Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker) (6 page)

BOOK: Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker)
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Groggy, he finally answered. “What’s wrong, honey?” He kissed her, then tried to pull her down with him.

“I think the boat’s sinking!” She stood, grabbing his arm and pulling.

“Not possible.” Rogue said.

“That’s what they said about the Titanic,” she fussed.

By the time she had him up and mobile, there was a lot of racket in the hall. “I’m sure everything’s fine,” he assured her.

“It doesn’t sound like it.” Kit grabbed her purse, stuffing as many necessary items in it as possible. “I know where the lifeboats are located, I’ve been by there to check on them three times.”

“You really are worried aren’t you?” Rogue stopped her. “Honey, it’s okay.”

“I hope so, but I’m going to find out.” She opened the door. As she thought, other folks were out in the hall, all asking questions. Some were acting as if it were a party, holding drinks. Others were like Kit, nervous and concerned. As a group, they made their ways down the narrow hall toward the elevator.

By now, even Rogue could tell the ship was coming to a stop. He didn’t think they were sinking, but something was definitely up. Before they reached the elevator, a uniformed ship attendant stepped off and came toward them. He held up his hand. Kit automatically leaned back against him and he wrapped a protective arm around her waist.

“Attention, there is no danger. The ship is not in trouble.”

Rogue felt Kit’s body sag in relief.

“What’s going on then?” Rogue asked and several others echoed the sentiment.

Again the attendant lifted a hand. “A boat carrying Cuban refugees has been spotted in distress. Maritime law requires that we stop and provide whatever aid we can.”

“Oh.” Was Kit’s only reply, then she turned into Rogue’s arms for a hug.

“See, we’re not sinking.” He chuckled, leaning against the wall while other guests returned to the cabin. “Ready to go back to bed?”

“Yes, I am.” She hugged him tightly.

Sweeping her up in his arms, he carried her back down the hall. “Good. I think I’m ready for my second dessert.”


*  *  *

The next day, Kit was almost giddy with excitement. She had her engagement gift in her pocket and a smile on her face. If her plan worked, this trip would turn into a honeymoon cruise. Straightening her skirt, she slipped on a pair of high heels, then turned in front of the mirror and checked herself out from every angle. She’d do, she’d do, she supposed.

Rogue had gone to a musical and they’d agreed to meet at one of the outside cafés on the Lido deck afterward. She glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost time to head out. Squaring her shoulders, Kit gave her reflection an encouraging smile and went to see if she could snare herself a groom.

The marriage license was secure in her suitcase, all she needed was his signature. As she let herself out of her cabin and began the walk toward the elevator, pinpricks of elation made her smile. Several couples joined her, some she had seen several times. There was still talk about the emergency stop they’d made the night before. The Captain had made an announcement over the loud speaker explaining the situation. According to him, they had given the people food and repaired their engine. An offer was made to bring them aboard, but the refugees knew they’d be returned to Cuba once the boat landed, so they made a decision to continue on with their journey. Since then, Kit’s nerves had settled. Perhaps she was now more concerned with the idea of her wedding than the possibility of sinking. Smiling to herself, she figured that had to be true.

When she arrived at the café, Kit chose a table close to the railing so they could enjoy the view. She told the waiter she was expecting someone, then sat down to plan her little speech. Rogue didn’t keep her waiting long. She was gazing out at the moonlit sea when she felt a gentle kiss on her neck.

“Hey, baby.”

“I’m glad you’re back.” She hugged him.

He held her chair and gave a waiter their order. “Have you been waiting long?”

“No, I just got here,” she told him, running her finger over the rim of her glass. “Did you enjoy the show?”

“I did.” He told her, reaching over to take her hand. “You look beautiful tonight.”

Kit felt a blush rise on her cheeks. “Thank you. Are you having a good time?”

“I am.” He picked up her hand and kissed it. “I’m with you. I’m happy anytime we’re together.” A band began to play and he held out his hand. “Will you dance with me?”

