Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker) (2 page)

BOOK: Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker)
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After she’d had her fill, Kit pull away and shifted forward, giving him access to her breasts. He opened his mouth to accept the gift of a thick distended nipple and she swayed, letting the full weight of her tits drag across his lips. Rogue didn’t let the opportunity go to waste, he kissed and licked, taking gentle bites as she moved from side to side. She gloried in his touch, giving his marauding lips free rein. His teeth grasped a pink nipple, raked it, released it and slowly licked across it as if the nubbin of flesh was the sweetest treat. “One of my favorite things,” he whispered. “I could suck on your beautiful tits for hours.”

“I love your mouth on me.” Beneath her he was hard and aroused, pressing up against her pussy. Making her want him. With Rogue, she had no resistance, much less control. Watching him take pleasure at her breasts, opening his mouth and sucking greedily sent electric spikes of bliss shooting from her nipples to her clit. “I need to touch you now.”

As she slid down his body, Rogue felt himself harden further. When she began working his shorts down his hips, allowing his cock to pop free, he knew what to expect and the knowledge made him groan. “You sure you want my hands tied?”

“Yea, I want to be in control this time,” she whispered as she kissed her way down his stomach toward the part of him that was perpetually hard around her. 

“Be my guest, boss,” he teased. As he watched Kit, a flush mounting her cheeks, he could see her hunger build and the sight nearly drove him insane. A hot little mouth and an eager little tongue played and teased as they worked their way closer to that part of him that was straining for attention. Her hands were busy also, rubbing his muscles, kneading his flesh, sharp kitten nails scoring the sensitive area around his own flat nipples. The woman was serious in her bid to undo him.

When she arrived at destination zero, his cock was already throbbing–waiting, laying heavy against his lower abdomen. He arched his back, offering himself to her. “Don’t make me beg.” The smile on her face was an aphrodisiac in itself, he loved seeing the self-assurance as she loved him. One thing he vowed she’d never feel was uncertainty in his bed. His aim was to make her feel safe, needed, and give her pleasure until she was screaming from it.

At the first swipe of her tongue, Rogue could feel the muscles of his thighs clench. And when she opened those pretty pink lips and encased the head of his dick, he lost his breath. “Fuck, that’s good,” he groaned as she milked his cock in the damp heaven of her mouth. Holding his gaze with eyes full of promises, Kit let her tongue caress the flared crest, swirling underneath and dipping her tongue into the tiny slit–she was driving him insane.

Quicksilver darts of her tongue rubbed the sensitive flesh and when she began to stroke, Rogue couldn’t keep his hips still. Over and over again, she lashed him, her lips forming the sweetest suction, drawing him deep into the warmth of her throat. “Oh yeah, baby, suck harder.” The words emerged through gritted teeth. “You’re so good, my beautiful girl.”

Kit had no problem giving him what he asked for. She loved his taste–exotic, slightly salty–all man. Between licks, she suckled on him, always wanting more. Rogue’s groans of pleasure only made her hotter, and when he praised her, she would’ve walked through hot coals for him. Taking him farther into her mouth, she sought to please him, swallowing around him, bobbing her head to the primal rhythm that fueled her blood. When she used her tongue to sweep the underside, he jerked, his bellow of satisfaction echoing in the room. “Fuck, yea, baby.” Without thinking, he gave one mighty yank and freed his hands so he could tangle his fingers in her hair.

Kit didn’t protest, she was pleasing him and that knowledge was an aphrodisiac. She wanted him so much, the hunger made her bold. Stopping, Kit let him slip from her lips. His groan of protest made her smile. “Hold on, I’ll be back. I just need you too.” Stripping off her remaining clothes, she reversed herself on his big body, settling her throbbing pussy right over his mouth.

“Fuck, yea, a little lower,” he directed. As she sat on his face, he immediately dove in, using his lips, tongue and teeth to rock her world. She returned to her task, sucking him deep, wanting as much of him as she could get. It was harder to keep her concentration as he feasted at her pussy–but she was having too much fun not to try. Cupping his tight sack, she rolled his balls between her fingers, exploring softly. Everything she did for him, he repaid ten-fold–licking, kissing, tunneling his tongue up her aching channel as his cock jerked in her mouth. Kit began to stroke him from the base to where her lips were on his flesh, dual action attention specifically designed to make his toes curl. His answer was to fasten his mouth on her clit and draw–circling his tongue around and around–making her hips flex as she moved on top of him.

