Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker) (13 page)

BOOK: Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker)
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“Hell no!” Elijah knew that desperation could cause people to do things they wouldn’t normally do. But he’d turn hell upside down before Lucia lost all hope. “You can’t do something like that, it’s far too dangerous.”

Lucia smiled weakly. “I wouldn’t. Having less money is better than being hurt…or being taken.” Seeing his angry face, Lucia took a deep breath and poured out her heart. “People say things are better, and maybe in some ways they are. Juarez was once known as the murder capital of the world. A few years ago when the cartels were at war, an average of eight people were slain per day, some days as many as twenty–men, women and children were killed indiscriminately, some just caught in the crossfire between the feuding drug factions.”

“Good God!” Elijah exclaimed. “That’s horrifying.”

“Our city is on the mend, but Americans don’t come across the border bargain hunting like they used to. American factories have opened, hiring mostly women. This has created a spirit of machoism that has caused some of the violence against women, but that can’t explain all of it.”

“What do you mean?” Elijah asked. Feeling bold, he placed his hand over hers. It was small and cold and he cradled it in his bigger, warmer one.

Lucia didn’t remove her hand, his hold it felt good. “A woman from Austin came down to interview some of us, the survivors, she called us. As a journalist, she wrote an article where she called the killings of all the women in Juarez femicide, the killing of women for being women. Rape and mutilation is usually a part of it.” She touched her breasts. “Sometimes they cut off…” Her voice trailed off. “This is what happened to my sister. Her body was dumped in a dry riverbed on the outskirts of Juarez. Twenty-one victims have been found there recently, the ground is so rough and rugged that they have to use ATV’s to even go out there. All of the city is dotted with memorials and crosses, monuments and graffiti, words left in memory of the victims.”

“I’m so sorry. Can’t the authorities do anything?”

“I’m sure women are vulnerable everywhere, but there they target women alone. My sister went to work one morning, but she was a little late. The factory was locked when she got there and they wouldn’t let her in. They do this for security measures.” Lucia shrugged, realizing it probably seemed extreme to Elijah. “All we can think is that she was taken when she tried to return by bus.”

“How can this happen in broad daylight, out in the open, when there is supposedly extra police activity to battle the cartels?”

Lucia was trying to focus, but his thumb was rubbing the side of her hand. He was paying more attention to her, and listening more than she could ever remember anyone doing since her parents died. “There are many who believe,
, that the policia and many shop owners are paid to turn a blind eye to all of this. Some shops are even fronts for these men who prey on women. I’ve been told of a grocery store with no groceries, and a shoe store with no customers. Women are lured inside, then questioned to find out if they have family who care.” Her face crumpled. “I was Selena’s family. I cared.”

“Of course you did.”

“I joined a group of mother’s and relatives who are making as much noise about this as possible.” She looked up into his eyes. Now it was her holding to his hand. “But trusting people is hard. I don’t really know who to trust. The authorities have arrested some members of the Aztecas street gang and they admitted some of the murders were the discarding of women who’d been kidnapped for forced prostitution, then eliminated when they grew tired of them or they learned too much. Even some soldiers in the Mexican army have admitted to accepting sex with these underage victims in lieu of cash for turning a blind eye.”

By this time, Elijah had arrived at the restaurant and was parked out front. He didn’t interrupt her or draw attention to the fact that they had arrived. She needed to talk and he needed to listen. Now he understood more than before why she so easily succumbed to the pretender’s scheme. “Your safety has got to be the main concern.”

Lucia stared at him, wishing he was the one she’d come to find.

A noise outside the door made her realize where they were. “Oh, I’m sorry. We’re here.”

“Not a problem, beautiful. Sit right there.”

She did and he came around to help her out. Lucia had never been treated with such care. “Gracias, Senor Bowman.”

“Elijah, please, no Mr. Bowman.” With care he escorted her in, found them a table and let her order anything she wanted on the menu. He smiled indulgently when she asked for both macaroni and cheese plus potato salad. Elijah wanted to give her a lot more than that.

