Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker)

BOOK: Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker)
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


Kit & Rogue: The Sons of Dusty Walker

All rights reserved.

Copyright 2015 © Sable Hunter


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.



Happily-Ever-After or Wedding Bell Blues? The Lone Wolf, Rogue Walker, isn’t alone anymore. Not only has he been reunited with the love of his life, Kit Ross–he’s found a family, three brothers and a legacy left to him by his father, Dusty Walker. Everything seems to be perfect. Kit has agreed to marry him and she’s having his baby. What could go wrong?


Just as soon as all the pieces have fallen into place, all hell breaks loose. Someone is out to destroy Rogue and take away everything he values, starting with his very identity.Kit knows Rogue Walker is her destiny. The love and passion that flows between them is all-consuming. To begin their lives in style, she plans a surprise wedding and a hot-as-hell honeymoon. If sex were the only thing they had to worry about, their lives would be perfect–because these two can burn up the sheets like nobody’s business. Alas, there’s more to marriage than sex–who knew? Especially when there seems to be more than one bride.

Will the real Mrs. Rogue Walker please stand up?

Despite the seemingly insurmountable circumstances, true love will prevail–not only for the Walker clan but for another couple who has found their way to Red Creek, Kansas during this season of miracles–and believe you me–it’s going to take a big miracle to straighten out all of this…









“Let’s wrestle!”

Rogue heard the little feminine growl of challenge too late to dodge.

Not that he wanted to get out of the way. He was no fool.

“You little…” he began, but words ceased to matter when the sexy body of his new fiancé waylaid him as he walked into the bedroom. She’d apparently been waiting for him, ready to launch herself into his arms. Rogue caught her, but the blindsided attack caught him off balance and they tumbled backwards onto the bed.

“Nice aim, Kitten.” He grunted as they bounced on the mattress.

“I aim to please.” She straddled his big body and gave him a bright smile. 

“That you do, baby.” Rogue let his hands play over her hot little body. How grateful he was to have her in his life. He hadn’t realized how lonely he was until he found her lying in his bed like a gift from the gods the day he came to Kansas for the reading of his father’s will. Thank the Lord for second chances. He’d let her slip through his fingers once in college. Tightening his grip around her waist, Rogue vowed that would never happen again.

“What do you have going on this next weekend?” She bent to nuzzle his neck, inhaling the heady scent of his big gorgeous body. He always smelled like a summer storm to her–fresh and untamed.

“More of this, I hope.”

She gave him a big kiss, then jumped up to rummage in her dresser drawer. “I have a surprise arranged and I wanted to make sure you’re free.” After their conversation a couple of nights ago, Kit had come up with a plan. She had no doubt he was more than ready to marry her, but she could tell he dreaded the idea of a big wedding. Her Rogue-Angel wasn’t the most social person in the world. Yet in the past month, his life had been turned topsy-turvy. Not only had they become engaged, he’d also acquired three brothers he hadn’t known existed, and inherited his share of an estate and a thriving company located in a small town where everyone knew everyone else’s business.

So…she was taking matters into her own hands.

Kit just hoped she wasn’t making a mistake. Pulling out two tickets and a brochure, she held them up. “I’m kidnapping you for a few days.”

Rogue smiled. “I like the sound of that.” He couldn’t think of anywhere he wouldn’t go to be with her.

“We won’t be gone long and I checked in with Walker Mineral to be sure you didn’t have any important meetings.” Yea, she was easing him into this, no use scaring him into walking the plank before she could get him to walk down the aisle. Her plan was to become Mrs. Rogue Walker on the cruise. She’d already checked, the Captain was authorized to perform weddings on the Princess Cruise by a special arrangement with the authorities in Bahama. A little white dress was already packed, now all she needed was a willing groom. Kit was betting on her powers of persuasion.

“I have a couple of outings with my brothers planned this week. After that, I’m a free man.” Rogue rose to come take a look at the brochure she held in her hand. “Where are we going?”

“We sail out of Galveston,” she began stating her case. “It’s close enough that we could check in at your ranch and I could meet your mother either on the way to the boat or on the way back. Then its seven glorious, sun-filled days sailing to Florida and the Bahamas.”

Rogue walked to the window where the light was better and studied the photos on the pamphlet. Colorful images of people enjoying the pristine white ship and the sun-soaked beaches met his eye. “I like how you think, Kit. This looks like a lot of fun.” Giving her a wink, he grinned. “I didn’t know you liked the ocean. You didn’t want to go fishing on Lake Osprey with me.”

