Kokoda (78 page)

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Authors: Peter Fitzsimons

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #History, #War

BOOK: Kokoda
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Emperor Miuji, 8
Empress of Japan
, 22
Enola Gay
, 451–452
Eora, 214
Eora Creek, 163, 239, 406
Australian digging in at, 345–346
Fadden, Artie, 451
Fairfax Harbour, 80, 137
Far Eastern Liaison Office (FELO), 411
Fiji, Japanese plan to capture, 100
Fletcher, US Admiral Frank Jack, 127
Flies, 70
Flynn, Errol, 110
Forde, Francis Michael, 75, 116, 406
French Indochina, Japanese annexation, 26
French, Lieutenant Bevan, 263, 306
Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels, 331, 341, 459
Gallipoli, 5, 16, 61, 123, 151, 229
Garland, Lieutenant Gough ‘Judy’, 176, 208, 336
‘mutual defense’ alliance with Japan, Italy, 26
Tripartite Pact, 27, 48
Ghormley, Admiral, 147 ‘Ghost Battalion’, 423
Gili Gili
, 155, 165, 166
Gilmore, Captain, 434
Glennie, Reg, 392
Goldie River, 158
Gona, 170, 251, 403
attack on Japanese at, 429–443
Japanese landing at, 180
Gorari, 176, 181–182, 185
Graf, Master Sergeant Dick, 109
Grahamslaw, Tom, 77, 96, 101, 114, 133–134, 158, 166, 174–175, 246, 318, 353, 361, 371, 459
administration of justice, 97
Gratz, Wally, 109–110, 217, 328, 362, 380, 432–433
death of, 444
‘Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity
Sphere’, 25, 83, 99, 101
Greece, 29
Green, Frank, 91–92
Grenades, 166
Guadalcanal, 147, 157
Japanese attempt to capture, 268–269
US attack at, 218
Guam, 53, 73
Haddy, Corporal Alan, 29, 62–63, 352, 435–437
death of, 438
‘Haddy’s Village’, 435
Hamada, Corporal, 228
Hamilton, Pat, 370
Hannah, Sergeant, 172, 196
Harper, Sergeant Barry, 171
Hayman, Sister May, 170, 174–175, 196–199
murder of, 198, 459
Herring, General Ned, 88
, 152
Hidetaka, Second Lieutenant Noda, 211, 251, 269
Hirano, Second Lieutenant, 227–229
Hiroshima, bombing of, 451–452
Hitler, 11, 20, 25
, 364–365, 416
, 84
, 130
, 92
, 65
, 65
Hollow, Private ‘Rusty’, 209
Holyoke, Sergeant, 172, 196
Honner, Ralph, 30, 362, 383, 445, 463
Australian withdrawal from Isurava, 349
Battle of Isurava, 284–285, 299, 302–303, 313–314
Captain, 30
death of, 463
Distinguished Service Order, 448
Gona, at, 433–443
Lieutenant Colonel, 257–258, 261–268
Military Cross, 448
Horii, Major General Tomitaro, 33, 133, 167, 212, 235, 251, 316, 338, 370, 384, 389
New Guinea, arrival at, 259
plans of, 277–278
visit by Okada Seizo, 394–396
Howson, Private ‘Smoky’, 36, 111, 125, 241–244, 291, 345, 373–374, 381, 447, 462
Hull, Cordell, 27
Hurley, Captain Frank, 89
Hyakutake, Lieutenant General
Haruyoshi, 135, 212
Ichiki, Colonel Kiyono, 258
Imita Range, 158–159
Imita Ridge, 183, 390
Australians dug in at, 391–392
Imperial General Headquarters, 57, 100
Imperial Japanese Army
5th Sasebo Naval Landing Force, 166, 183, 199
15th Independent Engineer Regiment, 166, 402
144th Regiment, 73, 166, 183, 451
battle-cry, 167, 296–297
Buna, landing at, 169–172
capture in battle, 168
commanding officer, 6
dead soldiers, 401
death, no fear of, 8–9
defeat of, 444–445
discipline, 8
flags, 407–408
Formosa Jungle Training School, 93, 179
funeral pyres for fallen soldiers, 178
General Outline of Policy on Future
War Guidance, 99
Gona-Sanananda-Buna, dug in at, 424
Imperial Japanese Army Instruction
Manual, 168
Juki machine guns, 330
jungle tactics, 179
Kwantung Army, 31
Manchuria, occupying, 10
Nanking massacre, 10
Pearl Harbor, 43–46
Peking, in, 10
Rabaul, bombing of, 71
retreat of, 397–418
singing, 272–273
South Seas Detachment, 53, 73, 128, 133, 167, 183, 313
training, 8
withdrawal of, 396–398
Imperial Japanese Navy
