Just One Kiss (The Dream Catcher Series-Book Two) (15 page)

BOOK: Just One Kiss (The Dream Catcher Series-Book Two)
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“I don’t want to go either, Mama,” Violet said.

Hattie bit her lip, not knowing what to do about this mutiny. Finally she shook her head and nodded. “Alright, I’ll go get your lessons and bring them home and we’ll take them back and forth to the school, so you don’t have to go.”

Lee shook his head. “That’s no answer. They have to go to school, to learn. To make friends. Sometimes it takes a lot of courage to make friends with people. But I’ve found if you keep on being nice, then most people will be nice back.”

“I don’t want to go…”

“Fine, then Violet will go and you’ll stay home.”

“You mean it?” Daisy perked up.

“Sure, she’ll learn to be smart and educated, and you won’t. Then I will ask her to do things, not you, because you being the oldest doesn’t always mean you’re the smartest.”

“But that’s not fair, Mama,” Daisy huffed, blowing a tendril of hair back from her face.

“Oh yes it is. It’s your decision, and I leave it with you. Violet will get a pair of shoes and new dress for going, you won’t.”

“But Mama,” Daisy nearly cried.

“It’s as Lee says: you can learn to make friends. No one said it would be easy. But it’s something you must learn for yourself.”

Daisy whimpered for a few minutes. “Would you really buy her shoes and not me?”

“Yes, if she went to school, I would.”

“Oh alright, I’ll go. And I’ll try to make friends. But I want to go to the colored school from now on.”

“Good. Now put your other clothes on and get your chores done,” her mother instructed.

The girls marched off bickering about who’s fault it all was. Lee smiled.

“You handled that rather well.” He smiled.

“I hope so.” She smiled back. “You weren’t so bad yourself.”

He leaned the distance and kissed her softly on the lips. He felt her strain toward him and he pulled her fully into his arm. She didn’t resist. She couldn’t. She wanted to be near him, smell the sweet aroma of sweat on him.

He’d never kissed Hattie with what she didn’t kiss him back. This time her arms went up and around his neck, pulling him down for the next kiss which she invited eagerly. When his hand went to cup her breast, she sighed so loud against his mouth that he began to circle her pronounced nipple against her shirt with his thumb. She threw back her head and lifted herself toward him, welcoming his caress. She looked down to see how hard her nipples puckered against that busy thumb.

“Tell me this isn’t sinful; this isn’t wrong,” she whispered between hot kisses.

“It’s not wrong, honey, not between us,” he managed to say as he captured her lips in a burning kiss.

She moved against him so her hips would be flush against his, as his thumb stayed magically busy at her breast, and his lips assuaged the ache to be with him.

“I wish I could take you to my bed, and kiss you all over…” he murmured in her ear.

“Oh…” she cried, closing her eyes, imaging just that. “Then tell me how you feel about me…” she cried aloud. “Tell me this isn’t just some crazy lust between us. I have to know.”

He stopped touching her, stopped kissing her, and pulled away so he could look into her eyes. “It’s real simple Hattie…I've loved you since that first kiss, and nothing's going to change that, sweetheart."”

He let his hand drop and he walked out the door.




That night there was a revisit of the Klan. They rode up briskly into the yard with their lit torches and let their horses rearing up and causing commotion. They would not be ignored and Hattie prepared herself.

“Come out of there…” they demanded.

As usual, Hattie sent the kids to the barn with Joe. She wasn’t sure where Lee went but she had her rifle with her. Just in case.

“You tried to send your kids to school. And that ain’t gonna work, lady. You don’t seem to understand, you are nothin’ but a Negro, don’t matter that you got this land legal. We done told you before. You ain’t listenin’. Now we’re gonna burn your barn, then maybe you’ll listen. We won’t be back here but one more time and you better listen up if you want to live.”

Hattie’s mouth opened to say something, but just then Lee jumped on top of the one that was talking and knocked him off the horse. They fought for several long minutes. Rolling and turning and punching. The sound of bone cracking, the sound of blood spewing, the smell.

Blood gushed, fistes pounded and general chaos broke out as the horses tried to get out of their way.

Hattie wanted to help, but didn’t know how, but she trained her rifle on the others. “Stay out of it. Or I’ll shoot the first man that moves.”

