Kassie's Service (8 page)

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Authors: Elliot Silvestri

BOOK: Kassie's Service
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She unbelted the robe and dropped it to the carpet;
standing casually in front of him she heard herself asking, “How do you want to
have sex?”

“You’ve got nice tits, not too big, not too small. I like
that. Take off your panties.”

The g-string joined the robe on the floor. Kassie was
excited to be naked in front of a stranger knowing she’d be having sex with him
shortly. She had no will of her own. She was a possession of Joseph. It was
easy to step outside herself this was.

“Thank you.”

“Get on your knees and suck my cock,” he ordered. It
wasn’t a harsh, crude command of a man demanding something of a woman he saw as
weak and inferior, something to be used and thrown away. It was the direct
request of a man who knew what he wanted from her.

She obeyed. It was easy to get down on the floor,
unbuckle his belt, unbutton and unzip his pants, shuffle down the material and
expose his semi-hard cock. It wasn’t big or small. It was just nice.

When she lowered her head and took him in her mouth it
was only necessary to suck him for a minute before he was good and hard. He
didn’t look terribly old, thirty, thirty-five at most. He was probably horny
and excited about getting to fuck an eighteen year old, Kassie reasoned.

“Get on the bed,” he said. “On your back.”

She found she was excited. Her pussy was wet and the idea
that she was going to have sex with a stranger was so deliciously obscene she
found her stomach doing flip-flops. When he stood up and pushed his pants off
she watched him carefully. His cock stayed erect and as he clambered on top of
her she grabbed his erection to guide it directly to her pussy.

Just before he entered her he said, “This is great. The
last time I fucked an eighteen year old I was eighteen.”

“How old are you?” Kassie asked.

His cockhead pushed inside her pussy. Her sex was wet
enough that he slipped in without any problem.

“Thirty six.”

That was when she realized she was half his age.
Theoretically old enough to be her father. She knew that Joseph was older. She
was fucking men more than twice her age and it didn’t bother her. That was the
moment she realized there must be something wrong with her brain; this wasn’t

When Doug started thrusting his hard cock into her again
and again, faster and faster she changed her mind. It wasn’t normal. Normal was

It was better than normal.

The orgasm she had when he came wasn’t that great, but
his was so powerful she could feel the cum overfilling her pussy and oozing out
between her lips as he continued to thrust into her body. She wrapped her legs
around his waist and let him spend himself until he was too exhausted and too
flaccid to continue.

They rested together a while. She was fairly certain she
fell asleep and he watched her as she dozed. He didn’t do anything to her body
while she was asleep. She was disappointed in that. It would have been exciting
to have been woken by his fingers exploring where they didn’t belong. Instead
it was him getting out of bed and pulling on his pants that woke her.

“Why did Joseph send you?” she asked him.

“He told me he had a young girl at his house who needed a
good fucking.”

“Really?” She was doubtful about the full veracity of
that statement. “How do you know Joseph?”

“I’m a client,” he said. Then corrected himself. “Well,
my parents are clients. I’m the one managing my parents’ money.”

“Uh-huh. And he gave me to you as a bonus?”

Doug picked up his shirt from the dresser where he had
carefully folded it. “You could say that. Joseph and I have a lot of the same
interests.” He looked at Kassie. “Roll over. I want to see his tattoo on your

She complied. She got a little thrill showing off her
tattoo. Who else was going to see it? Certainly none of her immediate friends
or family members.

He nodded. “Nice work. What trick does he have you


“Every slave Joseph has had has a specialty. What’s
yours? I don’t see any piercings. Or any sign of a good spanking. What’s your

Joseph had already told her, had already groomed her for
her trick and she didn’t know it. “Oh. He wants to make me lactate. Breast milk
is my trick, I guess.”

“Huh. That’s new. I’d have thought that he’d go with a
girl with bigger tits. Shows you what I know.” He leaned over the bed, his
shirt on but unbuttoned, and felt her breasts. It didn’t bother her he was
treating her like a piece of meat. It was sort of exciting to be seen as an
object of excitement.

