Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1)
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Steadily his hips sank him deeper into Chet’s depths. Seven inches… eight inches… nine inches…. Ten….

Chet panted harder, a grimace forming fast. “Fuck. Aw, fuck. Goddamn it. So big.”

Roni withdrew to eight inches and rocked back and forth.

Then a fast slam to twelve.

” Chet shouted in alarm.

“Yesss… So deep,” Roni rumbled, starting to thrust. “I own you now, warrior. My pretty little bitch. I own you now inside and out.”

Chet’s pinned frame shook from head to toe. “J-J-Jesus!” he cried out. “So f-f-fucking full!”

Roni grinned and thrust harder. “You like that.”

“Ungh! Fuck!”

Alec’s heart pounded wildly as he watched them go, shuddering when Miros grazed him with his fangs. His dick was straining, his nuts were throbbing, and he could feel his ass relaxing around that plug. But two seconds later, the sound of Bailey’s shout wrenched his gaze past Chet and Roni.

The twins had both scientists laid out on their sides, facing each other, but with their heads in opposite directions. Aka the age-old position sixty-nine. Filli and Fin were spooned up behind them, holding the teammates’ top legs raised. Probably to give their dicks ample room as they shoved the things deeper inside. Bailey and Jamis grimaced and arched their backs, until finally the twins were in to the hilt. But then, instead of going thrust-crazy, they paused and gripped the scientists’ bound wrists.

“Need us to move now?” Filli wickedly murmured. “To fuck you in your tight little ass?”

“Yes. Shit, yes,” Bailey panted. “Need to come.”

“So bad,” Jamis strained out. “God, please.”

The Kríe swapped smirks, then moved the guys’ hands so their fingers pressed against each other’s junk.

“These cocks are yours now,”
Finn started to explain, allowing his brother to finish.

“Keep them in your mouths, and we will keep ours in your ass.”

Bailey and Jamis stiffened. The twins grinned and slid off their blindfolds.

“Oh, Jesus,” Jamis blurted. “Bailey’s dick? Are you serious?”

Bailey groaned. “Oh for shit’s fucking sake.”

The dark males snickered and nodded in unison, giving their hips lazy pumps. “Yes. We are serious. Want to watch you as we fuck.”

The two men moaned, rocking their stuffed asses, then reluctantly gripped the other’s boner.

“Ugh. For science,” Bailey warily conceded.

“For the sake of education,” Jamis muttered.

Huge grins spread across the brothers’ features as they steadily sped up their thrusts. “Science and education. Ah, yes. Our favorites.”

The teammates coughed laughs around each other’s dick.

“You guys are fucking nuts.”

And Alec would have to agree. He’d honestly never seen anything so depraved. Miros ground his erection against Alec’s stomach and hungrily nipped at his neck. And then his huge claw reached between their bodies and grasped hold of both of their shafts.

Faster, he rocked, clutching them tight. “Cannot wait to hear the sounds you make while my cock moves deep inside you.”

“Shit.” Alec panted, Miros’ hand job making him crazy. “Neither the fuck can I.”

Miros chuckled and let go to reach further down. Slowly, he ran his finger around Alec’s plug where that venom was working its magic. Loosening Alec up, getting him primed. But instead of pulling it out, Miros slid his finger inside and circled it around the handle’s base. “Ah, yes. You are nearly ready to begin.” Hungrily, he latched onto Alec’s neck and sucked.

But that wasn’t what Alec wanted to hear. Beyond sexually frustrated, he turned his head and snagged Miros’ earlobe with his teeth. “Can’t
nearly ready
be bumped to
right now?

Miros shuddered, then chuffed against Alec’s skin. “Patience, moyo. Just a moment longer. You do not want to tear.”

To their left, Naydo’s thick timbre derailed Alec’s irritation as the Kríe addressed Alec’s second in command. “Close your eyes, Zaden. Think back to the river. Imagine we are finishing what we started…”

Alec’s sex-starved gaze took them in. Naydo sat on his heels atop the pelt, while Zaden stood straddling his thighs. Z’s eyes were shut and he was stroking his cock, most likely like he’d done in the water. And just like in the water, Naydo’s two big fingers were buried around back in Zaden’s ass. Slowly, he pumped them as Zaden twitched, all the while lapping at Z’s balls. Zaden’s breaths turned shallow and his legs started to falter.

