Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker) (10 page)

BOOK: Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker)
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“What can I say that I haven’t already said?” she began in a low desperate voice. “You’ve refused to acknowledge our relationship. Why is this? Did you change your mind? Did you meet this other woman after we promised ourselves to one another?”

Her anguished expression touched something inside of Rogue. “Lucia, I’m so sorry. Whoever you spoke to on the internet or exchanged letters with–it wasn’t me.”

She lowered her head until her chin almost rested on her chest. Lucia was the picture of defeat.

Rogue stood. “Let me see the papers you have.”

Slowly she felt in her pocket and pulled them out. They’d been folded and refolded so many times that the papers wouldn’t lay straight anymore. She soothed them out with trembling hands and gave them to him.

Pulling his chair closer to the desk, he spread out the evidence. “How did you meet this guy? I mean, what was your first communication with him?”

Lucia blushed. “I’ve explained this to you…”

Rogue turned, faced her, leaned over and rested his elbows on his knees. “Listen, Lucia. I don’t know if you’re a religious person…”

“I have shared this also.” She wiped her cheek where a tear rested. “I am a good Catholic girl.” She looked down at the floor. “I have lived a virtuous life.”

Rogue began to feel like he was kicking a puppy. “I believe you. I don’t go to church often, but my mom raised me to have faith. So, you’ll understand when I say that I swear on a stack of Bibles and on my mother’s grave that I am not the man you’ve been talking to.”

Lucia sat up, her spine as stiff and straight as a steel rod. “All right. I still have questions, but I’ll answer yours. I met my Rogue Walker on, a dating website where men find…women like me.” She wouldn’t meet his eyes. “It might not be the most honorable way to find a husband, but I have no family. My only sister became one of the lost ones a few months ago and I felt desperate to make a new life…elsewhere. It probably goes against your beliefs on the fairness of immigration, but I was hoping to find someone to love in America so I would be safe.”

Putting his own concerns aside, he could sense her hopelessness…her helplessness. Picking up the papers, he began to read the exchanges between them. “Why did you bring these?” His suspicious nature made him wonder at her motivation.

Lucia’s naturally tanned cheeks blazed red. “I saved them so I could reread them.” Almost shamefully she added, “I fancied myself in love.”

“So you had my name, my address…”

“Yes.” She rose, coming to him, going through the papers until she pulled out a note from her ‘admirer’ giving him all of Rogue’s personal information. Next she showed him photographs of Rogue. Some were taken from industry publications, but some–Rogue picked those up and stared–some were candid shots made in Austin and some even in Red Creek.

“What the…” Rogue toned down his language for Lucia. Whoever this was…the bastard was close. Was he being followed?

Lucia still stood next to this man in whom she’d wrapped up all of her hopes and dreams. Now that she knew none of her fantasies would be coming true, she just felt cold. Leaning forward, she pulled a paper from the bottom. “And here is our marriage certificate.” She handled the paper like it was made of fragile glass. “You…he sent me papers to be notarized in my country of my identity and I mailed them to him. He sent me this certificate as proof so I could be admitted to your country, married to an American citizen.” Lucia crumpled in front of him. “I’m going to have to go home. I have made enemies…” She began to cry.

Rogue stood, lifting her up. “Don’t cry. We’ll figure this out, I promise. And until then, I’ll make damn sure Zane finds a way to keep you in the country.”


*  *  *

Kit checked her phone. Rogue’s name showed up in missed calls. She hadn’t answered. At the time she’d been moving her horses to the barn, having left her phone in the truck. Whether or not she would’ve answered, Kit didn’t know. As she worked, she’d spent time thinking. Like a movie reel she’d replayed her time with Rogue. She closed her eyes and recalled their wedding, the times they’d made love. If she hugged herself, she could remember his arms around her, his lips on hers.

Shutting the barn door, Kit resolved to go talk to him. Surely this was all a mistake. Her love for him was stronger than her doubt.

Hurrying back into the house, she grabbed the note from the pillow, wadded it up and threw it into the trash.

Rogue Walker was worth fighting for.