Standing on one foot, she tucked the other one behind her leg like a cute, sexy stork. “I’ve never been on the ocean, but this is a bigger vessel than the one that belonged to your dad. I felt a little vulnerable in that bass boat.” She licked her bottom lip seductively. “Besides, I’m sure I’ll find something to entertain me while we’re sailing.” Within a millisecond, his expression changed and he gave her that look she knew and loved so well.

Hungry. Possessive. All-male.

When Rogue Walker put his mind to wanting her, all Kit could do was hold on for dear life. He did things to her with just a heated glance that no other man could hope to do with their whole body and soul. She could feel herself flushing, her skin peppered with frissons of excitement. The little rascally tingles seemed to concentrate in the tips of her breasts, then surged south to settle in the aching place between her thighs. “So, can we go on the trip?”    

“Definitely…I’ve always wanted to go on a cruise, I told you that before. But right now I need you over here, Kit-Kat.”

Sweet Merciful Heavens. With the raising of a strong hand and the crook of a finger, he put wings on her heels and she floated toward him. “What’s up, Walker?” she whispered under her breath.

Her question caused him to chuckle. Taking her hand, he placed it over his rising erection. “This. Every time I look at you, I get hard as hell.”

A laugh of pure delight slipped past her lips. “Good thing, since I’m so in love with you I could just fly.” She closed her hand around the finger he had pointed at her and gave it a little tug. “I might have to let you seduce me.”

“Am I gonna have to seduce you?” Rogue laughed. God, he was happy. His life was finally beginning to make sense. He had a beautiful woman and she was giving him a child.

Lifting a delicate eyebrow at his question, Kit raised her hands and began to push tiny shell buttons through small buttonholes. When his gaze dropped to her fingers and he licked his lips, her nipples peaked and throbbed with every heartbeat. Lord, the man was potent. And he was hers! “It won’t take much. I’m pretty taken with you, Walker.”

“Ah, well good thing. Since you’ve agreed to marry me and all.” Rogue made a grab at her, pulling her close.

He’d marry her sooner than he thought, if she had her way. Kit squealed, going into his arms with very little protest–until she remembered. “Wait, wait, if we’re gonna have sex I gotta do something.”

Rogue was mystified, but he let her go while she flitted around like a firefly, getting on her knees and pilfering under the bed. When she pulled out a glass jar and a bag of pinto beans, he frowned. “What on earth are you doing, sweetheart?” She sat cross legged on the floor, her heart-shaped bottom clad only in a pale pink pair of panties was a speedbump for his eyes.   

As she fished out a bean and added it to a growing pile in the bottom of the jar, Kit grinned at him. “Haven’t you ever heard the old story? If you put a bean in a jar for every time you make love in the first year of marriage, then take one out every time you make love in the years after, that you’ll never empty the jar–no matter how long you stay together.”

Rogue frowned. “That sounds horrible. What a load of hogwash.” He snapped his fingers. “Why we’d empty that damn jar in the second year no problem. I’m a sex machine!”

His adamant answer made her laugh. “Yes, you are, and that’s why I’m keeping up with it. I don’t want us to be like everyone else.” With a smile, she held up the jar and shook it.

“But we’re not married,” he mused.

Yet. Kit didn’t say the word out loud, she didn’t want to spoil her plan. Pooching her lips out, she teased. “Do you want to wait until we’re married to make love again?”

The thought brought a major throb of protest from his cock. “Hell, no.” He reached out and removed the jar from her hands. “Why don’t we put this to one side and get down to business?” Setting the glass container on the dresser, he began to unbuckle his belt.

The sight of her hunky heartthrob disrobing brought Kit to her feet. “It’s broad daylight outside.”

Rogue glanced at the field of Kansas wildflowers outside her bedroom window. “Yep, sure is. Does that matter?”

“Are you kidding?” She was starving for his touch, anxious for the pleasure only he could give her. Even though they’d had their share of ups and downs, Kit had always compared every man to Rogue Walker and all had come up far short. “I need you now. Besides, I already put the bean in.”

“Well, in that case.” He moved one step nearer, settled the fingers of one hand on her hip and pulled her warm body flush to his. “We have no choice, do we?”

“None.” An overpowering need for him swamped her senses. Sliding an arm around his neck, she raised her head so his lips could connect with hers.

Sizzle. The heat was on.

His hold tightened further as his mouth slid from hers to brush against the sensitive skin of her throat. Instant sensation skated across her nerve endings, a hunger began to grow. Would she ever get enough of Rogue Walker?

Not in this lifetime.

