Read It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1) Online

Authors: TL Messruther

Tags: #General Fiction

It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1)
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“Jase, I just don’t know if that’s a good idea.” I say honestly. Work is going to be so awkward on Monday I think as I cringe a little. We still have two or three sex scenes to film.

“Rhi, what is stopping you?” he asks sounding a little hurt.

“Jase, we work together, it just wouldn’t work.” I try and explain.

“Can’t we at least try it?” he asks, as he leans forward to kiss me.

His lips mold against mine, and my hormones fly through the roof. He rubs his tongue against my lips, seeking permission to enter, and I grant it. His warm tongue is caressing mine, and I join in so our tongues are dancing around each other in an erotic dance.

I know I should stop this, but I can’t. Deep down I want this, but my ever present mind won’t stop running wild.

I moan into his mouth as he brings his hands up to my hair. Pulling me closer, he continues his kiss. His fingers are twisting my hair, while his tongue keeps up a relentless twist of passion.

He stops kissing me, and pulls away slightly, still keeping his hands in my hair. He closes his eyes and rests his forehead against mine, while we both try controlling our ragged breathing.

He opens his eyes, smiles at me, plants a soft kiss on my lips, and pulls away putting a little distance between us.

“Jase....” I start to protest, but he cuts me off.

“Rhiannon, don’t. If you didn’t want this, you should have pushed me away, but you didn’t. I know you want this too.” he says smugly. Arrogant ass, he is correct, but I still don’t think this is a good idea.

“What about work Jase? Did you not think of that?” I moan feebly at him.

“We are adults; we can work around work.”

I do something I would not normally do, and just dive in to kiss him. I take him by surprise, but he is soon responding. He puts his hands under my legs, and lifts me over the console so I am sat on his lap. It’s his turn to take me by surprise.

He continues kissing me, his erection stirring against me, when suddenly there is a knock on the car window.

I quickly jump of his lap, back to the passenger seat. I hide my face; I know it’s going to be as red as a tomato.

“Excuse me, can you move on please before we get the police to remove you.” says the security guy who was stood at the door at the bar.

“Sorry,” Jase responds, failing to hide his amusement.

The man walks away, and Jase winds his window back up. He starts to laugh at me.

“Jase that wasn’t funny.” I say seriously. Nothing about what has just happened is funny. Its humiliating.

“I know, but damn, I have wanted to do that to you all day.” he says as he puts his hand on my thigh, and leans to give me a quick kiss. I push him away before he can deepen it. The last thing I want is to be carted off for indecent expose.

He grabs his keys of the dashboard and puts them in the ignition.

“Jase what are you doing?” I ask a little scared.

“I am taking you back to mine.” he says simply.

“You're not driving; you've had a drink.” I say trying to grab his keys.

“The only alcohol that has touched my lips tonight, is from your lips.” he simply answers.

“But you ordered a beer.” I state.

“Yes, I ordered a beer, but in case you hadn’t noticed, I am out here with you instead of in there drinking it.”

“Oh, so you didn’t have one before you felt me up in the club?” I ask trying to hide my smile.

“Felt you up?” he asks laughing. “I put my hands on your hips, hardly feeling you up. But no I walked in, saw you and approached you straight away.” he explains.

“Okay,” what do I say to that? This man is good at rendering me speechless.

“Okay, so now I am taking you away, before you get drunk.” he says as he starts the engine. He keeps the engine running for a few minutes before he looks at me.

Why isn’t he moving?

“Rhiannon, you need your seatbelt on before I can move.” he says with amusement.

“Oh yes, sorry.” I mutter, feeling like an idiot for not realizing I wasn’t wearing it.

I quickly do my belt, and when he sees its in, he pulls out in the traffic.




We pull up outside an apartment complex, and Jase parks his car in the garage beside the building.

“Come on, we're here.” he states, as he climbs out of his car.

I follow him, and climb out of his car. He grabs my hand as I walk to the end of the car. We enter the building, and he guides me towards a set of elevators. He presses the call button, and the doors open instantly. Once we enter, and the doors close behind us, he presses the button for the eleventh floor. He keeps a tight hold of my hand the whole ride up to his floor.

Once the elevator comes to a stop he pulls me out, and down a short corridor. Coming to a holt outside his door, he unlocks it. Just as he pushes it open my phone alerts me of an incoming text. Dropping his hand, I pull my phone out of my bag, and read my text.

**Rhiannon, where are you? G XoX**

Oh shit. I forgot I left Grace behind. I quickly send her a reply, hoping she’s not going to be mad at me. Although I’m slightly mad with myself. I can’t believe I have just left her behind.

**Grace, I am so sorry. I am with Jase. We have some things to sort out, I’m sorry for ditching you Rhi XoX**

“Everything okay?” Jase asks as I walk behind him in to his apartment.

“I just ditched Grace.” I say feeling extremely guilty, keeping my eyes on my phone so I don’t miss her reply.

“Oh shit, sorry, that’s my fault. Is she okay?” he asks sounding concerned.

“I'll let you know, when she replies.”

Right on que, my phone goes off again.

**I will let you off, but don’t make a habit of it. I want gossip first thing tomorrow morning. G XoX**

Her reply makes me laugh.

“I take it she’s okay.” Jase says as I switch my phone off and put it back in my bag.

“Yeah, she seems okay with me ditching her.” I guiltily reply.

“Great stuff.” he says as he comes forward and picks me up by my legs, throwing me over his shoulder.

“Jase,” I shout in shock. He ignores my protests, and walks through his apartment with me over his shoulder, bouncing with his movements, still screaming at him, but it’s a shocked scream, not a protest scream.

He comes to a door at the top of the stairs, and opens it with his free hand, not even flinching as it bangs off the wall with a loud thud. Once inside the room, he kicks the door closed, and places me on his bed. He follows me down, and his lips are on mine before I have time to move.