Zeros, 72, 84, 112, 114
Imperial Palace, 8
Ioribaiwa, 173
Ioribaiwa ridge, 160, 163, 384
Australians taking, 401
Isurava, 164, 261, 464
Australian forces at, 245, 278–279
Australian withdrawal from, 340–367
battle of, 283–310, 320–323
topography, 261
Isurava Rest House, 329, 336
‘mutual defense’ alliance, 26
Tripartite Pact, 27, 48
Jacka, Albert, 61
Victoria Cross, 61
Jackson, Squadron Leader John, 113, 126
Jacob, Captain ‘Tubby’, 354
James Fenimore
, 213, 239
James Wilson
, 239
Australian declaration of war on, 48
Constitution, 6
declaration of war on Allies, 46
economy, 5
‘Hakko Ichiu’, 31
imports, need for, 5
militarists, 5–6
military training, 4
‘mutual defense’ alliance with Germany, 26
1936 attempted coup, 10
Russo-Japanese War 1904–05, 26
surrender, ceremony of, 453
Tripartite Pact, 27, 48
Japanese Foreign Office seizure of, 10
Japanese schools, 4
Formosa, in, 93, 179
Jarrett, Sergeant, 188
Johnston, George H., 94, 182, 401
Johnston, Lieutenant, 302, 323
Kagi, 163
Kanga Force, 137, 145
Kapa Kapa, 400, 423
Keating, Paul, 464–465
Kenji, Takida, 312, 417
Kenneth, Constable, 97
Kenney, General Thomas, 212, 387
Key, Lieutenant Colonel Arthur, 254, 313–316, 320, 323, 336, 404, 455
Kienzle, Bert, 149–151, 155, 157, 165, 173, 214, 219, 341, 458
Kingsbury, Bruce, 321, 375
death of, 322, 463
Victoria Cross, 323
Kneen, Major T. P., 137
Kochi, 4
Koiari tribesmen, 157
porters, as, 157
Koitaki sports field
parade at, 419–422
Kokoda, 97, 114, 148–149
Australian objective of retaking, 217, 219
Australians retaking, 418
B Company at, 166
battle for, 205–211
‘biscuit bombing’, 214
fall of, 212
government station at, 163, 164
importance of, 148
Japanese attack at, 233–234
Japanese field hospital, 312
Japanese objective of retaking, 226–227
Japanese retaking, 235
Lieutenant Colonel Owen at, 184–189, 205
Kokoda airfield
21st Brigade’s objective of retaking, 237
Kokoda Day, 466
Kokoda Front Line
, 392–394, 448 ‘Kokoda Gap’, 155, 184–185
holding, 238
Kokoda Track, 148, 151, 229, 230, 237, 266, 269, 297, 318, 400, 431, 451
building road along length of, 150
communication along, 218
Damien Parer at, 249–251
increasing Australian solders at, 214
Osmar White at, 249–251
Stan Bisset on, 355–356
topography, 261
Komai, Sub-Lieutenant, 199
Konoye, Prince Fumimaro
Prime Minister, 26
resignation, 31
Kumusi River, 180, 183
Lae, 137, 147
Japanese bombing of, 75–76
Japanese landing at, 99
Lakekamu River, 145
Langridge, Captain Brett ‘Lefty’, 360, 372
League of Nations, 2
Lee, Captain Bert, 375
Lee, Robert E., 45
Lerew, Wing Commander J. M., 72
Lik-Lik, 200
‘Little Boy’, 451
Lloyd, Brigadier J. E., 406
Lovett, Lieutenant Keith, 257
Battle of Isurava, 285
Lower Kumusi River, 175
Lynn, Sergeant Bill, 337
MacArthur, General Douglas, 44–46, 53–54, 131–133, 135, 148–149, 244, 386–387
Australia, arrival in, 106–107
Australian withdrawal from Isurava, 349
biography of, 108
Blamey, meeting with, 427
Brisbane, in, 172–173, 193–194, 212, 244, 365–366
ceremony of Japan’s surrender, 453
Curtin, death of, 450
dismissal of, 457
Japan, in, 455
Melbourne, in, 116–122
New Guinea, arrival in, 405
Philippines, in, 103–104
train to Adelaide, 107–109
Truman, falling out with, 456
McCallum, Corporal Charlie, 325, 372
Distinguished Conduct Medal, 326
McClean, Lieutenant Doug, 187
, 137–140
McKell, sir William, 461
McLeod, Frank, 227
Maguli Range, 163
Malaria, 69
Malayan Peninsula, Japanese invasion, 47, 49–50, 81
Mambare River, 184
Manchukuo, 26
Japanese occupation, 10
Japanese victory in, 73
Manol, Jack, 376
Markham River, 99
Markham Valley, 447
Maroubra Force, 149–151, 191, 207, 383

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