Kassie's Service (5 page)

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Authors: Elliot Silvestri

BOOK: Kassie's Service
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“Thank you.” Ignoring Kassie’s reply Joanie pulled on her
hands, getting her to stand and walking her through the house. She felt wobbly
on her feet. “Where are we going?”

“To the bed.”

“Oh. For a nap?” Her head was light. “I like naps.”

“No, because I want to have sex with you.”


“Aren’t you still horny?”

“Umm…yeah. I want to cum again.”

“Good,” Joanie said. “Have you made love with a woman

“Nope.” Now she felt silly as Joanie pushed her down into
Joseph’s bed. But Joanie’s skin felt amazing on hers.

“Then I’ll teach you that too.” Joanie’s lips landed on
hers and Kassie kissed the dominatrix back. It was a soft kiss, unlike a man’s.
It was nice. It was sexy. Joanie’s breasts brushed against her nipples and that
was nice too. She wanted to reach between Joanie’s legs and feel her pussy. She
wanted to know what another woman’s sex felt like.

“I have a confession to make,” Joanie said as she kissed
Kassie’s neck, then her collar bone, and then—ever so lightly—one abused nipple
and then the other. She continued working her way down Joanie’s body with light


“I didn’t give you a pain killer.”


“No. It was a tab of E.”


“You ever have sex while high?”

“Nope.” She wanted to giggle when Joanie’s lips reached
her g-string. She wanted Joanie to take the material between her teeth and
strip her that way, but instead Joanie kneeled and pulled Kassie’s tiny panties
off with her hands. Then she was naked and Joanie was kissing her pussy. She
opened her legs wider, letting Joanie do to her as she wished.

“You’ll like this.”

She did. Joanie must have been a connoisseur of pussy
because she knew exactly what Kassie liked when her cunt was licked. Joanie put
her fingers inside Kassie as she worked the younger woman’s clit and easily
brought Kassie to another orgasm.

“Oh, shit, you have to stop doing that,” Kassie gasped
when her climax subsided.

Joanie laughed faintly and crawled up Kassie’s body to
lay on the bed next to her. “Did you enjoy that?”

Kassie found she was giggling and tried to make herself
stop. “Yes. Do you have to ask?”

“Of course I have to ask. It’s only polite.” She rolled
to her side to face Kassie. Her full breasts rested on Kassie’s arm. “It’s your
turn,” she said.

“My turn for what?” Kassie laughed.

“To go down on me.”

“Oh.” Kassie continued to giggle. “You really want me to
do that?” she asked trying to squirm her way out of an uncomfortable situation.
The E was still making her happy, but she wasn’t sure if she was ready for what
Joanie wanted.



“Yes. Don’t make me get out the lash to force you to do
it,” Joanie said with a studied grit in her voice. “There’s nothing more
shameful than a slave who doesn’t obey.”

“I’ve never gone down on a woman before,” Kassie said to
buy herself some time.

“So? At one point you never sucked cock before, but you
did that. You know what you like, do the same to me.”

“Why are you making me do this?” Kassie pleaded.

“Think about it while you eat me out,” Joanie said
rolling to her back. She twined her fingers through Kassie’s platinum blond
hair and gently, but very firmly, forced the other woman to move down her body.
Joanie was pleased that her plaything was much more pliable once she started
moving. Kassie planted a few kisses on Joanie’s tits before quickly getting her
body between Joanie’s legs.

For just a moment Kassie considered stripping off the
other woman’s g-string with her teeth like she wanted done to her, but then
rejected the idea. She had never tried such a move and wouldn’t want to bite
and unintentionally hurt her instructor. Instead she used her hands to strip
Joanie. The older woman lifted her legs and allowed Kassie to take the
g-string; she then lowered her legs spread wide around Kassie’s body and
presented her with a wet and ready pussy.

As much as she was there to evaluate and instruct Kassie,
Joanie was also there for a bit of pleasure as well.

Confronted face-to-face with another woman’s pussy for
the first time, Kassie hesitated and then moved forward, fascinated. She had
seen enough porn and had inspected herself to know what to expect, but everyone
was different. As she moved in, she was struck by a need to kiss and lick
Joanie’s pussy. It was the most natural gesture in the world and was a desire
she had to fulfill.

