Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (24 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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As Jimmy began to walk away from the bed, the MP called after him. Turning round Jimmy abruptly said, “What?” “I’ve helped you and told you what you wanted to know, please tell your friend to let me go once you’ve found them.” Without saying a word, Jimmy pulled out his gun and aimed it at him. Screaming the MP said, “Oh God no, please I’m begging you don’t do this! Please in the name of God don’t shoot; I told you everything, you gave me your word.” “I lied,” said Jimmy coldly, as he pulled the trigger and shot him through the forehead.

Moments later they left the
room. Mickey said, “Well his days of dicking little boys are over, that’s one less fucking pervert for us to worry about!” “Too fucking right,” said Tony, “I’ll go and fetch the motor, while you two check out the house.” “Cheers Tony we’ll see you in five,” said Jimmy.

It didn’t take them long to locate the house safe, looking at his friend Jimmy said, “Piece of piss Mick, I’ll be in it within five minutes!” Inside was about four hundred grand in cash and some jewellery, but the real find was a little red book. Written inside were the names of several prominent VIPs who were paying for sordid sex orgies, with their preferences to gender and age clearly written next to their names. After putting everything in their jackets they stood at the door waiting for Tony. Moments later he pulled up; Jimmy took a can of petrol from the back of the car and returning to the lounge doused the carpets and furniture along with the bodies of the dead Russians. Then he walked out of the door and calmly striking a match
threw it behind him into the doorway and said, “Burn in hell you mother fuckers!” Within minutes the manor was ablaze.



Following the MPs directions they drove towards the cottage, after several minutes they could see a dim light in the distance, so they parked the car and continued on foot. Nearing the cottage they could see someone moving about inside. Jimmy said, “You two go round the back, I’ll take the front.” Just as they began walking away from one another Jimmy added, “Don’t take Nick out, that pleasure is going to be mine.”

Making their way slowly in the darkness of the country side, Mickey and Tony edged their way around the rear of the building, where Tony signalled to him that he could see a light. With his gun in his hand he made his way towards it, stopping only to wait for Mickey. Looking through the window, Mickey could see Uri the Russian standing with his back to the window talking to Nick, who was sitting at a kitchen table. Mickey had a clear shot of the Russian, so quietly he indicated to Tony that he was going to take him out. No sooner had Tony nodded his head when he heard the shot ring out. The bullet smashed through the window and hit Uri in the back of the head; he was dead before he hit the ground. With the Russian lying dead, Nick ran into another room, turning the lights out so as not to be seen.

Tony called out to Jimmy, “The Russian’s dead.” Jimmy shouted out to Nick, “Come out you bastard!” “Fuck you,” came Nicks reply from inside. “If you’re not out in thirty seconds, I’ll burn the fucking place down, with you in it you mother fucker!” Nick knew he was in a no win situation, but he wasn’t about to give up, or go down without a fight. Typically he would try and talk his way out of it, or at least goad Jimmy into coming in to find him. His thoughts being, if he was going down, he wasn’t going alone, someone, namely Jimmy was going down with him.

Calling out he said, “Was that fucking whore worth this Jimmy?” For several seconds he waited for a reply, but it didn’t come so he shouted again, “The bitch was a whore Jimmy, that’s why I had to kill her! She wanted to die; she asked me to kill her, but that would have been too easy so I let the Russian have her, left me no choice but to fucking kill her after that! Tell you the truth I was glad to see her dead, she made my fucking head ache, with all her fucking begging and screaming!” Jimmy could barely contain his fury; he wanted to rush at the door and confront him, had Tony not have appeared, he probably would have.

Tony said, “Keep Nick talking, Mickey thinks he’s found a way in round the back.” Nick shouted out again. “What’s the matter Jimmy, are you upset that the whore is dead? I warned her if she ever let another man touch her I’d fucking kill her! So what does the fucking stupid bitch do, only fucking tells me that she let you fuck her, said she loved you; signed her own fucking death certificate, the fucking stupid whore! If only she had kept her fucking mouth shut I could have sold her to the Russians, they would have put her in one of  their brothels; but all she kept saying was I love Jimmy! After all I’d done for her, the fucking ungrateful bitch!”
Finally Jimmy answered as calmly as he could in order to rile him and give Mickey time to get in. “She’s not dead Nick!” “Fuck you Jimmy! I fucking did her myself; I watched the fucking life drain out of her!” “Well you didn’t finish it, she’s alive, maybe for the first time in her life she had something to live for. Who knows, maybe it was her love for me that kept her alive?” As he waited for Nick to answer, a gunshot rang out from inside the cottage. Jimmy rushed at the door, followed by Tony.

