Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker) (19 page)

BOOK: Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker)
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He turned the gun on Kit.

“Go ahead, go for your gun, Walker. You won’t get a chance to shoot it before I kill your wife.”

Rogue went still. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because you just brushed my sister off like she was worthless. Lorna was fragile, she deserved some consideration, some decency.”

Rogue was shaking. He had to do this just right. “I wish I could turn back time, I’m sorry, I didn’t know how she felt. I just wasn’t aware.”

“Are you aware you both could die today?” The man said coldly. His pistol still aimed at Kit’s heart. Rogue spared his wife a glance, she was standing there defiantly. No cowing down by his bride.

Was he aware? “Yes.” Unbidden, scenes from Rogue’s life flowed through his mind. The first Christmas with his mother that he could remember, and the moment when he first realized his father’s short comings. He relived his mother defending him before a group of meddlesome women who had a problem with his bastard beginnings. He saw his father give him the keys to a truck. The day he met Elijah Bowman came to mind. Rogue relived the rush of taking down a steer while team roping, and how it felt for Kit to outscore him. He remembered the first time he noticed how pretty she was, yet how he pushed the thought aside because he thought she was too aggressive, too competitive. Rogue relived their first kiss, even though it was the night of their disastrous blind date. He closed his eyes briefly and Rogue felt the thrill of making love with his wife, and the anticipated joy he felt at the coming birth of their child. “I’m aware, but I don’t intend for me or my wife to die today.”

“Really?” Close smiled. “I have very different intentions, you don’t deserve to live. My sister’s life didn’t matter to you, and yours matters less to me.” Slowly, he moved the gun barrel to point at Rogue’s head. “One pull of this trigger and you’re dead.”

The click as Norman Close cocked the gun sounded impossibly loud. Rogue was weighing the seconds, he was a fast draw, but his enemy had the advantage.

Just then–a blur from his left caught his attention and he saw his beloved wife lunge at their tormentor. “You will not kill my Rogue!” Close’s arm jerked and the gun went off.

Rogue’s heart almost stopped. “Kit!” But the next thing he knew his little fireball of a wife hit the man like a missile, knocking him flat to the ground. Rogue didn’t hesitate, he pulled his gun and raced forward. Norman Close had dropped his weapon. He was scrambling for the pistol even as his treasure of a wife was doing her best to keep him from reaching it. “Kit, get back! I’ve got him covered,” he yelled. Rogue was just about to show the man some mercy when he kicked Kit right in the chest to keep her from reaching the gun.

That was it.

He stormed over, holstered his gun and pulled the asshole from the ground. “You don’t touch my wife!” In a fury, he proceeded to land blow after blow, beating the crap out of the man who had made his life hell. When he had him subdued, with his own belt wrapped around his wrists, he stopped to check on Kit. “Are you all right? Did he hurt you?”

Kit was crying like a baby. She held Close’s gun up in the air with just the tip of her fingers. “I’m fine, he didn’t hurt me. He kicks like a wimp.”

“You’re something else, you saved my life.” Rogue took time to claim one sweet kiss.

“I wasn’t about to let that idiot kill you. He’s stolen enough from us, I wasn’t about to let him take my Rogue-Angel.”  

She was so brave, while he was shaking like a leaf. It all could’ve gone so differently. He stood still, counting his blessings while Kit went to the truck to call 9-1-1.

Glancing over her shoulder, she could see that her husband had the situation well in hand. He had Close on his knees, his hands secured behind his back. When she went to open the truck door to fetch her purse…she heard it.

A very insistent whinny came from one of the sheds. Kit squealed and took off running. When she threw open the door, she found all three of their animals. With open arms, she hugged them all, Jester bouncing at her feet. Tears streaming down her cheeks, she ran her hands over their bodies, searching for any place they might have been injured. There was no food or water, so she knew they were thirsty and hungry. “It’s time to get you babies home.” Going back to the truck, she found bridles and headed back to the shed, giving the Sheriff a call as she walked. After she’d explained the situation, giving the lawman their location, she went back to lead her horses, one by one, to the trailer.