Back at Osprey House… Marliss brought everyone a piece of Rogue’s favorite chocolate pie. “Here, this will make everything easier.”

Rogue knew she was right. He got up to hug her. “Thanks, Marliss. Could you wrap up Kit a piece for me to take her when we’re through?”

“You’ve got it, baby.” She shuffled around and picked up empty dishes, bringing in fresh ones. While she was working, Lucia walked up to whisper in her ear. Marliss listened, then hugged her. “Come with me, I’ll show you where it is.”

Rogue realized he was a poor host, the woman had needed to use the restroom and didn’t feel comfortable enough to ask him. Zane’s phone rang and he walked to the window to answer it. Elijah took the opportunity to come sit by Rogue. “Hey, this is crazy, isn’t it?”

“Yea, it is. And I still don’t know what the hell is going on.” Rogue admitted. “What happened that caused you and Zane to fly up?” He hadn’t had a chance to get an answer.

Elijah looked at Zane. “Well, he’s the expert. But I got a phone call from one of the banks day before yesterday. Somebody’s taken out several loans in your name.” Even though Rogue’s eyes widened and his face blanched white, Elijah kept talking. “They couldn’t touch Lone Wolf, but your ranch is up as collateral. The loans are huge and short term. When the bank VP called the office to talk to you about them, I got suspicious and called you. I finally found out you were out of the country, so I called Zane.”

“Son-of-a-bitch!” Rogue slouched in his chair. “I’m the victim of damn identity theft.” The reality coalesced in his mind.

“Well…” Elijah dragged out the word. “It can’t be that simple, not if you consider Lucia.”

“You’re saying I’m being specifically targeted.” Rogue spoke up.

Zane spoke from behind them, having apparently heard the bulk of their conversation. “Yes, I think this is personal and I’m not sure it’s over. I can’t prove it yet, but I have a feeling the same person that fucked up your finances, tied you in the bonds of unholy matrimony.”

The ramifications were baffling. “Is it binding?”

“We’ll get it nullified at the County Clerk’s Office, but we’ll have to find the notaries and also provide enough information to convince the court that you’re you and…he’s not.”

“Surely that won’t be hard to do,” Rogue stated. “I hope we can keep this quiet. I don’t want it to get out in Red Creek and I’d rather my brothers didn’t know anything about it.” He rested his elbows on his knees and hung his head. “I’ll have to tell Marliss and her husband a little of it, so they’ll know what to say and what not to say.”

Zane smiled, crossing his arms over his chest. “They seem like nice people.”

“They are,” Rogue assured him.

“Right now, she has Lucia in the kitchen. They’re swapping recipes.” Zane pointed behind him.

“I want all three of you to stay here as my guests until we get to the bottom of this. My brothers won’t mind and there’s plenty of room. We’re thinking about turning this monstrosity into a Bed and Breakfast sometimes, but for now it’s a good place for us to put up our friends and family.”

“Thank you, I’ll talk to the others. What came out of your talk with Lucia?”

“Well, I looked at the papers she carried around and she explained how she met ‘me’.” He put an emphasis on the word ‘me’. “After listening to her, I know she’s not to blame. She came here in good faith, thinking she was married.”

“I did some research on proxy marriages. They’re legal in Kansas, Colorado, Texas, Montana and Alabama.” Zane went on to explain the ins and outs, more than Rogue wanted to hear.

“Bottom line,” Rogue growled. “I’m screwed.”

“Not while I’m your lawyer, you’re not,” Zane assured me. “It won’t be easy and it won’t be quick, but we’ll straighten this mess out. I’ll get you right back where you are in every respect.”

“I hope so,” Rogue muttered. The main thing he had to straighten out was Kit’s perception of the situation.

Elijah moved his chair closer, so he didn’t have to talk so loud. “I talked to Lucia. This guy really did a number on her. He knew just what to say and how to say it.” He stared at Rogue. “I’m trying to figure out who hates you this much. Any ideas?”

“Not a one, I mean I’ve beat a lot of folks in card games and I’ve pulled off a lot of oil deals but I don’t know anyone who thinks I took advantage of them to the degree that they’d do something like this.” Rogue looked at the floor deep in thought.

