Kassie's Service (4 page)

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Authors: Elliot Silvestri

BOOK: Kassie's Service
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The appearance of the other woman in Joseph’s house had
thrown her and Kassie had all but forgotten the plug was in her ass, as
instructed. Still, she obeyed the older woman, turning slightly and bending
forward, letting her hands reach the floor, displaying her ass-jewel to Joanie.
“Very pretty,” she commented. “Come on into the kitchen. We have a lot to do

That seemed to be the mantra of everyone associated with

“Um, who are you exactly,” she asked as Joanie sauntered
down the hallway. Kassie’s eyes fell to the other woman’s buttocks. Her left
cheek was tattooed with an elaborate design that seemed to incorporate Joseph’s
initials and the number ten.

Joanie looked over her shoulder. “I’m one of Joseph’s
slaves, like you. Well, not exactly like you. I’m not really fully active any
more. He just brings me in for special occasions. You’re his current obsession.
And I can see why.” She walked calmly to the kitchen table and rested a hip
against the heavy piece of furniture. What Kassie saw on the table alarmed her.

“How many slaves does he have?” she heard herself asking.
Kassie wondered what she had gotten herself into. She should have asked more
questions of Joseph before agreeing to this stupid plan.

“What’s the number on your box?” Joanie asked with a
quick downward glance at Kassie’s crotch. That threw the younger woman then she
realized Joanie was talking about the cardboard box in the hallway.


“There’s your answer.”

“You’re number ten?”

Joanie smiled showing a lot of white teeth. “Yes. You saw
my tattoo?”

“Yes…why’d you let him do that to you?”

Joanie laughed. “Let him? I was under a slave contract at
the time he put it on me. My body belonged to him. I didn’t have a choice in
the matter.”

Kassie wanted to ask the next logical question but she
couldn’t make her mouth form the words. Instead she turned the conversation.
“Why are you here today?” she asked instead.

“To test you. But that’s not what you were going to ask,
was it?”

Kassie shook her head. “No.”

“Go ahead, ask. There shouldn’t be any secrets among us

With a hard swallow she managed to say, “Why haven’t you
gotten it removed?”

Somehow Joanie managed to look mischievous when she
answered. “It’s far too expensive and it will probably leave scars. Besides, I
like my ass. So do a lot of men. It’s a conversation piece.” She shrugged.
“Maybe I’ll get a cover-up done some day. But I still work for Joseph as a
slave; it’s nice to have around so I don’t have to wear a collar or other

“I’m not wearing a collar or…marker,” Kassie said.

“What  do you think that plug in your ass is?”

“Oh.” She thought a moment. “There’s a lot that Joseph
didn’t tell me.”

“And finding out is half the fun. Being a slave is a lot
of work, but it’s so worth it. You’ll find that out soon enough.” She shook her
head again. “It’s
much fun being a slave for the first time. How old
are you?”

She didn’t give her answer any thought. “Eighteen.”

Joanie’s smile didn’t waver. “Joseph still likes ‘em
young. I was twenty two when he got me. I now wish I was younger when I went
into her servitude. Still, it’s all worked out for the best.” She shook her
head once more. “Eighteen. No wonder you have such wonderful tits.”

Kassie self-consciously crossed her arms in front of her
chest and blushed. That made Joanie laugh. “You’re laughing at me.”

“Just because we’ve been talking here for ten minutes and
now you’re embarrassed at being naked? Get over it honey. Mine might be bigger,
but size isn’t everything.” She gestured to the items on the table. “You know
what these are?”

Kassie nodded. “Yes. A cane, a belt, a whip, and…clamps
on a chain.”

“Good. Mostly correct. Rattan cane, leather belt, third
item actually called a flogger, and nipple clamps. Only the leather belt can be
purchased at your local department store. Everything else is specialty. You
know what these are used for?”

“Beatings.” Kassie’s pulse quickened and her pussy
moistened. She wondered if her scent would reach Joanie’s nose or if the other
woman would see her g-string soaked first.

“Discipline. I need to find your pain tolerance. Joseph
needs to know what to do with you as a slave.”

“Doesn’t he just want to..you know, use me?”

Joanie laughed. “Oh, I’m certain he does and he will, if
he hasn’t already. But you have some hidden talent I’m sure, I need to find

“Hidden talent?”

