. Simon & Schuster, Nueva York, 1955.

Wilson, Robert R., y Littauer, R.:
. Doubleday & Company, Nueva York. 1960.

11. La molécula

Fieser, L. F., y Fieser, M.:
Organic Chemistry
. D. C. Heath & Company, Boston, 1956.

Gibbs, F. W.:
Organic Chemistry Today
. Penguin Books, Baltimore, 1961.

Hutton; Kenneth:
. Penguin Books, Nueva York, 1957.

Pauling, Linus:
The Nature of the Chemical Bond
(3.ª Ed.). Cornell University Press, Ithaca, Nueva York. 1960.

Paling, Linus, y Hayward, R.:
The Architecture of Molecules.
W. H. Freeman & Co. San Francisco, 1964.

12. Las proteínas

Asimov, Isaac,
. Basic Books. Nueva York, 1969.

Baldwin, Ernest,
Dyrzamis Aspects of Biochemistry
. (5ta. Ed.) Cambridge University Press, Nueva York, 1967.

Baldwin, Ernest,
The Nature of Biochemistry
. Cambridge University Press. Nueva York, 1962.

Harper, Harold A.,
Review of Physiological Chemistry
( Ed.). Lange Medical Publications, Los Altos, Calif., 1961.

Kamen, Artin D.,
Isotopic Tracers in Biology
. Academic Press, Nueva York, 1957.

Karlson, P.,
Introduction to Modern Biochemistry
. Academic Press, Nueva York, 1963.

Lehninger, Albert L.,
. (2.ª ed.).Worth Publishers, Nueva York, 1965.

Lehninger, Albert L.,
. Benjamin Company, Nueva York, 1965.

13. La célula

Anfinsen, Christian B.:
The Molecular Basis of Evolution
. John Wiley & Sons, Nueva York, 1959.

Asimov, Isaac:
Estraterrestrial Civilizations.
Crown Publishers, Nueva York, 1979.

Asimov, Isaac:
The Genetic Code.
Orion Press, Nueva York, 1962.

Asimov, Isaac:
A Short History of Biology
. Doubleday & Company, Nueva York, 1964.

Butler, J. A. V.:
Inside the Living Cell
. Basic Books, Nueva York, 1959.

Feinberg, Gerald y Shapiro, Robert:
Life Beyond Earth.
William Morrow, Nueva York, 1980

Hartman, P. E., y Suskind, S. R.:
Gene Action
. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1965.

Hughes, Arthur:
A History of Cylology
. Abelard-Schuman, Nueva York, 1959.

Nell, J. V., y Schull, W. J.:
Human Heredity
. Uiversity of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1954.

Oparin, A. I.:
The Origin of Life on the Earth
. Academic Press. Nueva York, 1957.

Singer, Charles:
A Short Hislory of Anatomy and Physiology from the Greeks to Harvey
. Dover Publications, Nueva York, 1957.

Sullivan, Walter:
We Are Not Alone
. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Nueva York, 1964.

Taylor, Gordon R.:
The Science of Life.
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Nueva York, 1963.

Walker, Kenneth:
Human Physiology
. Penguin Books, Nueva York, 1956.

14. Los microorganismos

Burnet, F. M.:
Viruses and Man
(2.ª ed.). Penguin Books, Baltimore, 1955.

Curtis, Helena:
The Viruses.
Natural History Press, Garden City, Nueva York, 1965.

De Kruif, Paul:
Microbe Hunters
. Harcourt,. Brace & Company, Nueva York, 1932.

Dubos, René:
Louis Pasteur
. Little, Brown & Company, Boston, 1950.

Ludovici, L. J.:
The World of the Microscope
. G. P. Puntnam's Sons, Nueva York, 1959.

McGrady, PAT:
The Savage Cell
. Basic Books, Nueva York, 1964.

Riedman, Sarah R.:
Shots without Guns
. Rand, McNally & Company, Chicago, 1960.

Singer, Charles y Underwood, E. Ashworth:
A Short History of Medicine
(2.ª ed.). Oxford University Press, Nueva York, 1960.

Smith, Kenneth M.:
Beyond the Microscope
. Penguin Books. Baltimore, 1957.

Williams, Greer:
Virus Hunters
. Alfred A. Knopf, Nueva York, 1959.

Zinsser, Hans:
Rats, Lice and History
. Little, Brown & Company. Boston, 1935.

15. El cuerpo

Asimov, Isaac,
The Human Body
. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1963.

Carlson, Anton J., y Johnson, Victor,
The Machinery of the Body
. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1953.

Chaney, Margaret S.,
. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1954.

A History of Nutrition
. Houghton Mifflin Company, Baston, 1957.

Smith, Anthony:
The Body
. George Allen & Unwind, Londres, 1968.

Tannahill, Reasy:
Food in History
. Stein & Day, Nueva York, 1973.

Williams, Roger J.,
Nutrition in a Nutshell
. Doubleday & Company, Nueva York, 1962.

Williams, Sue Rodwell:
Essentials Of Nutrition and Diet Therapy.
C. V. Mosby, San Luis, 1974

16. Las especies

Asimov, Isaac:
Wellsprings of Life
. Abelard-Schuman, Nueva York, 1960.

Boule, M., y Vallois: H. V.,
Fossil Men
. Dryden Press, Nueva York, 1957.

Calvin, Melvin:
Chemical Evolution.
Oxford University Press, Nueva York, 1969

Campbell, Bernard:
Human Evolution
(2.ª ed). Aldine Publishing, Chicago, 1974.

Carrington, Richard:
A Biography of the Sea
. Basic Books, Nueva York, 1960.

Darwin, Francis (dir.):
The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin
(2 vols.). Basic Books, Nueva York, 1959.

De Bell, G.:
The Environmental Handbook
. Ballantine Books, Nueva York, 1970.

Hanrahan, James S., y Bushnell, David:
Space Biology
. Basic Books, Nueva York, 1960.

Harrison, R. J.:
Man, the Peculiar Animal
. Penguin Books, Nueva York, 1958.

Heppenheimer, T. A.:
Colonies in Space.
Pa., Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, 1958.

Howells, William:
Mankind in the Making
. Doubleday & Company, Nueva York, 1959.

Huxley, T. H.:
Man's Place in Nature
. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1959.

Lewontin, Richard:
Human Diversity.
Scientific American Library, Nueva York, 1982.

Medawar, P. B.:
The Future of Man
. Basic Books, Nueva York, 1960.

Milne, L. J., y M. J.:
The Biotic World and Man
. Prentice-Hall, Nueva York, 1958.

Montagu, Ashley:
The Science of Man
. Odyssey Press, Nueva York, 1964.

Moore, Ruth,
Time, and Fossils
(2da. Ed.). Alfred A. Knopf, Nueva York, 1963.

O'Neill, Gerard K.:
Simon & Schuster, Nueva York, 1981

Romer, A. S.:
Man and the Vertebrates
(2 vols.), Penguin Books, Nueva York, 1954.

Rostand, Jean,
Can Man Be Modified?
Basic Books, Nueva York, 1959.

Sax, Karl:
Standing Room Only.
Beacon Press, Boston, 1955.

Simpson, Georce G., Pittendrigh, C. S., y Tiffany, L. H.:
Life: An Introduction to College Biology
(2.ª ed.). Harcourt, Brace & Company, Nueva York, 1965.

Tinbergen, Niko:
Curious Naturalists
. Basic Books, Nueva York, 1960.

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