It was first a lick, then a kiss, then a gentle suck of
Joanie’s clit. And then Kassie lost herself in Joanie’s sex. It was humid and
moist and pungent and musky and perfect. She didn’t know how long she ate at
Joanie’s cunt, but it was long enough to get the other woman off.

Joanie writhed and squirmed under Kassie’s tongue,
eventually letting herself cum with a little trickle of girl-cum leaking out of
her pussy. If Kassie noticed the extra liquid she didn’t say a word. Perhaps
she was too shocked at making another woman cum for the first time or maybe she
was too proud of herself for the achievement; Joanie didn’t care either way.
“Get back up here,” she said when she was done. “I want to hold you a while.”

Kassie complied. It was her personality to do so. The two
women drifted off to sleep together.


She wasn’t sure how long they napped together, but Kassie
woke first and stumbled to the bathroom to relieve her bladder and splash cold
water on her face. Joanie stirred when she was abandoned in the bed. After she
dried her face and hands Kassie looked at herself in the mirror. Was this the
way she wanted to live her life? If not for always, then for the moment? Her
pale blue eyes stared back at her but didn’t offer any answer.

Was she proud of what she had just done? Or ashamed?

“Neither,” she told herself and turned away from the
mirror. She hated mirrors. She always felt like she was judging herself and
couldn’t stand to look in them for a moment longer than necessary.

On her way out of the bathroom Joanie was headed in.
“Don’t get comfortable, babe,” she said. “We’ve got more to do today.”

Kassie looked at the clock. It was just past one. When
she came out Joanie told her to get back in her g-string. She had already put
hers back on. They went to the kitchen for a quick bite to eat.

It was only moderately strange to sit at a table where
she had been beaten just a few hours earlier and where the other implements of
pain rested next to her elbow as she ate a turkey and cheese sandwich.

“Does your bottom still hurt?” Joanie asked.

“A bit.”

“The pain will fade. I’d tell you that you’ll get used to
it, but you never
get used to it. You go seeking out the pain in
different ways, you start to desire it more than sex.” Her eyes went hazy and
then snapped back to reality. “But I don’t think that will be a problem for
you,” Joanie concluded.

“Why not?”

“You aren’t really a masochist like I am. I can tell. You
might like a bit of pain to flavor your sex but you don’t truly want to
instead of
sex. It’s a spice to you, not the main meal.”

“What do you mean?” Kassie was confused.

“When I spanked you, it made you excited. I get excited
too when I get spanked. Or caned. Or lashed.” Her eyes went dreamy again, but
then refocused. “Do you think you can cum just from a paddling?”

Her hair whipped back and forth at her vehement head
shaking. “No. Never.”

“And that might be the truth for you.” She smiled and
half-closed her eyes. Joanie was in another world. “I still remember the first
time I came from a paddling. It was pure heaven and ecstasy. I cried so hard I
actually started hyperventilating.”

Kassie had her sandwich halfway to her mouth and just
stared at Joanie in amazement. “You came just from being paddled on the butt?”

Joanie looked down at her plate and smiled. “Well,
mostly. I was bent over so I was getting hit on the pussy a little too.”

“You’re fucking kidding me!”

Her smile somehow seemed demure. “No. The easiest way to
make me cum is to lash my pussy and clit.” Her eyes rolled up in her head.
“Fast and hard.”

“I don’t believe you,” Kassie said flatly.

Joanie calmly stood up, gathered their plates and
glasses, dumped them in the sink, and then handed Kassie the lash that had
earlier been used on the young woman. Then she picked up the nipple clamps from
the table and gestured for Kassie to come closer. “You liked these earlier.
Let’s put them on for a minute.”

Kassie nervously approached and allowed Joanie to grasp
one nipple between her fingers and slipped on the clamp, tightening it down to
hold it in place. Though her nipples were still a bit sore it didn’t hurt so
much this time. Kassie sighed when an odd sense of relaxation flowed through
her body. The process was repeated with her other nipple and once again she was

“Ready?” Joanie asked. Kassie nodded, not knowing what
she was ready for. Joanie shoved aside the toys that were still on the table
and bent over it. “Spank me,” she told Kassie.


“You heard me. Spank me. This is just a bit of warm up.”

