Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1)
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Noah’s eyes shot wide. “You son of a bitch! Don’t you fucking dare!”

Alec’s heart stopped in his chest as he turned to Noah. “You told him about the others?”

Noah paled, shaking his head. “I didn’t—I wasn’t—I told him before he tricked us. I told him about our ship… and its beacon.”

Alec bit back a curse. For all intents and purposes, they’d just set a trap for their rescuers. All Gesh had to do was wait for their arrival. Hopefully, he’d get bored a couple months down and assume they weren’t ever coming.

“Twelve months,” Gesh growled, glaring at Zercy. “I will have you more humans in twelve months.”

Alec bit back an even bigger curse. Goddamn it. So much for Gesh getting bored. Guess Noah told him about the time frame, too. Hell, knowing Gesh, he’d probably take that beacon and plop the thing down at his crib. Easiest catch ever, you’re welcome very much.

Noah winced miserably as the rest of the team groaned.

The king just smirked with a shrug. “Then you will have your pet in twelve months, too.”

“Give him to me now, and keep the others as collateral.”

Zercy laughed. “The others are hardly collateral.” Again, his dark eyes slid back to Alec. “They are mine. Every one of them. Mine and mine alone.”

Alec shifted under his scrutiny, heart hammering in his chest. God, that stare. Like Zercy wanted to eat him alive. Starting with Alec’s cock as an appetizer. Crazy thing was, despite Alec’s unease, he also felt a tingle of anticipation. A kind of dark excitement he couldn’t explain. Like the king was luring him. Turning him on. But what the hell? That couldn’t be right. Sure, this Kríe could probably rock him like Miros had. But it was different, this feeling. Not like with Miros, where the two of them had just wanted to get off. No, this wasn’t what friends with bennies felt like. This was way different. This was more. Ugh. It made no sense. An aftereffect of that plant? All Alec knew was that somehow, someway, Zercy was already under his skin. Rubbing at his hot spots. Making his brain stupid. Why the fuck else would Alec’s dick be hardening from just the mere weight of his gaze?

Oh, God. Oh, hell. This was so not good. He did
need this kind of complication.

Zercy grinned, then turned and gestured to his guards. “Take them to the bathhouse, and then to Sirus. Tell him to get started. To run every test. I want to know everything there is to know about every single inch of this species. And I do mean everything. Inside and out.”
He cast Gesh a final condescending look. “I have other matters to attend to. This scavenger makes me late.” Turning on his heel, he casually strode off, not sparing another look back.

Alex cringed at the ominous implications of his orders as images of alien probing blitzed his brain. Holy son of a bitch. What the fuck had they gotten themselves into?

“I said do not touch him,” Gesh growled to his right as the king’s guards once again approached. Of course, they didn’t listen. Just continued on task with two assuming control of the leash. “I said do not touch him!” Gesh tried to shove them back, tried to fend them off, but was quickly restrained by more guards. And still he fought them, fangs bared furiously, as Noah was wrenched from his side. “Do not touch him!” he roared. “Let him go! He is mine! Do not touch him! Let him go!
He is mine!

Naturally, his pack bounded into the fray, too, as if they’d long since been chomping at the bit. And maybe they had. They’d certainly looked primed, ready for a formidable fight. And man, did they give one, throwing punches, slashing claws. Tossing heavy Kríe to the ground. Unfortunately, like Gesh, they were quickly outnumbered, swarmed by way more guards than they could handle.

Chet, too, fought valiantly, determined to protect his charge. “Get your paws off us,” he barked, shoving and shouldering. Head-butting countless Kríe in the face. “I said lay off, goddamn it! Let go!” But the king’s guards swiftly overpowered him, too, even with Z and Alec joining in. Next thing Alec knew, all three of them had been wrenched into unyielding, submissive holds.

He could still hear Gesh bellowing, though, as guards dragged him away. “I will come for you, Noah! I vow it! I will come!”

Alec’s chest went cold as Kríe led his team toward an exit. He’d failed his men in every way. Who knew what fate awaited them now. Considering the instructions Zercy gave to that Sirus guy, it certainly wouldn’t be rainbows and unicorns. More like exam tables with restraints and scary tools.

Oh, God. Search and Rescue, hurry the hell up. And for the love of all that’s holy, don’t get captured.


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And be sure to keep an eye out for the next exciting, full-length installment coming out later this year! So many new and intense relationships, as well as the progression of already established ones. What fiery passion is in store for Alec and Zercy? What will become of Gesh and Noah? And of course, just as importantly, what will happen to the Search and Rescue team Nira has so intently been waiting for?


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