Rogue swelled on her tongue and his own hips began to move, thrusting upward. They were both in the throes of ecstasy, taking and giving–receiving and reciprocating–pleasure for pleasure. With one last mighty thrust, Rogue came–his hot cum spurting down Kit’s throat. She swallowed, taking it all as her pussy clenched, trying desperately to capture his spearing tongue deep within her. Neither of them were in any hurry to stop, nuzzling and kissing until they were spent and satiated.

Tugging her upright and down, he brought her close. “Let me hold you.”

Kit clung to him, sighing as his mouth took possession of hers. He kissed her like she mattered, he kissed her as if he owned her. She freely gave him her surrender, her tongue mating with his in an erotic dance of love. “I love you, Rogue. We’re going to be happy, aren’t we?”

“I love you too, there’s nothing in the world that can come between us now.” He kissed her on the top of the head, a smile of satisfaction on his face. “I guess we ought to plant pinto beans next spring.”


*  *  *

Miles and miles away, a man sat hunched over a laptop. He smirked as he pressed the enter key. “You’re never going to know what hit you, Walker.”

Watching the information appear onscreen, he began manipulating data, invading private personal information and using it as he willed. “Stupid people. They don’t know how vulnerable they are. I’ll teach you, Mr. High and Mighty Oilman. You ignored my sister like she didn’t exist, like you couldn’t be bothered.”

Easy, it was so easy to become someone and something you’re not. Everyday people go about their daily lives, not knowing they’re being watched–monitored–used. “By the time I get through with you, Rogue Walker, you’re going to have nothing. You’re going to be nothing. You’re going to be as dead as my poor sister.”

He picked up the phone and set another round of criminal activity into motion. With no hesitation. With no remorse. Without a second thought. “This will show you, Lone Wolf. You couldn’t be bothered to give her the time of day; you never knew or cared how she felt.” With supreme satisfaction, he watched as he set his enemy’s downfall into motion. “I’m going to take everything you love away from you. I’m going to enjoy watching you suffer…”


*  *  *

Back in Red Creek, Rogue leaned his chair against the wall, balancing it on the two back legs. He was having a hard time staying awake. The meeting in the D. Walker Mineral Company’s small conference room with his brothers and their attorney, Stanley Benner, Esquire was running longer than he’d anticipated. The week they were all required to spend together in Red Creek, Kansas was going by fast. Meeting after meeting had droned on. They’d gone over every aspect of the business–front to back, stem to stern. He covered his mouth and tried to hide a yawn. Jackson saw him and smirked. Rogue casually shot him the finger. At least they’d agreed there was no reason for them to all stay at Osprey House like they’d first planned. Rogue didn’t think he could stand being away from Kit that long, and he figured his brothers felt the same way.

He knew the oil business and most of what they were going over, the others wouldn’t even remember. This was work that you learned on the job, not from some book and certainly not from some potbellied little lawyer. Each of his brothers had their own ideas, and he wasn’t going to push. Rogue had no desire to be the CEO of D. Walker, he had Lone Wolf to run. But he was certainly willing to do his part.

“I can’t travel all the time,” Jackson stated flatly. “I’m committed to several rodeos.”

“Same here,” Dylan murmured. “I’m hoping to cut an album soon.”

“I’m starting up my Appaloosa operation.” Killian crossed one booted foot over the other. “Besides…” he smiled, “I have other things on my mind.”

“You’re busy with Lexie,” Rogue drawled. He knew his brothers were like him. They all had commitments and they all had found love in Red Creek, Kansas. None were anxious to leave anytime soon.

Pulling out his phone, he checked his text messages. When the conversation seemed to come to a stalemate with Benner rattling on about responsibilities and the terms of the will, Rogue sighed. “I’m going on a short cruise with Kit after this week is over, but after that I can see clear to travel a bit. Why don’t we sit down together with a calendar and discuss this? We can see what works for each of us and divide up the trips so no one has all the responsibility.”