Inside, Mickey was standing over Nick, pointing his gun at him, he’d shot him in the arm, only a minor wound which momentarily had forced him to drop his gun,
which was lying a few feet away. Mickey looked at his friend and said, “He’s all yours Jimmy.” Staring at the three men from the floor, Nick spoke to Tony and said, “I’m surprised you got involved in this.” “Really Nick, I don’t know why you’re surprised; after all I’ve never liked you, surely you knew that,” replied Tony smugly. “Yes I knew, I’ve always wondered about that were you jealous of me or what?” “Fuck off! Why would you imagine for one minute I’d be jealous of you, you’re nothing but scum! You know I always thought you were responsible for my Uncle Carlo’s death. We were all young and ambitious back then, but you were brutal Nick; you wanted power and you didn’t care who you killed to get it!” Nick smirked and replied, “Oh yeah, that was so long ago I’d all but forgotten about poor old Uncle Carlo. I remember watching him after the accident when he dragged himself from the car; I can still recall the smell of his flesh burning as he begged me to shoot him. Of course me being so brutal as you put it, I couldn’t do that, so I just watched him burn! But like you said we were young then, just kids really.” Fuelled by hatred and anger Tony kicked him in the face knocking him flat to the ground.

Jimmy stepped forward looking evil as he said, “Get up Nick, this is between us!” Grabbing him by the shirt collar Jimmy pulled him to his feet; then turning to the other two said, “He’s mine!”

Mickey picked up the gun from the floor, before he and Tony moved to the edge of the room. Nick immediately took a swing at Jimmy, but he wasn’t quick enough and missed. Jimmy was raging with anger as he punched him several times with a series of blows to the face and body. With Nick momentarily dazed Jimmy goaded him by saying, “What’s the matter Nick, don’t you like it when someone hits back? Or is it only women and kids you feel tough around, especially when they’re tied down. Does it make you feel powerful, you’re a piece of shit, you sadistic bastard, so come on let’s see what you’ve got!” Still trying to bargain Nick replied, “Is she worth dying for Jimmy? We could have everything, money, clubs, women, fast cars; she was just a little tart that I bought for ten grand. I should have sold her on once I fucked her, but that’s me, I’m all fucking heart!” Jimmy had heard enough, he let loose with a barrage of blows to his head, blood was pouring from Nick’s nose and mouth, until finally he hit the floor. Jimmy kicked him several times in the head before stopping.

Barely conscious Nick looked up at Mickey and gasped, “Even you Mickey, why, the whore means nothing to you?” “You crossed the line Nick when you brought my daughter into this, you made it personal!” “Nice piece of arse that girl of yours Mick, I could have done things with her!” Mickey raised his foot and stamped down hard on his face, feeling the bones crush under the impact. Then glaring down on him he said, “Like I said Nick, you crossed the fucking line!” The three men had all but beaten him to death when Jimmy called a halt.

Nick was lying in a pool of blood, his face was unrecognisable as the once handsome man he was. With his eyes so badly cut and swollen, he could barely make out the figures of the three men standing above him.

Jimmy looked at Mickey and said, “Fetch the other petrol can from the car.” While they waited for him to return, Jimmy taunted Nick by saying, “So you thought the Russians would protect you Nick? Just goes to show you can’t rely on anyone for protection these days.” Then he revelled in goading him even more by adding, “Did Maria tell you she couldn’t get enough of me, she said I was a real man that satisfied her and that you were a lousy fuck!” Nick was barely alive, but Jimmy knew he could hear him.

Within a few minutes Mickey returned with the petrol can. Pouring some over Nick before passing the can to Jimmy, who then poured the rest over the furniture and floor, before passing the matches to Tony and saying, “I think this honour should be yours for your uncle.” Striking one and throwing it onto him, Tony said, “This one’s for Carlo, I’ll see you in hell Nick!” They could hear Nick screaming as they walked away.

