Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker) (12 page)

BOOK: Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker)
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But Rogue was not to be rushed. This was more than sex. This was more than making love. This was him proving to her than she was it–she was all he ever wanted. With fingers and tongue he penetrated her, pushing deep inside, fluttering and thrusting until he could feel her thighs begin to tremble. Knowing how to make her scream, he moved up to clit, taking it between his lips and sucking.

He held her still–kissing, lashing, laving, a kiss, a nip, he pleasured her with relentless intent until she almost levitated from the bed, quaking and crying out his name. “Rogue!” Even then he didn’t stop, nuzzling her until the contractions subsided, until her breathing quietened.

“I love you, Katherine Walker.” There was nothing more he wanted in the world than to make her happy.

She placed her hand on his head, his shoulder, urging him to come back up even with her. With wonder in her voice, she entreated. “I need you to love me, Rogue. I don’t think I’d survive losing you.”

“You won’t lose me. I’m not going anywhere–but here.”

He rose over her, his cock in hand. Kit felt her sex ache, flower as it prepared itself for him. Deep inside of her a wildfire raged. Going very still, she inhaled sharply, spreading her legs wide and raising her hips. “More. Please.”

Kit didn’t realize it and he wasn’t the best with words, but he wanted to give her the world. He was so grateful to have her in his life, he wanted to get down on his knees and thank his lucky stars. Deserving of his every consideration, Rogue vowed to take his time, placing the broad head of his cock to the pulsing entrance of her body. Undulating beneath him, she wrapped her legs around his hips, doing her best to aid in their joining. Pressing the tip in, just the barest inch, he threw his head back and snarled. God, she was tight. Hot. Perfect.

Kit kissed his neck, threading her fingers through his hair. Holding part of his body inside of her was a physical image, a symbol, of their marriage vows–two becomes one. He kissed her again, pressing deeper as her inner feminine muscles stretched to accept him. He was so big, but she was so giving–they fit.

As Rogue began to move, Kit dug her nails into his shoulder, angling her hips up to take more, wanting and needing assurance that they were together–not just bodily, but in spirit. In between thrusts, his cock pulsed as his hips flexed, taking him deeper and deeper until he was balls deep within her. Kit gloried in his possession, she could deny him nothing. She didn’t want to doubt, she didn’t want to feel inadequate, she yearned to be just what he needed–and wanted.

Losing himself in the wonder, Rogue was almost blind with bliss. Being with Kit was the highlight of his existence, and bringing her pleasure was his greatest desire. Angling his hips, holding himself up on his hands, he moved his hips in a figure eight motion, working his cock inside of her until he found the spot that would send her over the edge. He knew when he found it by her gasp of wonder.

Holding on to his upper arms, Kit wrapped her legs around his hips, seeking to keep the amazing sensation going. The short strong jabs of his cock pleasured her clit and the sweet spot deep inside of her. She wanted to close her eyes in ecstasy, but she couldn’t. Since it was still day, she could see him clearly. Kit didn’t know what she loved most–the exquisite way his cock was moving in and out of her felt or the expression of absolute sublime rapture on his face. Involuntarily, she clasped his cock, tightening down on him. When he groaned, she did it again–and again, trying to hold him as tight with her body as she longed to do with her heart.

“Oh, baby, I won’t last…” he moaned.

She did it again for good measure and his reaction was to arch his back and thrust hard. And when he did–it happened. She convulsed in his arms, every nerve and cell in her body focused on the pleasure he was giving her. “Oh, it’s good, Rogue, so good.” Kit was near to sobbing, any control she had was slipping from her grasp.

Sensing she was close, Rogue kissed her face, then let his mouth slide to her chest. “Cum for me, Kit,” he commanded, as he latched on to a nipple and worshipped at her breast.

Kit heard him–she felt him. She gave herself up to the pleasure he gave her. She also surrendered her fears. “You cum for me, Rogue. Let’s do it together.”

Her request tore away the last vestige of control he was holding on to. And as she began to milk his cock–tightening, holding–he swore, driving into her over and over. Wild. Desperate. Voracious. “Kit, my Kit.” She answered every thrust with a parry of her hips and a squeeze from the vise of her pussy. Riding her hard, Rogue gave her his all, determined to send her soaring.