“Sounds damn good to me,” Dylan agreed. “I think we make more headway talking business together when we’re not in this office environment.” He looked around at the book-lined shelves. “This room makes me feel a bit claustrophobic.”

“I agree,” Rogue nodded. He’d met with the D. Walker Mineral staff, making sure there were no pending contracts that needed to be processed. While the time spent in the office was profitable and necessary, the hours the Walker siblings spent getting to know one another–evaluating one another’s strengths and weaknesses–that would be what created a functioning, productive team. They’d had some brotherly bonding time along with the countless business meetings. So far they’d taken a fishing trip together on Dusty’s boat, which had been fun, even if Jackson was the biggest fish they’d caught, getting a lure hooked in his hand. A day or two after that, Killian had grilled steaks for them at his new horse ranch.

Rogue figured it was his turn. “I tell you what, let’s meet at the saloon about eight tonight. We can play a few hands of Texas Hold’em, and all drinks are on me. While we’re there, we can divide up the future schedule to everybody’s liking.”

“We’re not high rollers like you are, Rogue.” Jackson leaned on the door facing, one hand on his hip.

“Not that any of us will be hurting for money, if we can find a way to work together and keep D. Walker Mineral profitable.” Rogue began, but Dylan interrupted him.

“Easy for you to say, bro. You own your own oil exploration business, the rest of us don’t bank roll as much as you do.” Jackson gave his brother a pointed stare.

Rogue rose, shaking his head. “We’re just now showing a profit at Lone Wolf. Start-ups are always costly, no matter what you’re selling.” Seeing the concerned looks on all three of his brother’s faces, he held up his hands. “Look, we’ll keep the stakes low and the good times high, how’s that?”

Killian smiled. “Sounds good. Are you bringing Kit or is this a guy’s night only?”

“Gambling and drinking.” Rogue mused. “I think it’s probably best that we let the little ladies do their own thing.” Watching the changing emotions on his brother’s face, Rogue could read him like a book. Killian was newly married, the couple were still on their honeymoon and happiness shone in his face. Rogue understood. He, himself, was happier with Kit than he’d ever thought about being.

In fact, everything was working out better than he’d expected. At first, he’d been nervous to try and fit into his errant late father’s dynasty. Finding out he had three almost identical half-brothers was mind-blowing, not to mention the fact that they had to learn to work together. The years he’d invested building Lone Wolf had been fairly solitary. Elijah was the only one he’d ever allowed to get too close. For most of his life it had only been him and his mother. And now Kit, of course. A surge of love warmed his heart. He thanked his lucky stars every day that fate had led him to her door. Having her in his life meant everything to him. Oh, he still had his ‘rogue’ tendencies, his penchant for wanting to do things alone, his way. But she’d told him something the other night after they’d made love that rang true for him. She’d said. “You can have roots and wings at the same time, Rogue. You don’t have to choose.”

He was holding on to that. “Let’s just get together about eight this evening and play a few hands, we don’t have to make a late night of it. We’ve had so much information pushed at us this week, unwinding is important.”

“I agree.” Jackson stood and pushed his chair under the conference table. “I’m feeling lucky; you guys better watch out. I just might clean your clocks.”

Good natured grumbling and the exchange of a few playful jabs were what the employees of D. Walker Mineral observed as their new owners filed through the work area. Elaine, the mineral and oil rights specialist, and Abby, the receptionist/bookkeeper, exchanged glances. Rogue saw Abby roll her eyes and he winked at her. He didn’t blame the staff for having concerns about the Walker brothers. If he was in their shoes, he might be passing out his resume and hunting a job anywhere but D. Walker Mineral.

“We’ll see you guys tomorrow?” Elaine asked, her arms folded over her chest.

Rogue tipped his hat. “You can count on it. We’ve got this covered.”

The other three looked at him as if he was deluded, but Rogue knew they could do it. His brothers were cut from the same cloth as he was. He might not know a lot about his heritage, but he did know one thing…Walkers don’t give up.

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