Kokoda (77 page)

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Authors: Peter Fitzsimons

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #History, #War

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Kengora Tanaka,
Operations of the Imperial Japanese Armed Forces in the Papua New Guinea Theatre During World War II
, Japan Papua New Guinea Goodwill Society, 1980, p. 98.
G. H. Vernon,
A War Diary. The Owen Stanley Campaign, July–November 1942
, 253/5/8, AWM 54.
This is material drawn from an extensive interview conducted with Lawrie ‘Smoky’ Howson, on 5 November 1988, by Harry Martin and Milissa Byrne, for the Australian War Memorial.
Ina Bertrand (ed),
Cinema in Australia: A Documentary History
, University of NSW Press, Kensington, 1989, p. 214.
Neil McDonald,
War Cameraman: The Story of Damien Parer
, Lothian, 1994.
The Sun
, 22 April 1963.
David Day,
John Curtin
, p. 575.
From an article by Tony Stephens,
Sydney Morning Herald
, 13 May 1998, about Geoffrey Serle’s book
For Australia and Labor
, John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library, Curtin University of Technology.
The Guardian
, 6 August 2002.
Edwin P. Hoyt,
, p. 212.
This account is taken from a radio documentary made by Phillip Knightly, ‘Chester Wilmot: War Correspondent’, ABC Parliamentary and News Network, 5 March 1995.
This account is drawn from
The Daily Mirror
, 17 January 1954.
Bill Edgar,
Warrior of Kokoda
, pp 181–82.
An account of Hideki Tojo’s death can be found in Edwin P. Hoyt,
, pp. 1ff.
ibid, p. 224.
Chester Wilmot
The Struggle for Europe
, William Collins, London, 1952.
This account is drawn from the website:
, pp. 581–82.
Michael Gordon,
The Age
, 26 April 1992.
Frank Walker,
The Sun-Herald
, 2 July 1995.



