Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1)
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Which in a way was kind of fitting with his current attire. Alec regarded him further as the Kríe closed in. Clothed in what looked like a midnight green tunic—that reached over halfway down his thighs—he’d topped it off with black leather belt embellished with black beads and a dagger. Trust issues or something? Maybe he just liked sharp objects.

Like Gesh’s pack, he too was highly adorned, his metal biceps and wrist cuffs gleaming. As were the piercings along his ears and horns, and the rings worn on every thumb and finger. What Alec noticed right away, though, were his long black dreadlocks. Not only did the things look satiny smooth, but were riddled with masculine beads. Tiger eyes and opal, or at least something similar, making him look downright exotic. Alec swallowed and dropped his gaze, catching a peek of the Kríe’s sandals. Goddamn, even his sleek, black footwear was enamoring, all wound up his muscular calves.

Zercy came to a stop in front of Gesh.

Gesh respectfully inclined his head. “My lord. A pleasure to see you, as always.”

“Gesh. How are the jungles?”

“Spacious and unrestrictive. Just the way I like them.” 

The king smirked. “Never one to reside within our mountains’ confines. Although, how the rainforests make you happy I will never understand. So primitive and dark, and…” His words tapered off as he noticed Alec’s team. Curiously, he regarded them, studying each one, until his eyes stopped abruptly on Alec. “…and wet.”

Alec tensed. Oh, hell. That look couldn’t be good.

Gesh grunted. “Wet yields food to fill our bellies.”

“True…” Zercy murmured, gaze roaming Alec’s body.

“And the tree cover keeps flyers at bay.”

“Mm.” The king clearly wasn’t listening anymore. Pivoting on his heel, he strode Alec’s way. “Tell me, scavenger, what is this species you have brought me?”

“A very rare treasure, my lord. Perhaps the very rarest.”

Zercy stepped inside Alec’s personal space, stared, then touched Alec’s jaw. “I do not recognize their kind.” Idly, he fingered a lock of Alec’s hair. “They must come from extremely distant lands.” 

“Extremely distant. From a planet called Earth.”

The king stilled, then cut his keen eyes to Gesh. “They are not of this world? They are not from Nira’s womb?”

Gesh shook his head, avoiding all eye contact with the humans. “Two days ago their aircraft crashed in the jungle.”

Zercy blinked in surprise, then looked back at Alec. “Aircraft. Intriguing.” He studied Alec’s face. “They are very rare indeed.”

Alec glanced at Chet and Zaden. They warily frowned back.

The king released Alec’s small bit of hair to fondle his earlobe instead. Alec tensed—the unbidden contact making him shiver—and quickly stepped back from Zercy’s hold.

Zercy’s golden gaze flickered with amusement. “Return to me, pet. I am not done with you yet.”

Alec inwardly groaned. Oh, God. Here we go. But he just couldn’t get his feet to move. Didn’t really matter, though, because the guard standing behind him shoved Alec back into reach.

“Ah. Much better.” Zercy smiled, resuming. He ran his hands down the sides of Alec’s neck, then squeezed Alec’s shoulders and biceps. “Strong,” he murmured. “Would make a fine worker.” But when he accidentally grazed Alec’s skin with his claws, Alec sucked in a quick, sharp breath. The king’s lips curved. “Strong… but also sensitive.”

sensitive,” Gesh emphasized. “And very

Zercy paused and lifted a brow. “Delicious, too?” His gaze dropped down to eye Alec’s crotch. “I assume you are refereeing to…”

“I am referring to

Alec shot ramrod stiff. Noah visibly deflated. Thing was, Alec suddenly had the strongest impression that Gesh had just done them a favor. As if with just a couple suggestive words he’d ensured their future as in-house pets, as opposed to slaves of hard labor.

Zercy’s smoldering gaze spiked to flat-out searing. “I cannot wait to taste.”