Until the food came, they spoke of small things. Elijah learned that Lucia loved children, that her favorite thing to do was helping take care of the little ones who attended her church. He also found out that she loved animals, had once had a small dog herself. “My pup’s name was Jorge.” She gave him a sad smile. “He was my constant companion until some boys turned their big dog loose on us. Jorge died defending me.”

Her story touched Elijah. “I’m so sorry. I wish I’d been there, I would’ve protected both of you.” The thousand watt smile she gave was worth a million dollars to him. “You know, my mother is from East Texas. She had relatives who were involved in an ongoing feud. I mean, people died, they were murdered and there was a trial. And it all stemmed from someone killing their dog. At the trial, my mother’s great uncle or whatever was acquitted, the judge and jury agreed that killing someone’s dog was a justifiable reason for homicide.” He laughed. “That’s East Texas for you.” Winking at her, he added. “I tend to agree with that philosophy myself. If someone hurt Bill, I might not be responsible for my actions.”

“You are very kind, a good man.” She reached over and touched his hand. “I’m so glad we met.”

Elijah felt like the sun had broken through the clouds and shone directly on him. He shared with her a little more about his life, his family and what he valued in life. “My favorite thing to do is take a walk by a babbling brook or a drive on a summer’s evening. I’m not one to party and I don’t have anyone special in my life.”

There, he’d said it.

“You?” Lucia was surprised. “You are so handsome, I would imagine you have many women anxious to spend time with you.”

Elijah was about to tell her that he was right where he wanted to be–with her. Unfortunately, the food arrived and she rose to get some tartar sauce and pickles from the condiment bar. By the time she returned, he’d lost his momentum. Maybe it was too soon. The only problem was that Elijah didn’t know how much time he had.


*  *  *

Time became a factor. Whoever was tormenting Rogue, was not proving easy to find. Zane had gone home to check on his beloved wife and was communicating with Rogue by telephone and Skype. Lucia was still in town, while Elijah was traveling back and forth between Texas and Kansas regularly. He told Rogue that they needed to confer on business decisions–and they did. Mainly, he returned to see Lucia.

Kit had kept her promise and contacted Lucia, setting up a time for them to visit. “I’m meeting her tonight at the saloon. Your brother, Dylan, is playing with the band. Do you want to come?”

Rogue considered it, then shook his head. “No, I think I’ll put some time in at D. Walker. I’m a little behind, all of this other stuff has had me distracted. At least the credit card company is cooperating, but I’m not going to get my money back that was stolen from the bank accounts unless we find the perpetrator.”

Kit shook her head. “I still can’t comprehend how this all happened.” But at least she felt better about Lucia. When Rogue had shown her all of the photos the woman had brought with her, a little niggle of doubt plagued her, but she had worked through it. Rogue was faithful to her, she’d bet her life on it.

“Hey, smile. I adore you.”

Turning, she looked into his beautiful green eyes. They burned warm with flames that she wanted to immerse herself in. Giving him the smile he asked for, she moved a bit closer, clearly giving him an unspoken invitation. Their sex life hadn’t waned, they were burning up the sheets and adding to the pinto bean jar by leaps and bounds. Still, she needed his words as well as his touch. “I’m glad you do. I’d be lost without you.”

He reached out slowly, like he feared she might bolt. He slid his fingers up to cup the side her throat, curling with comforting familiarity around the nape of her neck. Gently he used his thumb to tip her face up. “You aren’t worrying about anything are you?”

“My horse, and what this person might do to you next.” A tear escaped her eye.

“We haven’t given up on your horse, I have some people checking every possible lead.” Rogue captured the tear with the pad of his thumb. Bending his head, he aligned their lips. “And Kit?”

“Yes?” As always–unchanged–her heart was pounding at his nearness.

With a seductive whisper, he breathed into her parted lips. “And as for me…honey, I can take care of myself.”

Clenching her hands into fists to keep from grabbing him, she sought control. To hide her vulnerability, she teased. “Well, in that case…you don’t need me.”