Abuari, 277, 282, 307
‘Ack-Ack guns’, 78, 95, 113, 138
Advisory War Council, 131–132, 135
Akizawa, Toshiya, 309
Allen, Brigadier Arthur ‘Tubby’, 29, 30, 123, 237, 296, 308, 382, 413–414
Alola, 266, 307
Australian withdrawal from, 337
Japanese capture of, 337
parallel track to, 266-67, 277, 302-3, 307, 320, 335
, 6
Ambasi, 172
, 28, 58, 66, 298
New Guinea, sailing for, 58–60
Arnold, Lieutenant General Hap, 400
Asahi Shimbun
, 389, 405
, 59
Australian Army
2/14th Battalion, 60–62, 122, 135, 212, 239–240, 464, 465
2/16th Battalion, 62, 63, 122, 135, 212, 239–240, 465
2/22nd Battalion, 48, 73, 216
2/27th Battalion, 62, 122, 135, 465
3rd and 4th Infantry Division, 34
7th Militia Brigade, 156
14th Militia Battalion, 12
21st Brigade, 229, 237
23rd Battalion, 34
32nd Battalion, 36
39th Battalion, 34–39, 51, 55, 58, 64–65, 141, 142, 173, 446, 465
48th Battalion, 48
49th Battalion, 141, 143
52nd Battalion, 37
53rd Battalion, 58, 66, 141–143
battalions, 39
defeat of Japanese, 444–445
first ambush of Japanese, 175–178
First Australian Imperial Force, 23
General Commanding Officer, 16
khaki clothing, 260–261
Middle East, in, 28, 47
oath, 36
Second Australian Imperial Force, 16
Australian Light Horse Regiment, 12
Australian New Guinea Administrative Unit (ANGAU), 68, 96
Avery, Alan, 322, 463
death of, 464
Awala, 97, 166, 171, 175–176
Australian ambush at, 176–178
Bacillary dysentry, 69
Baker, Newton D., 45
Basabua Beach, 169
Bataan Peninsula, 53, 103, 121, 124
Batchelor Airfield, 106
Battle of Beersheba, 12
Battle of Brigade Hill, 368–396
Battle of Midway, 134, 218
Battle of the Coral Sea, 128–129
Bean, Charles, 410
Benson, Father James, 170, 174–175, 196–200, 404, 455
Bethune, F. P. 288
Bidstrup, Captain Max, 203, 219–223, 245, 353, 434
Bisset, Butch, 2, 6, 271
CMF, in, 12
death of, 329
enlistment, 23–25
fighting by, 324
Middle East, 28
Powerhouse Club, 7, 12
Puckapunyal Training Camp, 25
shooting of, 325–3328
Syria, in, 60
Bisset, George and Olive, 111
death of Butch, 350–351
Bisset, Stan, 61, 63, 254, 271, 274–277, 315, 336, 337–339, 371, 382, 391
Battle of Isurava, 300
Blamey’s speech, 421–422
death of, 329
shooting of, 326–328
childhood, 2
City of Paris
, in, 89
CMF, in, 12
Intelligence Officer of 2/14th Battalion, 89
James Fenimore
, boarding, 213
Kokoda Track, on, 355–356
marriages, 464
Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, 6
Middle East, 28
Military Cross, 464
1939 Wallabies Test Team, 13–14
Powerhouse Club, 7, 12, 213
retirement, 464
singing, 15–16, 271–272
World War II, declaration of, 15
Blamey, Major General Sir Thomas, 16, 30, 40, 67, 117, 127, 133, 136, 142, 232, 349, 383, 388, 406, 453
Brisbane, in, 193
Commander of Allied Land Forces, 119–121
controversial reputation, 16–17, 319
death of, 461
General Officer Commanding Australian Army, 16
Koitaki sports field, parade at, 419–422
MacArthur, meeting with, 427
Police Commissioner, 16
Port Moresby, arrival in, 393–394
press conference, 384–386
Rowell, meeting with, 399–400
speech by, 421–422
Boland, Jack, 301
Brens, 204
Brewer, Lieutenant Peter, 163, 205, 208
Brigade Hill, battle of, 368–396
Brown, Private Merv, 336
Bulolo, Japanese bombing of, 75–76
Buna, 133, 147–149, 163, 166
Australian capture of, 444
Burley, Sergeant F. B., 408
Burton, Private, 466
, 8
Cameron, Major Alan, 216–218, 240, 434
Campbell, James, 138
, 59
Cannibalism, 401–402
Caro, Lieutenant Colonel Albert, 371, 382
Cazaly, Roy, 4, 297
Chalk, Lieutenant, 176–177
Chamberlain, Neville war, declaration of, 13
Champion, Lieutenant Alan, 171
Changi prison camp, 82
Chauvel, Charles, 12–13
Chifley, Ben, 91
China, 26
Japanese invasion, 1937, 10
Churchill, Winston, 50, 57, 81, 83–87, 109
Citizens Military Forces (CMF), 12
City of Paris
, 89
Clark Field, 44
Japanese bombing of, 44–45
Clowes, General Cyril, 287
Colbran, Elaine, 7, 40, 55, 110, 181, 206, 279, 462
Comfort women, 101–103, 280
Conran, Colonel Hugh Marcell, 34–35, 51–53, 55, 113, 142
Cook, Captain James, 28
Cooper, Duff, 50
Corregidor, 53, 103, 106, 124–125
Cotter, Marie, 22, 146, 448, 449
Cowey, Staff Sergeant Jim, 225–226, 232–234
Curtin, John, 15, 47, 50, 75, 87, 91–92, 105, 117, 119, 140 ‘Battle for Australia’, 83
Battle of the Coral Sea, 129
Chester Wilmot meeting, 410
Christmas Day 1941, 54
Darwin, bombing of, 84–85
death of, 450
declaration of war on Japan, 48
fall of Singapore, 82
funeral, 451
MacArthur, conversation with, 387–388
New Year message, 1941, 56–57
Prime Minister, 40
Darley, Camp, 34, 51, 69
Christmas Day 1941, 54
Daru, 96 ‘Daru Derby’, 96
Australian troops sent to, 48
Japanese bombing of, 84–85, 105
Davidson, Kelly, 131
Dawson, Joe, 4, 7, 40, 55, 109, 138–139, 206, 217, 292–294, 328, 362, 380, 437, 443–444
Acting Company Sergeant Major, as, 155
enlistment, 19–21
Gona, at, 433
hygiene, 70
Kokoda, at, 166
Kumusi River, at, 181
marriage of, 462
Oivi, at, 190
Popondetta, at, 432
Sergeant, 36
twentieth birthday, 65
de Meneses, Jorge, 2
Dean, Captain Cyril, 219–223, 354
Deniki, 164–165, 194–196, 201, 240
Japanese attack on, 242–244
Dickenson, Captain Gerry, 289
Diet, Japanese parliament, 5, 25
Dobodura, 197, 445
Dougherty, Brigadier Ivan, 427, 437, 442
Duffy, Dr Don, 322, 326
Dunkirk, 23–24, 82
Dupain, Max, 13, 21–22
Earl, Father Norbert ‘Nobby’, 144, 188, 222, 285, 305–306, 354
Eather, Brigadier Ken, 357, 384, 400, 426
Efogi, 13, 214, 357, 403
Eichelberger, General Robert, 393, 427
Elliott-Smith, Major Syd, 215
Embogi, 197
hanging of, 459
Emperor, 6
declaration of war on Allies, 46
service of, 8
Emperor Hirohito, 453
shooting of two key advisers, 10

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