Alec met his eyes, and was immediately ensnared. And he’d thought Gesh and Miros’ gazes were mesmerizing. This Kríe’s was ten times more powerful. Alec’s heart pounded as he held the dark king’s stare. Up close like this, Zercy wasn’t merely attractive, but terrifyingly stunning. That exotic, flawless skin. Those perfectly shaped lips, all generously proportioned like the rest of him. With eyes that not only reeled a guy in, but bound him down and held him defenseless. To work over, mind and body, in any way he saw fit. Which Alec sensed wouldn’t always necessarily lead to pleasure. Because emanating just beneath Zercy’s cordial front was an unmistakable air of danger. Of darkness. Like he wasn’t quite right. Like the Kríe was tamping back a world of aggression and anything could set him off.

Zercy slid his hands back up Alec’s arms and re-palmed the sides of his neck. Stroking Alec’s jaw with his big clawed thumbs, he leaned close and slowly inhaled. His features tightened. “You smell like Gesh’s pack. Like one of his Kríe.” He stepped back, his expression noticeably less amicable.

Turning to Gesh, he got back to business. “I will pay you double my going price.”

“Triple,” Gesh countered. The king’s eyes narrowed. “But I will give the humans’ leader as a gift.”

Zercy glanced back at Alec. “I do appreciate gifts.” Inclining his head, he turned and started away. “You have yourself a deal, scavenger. My treasurer will bring your coin.” He motioned to his guards. “Take them to the holding cell and have someone fetch them baths.”

And just like that, His Highness moved on, evidently to begin again with other merchants.

Alec’s team tensed in unison as a guard reached for their leash, two more moving in behind them.

“Wait,” Gesh spoke up. “Allow us a moment.”

The guards eyed Gesh impatiently, but in the end stepped back. Gesh frowned at Noah, then headed over to talk to him. Which gave Alec an opportunity to have words with Miros, too. After all, it truly was now or never. Hail Mary and all the jazz.

Shuffling over, he glared up at the Kríe. “Miros,” he bit out. “Don’t let him do this. We’re not fucking cattle to be sold.”

Miros looked at him and sighed. “The king likes you, Alec. He will treat you well.”

“I don’t want him to treat me well. I wanna get the fuck out of here.”

“Just remember,”
Miros continued, as if Alec hadn’t even spoken
“As of late he has been dealing with many hardships, so his temperament at times may be… erratic.”

Alec stared at him angrily, then glanced at the king. “Well that’s just fucking great. Hand me over to a goddamn head case.”

Miros eyed Zercy, too. “As long as you do not try his patience, everything should be fine.”

Alec scrubbed his face. “This can’t be happening. We can’t stay here, Miros. We have families, people who need us.” Not entirely true, as he’d lost his parents in a car accident, but the rest of the team probably had loved ones. Besides, he had a sweet job that he didn’t want to lose.

“Alec.” Miros’ timbre was laced with regret. “This is not up to me. I am sorry.”

Alec started to tell Miros to shove it up his ass, but the sound of Noah’s rising voice distracted him.

“Gesh. Don’t do this. Don’t fuck me like this.”

Alec glanced over in time to see Gesh’s jaw clench tight. “Noah. I am giving you to the sovereign king. You will never want for anything again.”

“I’ll want my fucking freedom. Will he give me that?”

Gesh frowned. “You do not want freedom here. It is far too dangerous. For your kind, it would only bring death.”

Noah glowered. “I think that’s a little dramatic.”

“No.” Gesh shook his head. “There are creatures here that would end you in the blink of an eye. Or keep you to torture for sport.”

“Didn’t seem that dangerous when we were traipsing around with you.”

“Because they smell us, fear us. Avoid my kind. But even then, we still go out in numbers.”

“Then let us stay with
.” Noah’s eyes turned pleading. “Just until our people come to get us.”

“Mah.” Gesh shook his head a second time. “Our occupation is precarious. You would be a liability.”

“We could stay at your home, then. Out of the way. Help out with chores and shit.”

Gesh’s face turned grim, as if he’d love just that, but didn’t have the faith that it could work. Palming Noah’s cheek, he stroked it with his thumb. “Meesha.”
Precious one.
“You could be happy here. So much happier than with me.”

Noah shoved his hand away. “Don’t you dare play that card. That you’re selling me for my own good. You’re making a fucking profit off us! You don’t give a flying fuck if I’m happy!”