Rogue held his gun on Norman Close until the Sheriff arrived. He’d called Zane who was now gathering the evidence to present to the local police so there’d be no doubt about holding him in custody. A smile came to his face as he saw Kit leading Jester to the truck. She didn’t put the small horse in the trailer, she put him in the truck–where he belonged.

In the distance, sirens sounded and to Rogue, they heralded a new day.

As of this moment, they could begin anew.

With confident strides, he covered the ground until he came to Kit. With one mighty move, he swept her up into his arms, kissing her with all the passion in his heart. “I love you more than life. If anything had happened to you, I couldn’t go on.”

Kit held him close. “You are my world, Rogue. There’s no way I could let him take everything away from us. I cherish you.”

He squeezed her tight. “And if you ever put yourself in danger like that again, I’ll paddle your butt.”

“Promise?” She asked with a giggle.

Almost weak with relief, he gave her epic ass a light slap. “Ready to go home?”

“I’m ready to go to the house, yes.” She looked up into his beautiful green eyes. “But you’re my safe place. When I’m in your arms, I am home.






“Deal me a new hand, gambler.” Kit slapped the table.

Rogue wondered what he’d gotten into, agreeing to teach Kit how to play cards. “Easy, hot stuff, don’t bet the farm.”

“I’m not betting the farm,” she went up on her knees, so she could lean across the table. “I want to play strip poker. I’ll bet my bra and raise you my undies.”

Rogue wiped a bead of sweat from his brow. “I bet you my vest and raise you my boots.”

Kit frowned. “Those items of clothing aren’t covering any of the exciting parts.”

“You want to be excited?” He asked her with a twinkle in his eye.

“Yay! Let me get the pinto bean jar.”

“Oh, I intend to make love to you tonight, but I’m not talking about making love.”

“Oh?” Her mouth drooped in disappointment.

“Wait till you see what I’m talking about before you pooch your lips out to pout.” He turned around and took a folder from off the credenza. “Check this out.”

She peeked behind the manila cover to find… “House plans!”

“Yes, I promised you we were going to start over, put all of this mess behind us. I called an architect in Austin and told him in detail what we wanted. This is what he came up with. So, it’s your turn to go over it, tweak it, add or take out. This is our house–our future.”

Kit poured over the plans. “Oh, here’s the nursery. And there’s six bedrooms?”

“I thought we could make a place for our mothers, just in case. We don’t know what the future holds.”

Her heart warmed. “You are such a good man.”

“And we might fill those rooms with kids, who knows?”

“What’s this?” She tapped a small room off the garage, next to the laundry room. It says JR, what’s JR?”

Amused, Rogue winked at her. “Jester’s room? What else?” Since he’d been horse-napped, they refused to let him sleep in the barn. “The room has a big doggy door, so he can go in and out of the backyard as needed.”

“And where will we build this? On the lake?”

“Yes, I’ve picked out a spot, waiting your approval, of course. I showed my brothers and we’ve all come to an agreement on how to split the property. We’ll all still share it–the lakes, the docks, and the main house. But this spot on a hill overlooking the deepest part of the lake is ours. We’ll have an amazing view every morning for the rest of our lives.”

Kit slipped from her chair, going to him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she declared. “I wish everybody were as happy as we are.”

Meanwhile…at the saloon, Lucia was packing her meager belongings. With a heavy heart, she prepared to turn herself over to the immigration authorities. Rogue and Zane had done everything they could. But there was so much controversy over the influx of people coming over the border, Lucia had little chance to find asylum. So many people were fleeing danger, real danger–that the vague threat she faced wasn’t considered worthy of intercession.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she remembered Elijah’s sweet proposal. He would never know how much she wanted to accept him. Her feelings for him were real. But it had been obvious to her that he viewed her as a mission, a way to do something good in his life. She didn’t want to be someone’s good deed. As badly as she wanted to stay in the states, Lucia didn’t want to make another mistake like she had with the man who turned out to be Norman Close.

This time she wanted to be loved.

A tap on the door made her jump. She dashed the tears from her eyes, then went to the door to open it. Lucia was expecting her boss to bring her the final amount she was owed. Her small savings would go a long way as she sought to make a new life for herself. Going to a strange place, knowing no one, having no job waiting for her. It would be scary.

