Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker) (5 page)

BOOK: Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker)
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“Not for me, I’ll take the Chocolate Melting Cake.” He licked his lips and gave her a lascivious grin.

“I’ll take that too,” she quickly added, as their waiter who stood quietly by jotted down their selections.

“Very good, ma’am, sir. I’ll return shortly.” He gave them a short bow and hurried off.

Rogue leaned forward, met her gaze and took her hand. “I’m having such a good time. Thank you for suggesting this.”

“We needed it after the last few weeks. The ordeal with my stepfather was crazy. You finding out your father passed, then getting to know your brothers, even helping me locate the bonds hidden in the statue of Rogue-Angel…it’s all been a lot to handle emotionally.”

Rogue passed his thumb over the top of her hand. It was on the tip of his tongue to tell her about the strange woman, but he didn’t want to spoil the moment. So, he kept the information to himself. “When we get home, we’ll start planning for the future. I’m thinking about building us a waterfront house on Dusty’s land at Osprey Lake. Your house is a little small and I don’t feel like we have enough privacy at White Wing.”

“I agree.” Kit felt a thrill of anticipation. “With the new baby coming, my house would be a tad cramped.”

With a satisfied look on his face, Rogue took a sip of water. “What would you say to my mother staying in your house when she’s here? I don’t know if she would move completely at first, but it would be nice to have her here part of the year. She doesn’t really have anyone else.”

“I think that’s a fabulous idea!” Kit exclaimed. “I bet she and my mother would become good friends.”

Their food arrived about that time and they dove in. The low buzz of conversation and distant music provided a backdrop to their conversation. “Can I ask you something?” Rogue pinned her with a stare. “I can tell being on this ship makes you nervous. Can you tell me about it?”

Kit sat back in her chair and took a long breath. “I thought I was hiding it well.”

“Not from me, sweetheart.” Rogue looked at her tenderly. “I am so aware of you, I can sense your every little change of mood.”

“I’m afraid we’ll sink, it’s a horror of mine.” Kit enunciated her unfounded fear. “I know it’s stupid.”

“It’s not stupid, but it’s highly unlikely.” Rogue spoke gently. “Just know this, there are lifeboats on board and if something happens, I’ll spend every ounce of energy and every breath I have to make certain you get to safety and we live to grow old together.” Seeing her relieved face, he continued. “Don’t you know how much I love you? I’ll hold you in my arms all night long, you can cling to me. I’ll keep you safe–no matter what.”

Kit breathed easier. She had Rogue. What else did she need?

After dinner, they took a moonlit walk on the Sky Deck. The stars were bright and a gentle fall breeze caressed their faces. The moonlight on the placid waters looked like a painting.

Rogue thought about using the ship’s phone to check in on things at home, but he decided against it. He didn’t expect any emergencies, and if there was one, he knew his brothers or Elijah would call and give him a message. So he put it out of his mind, even the strange woman who had come up to him at the saloon with her strange ramblings. She acted like she knew him, the things she said led him to believe that she expected something from him. This was harder for him to push aside, but when Kit laid her head on his shoulder, he managed to forget about it. Who could resist this vixen who tempted him with every breath she breathed?

Hearing a beautiful tune from a roving band, Rogue took her in his arms, leading her in a few intricate steps. “You are a good dancer, Walker,” Kit murmured.

“Not really.” He rubbed his lips across her forehead. “I just have great rhythm.”

She giggled. “I can vouch for that.” She followed the steps, and as he swept her around in a series of turns, he urged her closer with a hand to her lower back. “How about demonstrating that rhythm in some bedroom moves?”

Seeing her lips part, hearing the eagerness in her voice, lust shot through Rogue like an arrow. “I want you so much, let’s go.” Need coursed through his body and Kit laughed when he ignored the slow elevator and headed for the stairs.

As soon as they were behind closed doors, he pushed her against the wall. “Kiss me quick and make it stick, Cowboy.”

