Kassie's Service (9 page)

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Authors: Elliot Silvestri

BOOK: Kassie's Service
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He shrugged. “Not really. Why?”

“I want to have sex. Where can we go?”

His look plainly told her that he didn’t believe her.
“Why are you teasing me like this?” he asked.

“I’m serious. We can’t go back to my house, my parents
are there. What about you?”

He scoffed and said, “I’m living in the apartment above
my parents’ garage. I’ve got a roommate but he’s not home now, I think.”

Her forehead furrowed. “Why do you live there?”

“I need a little independence,” he told her. “Follow me
home if you want. When you don’t I’ll know you weren’t serious.”

He got in his car and started to leave. Kassie had to
race to her own car and speed after him to follow. Kyle was surprised when she
arrived behind him at the older house in the not-so-great section of town, but
he lead her up to his place. It was small and disorganized as any young man’s
apartment would be.

“You serious about this?” he asked her when they walked

As promised the roommate was missing. Kassie calmly
pulled off her shirt and bra, exposing her tits. “Where’s your bed?” she asked.

Sex with Kyle was unremarkable. He didn’t last very long
and he didn’t have half the skills of Joseph, but it was good to have sex again
with someone her own age.

“Why are you having sex with me?” he asked when they were

“Can I just tell you that I’m lonely and leave it at

He shrugged. “I suppose.”

“Want to do it again?” she asked.


She had to use her mouth on his cock to make it hard
again, but eighteen year old boys weren’t known for their inability to get
erections. This time she was on top of him and was determined to enjoy herself.
The second time the sex was better. In order to keep him from cumming too soon
she grabbed the base of his cock several times to slow him down. She came twice
before she allowed him to get off again.

As she was dressing to leave he asked her, “Can I call
you? I’d like to see you again.”

She shook her head. “No. Better find one of those college
girls to fuck, Kyle. Thanks, though.”


The next day at Joseph’s house she didn’t see any need to
tell her dom that she had sex with another man the previous night. If he had
any inkling he didn’t give anything away. Joseph was working from home for part
of the day. He waited for her to pump her breasts and then went to the room and
lowered her g-string to fuck her.

When his cock entered her wet pussy—it was always wet
after five minutes of pumping—she sighed. “That feels good,” she told him.

“You like being fucked, don’t you?”

“Yes. It’s what I’m here for.”

“It’s what you are,” he told her. “You’re a girl who
loves sex. I’m making you a better woman.”

She nodded in agreement, not sure if she believed him,
but enjoyed the sensations of getting fucked while being pumped anyway.

“I have a new task for you,” he said as he thrusted into
her cunt.


“On the computer in my office I’ve stored all the videos
of you in this house for the past months. I need you to edit them.”

“Okay,” she said only half realizing what he was telling

“Cut out the boring stuff. I don’t need every minute of
you walking around naked. I want edits of every time you have sex.”

“Okay.” It was just another kink that Joseph enjoyed, she

“When you’re done with each day’s videos you will send
them to me for approval, then you’ll post them on a website for everyone to

Her eyes snapped open. “On the internet?”


Now she was concerned.

“But…everyone will see them.”

“I won’t be attaching you name to them. You’ll be a tear
in salty sea. A few hours of a pretty blonde girl getting fucked by a variety
of people will hardly be noticed.”

“But what if my friends, my family…”

“You did sign a contract, didn’t you?” he asked. The pace
of his thrusts increased. She could feel his cock getting harder in her pussy.
The idea excited and worried her. Kassie knew that was a bad combination; that
was what always made her libido run out of control.


“You’ll do it then!” he ordered as he came inside her.

“Yes!” she agreed as she came.


The work wasn’t hard. It was sort of enjoyable. There,
digitally recorded, was every encounter she had with Joseph, Doug, Joanie,
Michael, Bob, Travis, and Frank. And a few more as well. It was strange seeing
herself performing so many sex acts with so many different people. She didn’t
mind it. It was exciting to see her sex life recorded for posterity. Kassie
found some of the videos to be very sexy and found herself aroused at what she
was viewing.

It took a little time before she figure out exactly what
Joseph was looking for. It was easy to cut out all the extraneous stuff. There
was no need to show her walking back and forth in the hallways. She might be
pretty and naked, but that wasn’t that interesting. It was easy to zip through
the blank videos. From all the videos that had been recorded it was easy to
figure out where all the cameras were hidden. Most she already knew, but some
were well concealed.

The first bit of editing was a rough go. She tried
keeping too much; Joseph didn’t want that. His instructions on
to do
the editing were clear, but
he was looking for was another matter.
She tried mixing camera angles for the rooms that had more than one camera
recording. That didn’t work out too well either. The first one that he accepted
was her giving one of the nameless men a blowjob. She didn’t think the act was
all that great and when he came he didn’t want to cum in her mouth but to blow
his load on her face. Even that had failed. The best he could do was to hit her
chin once, then her neck and tits.

Still, Joseph approved and she posted it to the video
sharing website. Her face was clearly visible during the entire blowjob and
afterwards, but Kassie didn’t think the girl on the video looked all that much
like her. Once it was posted she went back to work editing the other videos.
Her work was getting better and faster. Joseph started approving more of them.
When she went back to the website she happened to see the status of the first
blowjob video. Her eyes blinked and her mind didn’t comprehend, but the counter
read over a thousand views.

Panicked, Kassie called Joseph.

“Over a thousand people have seen me giving a blowjob!”
she said in equal measures excited, scared, nervous, and proud.

“It’s probably less than that,” Joseph casually replied
on the phone. “Some are repeat viewings. Some are probably false starts.
Probably figure around five hundred men have viewed it.”


“You think women are watching this?”


“I want you to monitor all the views,” he said. “We’ll
see what are the most popular and maybe we can promote them for a little
anonymous fame.”

