Kokoda (79 page)

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Authors: Peter Fitzsimons

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #History, #War

BOOK: Kokoda
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Marshall, General George C., 104, 107, 136
Medial treatment of wounds, 346–347
Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, 6
Menari, 163, 260, 361–362, 374, 403
Damien Parer at, 362
Menzies, Robert, 451
Attorney-General, 11
‘Pig-Iron Bob’, 11, 71
Prime Minister, 11, 25, 27, 461
war, declaration of, 14
Merritt, Captain, 115, 302
Metson, Corporal John A., 347, 382
Midway, 53
Milne Bay, 147, 156, 163
fighting at, 286–287
rout of Japanese at, 364–368
Misima, 127, 282
Mission Ridge, 359–361, 368–369
Montevideo Maru
, 152–153
sinking of, 154
torpedoing of, 153
Moore, Lieutenant Allan ‘Kanga’, 56, 437
Japanese landing at, 133
Morris, Major General Basil
Moorhouse, 30, 67–70, 76, 100, 127, 148–149, 150, 238, 256
Morrison, Seargent Ted ‘Pinhead’, 188
Mortimore, Lieutenant Harry, 186–187
Mosquitoes, 68–69
Mount Bellamy, 114
Mount Ninderry, 464
Mount Tambu, 171
Mount Victoria, 65
Murdoch, Keith, 409–410
Murray, Leonard, 67
Myola, 215, 269, 274–275, 356–358
Nagano, Admiral Osami, 98
Nakahashi, Captain, 396 ‘Nanking Massacre’, 10, 31
Napa Napa Peninsula
53rd Battalion camping at, 66
Naro, 236, 243
National Security (Emergency Control) Regulations, 157
Native women, 80
feared rape of, 101
Nauro, 163, 403
Nazi Party, 30
New Caledonia
Japanese plan to capture, 100
New Guinea Volunteer Rifles, 49, 73, 137
New Hebrides
Japanese plan to capture, 100
Nik, 169–170
Nishimura, Corporal Kohkichi, 373, 375, 460–461
Nye, Captain Claude, 299, 372
O’Donnell, Lance Corporal Jim, 285
Oivi, 187
Japanese attack at, 189–193
Okada, Seizo, 389, 394, 402, 405
Onogawa, Lieutenant, 236
Operation MO, 132
Oro Bay, 166
Orokaiva tribe, 169
Ovuru, 459
Owen, Bill, 74, 156, 176, 184, 201–203
burial of, 224
death of, 208–209
discovery of body of, 224
Owen Stanley Range, 65, 100, 132
Page, Earle, 86
Palmer, Sergeant, 172, 196
Palmer, Vance, 105
Papua and New Guinea, 9
8th Military District, 67
39th Battalion, 142
arrival, 64–65
‘F’ grading, 143
Owen Stanley Range, over, 173
sailing, 58
53rd Battalion sailing for, 58
Australian territory, as, 2, 49
discovery, 2
German and British colonisation, 2
jungle, 465
languages, 2
natural resources, 32
Papuan Villager
, 33
preliminary Japanese invasion, 99
rainfall, 161
timelessness, 9
tribes, 2
villagers, 164
villages, 164
white ‘squattocracy’, 32
Papuan Infantry Battalion, 48, 149, 154, 175
Parer, Adrian, 7
Parer, Damien, 89, 200, 270, 273–274, 280–282, 311, 320, 358, 384, 448–450
birth, 3
cameraman, 13
Chester Wilmot, 30–31
death of, 449
Eora Creek, at, 353–355
Kokoda Front Line
, 392–394, 448
Kokoda Track, at, 249–251
Menari, at, 362
Mount Tambu, at, 171
Osmar White, journey with, 137–140, 145–147
Palestine, in, 29
photography, 7, 13
son, 450
war correspondent, 22–23
Parer, John and Teresa, 3, 89
Parer, Kevin, 76
Park, Okryon, 102–103, 280, 459–460
Parkinson, Sister Mavis, 170, 174–175, 196–200
murder of, 198, 459
Parr, Private ‘Snowy’, 209
Patton, General George S., 120, 458
Pearl Harbor, 42, 48
Japanese invasion, 43–46, 84
Pennycuick, RAAF Pilot Officer, 126–127
Pentland, Lieutenant Bill, 295
Percival, Lieutenant General Arthur E., 82, 453
Perry, Commodore Matthew Calbraith, 453
, 59
fall of, 125
Phillips, Ray, 109–110, 217, 328, 362, 380, 432–433
death of, 444
‘pidgin English’, 78–80
Popondetta, 432
Port Moresby
2/14th and 2/16th, arrival of, 239–240
39th Battalion, arrival of, 64–65