The higher his voice rose, the more pained Gesh appeared. “Mah.” Again, he shook his head. “You are special. I care. I do.” Touching their brows, he cupped Noah’s face with both hands. “I did not expect to. It had not been in my plans. If things were different, I vow to you, Noah, I vow I would keep you forever.”

Noah clutched Gesh’s big wrists, his urgent tone spiking. “Keep me forever
, Gesh. Things don’t have to be different!”

Without warning, he lurched up and crushed his lips to Gesh’s. Gesh froze. Eyes wide, he stared at Noah’s closed ones. But he didn’t move his hands, and he didn’t pull away. Instead, he just stood there as Noah kissed him incessantly, pressing their mouths repeatedly together.

It was passionate. It was affectionate. But most of all, it was desperate. As if the thought of never seeing Gesh again terrified Noah more than being sold.

What was also pretty telling, was the shift in Gesh’s demeanor. That subtle softening of his rigid stance. The way his mouth had begun engaging Noah’s. Awkward at first, but Gesh caught on pretty fast. Which gave Alec the impression the Kríe hadn’t ever kissed before. At least not like that, with a lover. Gesh pulled Noah closer on a low, distressed growl. Holy shit. Alec’s pulse picked up speed. Was the pack leader having a change of heart?

The king’s guards approached. Time had run out. Alec glanced to Bailey and Jamis, who looked exceptionally stressed. Even the twins beside them exuded anxiety. Not that it kept the Kríe from staying nice and quiet. Guess all the fun last night had them too worn out to speak. But then, Naydo remained pretty tight-lipped, too. Though in fairness, he did appear exceptionally distraught. The way his sad eyes stayed ever diverted from Zaden’s face…

Alec regarded his second in command as Zaden intently scanned their surroundings. Knowing his friend, Zaden was scoping out exit routes. Unfortunately, such knowledge wouldn’t do him any good, unless those guards decided to untie them. Which Alec seriously doubted they would. But old habits die hard, and truth be told, Alec had already located them all, too.

He shook his head, disgusted all over again. Had these Kríe no fucking ethics? No moral code at all? Were they seriously okay with human trafficking? Granted, Alec’s guys were probably the first humans they’d sold, but Jesus, they’d just shared fucking beds!

He wanted to bellow a stream of foul curses. He wanted to punch them all in the face. But most of all he just wanted to get his men to safety, and rid them of this whole fucking nightmare.

To his right, commotion began to arise. Alec turned, then froze in astonishment. Gesh was shoving the guards away, not letting them anywhere near Noah.

“Do not touch him. I have changed my mind. This one is not for sale.”

The guards paused, surprised, as if in all Gesh’s transactions, he’d never once rescinded on a deal. Further down the hall, talking with his treasurers, the king stopped and looked their way.

One of the guards hustled over with an update. “My liege. He wishes to repeal a sale.”

Zercy frowned and gestured something briefly to his aid, then turned and strode brusquely over. Arriving, he glared at Gesh. “What is this business that delays my affairs? I thought negotiations were over.”

Gesh squared his shoulders. “Apologies, Your Fairness. I made a mistake. This golden-haired human is not for sale.”

The king regarded Noah, then chuckled coolly. “Mistakes are unfortunate and meant to be learned from.” His eyes slid harshly back to Gesh. “The transaction is complete. He is mine now, scavenger. If you want your pet back, you must buy him.”

Gesh narrowed his eyes. “As you wish. I will bring you three flyers’ worth of fresh meat and hide.”

Zercy scoffed crossly. “I do not want flyers. I want slaves. And many. Bring me a score of our northern enemy and we will see about selling you your pet.”

“A score!?” Gesh thundered. “For one human male?!”

The king eyed him darkly, clearly vexed by his outburst. “Yes. You are right. My guards can accrue those. Bring me more humans instead.”

Gesh stilled. “More… humans?”

Zercy’s gaze moved to Alec. “Yes. That is my price.”

“But, my lord, their kind. They are very rare.”

“Yes. I remember. Possibly the rarest. Though, for your sake, let us hope there are more.”

“Tah,” Gesh muttered. “There will be. They are coming.”

BOOK: Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1)
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