“Yes. In my other job I work at a…well, let’s just say
it’s an adult entertainment playground.”

“Are you a dominatrix?” Kassie heard herself asking.

Joanie’s smile thinned. “Among other talents. Now I need
you to take out your plug, place it in the kitchen sink, then bend over the
table, rest your weight on it, I just need access to your ass.”

Pulling the plug out was the easy part. It wanted to stay
inside, but after a firm pull Kassie pried it loose and placed the lube-slicked
item in the sink. After pulling her g-string back into place she washed her
hands. Under Joanie’s watchful eye she went to the table, bent forward, and
laid her upper body down to her hips on the flat surface. The wood was cold on
her skin.

“Have you ever been spanked or beaten before?” Joanie


“Does the idea excite you?”


“I’m going to spank you now. What’s your safe word?”

It took Kassie a moment to remember. “Eclipse.”

Joanie scoffed. “He’s still using that one? Okay. Bare
hand first, just to pink you up. Grip the edges of the table if it helps you. I
have a firm hand but you’ll be able to endure it I’m sure.”

She didn’t ask Kassie is she was ready. The first slap
caught her by surprise. Kassie gasped at the sting. It wasn’t truly painful,
just surprising. Then there was another and another and another until Kassie
lost track of what was going on. She heard herself crying out at the spanking
and shifting her hips around trying to escape but she managed to endure the

Then, just as suddenly, it stopped. “You have nice skin,”
Joanie said. “It’s nice and pink. And that was just from a baby spanking.
You’ve never sunbathed nude or used a tanning booth, have you?”

“No,” Kassie said.

“It shows. I like that. It makes the skin more tender.
Modern society puts too much emphasis on fakeness, especially fake tans.”

Kassie wondered if Joanie espoused that belief because
she was a redhead and sunburned easily. Not that Kassie could take a tan
easily. She tended to burn easily as well.

“Did it hurt?” Joanie asked.

“A little,” Kassie admitted.

“Want to see your ass?” Without waiting for a reply
Joanie produced a small hand mirror and angled it so Kassie could see her pert
ass while still laying on the table. Joanie claimed the color was pink but to
Kassie’s eyes it looked bright red.


“Pretty, I know. I’ll give you a moment, and then we’ll
get out the flogger.”

“No, let’s do it now I want to get this over with.”

Joanie nodded and picked up the flogger. It was a short
wooden handle to which were attached a dozen strips of soft leather. Kassie
wondered what Joanie looked like dressed up in leather dominatrix gear. That
was enough to get her pussy drooling again as the first two blows landed on her
curved buttocks.

The initial swats she barely felt. The sound wasn’t loud
but it was disconcerting. Then Joanie increased the force of the swats.

“Is your pussy wet?” Joanie asked between spanks.


“Is your pussy wet?”

There was another lashing before she could answer. “Uh. I
think so.”

Joanie paused in her abuse of the young woman. Kassie
inhaled sharply when she felt Joanie’s fingers between her legs, pushing aside
the g-string, and pushing up between her nether lips. “Yeah, you’re wet. You’re
enjoying this aren’t you?”

Kassie half shook her head. “No, I’m not. It hurts.”

“It’s supposed to hurt, silly.”

The lash came down again. It was harder and more intense.
And then it came again and again. Kassie heard herself screaming in protest and
then she finally remember the safe word. “Eclipse!” she cried out. “Eclipse!”

Joanie paused in mid-swat, her arm raised. She lowered it
and rested the lashes in her left hand. “Already?”

With great regret Kassie nodded. “Yes. It’s too much.”

“I’ve barely started,” Joanie commented. “Though your ass
is nice and red. Perhaps just a bit more?”

“No!” Kassie started to push off the table, but Joanie
rested a hand on her back. “Stay there a minute. Relax. I can take some of the
pain away.”

“You can?”

“Yes.” she laid the flogger down next to Kassie. “Close
your eyes. Breathe.”

Kassie followed orders…and then Joanie’s fingers were
between her legs again, probing at her pussy, pushing aside the g-string. “No,”
she said.

“No,” Joanie countered. “Remember you are a slave. You
aren’t going to use your safeword again, are you?”