His answer to her comment was a kiss–sweet, demanding. “There are some things only you can do, baby.” Rogue kissed her again, harder.

She nestled close to him, putting her arms around his shoulders. “Like what?” When she pressed against him, there was no way she could miss how swollen and ready for her he was.

“Like…pleasing me, driving me wild, loving me.” His whispered drawl enveloped her in a blanket of warmth, she wanted to bury herself in. Kit became pliant in his arms, her worries faded in the swell of sensuality that swept over them. Rogue rained kisses across her cheeks and eyelids.   

“Oh, any woman…”

His tug on her hair stopped her words. Kit looked up to find that his mouth was pressed in a firm line, almost harsh. But his eyes…his eyes were pleading. “No. No other woman will do. Only you.”

A bolt of desire and love so strong hit her that she almost went to her knees. “I want to be the only one you need.”

“There is no one like you,” he breathed, gliding his palm down her back. Rogue had come upon her while in the act of dressing, so she was clad only in a short sheer slip. Goosebumps rose at his touch and she shivered as he picked her up and placed her across his lap. She relaxed in his arms, resting her back against his upper arm. “Am I as necessary for you?”

“Oh, yea,” Kit gasped as he slipped fingers between her legs and nudged her thighs apart. The only barrier to his erotic quest was her panties and he deftly pushed those aside. Pulling her up a bit, his lips touched hers as he found her wet folds. He smiled against her mouth as he began to caress and rub her slit. “Oh, that’s good.”

Finding her clit, he teased. “Is this the spot?”

All she could do to answer was whimper.

“Hold me,” he directed, and she did, pressing her nails into his back, letting her tongue tangle with his. She lifted her hips, giving him every opportunity to continue his intimate massage.

“Don’t make me wait, Rogue,” she begged. “Please.” He chuckled and gave her what she asked for. “God, yes.” She arched her back as every fiber of her being honed in on that exact spot, that amazing feeling.

As his fingers made magic between her legs, molten fire rose and radiated out to every nerve ending in her body. She couldn’t speak, could barely breathe–all she could do was hang on to him and the last vestiges of her consciousness. “Rogue!”

“Just the beginning, Kit, just the beginning.” The graze of his teeth at the tender flesh of her collarbone only increased the excitement. As he marked her throat, his fingers set out to drive her mad once again. Swirling–gliding–taking the sensitive nub between her fingers and milking it.” This time she didn’t just cum, she exploded. “That’s it baby, that’s it. You’re so beautiful.” His eyes drank her in as she rode the crest of ecstasy. As she rested against him, panting, he rubbed her back, petting her. “Want more?” He tugged at her slip, and when she caught her breath, Kit helped him undress.

“Equal time, Walker,” she chided, her hands running hungrily over his body.

“Oh, we’ll never be equal, Kit.” Before she could argue, he clarified. “You’ll always come first with me.” With one finger, he traced a circle around one throbbing nipple. “Gorgeous, you make me crazy for you.” A flush rose on her chest as she thrust her breasts out for him. “All mine.” Bending, he licked one pebbled peak with his tongue, then stooped farther, to nuzzle the soft flesh, rasping his beard across the firm globe.

“Yours!” She keened as he held her steady, his mouth at her breast. Ecstasy. Unable to keep her hands to herself, she reached for his cock, taking his shaft in her hand and pumping gently.

“Kit!” He growled as the muscles in his thighs tightened. “Too much. I want to be inside you.” Gently he turned her, until she was bent over the vanity, facing the mirror. Both could see her ripe breasts hanging down, jiggling sexily with every move. “God, look at you. You’re a goddess.” Her eyes were glazed with passion, her cheeks pink with arousal. “Spread your legs.”

She did, as he covered her body with his, the fur on his chest tickling her back. “I’m so ready I ache,” she whimpered.

With cock in hand, Rogue pressed it into the hot, wet well of her vagina. Kit pushed back, her hungry pussy impaling herself on his thick manhood. God, it felt so good. She watched his face as they joined their bodies. She loved the delicious feeling of fullness–and when he began to move, her knees went weak.

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