“Lucia, she told me about the murders in Juarez.” Elijah commented softly.

Rogue looked up. “She said something about the ‘lost girls’ and that she was afraid.”

Zane pulled a chair close and they sat as if they were huddled around a campfire. “I know what she’s talking about, there have been hundreds of young women abducted or murdered in Juarez in the last few years. No one knows who’s doing it or why. Some say its human trafficking, others say it’s related to the cartels and then there’s the belief that a serial killer is to blame. The bodies are found mutilated and pink crosses dot the city where the girls’ remains are found.”

“Yea.” Elijah breathed out a long breath. “Her sister was one of those girls and Lucia made a lot of noise about it, she’s afraid she’ll be one of the next to go missing. That’s one of the reasons she’s so desperate, the reason she fell for this scam.”

“Good grief.” Now, Rogue felt guilty. Not that he wanted to be married to anyone but Kit, but he felt a strong desire to help this woman. “Well, I’m already married and bigamy isn’t legal.”

“She’s nice–and pretty. Really pretty.” Elijah sighed. When neither of the other men said a word, he jerked his head up. “Don’t tell me you two didn’t notice it. Rogue, I’ve seen the women you’ve chosen over the years.” His voice became emphatic. “Lucia Cordova is your ideal–I mean she’s perfect for you. Delicate, feminine–big brown eyes and that body…”

“Did you forget I’m already married?” Rogue asked. Zane mutely nodded as if echoing his sentiment.

A movement behind them drew their attention. Elijah jumped, thinking it would be Lucia. They all turned, but it wasn’t Lucia or Marliss. It was Kit and Rogue knew by the look on her face she’d heard every word they said–and she hadn’t understood.

“Kit, wait!”

Kit ran, coming to find Rogue had been a bad idea. She’d only learned the truth that she always suspected. If Lucia was his ideal woman, that meant she wasn’t–she couldn’t be.

His wife might be swift on her feet, but he had longer legs. Rogue caught her just before she reached the front door. “Let me go,” she pleaded. “I shouldn’t have come.”

“Of course you should have come. You belong here. You belong to me.” Rogue spoke with all the sincerity in the world.

Kit looked into his eyes–not really knowing what she expected to see. What she saw was love. The old saying–‘I can’t believe my eyes’ held true. Really, she didn’t know what to believe. “Please Rogue, let me go. I didn’t mean to intrude. We can talk later.”

“We’ll talk now.” Without asking permission, he picked her up, calling out to Zane as he walked back to the suite he had claimed for his own. “Zane, I’m going to be busy for the next few hours.”

A mumble/grumble from the back let Rogue know his lawyer had heard him. The turmoil from the identity theft and the misunderstanding with Lucia was one thing–important, but not necessary for his existence like Kit was.

“Put me down, Rogue.” She struggled in his arms a bit but he only held her tighter.

“Never.” They continued up the stairs and down the hall.

“Where are we going?”

“This is my house too, I have a room. I’ve never made love to you here, I think it’s time.”

At his blunt announcement, she struggled. “We’re not making love until we talk.”

The way she said it made him realize that sex, in her mind, was not a foregone conclusion. Opening the door to the suite he’d previously occupied, he sat her down. “Deal.” She looked around and found the chair farthest from the bed as possible. Rogue gave a wry exasperated laugh. “I see I have my work cut out for me.”

Kit’s bottom lip trembled. “Rogue, honestly, I don’t know what to think. So much has happened. I was about to just leave, travel around to some auction barns and see if I might find my horse. But I kept remembering everything we’ve been through and I just had to see you.”

Rogue sat down across from her. “I’m so glad you did. I knew I needed to talk to you and I was on my way home as soon as I could break away.”

“I almost left. I didn’t really know what to do.”

He leaned forward, arms on his knees, hands folded, face sincere. “Baby, don’t leave. I haven’t looked at another woman since I found you again. Lucia Cordova is a victim of this identity thief as much as I am. Someone has stolen my information, hacked my accounts and pretended to be me, even to the extent of bringing this innocent woman to the United States in a fake marriage.”

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