“I don’t think I can…”

“Of course you can. You’re a slave. I’m telling you to do

“But I’ll hurt you.”

“I’m a redhead. I can take twice the amount of pain you
can. I was born to endure.” She glared over her shoulder at Kassie and gave the
young woman her commanding voice again. “Don’t make me give Joseph a poor
review of your skills.”

Kassie swallowed hard and raised up her hand holding the
flogger. She brought it down far too lightly on Joanie’s ass. It didn’t even
raise a single pink stripe.

“Harder, damn you!” Joanie all but screamed at the tyro.
“Are you really so slow and incompetent?”

Kassie picked up her hand and brought it down with ten
times the previous force. The leather straps whistled through the air and made
a satisfying
as they laid across Joanie’s ass. A pinkish glow
spread over her pale skin.

“Yes. More like that!”

With each slap of the flogger Joanie jerked a bit. Every
time her body moved Kassie felt the nipple clamps and chain pulling on her
tender skin. It aroused her lust. Kassie watched as Joanie’s skin went from
pale to pink to rose to nearly bright red. Every other time the toy came down
on her skin Joanie would either hiss or shout encouragement or tell Kassie to
work the other cheek. She was worried at first about damaging the tattoo Joanie
sported, but when the woman didn’t seem concerned about damaging the artwork,
Kassie put it out of her mind.

“Enough!” Joanie said. “Oh, that’s fucking good. No more
on my ass.” She stood up before Kassie could land another blow. Off came her g-string
and she lifted her butt up on the table, wiggled back a bit, then lay down 
while opening her legs and folding them flat to the table’s surface, bringing
her heels together. “On my pussy now,” she said calmly, even eagerly.

Her sex was wide open to Kassie but the blonde girl
hesitated. “I don’t want to hurt you,” she said again.

Joanie laughed at her. “You can’t hurt me. I’ve been
abused and lashed and caned by professionals. I can take the heat. You just
need to hit me a few times so I can cum.”

Taking a deep breath Kassie steeled herself and brought
the lash down again. Her arm was starting to get tired and she missed on the
first try. She hit Joanie’s inner thigh and while she didn’t complain she did
say, “Take your time. Get those lashed right on my clit.” True, the target was
smaller than her ass, but that was no excuse.

The second attempt was better. It wasn’t her hardest blow
but the leather straps landed right on Joanie’s sex. She hissed lightly at the
pain. The leather came away slightly wet with her juices. “Harder. More.”

Kassie did it again and again. Joanie jerked and cried
out each time. She lost count of the blows and then, without any real warning
Joanie screamed and her body shook with obvious climax. A squirt of girl-cum
erupted from Joanie’s cunt and Kassie jumped back thinking the other woman was
peeing. The spray didn’t last long but the orgasm lasted a long, long time to
Kassie’s innocent eyes.

There was the sound of clapping from the other side of
the kitchen. Kassie turned to see Joseph walking slowly across the room,
applauding. “Very good. But is this what I sent you here for, Joanie?”

The woman on the table was breathing heavily. Kassie
guiltily hid the flogger she was holding behind her back, as if that would
help. She had no clue how long Joseph had been watching. She hoped he wouldn’t
ask her if beating Joanie had excited her, because it had. She wanted to reach
up and remove the nipple clamps, another sign of her guilty conscious that she
was enjoying giving and receiving torment, but she restrained herself.

“No, Joseph. It wasn’t. I was just giving Kassie a

“Uh-huh. And now you’ll get to show her what else happens
when you don’t follow my orders strictly. Go to my bed. I’ll be there in a
minute. I need to talk to Kassie.”

Joanie got off the table and trotted out of the room.
Joseph turned on Kassie. “You need to be smarter, Kassie. She tricked you into
pleasuring her. Don’t be so innocent and naïve, please. Now, come to the
bedroom. I want to show you something.” He gestured to her with a crooked
finger and for a moment Kassie wanted Joseph to pluck her nipple chain to pull
her along.

In his bedroom Joanie was laying on her back, legs open,
arms above her griping the headboard. Joseph took his time removing his
clothes. His cock was only semi-rigid and he turned to Kassie. It struck her at
that moment she was the only one in the room wearing any clothes, her g-string.
“On your knees, suck me a bit, make me hard for her.”

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