She screamed his name and he pulled her up to straddle his thigh, not breaking their connection. His arms tightened around her, he buried his face in her neck and moved her on his cock until they both shuddered. A harsh cry burst from his lips as his cum jetted up from his balls, firing from his cock in a hot wet eruption. Their release was mutual and almost more satisfying than they could bear. Rogue held her until the small jerks of her body lessened, kissing her over and over again. “I love you, I love you, please believe me. I love you.”








Zane filtered through the messages. “Poor girl,” he said. Whoever this guy is, he sure pulled a number on her. “He said all the right things, offered Lucia a way out.” He picked up his coffee cup and drained it. Three days had passed since he and Elijah had arrived in Red Creek, Kansas to come to the aid of his client, Rogue Walker.

“I would love to get my hands on him for a few minutes.” Eli stood and looked out the window. “She should be getting off work about now.” Lucia had refused to stay at Osprey House, preferring to return to her job and room at the saloon.

“You’ve been spending quite a bit of time with her.” Zane observed, still staring at the papers as if they were going to reveal to him some secret solution. He’d contacted all the proper authorities and got the paperwork in motion to undo most of the damage the maniac had done. Now, they just had to figure out who he was and keep him from doing more.

“Well, she’s all alone.” Elijah said slowly. “I…”

“You like her.” Zane said briskly, as he leaned back in his chair, tapping his pen on the desk.

Elijah didn’t say anything for the longest. “Yea, I do.”

“Getting her marriage annulled isn’t going to be hard. I have one of my men traveling up to visit with the notary who signed the papers when the marriage license was granted.” Zane stood, going to his briefcase. “I’m having to wear my reading glasses more and more.” He grinned at Elijah. “Good thing Presley thinks I look sexy in them.”

Elijah ignored Zane’s banter. “Do you think you’re going to be able to help her stay in the country?”

Elijah’s question came out of nowhere, taking Zane by surprise. “Well, Elijah,” he hated to disappoint his friend or let the woman down, “this is unusual circumstances, but the only recourse I have is to seek asylum and I don’t know that I have sufficient grounds.”

“Will you try?” Elijah urged, his hands stuffed into his front pockets.

“Of course. My first priority has to be Rogue and I do have other clients, but I’ll do my best.” He sat back down, then slapped the table. “Dammit, I know what I’m missing!”

“What?” Elijah asked.

“I need to trace the IP address from where these emails were sent from. Maybe then we can find out who this identity thief is.” He found the IP address, then grabbed his phone. “Let me call my wife.” When Elijah laughed, Zane gave him a look. “I know, I know, I call her every opportunity I can think of. She’s pregnant and I worry.”

“Smart man.” Elijah noted thoughtfully, stepping out of the sunroom where they’d been taking advantage of the afternoon warmth, to give the couple some privacy. As he walked toward the kitchen, he heard Rogue enter, speaking to Marliss about anything she might need for their guests. Walking up to his friend, he playfully hit him on the shoulder with his fist. “How are things going?”

Rogue tipped his hat at Marliss and moved back toward the office suite with Elijah. “Well, pretty good. I had to put some hours in at D. Walker. My brothers and I have a bit of a different take on office management.”

“How’s Kit?” Elijah went to the credenza and poured two shots of whiskey, handing Rogue a glass.

“We’re good,” Rogue answered, and he felt his assessment was true. “All of this was hard to digest. She understands what’s going on, or at least as much as I do. Lucia showing up was hard for her, but Kit loves me. Having Dusty Walker as a father was sort of a disadvantage in this situation. His reputation didn’t do me any good in her eyes. But…” Rogue raised his glass to Elijah. “She wants to meet Lucia. I told Kit a little about her and she feels drawn to talk to her. My wife has a tender heart.”

“Good.” Elijah said, swirling the amber liquid in his glass. “She’s a special lady. I’ve been spending time with her.”

“Oh, yeah?” Rogue grinned. Teasing his friend was one of his favorite past times. “Are you thinking of marrying Lucia to get her a green card?”

“Actually, yes.”

Elijah’s straight answer almost made Rogue fall out of his chair. “Seriously?”

“Yea, I want to help her.”