“Any milk yet?” he asked her.

“No. Not yet. It’s only been a few days.”

Doug nodded. “Yeah, I bet it takes a while for that trick
to work.”

“I have to go to the breast pump in a little while to
stimulate them.” She grinned at him. “Want to give them a try?” She couldn’t
believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. Was she really soliciting
him to suck on her tits?

Doug considered it a moment and then nodded. “Sure.” In a
blink he was back on the bed, rolling Kassie to her side, and taking one breast
into his mouth. It suckling wasn’t soft or encouraging. He simply sucked as
hard as he could.

It wasn’t exactly painful, but Kassie didn’t like it.
“Hey, slow down. You’re not trying to siphon a gas tank.”

That was enough for Doug to lessen the amount of suction.
He kept at it, searching for some secret supply of breast milk that hadn’t
formed yet. When he abruptly let go, but before he switched to the other tit he
asked her, “Do you like doing this for Joseph? Do you like doing this for me?”


Doug took up her other nipple and sucked firmly on that
one too. She rolled her body slightly and wanted to put her hand to her pussy,
but Doug beat her. His fingers invaded her slit and sloshed around in the cum
he had left behind. That only lasted a minute as he sucked, then he found her
clit and started rubbing.

It was a easy orgasm to have. When she cried out her
pleasure Doug abruptly relented, let go of her tit and pulled his fingers out
of her cunt, wiping them off on her stomach. He finished dressing and left.

Kassie was nonplussed by his treatment. It was close to
four o’clock. She cleaned up a bit, put her g-string back on, went downstairs
and hung up the robe. The next half hour in the spare bedroom where she placed
her breasts in the pumping device were pleasant. She wanted to masturbate as
she was pumped but there didn’t seem much need for it. How many orgasms could
an eighteen year old girl have or need in one afternoon?

Joseph didn’t return before her departure time. She left
without seeing her dom. She was disappointed at that.

The next few weeks all passed in a similar fashion with
close to the same schedule at Joseph’s house. Once a week she would go to his
office, but mostly she spent it alone in his house, entertaining the odd
visitor who showed up, having sex, masturbating, pumping her breasts. It wasn’t
a terrible existence, but it wasn’t exactly what she was looking for either. At
most she’d have sex with Joseph once a week. Not exactly the sex-rampant
lifestyle she had been envisioning when she signed the contract with him.

It actually became a job with periodic breaks for sex.
Every week there was one, and sometimes two, new men she had to have sex with.
Doug made several reappearances. She lost track of the names of the men. Kassie
was fairly sure it included a Michael, Bob, Travis, and Frank. Maybe. She was
actually pleased when Joanie showed up on Joseph’s doorstep one afternoon.

“Oh, I’m supposed to have sex with you?” she asked
Joanie. She hadn’t bothered to put on the robe from the closet. She was well
past feeling self-conscious about her nudity.

“Actually, I was going to put it that I’m supposed to
have sex with you,” Joanie said. “You’re the submissive and I’m the dominant.”

“Right,” Kassie agreed.

Upstairs in the bedroom where Kassie held most of her
encounters she watched from the bed as Joanie buckled on her strapon dildo.
“Why does he have me fucking random men?” she asked Joanie. “And woman, I

“He likes to watch,” Joanie told her as she got on the
bed. It was weird for Kassie to see the blue dildo jutting out from Joanie’s
crotch, but it was hardly the weirdest thing she had done since September.
Joanie indicated two of the discretely placed cameras in the room’s corners.
“He’s got audio too. Microphones to hear every grunt and groan.” Instead of
going down on Kassie to get her ready Joanie simply slathered some lube on the
younger woman’s pussy and slid in the dildo. Kassie wasn’t especially excited
to have sex right then, but once the faux-cock was in her, she felt her body
responding. Apparently she was one of those women who were always up for sex
whether she intellectually wanted it or not.

“Oh, fuck that feels good,” Kassie grunted.

“Textured dildo,” Joanie told her. “Ribbed for her
pleasure.” She laughed. “You like that don’t you?”