As his sensual male lips caressed the pulse point at the base of her throat, Kit felt her heart hammer against her chest. “I’ve got a favor to ask you,” she asked as her questing fingers pushed his black vest from shoulders wide enough to cast a protective shadow. Curiosity narrowed his gaze and a sexy muscle next to his lips began to jump.   

“Got a request, baby girl? Your wish is my command.”

Looking up into his emerald eyes, she could sense his power. Her fascination with him was only growing. But that was a good thing. Right? They were about to embark on a new life together. “Yea, I have a request.”

Anticipation whipped through his senses like a summer storm. “Name it.” An avalanche of heat swept up his thighs right to his groin. His body reacting to hers was no surprise. From the moment he’d had the wisdom to really see her for the beautiful woman she was, Rogue hadn’t been able to see anyone else. His stupidity had separated them, but fate had been kind and brought them back together. And now–here they were. When she gazed up at him through those thick, long lashes, he all but melted. Rogue didn’t think that was a manly thing to admit, so he kept the information to himself. “Don’t keep me in suspense, you’re killing me.”

The smirk he gave her tugged those incredible lips into a sexy smile which made her knees go weak. The man was irresistible. “Well, you know how I love roping.”

Rogue felt his heart jump as she helped him off with his shirt, planting a small kiss over his heart. “You were a champion team roper, no doubt about it, darling.”

“You were good competition.” Feeling bold, she placed a hand in the middle of his broad chest and applied a little pressure.

Normally he wasn’t a man who could be pushed around, but Rogue was no fool. The mischievous glint in his vixen’s eyes was intoxicating. “At the moment I feel more like cooperating than competing.”

Nibbling on her lower lip, Kit reached to one side, keeping her hand on his pecs. Opening a drawer, she pulled out her stash, items she’d collected for just such a purpose. A handful of silky sashes. Throwing them over her shoulder, she whipped one out. “Put your wrists together.” Rogue started to put his hands behind his back. “No, in front.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Her tempting gaze snared him. Doing as she asked, he presented his hands and she proceeded to wind a length of silk around them. “I don’t get to touch?” he asked.

“In good time,” Kit promised. With the bounty before her, she licked her lips and went to her knees. “Let’s get you naked. I’m glad you took your boots off at the front door.”

“Hey, sometimes it pays to be a gentleman. After walking in your pasture with all those horses, I didn’t want to track anything unwanted in the house.” Tugging at his jeans, Kit pulled them off his feet as he stepped out of them. “Now what?”

Kit grinned. The big ridge of his cock was apparent beneath the thin cotton. “I do love to play with you.” Taking his gasp as a sign of approval, she lowered her head and fit her lips over the smooth material, mouthing the steely flesh, using her teeth to tease and tantalize. Closing her eyes, she just enjoyed herself, moving down to take the swell of his balls in her mouth, then up to tongue the large flared head.

Rogue could’ve easily broken the bonds that bound him, but he had no desire to free himself from the sweet ties this woman wrapped around him. Instead, he snared the long tresses of her hair between his fingers, massaging her scalp, letting her know how much he liked what she was doing to him. “Sweet Jesus, baby.”

Feeling his thighs clench beneath her fingertips, Kit knew it was time to take this pleasurable task a step further. “On the bed, on your back.”

Rogue was half-blind with anticipation. He needed no prodding. Within moments he was stretched out on the bed and his luscious bride-to-be had his hands over his head and was tying them to the central post of the headboard. “I’m at your mercy, Kit.”

Her fingers curled around the hard muscles of his shoulders as she settled herself atop his big body. Making love to Rogue was the stuff of fairytales. “I’ll be gentle,” she whispered as she got busy kissing his face, his throat, his chest.

“Don’t you dare.” He could feel Kit smile against his skin as she ran her lips over his collarbone, her hot little tongue darting out to taste him. “Take off your shirt, I wanna see your tits.”

His request caused her to giggle. “You are a breast man, aren’t you, Walker?”

“I’m your man,” he growled as she sat up and pulled off the thin pink shirt. Rogue’s eyes were glued to her womanly shape, twin mounds of femininity–round, firm, high and topped with suckable red nipples that he knew tasted like candy. “Perfect, kiss me, then let me suck.” He felt happiness surge through him when she pressed plump pink lips to his and drank deeply. The woman could fuckin’ kiss. It never got old and it never would, no matter how many damn pinto beans they went through. Unable to lie still, Rogue raised his head and met her kiss, his tongue mating with hers as he told her without words how much she meant to him.

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