Rogue stood. “That’s a big step to just help somebody. I think you should take your time thinking about this, Elijah.”

Elijah didn’t appear fazed by his friend’s concern. “I will. Don’t worry about me. You have enough to worry about of your own.” At Rogue’s downcast expression, he changed his tune a bit. “Although, I think Zane may have a few more leads.”

“Good, I have a couple of questions. Where is he?”

Elijah pointed toward the sunroom. “Talking to Presley. He’s a concerned father-to-be.” Before Rogue could leave the room, he added. “I’m going into town to pick up Lucia. We’re going for a drive and out to dinner.”

Rogue pointed a finger at him. “You’re a good man, Elijah. Don’t let anyone take advantage of you.”

“I won’t.” Elijah gave him a wave and was out the door.

Rogue hadn’t taken five steps before he heard Zane swear. “Son-of-a-bitch!”

Finding his friend staring out the window with hand on his hip, he asked. “What’s wrong? Is Presley all right?”

Turning, Zane nodded. “She’s fine. That’s not the problem. Danny, one of my investigators, he just called to inform me that the notary who supposedly signed the papers for your imposter has disappeared. His wife reported him missing over a week ago and there’s an ongoing investigation into his whereabouts. Foul play is suspected.”

A cold chill skated down Rogue’s spine. “You don’t think…”

“Hell, I don’t know what to think. But if this guy is in the business of making people disappear, this is a whole new ball game.”


*  *  *

Down at the Red Creek Saloon, Lucia waited by the front door, hands folded, a smile on her lips that she couldn’t quite erase. Dipping her head, she tried to suppress a smile. Looking forward to seeing this man, Elijah, could end up being just as foolish as placing her trust in the man who lied to her. Whoever he was. She knew now that the real Rogue Walker wasn’t responsible. Who was, she did not know. Even though her better judgement called for caution, she couldn’t help but stand on tiptoe to eagerly scan the road for the vehicle he’d been driving. Kansas wasn’t this man’s home. He and the lawyer were only here a short time to help their friend. Soon he would leave, it wouldn’t be wise to build another castle in the air. She needed to keep her feet on the ground. Nevertheless, when she saw the dark truck ease into a parking place and saw him get out, she couldn’t stop her heart from racing. He was a nice man, and he was handsome. His hair was a beautiful golden shade, somewhere between brown and blond. And his whiskey brown eyes shone with good humor and kindness.

When he spotted her, he smiled and she couldn’t keep from smiling back. “Hello.” She tentatively raised her hand.

“Lucia, you look lovely. Have a good day?” Elijah hurried up to her, lifted his hand to touch her shoulder, hesitated, then when he saw she didn’t edge away, he laid his hand protectively on her upper back.

“Oh, gracias.” Lucia soothed the plain white blouse tucked into the equally plain denim skirt. She didn’t really believe Elijah, but it was nice of him to say so. “Yes, my day went well. I made some tips.”

Her bright face and voice that soothed his soul like honey made Elijah feel warm and happy. “I’m glad to hear that. How does fried catfish sound?”

“Okay. I love fish.” She accepted the offer of his arm as he escorted her to his truck, helping her in. “I appreciate you spending this time with me. It is beyond kind.” She still didn’t have a good explanation for his attention. He wasn’t like any man she’d known before. As he came around to join her in the cab of the vehicle, Lucia occupied herself by rubbing her hand on the fine leather upholstery covering the console that separated their seats. She did not own a car or truck, but made her way around Juarez by bus.

With a smile, Elijah joined her, adjusting the temperature. “Let’s get you warm. This is an unusually cool evening for September in this part of the world.”

“I’m fine,” she assured him. “How is the investigation going? Any leads?”

Elijah didn’t mention Zane’s investigation of Lucia herself. Santiago had sent in one report that confirmed everything Lucia had told them about her life, which wasn’t much. He hadn’t turned up any nefarious plans or connections on her part, not that Elijah had expected it. This woman seemed to be all things innocent and worthy to him. “Zane is going to try and trace the swindler by the IP address he used to answer your emails.”

“Ah, excellent.” She widened those big doe eyes and he felt his cock twitch as if reminding Elijah that he was open for business. “I think it is so nice that you have left your business to come help and support your friend.”