“Yes. Too much.”

It was relaxing to have sex with another woman. Kassie
had never considered herself bisexual, but sex with Joanie was more like two
friends enjoying an afternoon together rather than some intimate bonding.

“Why are you doing this?” Joanie asked her when they were

“For the money,” Kassie told her.

“Yeah, okay. But I can tell you’re a smart girl. You just
graduated high school. Why aren’t you in college?”

 Kassie stood up from the bed. She avoided the question
Joanie posed. “I’ve got to go pump my breasts. I think my milk’s starting to
come in. They feel firmer and bigger.”

Joanie wasn’t so easily deterred. She followed Kassie
down the stairs to the pumping room. She didn’t bother to take off the strapon
dildo so it wobbled around her hips as she walked. “Come one, girlie. Answer
the question. He’s paying you good money, but is it worth it for what you have
to do? Do you really like having your tits treated like cow udders? Do you like
having sex with strangers? Did you like getting your ass tattooed to show that
you’re his property?”

“Yes. No. I don’t know!” Kassie felt herself near tears
but she still knelt over the bench and positioned the soft cups to her breasts.
She was naked—a usual state for her while at work—but not the least bit
concerned that Joanie was staring at her exposed ass and pussy.

“Which is it? Why don’t you just tell me the truth?”

“I need money for college,” Kassie blurted as the pump
started up. It pulled softly and insistently on her nipples, stretching them
out, then releasing them. If nothing else over the past months it had served to
toughen up her nipples. They used to be pale pink but were now much redder than
before. Was that because they were constantly used and abused by the pump and
her afternoon paramours or was it because she found herself in a state of
near-constant sexual arousal?

“Really? Is that it? There are easier ways to make money
for college,” Joanie told her. “Scholarships, loans, heck even internships at
any company would look better on your record—”

“Joseph’s set up my contract as an internship for his
company,” Kassie informed her.

Joanie shook her head. “No, that’s not it. You’re not
telling me something.”

“Fuck. Fine. I didn’t get into college.”

“And so you decided to turn to a career in sex work? Lots
of women got to college first, honey, and then turn to sex work to pay off
their student loans when they can’t get a real job.”

“Thanks for the encouragement but no. Actually, I did get
into college but I can’t start right away.”

“Because of money?”

“Not really. Because the one place I wanted to go
waitlisted me and then gave me the option to either start in January or next year.
I chose next year.”

“So you’re doing this instead?”


“Oh. That must be…painful.”

At first Kassie thought Joanie was talking about the
pumping, but then she realized it was the emotional conflict that would be
painful. “Yeah, sort of.”

“All of your friends off to college and you’re…”

“Left behind. It sucks. So maybe taking a job where I
didn’t have to be
all the time was a break. Yeah, that’s what I was
looking for in my life.”

“It must suck,” Joanie commented.

Kassie dropped her eyes to the machine in front of her.
She wished Joanie would just fuck her with the strapon one more time instead of
talking to her. “Yeah, it does.”


She didn’t spend much time out and about when she wasn’t
working. Kassie had almost become a recluse. Some of her friends had continued
to email and text and call her when they first started their college classes,
but they quickly fell by the wayside. No one wanted to be friends with the girl
who had only applied to one college and hadn’t gotten in. She was a
near-pariah. The few people from school she did occasionally see around town
when she was shopping with her mother or on some errand for Joseph generally
weren’t people she had associated with in high school.

Toward the middle of November she couldn’t stand hiding
in her parents’ house any longer and escaped one evening to the movies. There
she ran into Kyle, who she barely knew from high school. They hadn’t traveled
in the same circles but now they were both outcasts.

“Are you working now?” she asked him as they walked out
of the theater.

“During the day. I’m a management trainee at Price

She giggled at that.

“And I’m taking night classes at the Harvard on the

“Community college?” She was surprised. Kyle was fairly

“It’s all I could afford. My family…well, I have to pay
my own way.”

“Right.” They were outside now and she felt a sudden
freedom and need. “Do you have any place to go right now?”

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