With a growl, he bent to cover her lips with his own. Kissing Kit was the most natural thing in the world. He was humbled by the realization that she was as hungry for him as he was for her. Her lips parted, giving and taking. Demanding, yet soft with feminine surrender. She never had to worry, he’d never let her down–in bed or anywhere else as long as there was breath in his body. Slipping his hand behind her neck, he edged the zipper down. “You’re such a pretty little thing.” All the while he was kissing–nipping, tasting, licking–stoking the fire that was building between them. As Kit grasped his shoulders, he felt her nipples peak. His senses were heightened. He felt everything–the graze of her hips to his, the soft acceptance of his hardness.

Rising up on tiptoe, she pressed herself against him. “You have the sexiest mouth, Rogue Walker.”

Her breath was soft against his lips and he covered her mouth, capturing her words. He wanted her so much that he was tempted to just rip off her panties, free his cock and nail her to the wall. But Kit deserved more, she deserved finesse, all the care he could give her.

Kit could tell he was holding back. She ran her hands over his face, down his neck, letting them catch on the collar of his shirt. Starting at the top, she began working on the buttons. He was such a man–his size, his muscles, that dark hair and vivid green eyes. “Why me. Rogue?” The question came unbidden from her lips. “You could have any woman in the world. Why me?”

Framing her face, he stared into those beautiful sea blue eyes. “There is no other woman for me. We fit. You’re my other half.” Letting his hands slide down to her shoulders, he slipped her dress down her arms so she could step out of it. “My body responds to you. Only you. You are perfect.”

“I’m glad,” Kit sighed. “Because my heart is set on you, Walker.”

“I will not let you down,” he promised.

A few frantic moments later, they were both unclothed and he was pressed flush to her body. Kit was between the proverbial rock and the hard place, the wall to her back and his rock solid body to her front. She felt sexy, safe and ready.

Trailing his fingers softly down her face, Rogue closed his eyes and let his body appreciate hers. Soft skin. Full breasts. A feminine shape that could bring him to his knees. Lifting her slightly, he coaxed her legs around his waist. “Fuck, that’s right,” he bowed his head as his cock found a nestling place against her tender sex. Her fingers kneaded his chest and shoulders as he pushed toward her in slight pulses, instinctual flexes of his hips. Over and over again he kissed her–just because. Just because he wanted to, just because he needed to–because he loved her. Each contact of her flesh to his sent arcs of electricity coursing through him. As it raced down his back, the pleasure settled in his balls, pulling them up tight to his body and lengthening his cock.

Running her hand over his shoulder, she clasped him around the neck. With deliberate intent, she rested the softness of her breasts against his chest, then proceeded to rub from side to side, letting her nipples tangle in the mat of hair on his chest. “God, I love this,” she whispered. “Being with you is all I’ve ever wanted.”

Her admission enflamed him, his hunger rose and he kissed her hard. Easing his hands between them, he found her nipples. With thumb and first finger, he tweaked, rubbing, milking the hard nubbins until she was mewling, begging for him. Rogue smiled, he knew what to do to make his baby feel good.

With an impassioned cry, she bent her head to his shoulder. He was her rock, her sanctuary. She lay against his massive chest, hard with powerful muscles, he cut an intimidating figure by anyone’s standards. And he was hers.

“Kiss me, I’m still starving for you,” he commanded. Cupping her head, he tilted it back, swallowing the small gasp of surprise. He pushed his tongue past her lips, fucking the tender cavern in the same way his cock was eager to possess her pussy.

Clenching her arms about his neck, she massaged the strong cord of his neck, letting his arousal carry her away. His excitement was evident in the way he pushed her until her shoulder blades and hips rested firmly against the wall, holding her a willing prisoner as he ravished her mouth. Kit hadn’t known passion like this existed, especially for her. Rogue acted as if she was necessary for his very survival. He ate at her mouth, his hands hungry on her body, he seemed to be gorging on her as if he was famished, needing as much from her as fast as he could get it. All of that erotic energy directed at her was heady, her pussy flexed and her breath caught. “Now, please, I can’t wait any longer.” She wanted to give him everything, and she wanted to take what he seemed so eager to give.