“And I’ll shoot the next.” Joe came running out of the barn with a shotgun.

Lee beat the man to a pulp. He raised him up and threw him across his saddle.

“If you don’t want me pullin’ that mask off, you better high tail it. I’ll have the law after you,” Lee threatened as he tried to catch his breath.

One man from the rear yelled, “Who the hell

“I’m Lee Nelson, and I own this land…along with my family. You threaten her, you threaten me, understand? She’s been trying to tell you I deeded the land over to Gloria Newcomb, she deeded it to Hattie and Sam. Half this land is theirs, the other half is mine. The water rights are mine. If you want rights, then ask like a man, don’t come ridin’ up like a coward. Now get the hell off my land before I have you all arrested.”

The others seemed to consider his words, then slowly moved out of the yard.

None of the rest of them spoke.

But as they were leaving, one threw a torch on the house. “I thought he was kilt!”

“Yeah, too bad the Federals didn’t get a hold of

Lee and Joe scrambled for the well water. They had it put out in no time. But it had done some damage. It would cost a day’s work on the roof to repair it.

Hattie sagged against the porch, trembling now that they were gone. “I just wanted a decent education for my children, is that so wrong?”

Lee wrapped his arm around her and held her tight. For once, desire gave way to a need for comfort. He kissed her on the forehead. “I know, I know.” His breath was soft, comforting against her.

The kids came running out and Lee let her go to gather them about her.

She looked up at Lee. “Are you alright?” she asked, seeing his mouth bleeding.

“I’ll be fine,” he murmured, his eyes enveloping all of them.

He’d never felt the comfort of a family’s love before, but Lily came over to him and he picked her up in his arm. “I’ll take care of you, Uncle Lee.” She smiled.

“Thanks darlin’.” He smiled, then looked at Hattie.

Hattie cast him a hot glance then looked over at Joe. “Let’s go in and have some supper.”

Lily doctored Lee while Hattie fixed supper. Joe sat at the table and shook his head.

“When’s it ever gonna end Mr. Lee, the hatin’?" Joe asked. “I can maybe understand them not takin’ to black folks. I reckon. But you sir…you belongs here and they all knows it.”

“I don’t know, Joe. Maybe someday others will see the wrong of it. But I think that day is a long way from now,” Lee admitted. “There’s always been prejudice in the world. I guess there always will be…Until it stops, we gotta just keep fightin’. Or leave this country.”

He looked at Lily and knew the other kids were looking. “Does it matter to you that I fought a war and lost, Lily?” he asked quite seriously.

Lily smiled and hugged him to her. “Nope, I love you just the way you are.” Then she kissed him on the cheek and got down.

“I love you too, but I ain’t gonna kiss ya,” Violet said shyly.

Daisy stood quiet. She didn’t say anything, but he made eye contact and he knew he was making some headway with her.


Chapter Nine


“I’m going into town to pay the taxes…” Lee announced at the breakfast table.

“Do you think that’s wise, after last night?” Hattie asked.

“It’s got to be taken care of, once they see we have the money to pay it, things might settle down. What can they do?”

The children’s laughter from just outside distracted them.

Joe nodded. “That makes some sense. I agree, I think you need to get them paid. That way, legally, no one can touch you.”

Lee sipped his coffee and watched the children playing out in the yard as they sat at the table a little longer this morning. One sweet Magnolia tree sent a sweet scent to the air. Blue jays argued in the tree tops, and it looked like a storm was brewing from the north.

“Guess I better get a move on too.” Joe stood up, stretched and took his cup t o the counter. “Mighty fine breakfast.”

“Thanks Joe, want any more coffee?” Hattie offered.

“Maybe later.” Joe smiled. “You want me to ride in with you?” He turned back to Lee once more.

Lee shook his head. “No, I’d rather you stay here with Hattie and the kids. I don’t want to leave her alone. Stay close to the house ‘til I get back, understand?”

Joe eyed Lee. “I will. You be careful. Watch your back.”

Lee’s expression changed to a slight curve. “Don’t worry, I’m not leaving myself open to them. I’ve got the money hidden.”

“That’s good thinkin’.” Joe chuckled.