“I’d be honored.” She stood, going into his arms and together they gently swayed to the music. Rogue stole kisses and Kit held on to his shoulder, pressing her cheek to his chest. “I’m so glad you found me. What if you had never come to Kansas? What if you’d never come to White Wing?”

A dawning realization hit him. The old saying was that everything happened for a reason and he’d never believed that to be true before now. For all of his life, he’d resented Dusty Walker, but no more. If the circumstances concerning his father hadn’t worked out the way they had, he’d never have crossed paths with Kit ever again. The possibility of such a loss made him weak. “It was meant to be, baby.” Yes, it was meant to be. All of it. A huge sense of rightness settled around his soul.

When the waiter brought their food, Rogue led her from the dance floor back to the table. Once again, their fare was superb. “I tell you, a person gets their money’s worth on these trips in food if nothing else.”

“We dock in the Bahamas tomorrow,” she reminded him. “I have an excursion booked.”

“What? I don’t think I ever asked.” Rogue asked between bites.

She shifted in her chair, slipping off a shoe and tucking one leg under her. “We’re going on a submarine tour of the coral reefs. Is that okay with you?”

“Whatever you want to do is fine with me, sweetheart.” Rogue told her with a contented smile. “But that sounds great.”

Kit took that as a cue. “Well, in that case.” She cleared her throat and reached into her pocket, pulling out a box. “I’ll tell you what I want.”

“If it’s in my power, it’s yours,” Rogue assured her.

Kit smiled tentatively. “Wait until I tell you what my request is–you might change your mind.”

“I doubt it.” Rogue waited, studying her beautiful face.

Kit took a deep breath, looking around at the crowd of people nearby. They were all seated and enjoying their meal or dancing, but this spot wasn’t quite isolated enough for her needs. “Come with me.” She took his hand and he willingly followed her down the deck to a more secluded corner with a couple of chaise lounges. “Sit.” She pointed to the linen covered divan.

Rogue obeyed. “Okay, you’re making me a little nervous, baby. What’s up?”

Standing before him, she reached in her pocket, holding the bracelet. “All right, here goes.” She swallowed hard. “I know we’ve already decided to get married, and I love my ring.” She held up her hand and gazed at the beautiful diamond solitaire.

“I’m glad you do.” He gazed up at her lovingly, waiting to see what else she had to say.

“I also know that getting married in front of a crowd or even your new family is not something you’re looking forward to.” She watched his expression carefully. So far, so good.

“That’s true, but I intend to marry you–one way or another.” Rogue stated emphatically.

She gave him a brilliant smile. “I know and that’s why I decided to do this.” Adjusting her skirt, Kit carefully began to go down on one knee.

Rogue stopped her. “No, no.” He held her up. “I’m not sure what’s going on, but there’s only one reason I want you going on your knees in front of me, and I’m sure that’s not what’s on your mind.” Seeing the disappointment on her face, he offered a compromise. “I’ll join you.” Kneeling with her, they were face to face. “Now, what’s on your beautiful mind?”

Now that the moment had arrived, Kit was a little lost for words. “I…I love you,” she began with a soft, small voice.

“I love you too, more than I ever thought possible,” Rogue poured out his heart.

Holding the bracelet up, she began to speak. “I wondered if you’d marry me?” she asked with her heart in her eyes. “This bracelet tells you how I feel.”

Rogue looked confused for a moment. “Of course, I’ll marry you, Kit-Kat. I already proposed to you.” He took the bracelet, seeing that it was a fine quality platinum ID bracelet with his name engraved on the front.

She reached out and turned the bracelet over in his hand. “Yes, I know you proposed. What I’m proposing is that we marry…now. Onboard ship.” She showed him the etching on the inside of the bracelet. It read Katherine and Rogue Forever and the next day’s date. “This ceremony will be private, no friends, no family, no big ceremony. Just us.”

Rogue didn’t hesitate. He held out his wrist for her to fasten the bracelet. “The answer is ‘yes’.” He sealed his acceptance with a kiss. “It’s a date. I can’t think of a better plan.”