But when she looked up, her guest was Elijah Bowman. He filled the doorway, his shoulders a mile wide. Lucia had to dig her fingernails into her palm to keep from launching herself in his arms. She’d regretted the way they left things the other night. It was never her wish to be ungrateful. Hiding her feelings from him was essential, she had to put him first. “Elijah? I didn’t expect to see you again.”

“May I come in?” Elijah hoped she couldn’t tell how desperate he felt.

“Of course.” As she stepped back, the saloon owner came around the corner.

“Here’s your money, Lucia. Good luck.”

She accepted it and gave him a final thank you. “I appreciate you, Sir. I shall leave the room clean and be gone first thing in the morning.”

“No problem, I wish you well.”

Elijah had waited patiently. The idea that she was about to walk out of his life was unthinkable. He couldn’t allow it, not without trying one more time.

“Sorry, my last check.” She laid the envelope aside. “What can I do for you?” She folded her hands, mostly to keep them from reaching out to him.

“Marry me.” The words just rushed from his lips.

Another chance, another hurt–Lucia turned her back on him so he couldn’t see her face. “I told you no, I can’t marry you. It wouldn’t be right.”

Elijah came right up behind her. The heat of his body blanketed her back with a warmth so sweet, she had to steel herself not to lean into him. “For me, it would be the most right thing in the world.”

Lucia raised her head, but she said nothing.

“I made a mess of things last night.” He put a hand on her shoulder. “I didn’t say what I really wanted to say.”

“And what was that?” She didn’t know what to think.

“I wanted to tell you that you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known. I admire your courage and your good heart.” Elijah felt her tremble beneath his touch. “There’s nothing or no one in this world I want more. To have you in my life, to make love to you at night, to share a home and a family with you–it would be heaven.” Gently he turned her in his arms. “I love you, Lucia. I’ll die if you leave me.”

Lucia held her breath, searching his eyes for the truth. “You mean this? You just don’t pity me?”

He took her hand and pressed it to his heart. “Feel this? It’s beating for you.”

Lucia looked at him in wonder. “I wanted to say yes, Elijah. I love you too.”

Elijah closed his eyes in thanksgiving. Raising her hands to his lips he kissed them. To touch her with tenderness, to make love to her–God, there was nothing more in this world he could ask for. “So you’ll marry me. Soon?”

She raised her lips to his and they bumped noses. “Yes, please, I’ll marry you. I think we might need some practice at this.”

“I’m going to love practicing with you.” He knew his smile was so big, his cheeks would be sore tomorrow. “You’re so beautiful.” Her eyes glowed with excitement, her smooth cheeks were blushing with desire. “I can start living now, because I have something to live for.” Fitting his mouth to hers, he kissed her with all the pent-up passion and love in his heart.

“Do you think they’ll let me stay? Immigration isn’t kind to people who they think are marrying just so one can stay in the country.”

“We’ll let Zane handle this, and if you have to go to Mexico–don’t worry, you won’t be going alone.” Elijah had faith in his lawyer friend, but he didn’t intend to let Lucia go, even if he had to leave his home to do it.

Those last words convinced Lucia in a way that no other ever could have. She went limp in his arms as she released all of her worries and troubles into the capable hands of Elijah Bowman, the man who loved her.


*  *  *

During the next few weeks, things happened quickly. Rogue and Kit found their rhythm, and not just in the bedroom. They were both busy people, but they managed to find time for each other.

The Walker boys continued to bond as they found ways to work together. Kit and Rogue had them all out to their house, and they visited each brother’s home in turn. Being an only child, Kit hadn’t really known how she would take to having a big family, but now that she had three brothers-in-law and their wives, she realized what she’d been missing.


She could just imagine the mayhem when each couple had a handful of children.

Once the ordeal with Norman Close was over, it still took time to work through the web of crap he’d woven. Some of the money they’d never get back, and what Close had done with it, they had no way of knowing. But just having the assurance there wasn’t a mad man out there somewhere plotting their demise was enough.