Jimmy’s first words in the car were, “Get me to the hospital!” They could hear sirens and see the manor burning in the dista
nce as they drove rapidly away. Mickey said, “Do you reckon there’ll be any retaliation from the Russians?” Tony was the first to reply, “Naugh, they won’t know it was us and due to the people they sold kids to we’d be the last people on their list. Compared to them Nick was small time, I doubt they’ll even bother to look.” “Yeah I think you’re probably right Tony.”

Twenty minutes later they were pulling up outside the hospital. Jimmy jumped out and ran t
hrough the main entrance doors. Just as he reached the information desk, he spotted Doc Daniels talking to Kevin and Shane. Approaching them he said, “Where’s Maria, is she going to be ok?” Doc Daniels looked upset as he replied, “We’re not sure Jimmy, she’s in a bad way; there was some internal damage. They took her to theatre, the surgery went well, but she’s slipped into a coma.” “But she’ll be ok, won’t she Doc?”  “Hard to say Jimmy, we just don’t know. Sometimes when a person suffers such trauma it’s the body’s way of giving it time to heal.” “So she’ll be ok then?” His voice was desperate. Trying to be tactful the Doc replied, “We hope so; there’s no way of knowing; only time will tell.” Realising he hadn’t asked about the others, Jimmy said, “How’s Jacky Boy and Billy?” “Billy will be fine; fortunately, the bullet went straight through missing the arteries.” “That’s good, what about Jacky Boy?” “He’s in surgery now; its touch and go, he lost a lot of blood, another ten minutes and he would have died in the car.” Before he could say anything else, a surgeon from the emergency department walked towards them. Speaking to the Doc he said, “Your friend is lucky to be alive; if the knife had been half an inch longer we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” “So did the surgery go well then?” “Yes, but as you’re aware there’s still a risk from infection, unfortunately we had to remove one of his kidneys, the damage was just too bad. However I’m quietly confident that he’ll make a good recovery; he’s young and very fit, I’m sure he’ll manage just fine with one. He’ll be in intensive care for a while and then all being well, we’ll move him to a room.” “Thanks for all that you’ve done, we’re very grateful.”  The surgeon nodded and began to walk away then stopping turned to Kevin and said, “Next time you’re out drinking with your friend and there’s a fight, just walk away; he may not be so lucky next time.” Kevin smiled and nodded as he replied, “Thanks, I’ll tell him.” Jimmy soon cottoned on that Doc Daniels had obviously told the hospital that they’d been involved in a fight.  Jimmy looked at the Doc and said, “Where’s Maria I want to see her?” Before the Doc could answer the other two appeared. Tony was moaning about how long it had taken to find a parking space. When Mickey asked how everyone was. Jimmy replied, “The Doc can explain, but first he’s taking me to see Maria.” “I’m coming with you.” Jimmy nodded. Leaving the others to talk, they left.

Turning into a corridor they could see Shaun sitting outside her room. They both acknowledged him, before the Doc said, “I think Mickey and Shaun should go and get some coffee, but I’ll ask the surgeon if you can see her Jimmy.” Before the others left, Mickey patted his friend on the shoulder and said “She’ll be okay Jimmy, see you in a minute.” Jimmy nodded.
Doc Daniels went into her room and spoke to the doctor who was tending her; moments later they came out. The doctor said to Jimmy, “I understand you’re her partner?” Jimmy nodded. The Doctor continued, “Maria won’t respond, but we believe she can hear you. I’d prefer you don’t stay too long as rest is the best thing for her now.” “Thanks can I see her now?” “Yes of course.”

Entering the room, Jimmy was shocked as he looked at her lying motionless in the bed. Her face was swollen and bruised; he wouldn’t have recognised her instantly had he not known it was her. All around the bed were tubes and wires
attached to her via monitors. She looked so pale and fragile; he could not hold back his tears. Approaching the bed he noticed how badly bruised her neck was from were Nick had tried to strangle her with the leather strapping. Taking her hand in his, he tried to talk to her, but was unable to stop crying. The entire length of her arm was covered in burns and human bites, just like the day she arrived at his apartment a few weeks earlier, only the new wounds now covering the last remnants of the old ones. After several minutes he said, “Maria babe it’s me, don’t leave me babe. No’ one is ever going to hurt you again, I promise. I hope you can hear me, because I want you to know Nick is dead; he can’t hurt you anymore.” Wiping his eyes before he added, “I love you babe, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” She didn’t respond, it was as though she was in a deep sleep unaware of what was going on around her.

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