His mouth is all minty and inviting, and I relish in the feeling of having his lips on mine again as I sink into the soft mattress. He quickly pulls away, and grabs the hem of my dress. Slowly, he lifts it up over my head, and throws it on the floor, not looking at where it lands.

He follows that by sitting on his heels, and pulling his shirt off. That joins my dress on the floor, and my eyes follow the path of the discarded clothes. My eyes don’t linger on the pile for long. Jase gently places his fingers under my chin, and directs my eyes back to his as his lips connect to mine once again.

We both moan against each other’s lips, as he fumbles with my bra fastening. He manages to get it undone, and off without breaking our lip contact. He then throws that on the floor too. He pulls away and starts to take his bottoms off. His erection springs free, and stands at attention ready for action. My eyes roam over his body, loving what I am seeing. Although my eyes are drawn to his erection, I resist staring, and glance over the rest of his body, his chest is smooth and his stomach is flat. He hasn’t got an ounce of fat on him. His skin is flawless, nothing marking it, but I already knew that from filming with him.

He continues to pull his trousers down his legs, and takes his boxer briefs with him. Once they too have joined the pile on the floor, he lays on the bed beside me, and pulls me on top of him. I am straddling his hips, as he reaches up, places his hands on my head and pulls me down once again.

“So beautiful.” he murmurs against my lips as I rest my hands on his chest.

He flips us both over, taking me by surprise, so my back is on the bed, and he kneels up on his knees in front of me.

He grabs hold of my lacy thong, and carefully pulls them off. Although right now, I don’t care if he ripped them off.

I no longer feel shy around him, he has seen it all already, and he makes me feel more confident. The fact he respected me while I was naked earlier helped, but the fact he is being gentle now is the biggest factor.

“So damn beautiful.” he repeats himself, as his lips seal over mine once more, not giving me the chance to throw a witty remark at him.

His hands slide from my ankles, up to my thighs. He pauses at the top of my thighs, as he gazes in to my eyes. He slowly, without removing his eyes from mine, inserts his finger into my opening. I moan at the sudden invasion, as my body bows of the bed. His fingers make a circling motion, as my hips follow. He reaches up with his other hand, and starts tugging on my nipple. His lips are still encasing mine, as my hormones send my body to a different universe.

He continues his delicious torture, till he pushes me over the edge. His fingers are not giving up as I scream my release.

While my body mentally relocates itself back to earth, Jase sits up, grabs a condom, and slides it over his impressive length, while I watched memorized trying to get much needed air into my lungs.

He hovers over me; his brown eyes are gleaming. He slowly, and carefully, pushes his erection past my threshold. He gently pushes all the way in, till he is fully encased in me.

He is stretching me to the max, and its uncomfortable, but not too painful.

“Wow, you're so tight. Are you okay?” he asks, stilling his movements. Before I respond he slowly pulls out.

“I'm fine,” I grasp, as I grab his shoulders, I'm not ready for him to leave me. I need him to fill me and take me.

He leans down, and takes one of my nipples in his mouth, diverting the pain from my groin to my boobs, as he nibbles on it. As he has diverted my attention, he slowly slides back in, filling me just how I need him too. I groan and arch my back, which makes him bite down harder on my nipple. He slowly starts to move, in and out, repeating the process. When he sees I’m starting to relax, he pushes harder and deeper.

“You feel great,” he says gasping for air, as he pounds harder and faster.

He releases my nipple, and his mouth consumes mine. His tongue dancing with mine. My fingers are slipping from his shoulders as our bodies form a layer of sweat. I can feel my body going tense, ready for release, begging for release.

His relentless thrusts, finally push me to orgasm as my body shatters beneath him, my body shaking as my orgasm rips through me, causing me to scream in pleasure. He follows suit after three more thrusts as he empties himself inside me.


My body is still shaking, and I’m still panting when he pulls out. I open my eyes and catch him slowly pulling the condom off, and tying a knot in it, before he chucks it in a little waste bin, beside his bed side unit.

He comes to lay beside me, and pulls me in to his embrace. I'm unable to move willingly as my body is still like jello. I am thoroughly exhausted.

“You okay?” he asks as he rubs his hand up and down my naked back.

“Hmm,” I respond.

“Is that a good 'hmm' or bad?” he asks with a hint of amusement.

I can’t respond with words, so I just smile up at him as he gazes down at me. He sees my smile and relaxing beneath me.

“I have wanted to do that since I first had you dancing on my lap.” he says amused. I want to respond, but no words are forming on my tongue.

When I don’t respond he continues, “When I saw you naked today, I was cursing that damn camera crew for being in my way.”

“It's not their fault, they have a job to do, like we do.” I say with a weak giggle.

“I know, but having to act out a sex scene with someone as beautiful, and actually having sex with you.... I know which one I would choose.”

“You just have a one track mind.” I say laughing.

“I just notice when a beautiful lady is stood before me.” he says reaching down for the duvet.

I glance around the room for a clock, and on the bedside table beside me is a digital clock. The time reads 03:24. Jase follows my gaze and notices the time too.

“Do you have anything planned tomorrow?” he asks me as he buries us both under the duvet.

“No, just enjoying a late sleep, since I’m not at work.” I say yawning, “I'm not used to these early mornings.” I explain.

He laughs at me as he pulls me to his chest. “I have a function coming up, promoting another movie I have done. Would you like to come with me? I need a beautiful lady like you on my arm.” he asks me.

Right now he can be telling me the grass is blue, and I wouldn’t care. I am too tired to care, so I agree to it. I feel his smile as my eyes surrender to darkness.


I wake the next morning by someone tickling my feet. I lift my legs higher so they're tucked into my body.

BOOK: It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1)
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