Pulling out into the road, he set out to drive the few miles south to a neighboring hamlet where he knew from Google that a southern style restaurant was located. “Rogue and I go way back. We went to school together, even team-roped as partners on the college rodeo circuit, which is where he met Kit by the way.” Elijah chuckled. “She and her partner kicked our butts regularly. Kit and Rogue have a little bit of a rocky history. I set them up on their first blind date, which had to be the worst blind date in history. He resented her for outriding us so much that he was pretty much blind to her charms. To say they didn’t hit it off is an understatement. Rogue’s mouth got the best of him and Kit repaid his poorly chosen words by leading him on, then leaving him by the side of the road as naked as a jaybird.”

“Jaybird?” She looked confused.

Elijah just shook his head. “Just my Texas way of speaking. I’m not sure why we say that, jaybirds aren’t naked.”

“No, they have blue feathers. They are beautiful.”

“You’re beautiful.” Elijah blurted the words out, then was instantly afraid he’d jumped the gun when she blushed and fidgeted in her seat.

“Thank you.” Lucia didn’t know what else to say. Shivers of awareness danced on her skin. She was more aware of this man than she wanted to admit to herself. “Tell me about your home in Texas.” Lucia introduced the new topic simply because her mind was wandering to places it shouldn’t. Hadn’t she learned her lesson?

Elijah felt a bit flummoxed. He always considered himself to have a way with women, but with this demure exotic beauty, he was practically tongue-tied or saying the first thing that popped into his head, wise or not. Clearing his throat, Elijah tried to settle down. It was hard. Hell, he was hard. Her scent was entrancing, the thrust of her breasts was tantalizing and he was falling faster for this woman than his old dog would snatch a biscuit off his table when he wasn’t paying attention. “Well, I have a place west of Austin near a little town called San Saba. Our most famous resident is actor Tommy Lee Jones, not that he mixes with the likes of me.” Elijah mused. “Being a bachelor, my house is comfortable but not fancy, a two-story limestone ranch house. It’s nearly a hundred-fifty years old, nestled next to a creek that runs into the San Saba River. I just got through building a saddle house for my cow horses.” He laughed. “It turned out pretty good, my first attempt to construct something from the ground up. I also have a little garden plot out back, I like fresh vegetables.” Seeing she was listening intently, he continued. “The acreage I live on is full of wildlife. In the evenings I can watch white-tail deer venture out of the brush and I can hear cattle calling to one another across the hills. Sometimes I build a campfire just for myself, sit down beside it and try to shake off the day. The setting sun can be spectacular with orange, red and purple streaks filtering through the clouds and setting fire to the rampart of surrounding hills. I get a good breeze where I live.” He pointed around him. “I live in the Texas hill country, limestone cliffs and green rolling hills, nothing like this flat terrain. Although, there are some intriguing things about this area, the quail and pheasant being one of them.”

“Your home sounds beautiful. So, you like to hunt?”

“A bit, I’m not as into it as some people. Mostly I just like climbing into a deer stand or a bird blind in the crisp fall air before the sun comes up.”

Lucia quivered. “I’m not sure I would like that.”

“I could take you sometimes, I bet you would.” Especially if she would let him keep her warm, he thought.

She cast her gaze down to the floorboard. “I’ll be gone by then. Once it becomes known that the marriage I entered into was false, I’ll be sent back.”


“Tell me more,” she cut him off before he could say more.

“Well, as you’ve probably figured out, I’m Rogue’s partner in a small drilling operation called Lone Wolf, which pretty much described him until lately, and I have a dog that I think the world of by the name of Bill. He’s a golden lab.”

“Everything sounds wonderful. You’re very lucky.”

“Lucia,” Elijah leaned forward, his voice dropping to an intimate level. “I don’t want you to go home.”

Lucia appreciated that he was worried about her. “It’s okay,” she said in a quivering voice. “I can relocate to another place, maybe to Piedras Nigras, Acuna or Ojinuga.” She named other villages and towns close to the Texas/Mexico border.”

“But is there work there, like there is in Juarez?”

“No.” She glanced over at the handsome American. “I can make twenty American dollars in a week at the factory. There is nothing like that in other places, not unless I go to work as a…” her voice faded into nothing.

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