Kit threw herself at him and he caught her deftly. “Thank you. I knew you dreaded all of the pomp and circumstance. This way we can enjoy the day and if we want to renew our vows later in front of the family after things settle down, we can.”

“Sounds just right.” He held her close. “Do we have to wait till tomorrow night to make love?” Rogue gave her the signature look she loved so well.

“Not on your life.” She squeezed his hand, fingering the bracelet. “I have another surprise if you’re up for it.”

As they stood, he pulled her back against him, tight enough that she could feel his erection against her hip. “Does that answer your question?”

Giggling like children, they hurried back to their room, changed into swimsuits and Kit guided him to the luxurious spa where she had booked a private room with a hot tub.

“I swear,” Rogue hissed as he lowered himself in the warm bubbling water. “These boats are equipped with everything.”

Surveying the stone and wood interior, showcasing the blue toned Jacuzzi, Kit was glad she’d thought of it. He held out his hand and she took it, lowering herself into the water next to him. “Oh, this feels good.”

Rogue smiled. “I know something that will feel better.”

Going to his side, she didn’t protest when he pulled her into his lap. “Ever done it in the water before?” She kissed his chest, already damp from the surging bubbles.

“Only in the creek, never in any place this fancy.” He pulled the straps of her bikini top down over her shoulder. “I need those lips,” he murmured.

She brought her mouth to his, giving him a chaste kiss. “Tomorrow you’ll be my husband.” He ran his tongue along the seam of her lips until they parted, welcoming him inside.

“True, but remember, I belong to you now. I always have. From the moment I saw you in that snazzy red dress, the night you left me on the side of the road - naked.” He chuckled.

She was glad they could laugh about it now. At the time, she’d been hurt and she’d lashed out in her own way. “You deserved it,” Kit said with a hint of teasing in her voice. They’d shared the world’s worst blind date ever. Elijah had paired up the two roping circuit competitors with drastic results. Rogue had tossed out careless words, not knowing she was in hearing distance. She’d repaid him by the teasing offer of sex, which she snatched away once he was naked and vulnerable at an isolated roadside park. She’d left him high and dry. He’d had to walk out to the highway for help. Fortunately, Kit had felt remorse and called his friend Elijah to pick him up. That was the last time they’d laid eyes on one another until he’d walked into the guest room at White Wing and found her sleeping in his bed.

Despite their less than friendly date, the kisses they’d shared, even the bantering had left an impression. Neither had ever forgotten the other and both regretted how the evening had ended. Fate had been kind, and now here they were. Together.

“Yes, I did.” Rogue admitted. “And for the record, I repeat, I never meant those things I said. You were the most talented, amazing woman I’d ever seen. I was a foolish kid who let his insecurity control his tongue. I’m not that man anymore.”

“You’re the best man I know. You saved me from my stepfather and you helped me regain what my father always intended for me to have.” Wrapping her arms around his neck, she whispered in his ear. “Kiss me, my Rogue-Angel.”

Kiss her. Oh, yea, that was the least he wanted to do to her. But kissing was a good place to start. He joined his mouth to hers, his tongue soothing over her lips, leaving an erotic trail of moisture behind.

Not enough.

He bent, claiming her mouth, kissing her once–twice. She opened her lips, accepted him, then nipped his lower lip. Her little act of aggression only excited him more. The burning fire of desire ran from his mouth to his cock. At this point, he was fully engaged. Cupping her hips, he massaged the twin globes, his fingers gliding over silky skin, coming to the front to tease the tender spot between her legs. She gasped, moving her mouth along his collarbone and letting her teeth rake the skin in playful challenge.

Snaking his arm around her, he unfasted the bikini top, freeing those magnificent breasts. “Heaven knows, I love to look at you.” Cupping her tits in his palms, he lifted them, rubbing circles around her puffy areolas. Kit shivered and her nipples beaded into plump pink pearls. “And I sure love to touch.” Playing with the sensitive nubs, he pinched them, milked them–then moved his head down to place soft bites all around the tempting morsels until he gave in to her pleas and took one in his mouth.

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