Naydo paused and looked up, gripping Z’s hips. “Let your knees bend, Zayden. I will not let you fall.”

Zaden exhaled roughly, but willingly complied. Carefully, Naydo lowered him down to his cock, then eased Z onto his crown. Zaden moaned, but didn’t stop stroking his cock. Nor did he open his eyes. Lower, lower, Naydo sank him down, growling when Z visibly jerked.

“Ah… Your jewel. I can feel it against my cock. So full, Zaden. It is ready to pop.” 

Zaden groaned and nodded, eyes squeezing tight as Naydo’s huge dick drove higher into his body. Before long, the Kríe had him fully impaled, and started to move his hips. “This is what you wanted, Zaden, back in that river... And this is what I wanted to give you.”

Zaden nodded faster, his pants quickening, too. “Yes. Yes, I wanted it.” He grimaced. “So big.”

Naydo grinned and thrust harder. “If we had more days, you would learn to love my great big Kríe cock.”

Zaden hissed through clenched teeth. “
Holy fuck. Loving your big Kríe cock
.” As if needing an anchor, he abandoned his dick and hooked his bound wrists around Naydo’s neck.

“Yesss,” Naydo purred, wrapping his arms around Z’s ribs. Latching his mouth to Zaden’s hard nipple, he suckled it as they continued to fuck.

Something Alec
needed to be doing now, too.

As if sensing his distress, Miros rumbled and sat back, pulled the plug free and reached for lube. Alec’s heart hammered in equal parts need and fear. God, he hoped that venom shit worked. But when multiple slick fingers slid past his hole, he didn’t feel a single bite of pain.

“Bellah,” Miros murmured. “Very, very good.” His smoldering golden eyes locked firmly with Alec’s. “Relax and rest your hands above your head.”

Not wanting to be the reason for any more delays, Alec nodded and quickly complied. Miros seared his body with a hot, hungry look. Then he grabbed his own dick at its base. Fingers tight, he slid his fist up his shaft till a fat bead of precum emerged. Man, Kríe males made some serious lube. And for some reason, Alec found that hot as shit.

Pinning Alec’s knees more securely to his chest, Miros pressed his glossy crown to Alec’s hole. “I am going to make your long wait worth it. I am going to make you relish Kríe cock.” And that was the only heads up Alec got before Miros shoved his big dick inside.

Alec sucked in a breath, eyes snapping super-wide. “
Aw, fuck! Did you give me it all at once?”

Miros laughed robustly and shook his head. “No, funny human. Not even close.”

Alec tensed, then groaned as Miros pushed himself deeper. Holy motherfucker. He felt fricking enormous. So much bigger than Alec had imagined. He shifted his hips and tried to adjust. Because while his sphincter was being all laidback and chill, his channel was beyond overloaded. Miros shoved forward again with a little more fervor, igniting Alec’s whole fucking body.

Ah, God! You just rammed my G!”

Miros chuckled and braced himself beside Alec’s shoulders. “Yes,” he growled. “Now I do it again.” Rocking his hips backward, he briskly thrust them forward.

“Uh!” Alec cried out, arching hard.

Miros snarled and shoved deeper, as if anxious to fill Alec completely. Alec squirmed beneath him, breathing fast. It was all just so crazy. So fucking surreal. He was getting friggin’ plowed by an alien. And not just any alien, but a huge freaking male. With skin of midnight purple, and fangs like a mega-vamp. Not to mention his bad-ass horns, all pierced-up like a bred-for-sex demon.

Alec panted, fists clenching above his head as Miros thrust steadily deeper. God, how many inches were crammed in him now? Miros pulled back, then thrust forward harder than ever, slamming their bodies with a
Alec’s everything locked up, stars littering his vision.

“All of you?” he gasped out.

“All of me,”
Miros purred

Alec shivered, swallowing hard, and gave a nod. “Good. Now make me fucking come.”