Joe went outside and started talking to the kids leaving Hattie and Lee alone. Lee wondered if he’d done it purposely, but he wasn’t about to make a move on Hattie. He wanted her trust first, then maybe, at some point, her love.

“Be careful going into town. If they knew you have any money they’ll be after you, don’t you think?” Hattie asked, her soft brown eyes going over him hungrily.

“Yeah, but they don’t know it, that’s my advantage. They would have expected me to already pay the banker if I had anything. So this will surprise them, I’m sure. I’ll be back soon. Need anything from town?” he asked, putting his hat back on his head and moving toward her.

“No, just you…hurry back,” she almost turned away as she whispered the words, but he moved to stand in front of her and turned her chin up. His lips grazed against hers for a long moment.

“God, you taste good in the morning…” He smiled against her.

Her hands went to his waist as she deliberately pulled him closer. “I needed that —this mornin’. More than that, but I guess I’ll settle for what I can get.” She smiled temptingly and reached to kiss him again, this time the kisses deepening. They were losing themselves in the kisses as the children played outside. But directly Joe took them out to the barn and their voices drifted away.

Lee’s hand went around her and cupped her breast. He moaned lowly in his throat as his thumb gently caressed her nipple through the material. Her body reacted naturally to him and he smiled. “One of these days, I’m going to sink myself into those pillow soft breasts of yours, and kiss them ‘til they are raw…” He bent his head, and nudged her cleavage with his nose, kissing her there, feeling the heat rise between them. For long moments, he held her in his arm, and then turned her around so her back was at his chest and his hand romanced freely over her breast.

“Promise,” she murmured.

“Fact…” He kissed her again and pressed himself so she would know how effected he was, his shaft making itself known against her lower back. He let her go slowly, reluctantly. “Kisses aren’t enough…” he rasped. “Never have been between us. Not even when you were fifteen, and certainly not now.”

“Sixteen,” she corrected. "And just one kiss was plenty at the time."

“If you hadn’t been just sixteen when I first met you…Lord…we’d already have a few babies.”

Her breath hitched, and heat consumed her as she stared into his eyes. “Don’t talk to me like that…don’t make love to me with your words,” she panted. "Havin' babies?  You'd be proud to father my children?"

"More than proud. I want a dozen…" He laughed.

"You are sinfully brazen. Knowin' how they'd shun us. And yet…still wantin' us to be together, to have children together."

“You know I want you…” he sighed, coming to hold her, her head falling back on his shoulder as he kissed her forehead and rubbed her breast.

“I know…” she whispered. “I felt so brazen standing there kissing you without invitation, but you were being so good to us, and I was overwhelmed. I thought you was the most handsome boy I’d ever seen. I wanted you to make me yours.”

"Oh Hattie, don't you know, you've always been mine, only mine and I know it." He whispered. "I've never doubted you or how you feel."

"I've felt that. That blatant trust you have. The honesty, the bravery you show by your love, it consumes me."

“You have a fire about you lady, always have.”

“And it’s burnin’ pretty near out of control…” she murmured and turned away.

He pulled her back into his arm. His hand went to go under her shirt, this time not satisfied with feeling material but needing to hold her in his arm. And although she gasped, she didn’t stop him. She leaned her head against his shoulder, as his one hand caressed her. Fires flamed between them as he found her with his one good hand. The camisole she wore was easy to bypass. His finger sought the nipple that puckered for his touch. But just finding the tips of her breasts were not enough. “I want to see you, I have to,” he admitted raggedly.

“But…” She looked outside and saw Joe toward the barn with the kids.

“I need you so…” he whispered, his kisses adding fuel to the fire they were building.

“Someone might come in…” she protested when she found her voice.

He pulled her back into a dark alcove of the dining room, far away from the doorway, a place he could steal a glance, hold her, kiss her, love her. His hand quickly flicked the buttons of her shirt away, spreading it from her so he could look at her. He threw the shirt to the floor, then lifted the camisole over her head and stared at her, his eyes devouring her.

His eyes feasted on her. “At last I can see them, touch them, kiss them…”

His head dipped to take a nipple into his mouth and he moaned the pleasure it gave them both. She threw back her head and sighed aloud thrusting herself upward so he could touch her better. She offered herself to him. He needed no more invitation.

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