The best part was the upcoming wedding of Elijah and Lucia. Zane had been able to stall the wheels of government and get Lucia permission to stay in the country until the wedding. An immigration officer had interviewed them and speaking with Elijah and Lucia had convinced him they were not scamming the system, they were truly in love.

Kit had talked to Lucia just that morning, and her friend informed her they’d be marrying at Thanksgiving. She had agreed to be a bridesmaid and Rogue would be the best man, of course. Despite the desire to destroy Rogue, a few good things had come from Norman Close’s sadistic manipulation. Besides Elijah finding love, Rogue and Kit found they were more devoted to one another and to the idea of being happy.

Halloween was proof of that. They hadn’t really discussed it, but both were looking forward to the spooky holiday. Kit had an idea of how she was going to celebrate it. She planned on seducing Rogue, no tricks–just treats.

During the day, while Rogue was at work, she spent hours assembling the costume, then making sure she had a way to cover it up. And when he came in at dusk saying the little ditty he’d learned as a child…

“Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat.”

She was able to offer him something he might enjoy. “All right, I think I can grant your request.” Dressed in a thin pink cover-up, she pulled the tie at the neck and let it flow off her body.

“Holy Fuckin’ Halloween,” Rogue breathed. His heart almost stopped and his cock swelled with excitement. His gorgeous wife stood before him naked - except she was adorned in the most intriguing places–with candy. With widened eyes and lips open to take in much needed oxygen, his gaze roved over her centerfold body. Colorful candies, bright little discs of sugar were arranged artfully around her areolas, swirling around her breasts in a spiral pattern. Rogue licked his lips. “You make my mouth water.”

She moved slowly toward him, her eyes moving from his handsome face down to the intriguing swelling in his jeans. “I hope you’re hungry.”

God, what he was going to do to this tempting morsel. “Starving.” Stepping closer, he followed the trail of candy from her suckable tits to her Venus mound, which was now adorned with a butterfly pattern of sweetness. “You’re vajazzled!”

The awestruck wonder in his voice made her smile. “I please you?”

“You please me greatly,” he whispered as he pulled her flush to him, devouring her lips.

“The candy is stuck on with edible fondant, so feel free to…”

She didn’t get to finish her question because he swung her up in his arms, covered her mouth with his own and began to eat at her lips. When he arrived in their bedroom, he shed his clothes, tossing them over his shoulder, his eyes never leaving her body. “I think I’ll have breakfast in bed.”

“It’s dinnertime,” she murmured, her body singing with arousal.

“No problem, I intend to feast on you all night long.”


*  *  *

“Elijah, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

Rogue watched his partner and best friend look into the eyes of the one he’d given his heart to. Tears shone in Lucia’s eyes as she watched her beloved say, “I do.”

Kit held the bridal bouquet of white roses and lilies so the bride and groom could exchange rings. She couldn’t help but watch Rogue as he stood by his friend.

“Lucia, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

“Si, I do.” Her voice was soft and tremulous.

The pastor looked on the loving couple with approval. “I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride.”

As Elijah took Lucia in his arms, Kit looked into Rogue’s eyes. “I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you,” she answered.

A round of rousing applause from family and friends met the happy couple as they made their way down the aisle. Rogue and Kit followed hand in hand.

At the reception, Marian came to Kit. “I have dinner almost ready. All I need to do is make the giblet gravy.”

“I’ll help you as soon as I get there and get out of this dress.” She tugged on the beaded bodice. “I’m itching like crazy, it will be good to pull on a pair of jeans.”

Rogue came up and put his arm around his two favorite ladies. “I’ve never been a fan of weddings, but this one was great.”

“I’m happy for them.” Kit kissed her husband on the cheek. “They deserve all the happiness they can get.”

On the dance floor, Elijah held Lucia close. “Are you okay?” he asked.

Lucia trembled in his arms. “I’m wonderful.” Not only was she safe, she was loved. And there was no better feeling in the world.

After the reception, Rogue and Kit drove to his Texas home where his mother had prepared a feast. As they sat around the table, Marian cleared her throat and made an announcement. “If the offer’s still open, I’m ready to move to Kansas. I’m not going to be satisfied if I can’t see my grandbaby every day or so.”

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