Miros’ lips curved wryly. “Hold on, moyo.”

But before Alec could ask what to hold on
, the Kríe started steadily pounding. Breath punched past Alec’s lips, followed by grunts—and a shit ton of other blissed-out sounds. Sounds that couldn’t even
to describe just how good Miros’ gigantic dick felt. So much mass, Alec could barely stand it, and yet he wouldn’t give up an inch.

Miros dipped his head down, hot breaths panting along Alec’s neck. Fuck, now the Kríe’s locks were brushing Alec’s skin, stimulating every nerve ending even more…

A deep-throated moan rose up from his chest. “Miros. Ah, shit, Kríe. Ah, fuck yeah. Don’t stop.”

But now he truly
need something to hold on to. Not thinking, just acting, he lifted his hands and grasped hold of Miros’ sleek horns. Every single muscle of the huge male tensed, then fell into a violent shudder.

“Alec,” he bit out. “You touch me in a way you do not understand.” His hips pistoned faster. “But now that you have, I warn you, human, do not even think to let go.”

Alec’s eyes went wide. Too fast! Too hard! Each thrust grinding furiously against his G. His mouth dropped open. His head craned back. His tense fingers gripped even tighter.

Miros growled against his ear, sounding out of control. “Need to mark you! Your hands make me need to mark you!”

But ringleader Roni must’ve had other plans. Because right as Miros bared his fangs to bite Alec’s neck, Roni shouted to a group of Kríe nearby.

“Nenya! Tacha! Rhya shay

Come! Hurry! Fuck us

And apparently they didn’t need to be told twice.

Not five seconds later, Miros grunted and fell forward as a huge male mounted him from behind. Chest heaving, nearly crushing Alec under his weight, Miros struggled to lift himself back up. As soon as he did, though, he roared in raw pleasure, coming hard as he thrust even faster.

Alec’s body quaked viciously, then arched up hard. He could literally feel Miros’ dick kicking deep inside him, pumping out hot jets of seed.  

“Fuck!” Alec cried, the flood igniting his prostate, exploding bliss violently through his channel. Steaming, thick cum rifled from his cock, pelting him and Miros in the chest. Miros shoved the Kríe fucking him roughly away, pulled out, and threw Alec onto his stomach. But only for a second. Then Alec was yanked to all fours. Next thing he knew, he was unloading in a tankard, with Miros back to pounding his ass.

“Uh!” Alec shouted, face falling into the fur. “Uh! Uh, fuck! Uh, fuck!”

But Miros just kept thrusting, just kept fucking away, while Alec just kept filling up that mug. He didn’t stop, either. Didn’t begin to even relent, until his body was consumed with non-stop shudders. But even then, his nuts and G kept on going, pelting cum steadily into that tankard. Miros downshifted to slow, as if somehow knowing Alec still had a ways to go.

Long minutes later, Alec groaned into the pelt, his brain finally coming back online. To his utter amazement, as his body lay lifeless, his dick was still gently pumping. He could hear each soft spurt as it entered thick liquid. And man, did that canister sound full. Alec moaned again, shivering for each small release. Because, technically, he still was fucking orgasming.  

Behind him, Miros thrummed, one hand stroking Alec’s hip while the other lightly squeezed Alec’s sac. All the while, thrusting languidly into Alec’s body, until no more sound echoed from the tankard. Then, very carefully, he pulled the mug away, withdrew, and eased Alec onto his back.

Big bright eyes gleamed down at Alec’s face. “You look very sated.”

Alec’s lips curved. “Can’t move.”

And that was no exaggeration. Not one muscle was willing to work. But Alec didn’t care, not in the slightest. Even when his ass started leaking. Because for the first time in what felt like a fricking eternity, he didn’t have the crazed need to come. In fact, he wasn’t sure his body had
felt such peace.

Alec half-expected his rose-colored glasses to finally fade. For the spell he was under to wear off. But surprisingly, it didn’t. Hell, it might’ve even gotten stronger. In truth, as he looked at the Kríe who’d just leveled him, he couldn’t feel anything but gratitude.

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