A wild emotion flooded his soul. Delving between her legs, he checked Kit’s readiness. Rogue smiled when he found her creamy and wet. “Hold on, doll.” With one powerful thrust, he speared inside of he

deep and strong, pinning her willing body to the hard surface behind her. Holding her gaze, Rogue began to hammer, pumping his hips, his thick cock moving in and out–in and out. Kit tossed her head, she was being impaled–fucked–and she wanted it, every primitive pulse.

Rogue was mindless with need. He took Kit, savoring her. Tasting. Touching. Fucking, God–fucking. Being inside of her, sliding his swollen dick in and out of her soft wet pussy was paradise. With unsurpassed greed, he consumed her.

She wasn’t passive, not by a long shot. Kit clung to him, rocking, riding his cock even as he stroked in and out of her–over and over again. Tension coiled in her belly, setting fire to her loins. One delicious quiver after another radiated upward from her clit to her nipples. Curling her fingers over his shoulders, she held on, her whole body was cocked and primed to explode. “Rogue!”

Bucking against her, his cock sinking rhythmically into the well of her vagina, he closed his eyes in ecstasy. He buried his face in her neck, her dark waterfall of hair covered their faces, cocooning them behind a curtain of intimacy.

Kit hovered on the edge of reality, the burn and stretch of his possession made her heart pound. As he forged into her body, an orgasm built, rising as a silent scream of bliss erupted in a gasp. Flexing her vagina around his hard cock, she massaged him. His groan of praise caused sparkles of delight to sizzle through her pussy. Her womb clenched, demanding more. Kit tightened her legs around him, pushing back, begging for more. Almost…almost… “Harder, baby, fuck me harder!”

As her body shivered against his, her pussy muscles contracting around him, Rogue growled, “I don’t want to hurt you.” He placed a hand behind her head to absorb the blows of his body against hers.

“The only way you’ll hurt me, is if you stop,” she keened, “or leave me.”

“Never,” he whispered, pushing toward that goal, the fiery satisfaction that awaited them both. “You’re so tight.” He plowed into her, thrusting feverishly, giving over to the irresistible urge to cum. He tensed, letting out a low urgent curse as his cock jetted seed into the warm depths of her pussy.

Kit felt him let go and her body responded, shattering, plummeting into the depths of euphoria. She trembled in his arms as pulse after pulse of ecstasy flooded her body. After the aftershocks waned, she relaxed against him, kissing his chest, rubbing her face against the fur covered muscle. His arms came around her and he picked her up, carrying her to bed where he laid her down gently. She held up her arms. “Lie with me,” she entreated him.

“Soon, baby.” He went to the sink and wet a wash cloth, then returned to gently clean her. “I messed you up.”

Kit laughed. “No, you satisfied me.”

Rogue felt his heart swell almost to bursting. “I hope so. I hope I always can.” He loved the way she looked in the moonlight, her face shining with an ethereal beauty. “Give me a second.” He returned to the bathroom, did his business, coming back to join her. He crawled underneath the covers and arranged her body to his, spooning her. “Sleep, beauty, know that you’re loved.”

Kit sighed with happiness, closing her eyes to dream.

Hours later, a jolt opened Kit’s eyes. What had just happened? She lay still, her body nestled against Rogue’s. Where their cabin was located, the throb of the engine could be felt and if everything was quiet, she could hear the incessant deep churning. Several times at night, she’d lain there and tried to forget they were like a small cork floating on a seemingly bottomless watery pit. Remembering an old joke her father used to tell her about a man who was afraid to fly, who just sat on the edge of his plane seat so he wouldn’t contribute to the weight on board, she sometimes found herself just hanging on the edge of the bed for the same reason. If it weren’t for Rogue, snagging an arm around her waist and pulling her close, she probably would’ve fallen to the floor by now.

Screech! Another jolt!

Kit sprung up in bed “I knew it”. They’d hit an iceberg, she was sure of it. Even in her unreasonable state of panic, she knew that wasn’t possible–but it was the only thing she could think of it at the moment.

“Wake up, Rogue, something’s wrong.” She had to shake him twice. “Rogue!”

Good Lord, the man could’ve slept through a hurricane. “Rogue!”

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