Australian troops sent to, 48
Fairfax Harbour, 65
Japanese bombing of, 76, 123–124
Japanese decision to secure, 99, 166
Japanese troops heading towards, 126–127
Porter, Brigadier Selwyn, 382
Porters, 157
Potts, Brigadier Arnold, 229–230, 237–239, 246, 255, 274–277, 308, 317, 323, 349, 359, 378, 382, 414–415
Prince of Wales
, 49, 50
Puckapunyal Training Camp, 25
Pyke, Corporal, 191
Queen Mary
, 28
Rabaul, 147, 157
Australian troops sent to, 48
Japanese bombing of, 71–75, 95
Ramu, 447
Rangoon, Japanese approaching, 86 ‘Rape of Nanking’, 10, 101
Rapindik Native Hospital, bombing of, 71
Reading, Geoffrey, 416
Reilly, Corporal Joe, 285
, 49, 50
Rhoden, Captain Phil, 213, 321, 355, 370, 371, 377–378
Richardson, Major General Robert C., 136
Rommel, General, 81
Roosevelt, President, 11, 43, 45, 85, 109, 117
economic sanctions against Japan, 11, 26, 27
Rowell, Colonel Sydney, 18, 236
General Blamey, meeting with, 399–400
Lieutenant General, 143, 245, 296, 366, 382–383, 398, 461
Royal Australian Air Force
24 Squadron, 72
Beaufighters, 432
Biscuit Bombers, 431
Catalinas, 95
Hudson, 95
Kittyhawks, 95, 112–114, 235
Wirraways, 72
Royal Endeavour
, 145
Russo–Japanese War 1904–05, 26
Saipan, 157
Sakamoto, Lieutenant, 303
Salamaua, 137, 147
Japanese bombing of, 75–76
Japanese landing at, 99
Japanese plan to capture, 100
Samurais, 8
Sanopa, Lance Corporal, 191–193, 223, 226
Santamaria, Bob, 30
Sedgwick, General John, 207
Seekamp, Lieutenant, 175
Seven Mile Airfield, 112, 126, 203
39th Battalion camping at, 66
American transport aircraft at, 248
Japanese bombing of, 78
Seward, Captain, 438
Shedden, Frederick, 87
Shera, Captain John, 221
Shikoku, 4, 451
Shimada, Sergeant Yuki, 403
Sim, Sergeant Jack, 239
Simonson, Lieutenant Don, 243
Battle of Isurava, 284–286, 290
Simpson Harbour, 74
Japanese reinforcements at, 251
British naval base, 49
fall of, 50, 82, 105
February 1942, 81–84
‘impregnable bastion’, 50
Slessor, Kenneth, 319
Solomon Islands
Japanese plan to capture, 100
Tulagi, capture of, 125
, 364
Stanley, Captain Owen, 65
Stevenson, Captain, 181
Steward, Captain ‘Blue’, 372
Sturdee, Lieutenant General, 143, 461
Sutherland, Chief of Staff General
Richard, 119, 173, 212, 238
Sword, Lieutenant Bob, 284, 290, 323, 441
death of, 442
Swords, Private Arthur, 191–193, 195
Symington, Captain Noel, 219–223, 232, 236
Syria, 30, 60
Tanaka, Lieutenant Colonel, 395
Templeton, Lieutenant Sam, 59, 69, 144, 149, 155, 162, 165, 171, 175–176, 180, 184, 190
disappearance of, 190
Templeton’s Crossing, 215, 354, 406
Thai–Burma railway, 82
Tibbets, Paul, 451–452
Timor, Australian troops sent to, 48
Tipton, Warrant Officer Les, 337
, 28
Tobacco sticks, 158
Tobruk, 30, 31
Tojo, General Hideki, 31, 43, 44, 98, 132, 232, 452, 455
charges against, 456
death of, 456
Prime Minister, 31–32
‘Razor’, 31
‘Tol Massacre’, 75, 156
Tol Plantation, 74
Tomita, Colonel Yoshinobu, 426
Tonkin, Kevin, 372
Truk, 157
Truman, Harry, 456
Tsukamoto, Lieutenant Colonel, 226, 235–236
capture of, 125
Japanese at, 147
United States of America
economic sanctions against Japan, 11, 26, 27
US Army
Public Relations Division, 132
, 127, 128
, 453
, 448
, 151
, 127
Vasey, Major General George, 143, 415, 426
Vernon, Captain Doctor Geoffrey, 151, 157, 173, 188, 194, 206, 208, 455
Eora Creek, at, 239–240
Vichy French, 62
Victoria Cross
Albert Jacka, 61
Bruce Kingsbury, 323
Wainwright, Major General Jonathan M., 106, 121
Wairopi, 400
Wairopi Bridge, 180, 182, 423
Wake, 53
Wallabies 1939 Test Team, 13
Ward, Lieutenant Colonel K. H. 307

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