“Okay.” That made her nervous.

“Once you get to the videos of you getting fucked while
you pump we should see a bump in popularity. Anything with a kink is always
popular. And overall there is always an attraction for videos that look like
they were done surreptitiously. We’ll do well.”

Kassie watched as the view count steadily increased and
started to worry that someone might recognize her face.


It was only a few days later at Joseph’s house when the
change occurred. She was alone as normal, and was doing her morning pumping
like a good slave. Karrie had taken to masturbating while she was pumped by the
device. It passed the time and made her feel
good. She didn’t
always have an orgasm, but she didn’t always want to have one. When her half
hour of breast and nipple abuse was done she picked up the pump to take it to
the kitchen to be cleaned. Joseph had instructed her on the importance of cleanliness
when pumping. She could have figured that out herself.

She was halfway to the kitchen before she noticed the
little bit of liquid it the collection bottle. “Must have left it wet,” she
muttered to herself referring to yesterday’s washing.

Then she looked at the liquid closer. It wasn’t water. It
wasn’t dirty water. It was semi-clear and thin but certainly not water.

“Milk?” she asked herself feeling faint.

Dumping the pump on the counter she felt her breasts.
They were much fuller than before, but she already knew that and had purchased
some larger bras as a consequence. They were dry, nothing was leaking out of
her nipples, but would it have been?

She ran to the computer and pulled up Skype to speak with
Joseph. They had decided to use Skype instead of telephone calls when
discussing her video editing, it was easier. When he came on camera he looked
very tired. Before he could say a word she held up the cup with the small
amount of liquid in it.

“Milk,” was all she managed to squeak out.

His eyes perked up and he nodded. “I’ll be home soon,” he
said and disconnected the call.

Kassie waited an anxious forty minutes before Joseph came
through the front door. “Let me see the milk,” he demanded.

She immediately handed over the small bottle. He held it
up, inspecting the tiny amount of liquid through the clear plastic. “You
haven’t refrigerated it?”


“Pity. I’m tempted to taste it, but not if it isn’t fresh
and has been out at room temperature for so long.”

“I should have known,” Kassie said, dejected.

“There was no way for you to know. I should have given
you instructions. I want you to up your water intake,” he said. “That old rule
of eight eight-ounce glasses a day, you are familiar with it?”


“It at all possible I’d like you to do twelve glasses a
day, if not more. Don’t push yourself. Continue your vitamins. Continue
pumping. Maybe I should get you a pump for at home…”

“That won’t be necessary,” she interjected. It was one
thing to be his plaything in his house in relative privacy, but it was another
entirely to have hard evidence of his kinks—and her willingness to go along
with them—in her parents’ house.

He regarded her. “You’re worried about mom and dad
finding out?”

She hung her head. “Yes.”

“Not to worry. We’ll keep things as they are. Except…”


“I want to fuck you right now,” he said.

“Bedroom?” she asked.

“No. Back to the spare room. I want to fuck you while
you’re pumping.”

There was no reason for her to object, but she had
already pumped twice for the day. There was little chance of more milk being
produced. Still, she happily went to the spare room, bent over the bench,
slipped off her g-string, and hooked up the pumping machine while Joseph
watched. When she flipped the switch to activate the suction she expected him
to lower his zipper and take her like an overexcited frat boy. Instead he
watched as her nipples were distended by the pump, then released, then pulled
hard again, then released.

“I like what it does to your tits.”

“Thank you.”

“It turns you on?”


“Good.” She watched along with him as her breasts were exercised
for their express purpose.

“Are you going to fuck me?” she asked.

“You aren’t going to masturbate first?” he replied.


“You’ve masturbated almost every time you’ve pumped for
the last week.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was forbidden.”

“It’s not. Why did you hide it from me?”

“I was…ashamed.”

“Good. Are you wet? Are you ready for me?”

She nodded. “Uh huh. Do you want me to masturbate for you
first?” She was distracted by the pulling sensation on her tits. She needed
some relief and she was used to using her hand to find it now. When Joseph
moved behind her and probed between her legs with his cock it was easy to open
up to him. He had to push inside her cunt, she wasn’t completely ready to be
fucked, she was more centered on her breasts at the moment. It didn’t matter.
Joseph hardly lasted a minute inside her tight pussy.


The next day Joseph was waiting for her. He immediately
ordered her to the spare room to pump and where he could watch. “I’ll be
working from home for the next few days, just to monitor you.”

She was in her g-string (green today) and was used to the
position. The cups did their job. Kassie had taken Joseph’s instructions to
heart and had downed many glasses of water last night and this morning. The
immediate consequence was that she needed to pee a lot more, but that wasn’t
important to Joseph. He watched carefully as her breasts were pulled and
elongated by the pump.

“Mmm,” she said.

“Enjoying it?” he asked.

“Yeah, sort of,” she said. “Hurts a little today. Maybe
my breasts are sore from all the pumping. Maybe because I’m lactating?”

Joseph shrugged. “Maybe. But I turned up the suction on
the pump as well. It’s stronger than yesterday.”

“Oh.” There was no need for her to protest. What was the
point. In truth, she was fascinated by what her body was doing. The pills he
had given her had made her gain a little weight, nothing huge, maybe five
pounds at the most and a good deal of that in her chest, but between the pills,
the water, the pumping, and even the tattoo she was startled at how much her
body and her mind was changing under the influence of this man who controlled
and owned her.

She secretly loved it. She wondered how far he would push
her. She wanted to find her limit even though the thought scared her.

It just happened a couple of minutes into the procedure.
There was a small spray of milk from her right tit. She gasped. A few pumps
later it happened at the left. “I’m…milking. Spraying, I don’t know what to
call it,” she marveled.

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