“No,” Kassie said, “but—”

“But I’m going to relieve the pain. You’ve been touched
by a woman before, haven’t you?” she teased as her fingers slipped into
Kassie’s sopping pussy.


“Really? A pretty girl like you? Oh, wait, you have
haven’t been to college yet, have you?”

“No.” Kassie didn’t want to discuss

“Wait until you get in a dorm room alone with another
pretty girl. Lots of temporary lesbians in college.” Her fingers pulled out a
bit and probed around Kassie’s nether region. Apparently Joanie knew women’s
anatomy very well because it took her no time at all to find Kassie’s clit.
Kassie sighed and shuddered. Joanie’s touch was firm and insistent. Her hand
came off Kassie’s back and another set of fingers explored the young woman’s

Joanie squeezed and stroked Kassie’s hard pleasure nub as
she stroked the inside of Kassie’s slit at the same time. By now Kassie
couldn’t think of any words to say and surrendered herself to this exquisite
torture. The orgasm Joanie gave her was unlike anything she’d ever had with her
own hand or a cock.

Tears leaked out of her eyes as the climax rolled over
her body. “Better?” Joanie asked.

When she could speak again Kassie answered. “Yes. Much.”

“Good. I don’t think we’ll be using your ass much more
today. Stand up. No, wait. Sit on the edge of the table. I don’t want you
fainting on the floor.”

Kassie turned over and sat up, resting her feet on the
floor and her abused bottom on the cool wood. Joanie went to the sink, filled a
glass with water, and handed the glass along with a pill to Kassie. “Something
to take the edge off.”

Taking the glass she emptied half of it in one swallow,
then put the pill on her tongue and swallowed it with the rest of the water.
Joanie extracted a cold pack from the freezer, placed it on the table and had
Kassie sit her reddened bum on it.

“A little aftercare is always good. Stay there. We need
to move on.”


Kassie was a bit woozy and out of it. That was okay. She
just needed to close her eyes and rest a bit.

Joanie didn’t allow her that. She felt a tug on her left
nipple and then an intense squeezing. She gasped and her eyes snapped open. The
nipple had a clamp attached to it all but crushing the red nipple. “Fuck! Why’d
you do that?”

“Because it’s my job,” Joanie answered. “Now hold still
while I do the other one.”

She felt like she didn’t have any choice in the matter.
Joanie attached the clamp to Kassie’s right nipple causing her to wince but
there were no theatrics this time. The clamps were linked by a chain that
tugged down her slightly upward angled nipples. Once they were on Kassie hated
to admit it, but the intensity lessened but at the same time excited her. “Wow.
Oh wow. That’s…it’s hard to say.”

She closed her eyes and concentrated on what was
happening to her body.

“You like that?” Joanie asked.


“We’ll let the clamps stay on a few minutes. Hold still,
I’m going to add a weight.”

There was a light tug and then the force pulling down the
chain increased. It was…nice.

“Wow,” was all Kassie could say. She opened her eyes
briefly, glanced a steel ball hanging in the middle of the chain, and closed
them again.

“You just relax there a few minutes,” Joanie said.

“Mm-hmm,” Kassie agreed.

She heard her tormentor moving around the kitchen but didn’t
bother to open her eyes. For the moment Kassie was just her mind and her
nipples. It was perfect.

“Get ready,” Joanie was after a few minutes.

“For what?” Kassie mumbled.

Joanie squeezed the clamps, opening them up. Kassie’s
eyes snapped open and she cried out in pain. Her hands went to cup her abused
nipples and she wanted to rub them but they hurt too much to do anything. The privilege
of getting to console herself was taken away from her by Joanie’s strong hands.
The other woman cupped Kassie’s breasts and stood close to her victim. “Taking
them off is more painful than leaving them on, isn’t it?

“Mm-hmm,” Kassie agreed.

“Watch this,” Joanie said. Her fingers pinched Kassie’s
nipples in the opposite direction of the clamps. Kassie wanted to double over
in pain but Joanie wouldn’t let her. Without realizing what was happening an
intense burst of sensation rolled through her body. For the first time in her
life Kassie had an orgasm without touching her pussy.

“Good?” Joanie asked.

“Oh, fuck, I don’t think I can do that again.”

“Don’t worry. You won’t have to do it again today. But
I’m sure that Joseph will be pleased. I was right about you having pretty

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