Learning to Live (22 page)

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Authors: R.D. Cole

BOOK: Learning to Live
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Saturday morning finally arrives and I’m headed over to pick up
Tru and head to the dealership. It’s been a busy week for both of us, so
we haven’t been seeing much of one another. Coach decided to add
extra practices, and she’s been working extra hours for more money to
put down on a car.
I have this need to take care of her, so I had gone to the dealership
and put some of my own money down. All she needs to do is pick out
a car she likes and the money she puts down will just add to it. I hope
she doesn’t find out though. I know how stubborn she can be, and I
don’t want to piss her off and start a fight because I’m not budging on
My mind wanders back to our date this past Sunday, and I can’t
help the smile that forms on my face. Not only because Ashton looks
like she was hit by a freightliner, but because I was finally able to get a
taste of Tru. But damn, it was worth the wait. Having her pussy against
my tongue as she shouted my name and pulled my hair was so fucking
incredible. I can already feel my dick starting to get hard. This is just a
side effect from Tru though, because I’ve had to adjust myself more
since meeting her than I can ever remember.
When she mentioned taking a shower, I immediately pictured her
naked, so I warned her to lock the door. I wasn’t planning on acting on
it...until I read the note on the roses. I felt a primal urge to show her
that she belongs to me and no asshole can make her feel like I can. So
when I jiggled the door handle and it opened, I couldn’t stop myself.
We’ve never discussed being exclusive, but I assumed we were. I
haven’t seen or heard of her interest in anyone else. Well, besides
Benji, and still I don’t think she’s into that asshat. Maybe he didn’t
take the hint the other night and went the opposite direction. I need to
have a discussion with him without Tru finding out.
Pulling into the dorm’s parking lot, I see her and Jazz standing
together, and I’m always glad to see and spend time with my sister, but
I’ve become greedy when it comes to Tru.
“Hey, my brotha from anotha motha.” Jazz jumps in the back of
the Jeep then proceeds to hit me on the back of my head.
“I would stop while you’re ahead. I could just drop your ass off
somewhere and leave,” I say while smiling in Tru’s direction as she
buckles her seat belt.
“Oh please. Do you see Rocky right here?” She pats Tru’s
shoulder. “I’ll get her on you if you even try.”
“Oh really? Then I might just make good on my threat.” I wink at
Tru and watch her blush as we head to the car lot.
After we reach our destination, I grab Tru’s hand and we make our
way through the different rows of cars. I see how her eyes immediately
roam to the prices as we walk around, and I’m sure this is a big step is
for her. I’m not certain how much she plans on spending, but knowing
her like I do, it won’t be much.
She walks over to a black Honda civic and smiles, but she loses it
when she sees the price. I text the sales man I made the deal with
earlier this week and tell him which car has caught her eye. I walk
over and eyeball the car myself because I don’t want her driving a
piece of shit lemon that’s going to fall apart. “Find something you
“Um, not really. I’m still looking.” I can tell she’s lying because
her eyes say what her mouth doesn’t. Her emotions are so easily read
on her face I don’t know why she tries.
“Well, this one’s nice. Tinted windows, sunroof, and new tires,” I
say as Ben from the dealership walks our way.
“Hey, folks, care for a test drive?” He holds up the keys and
smiles. I can already see the dollar signs shining in his eyes.
I look at Trudy and nudge her with my shoulder so she looks at
me. “Let’s take her for a ride and we’ll decide, okay?”
She squints up at me, the sun momentarily blinding her.“Okay.”
She reaches for the keys from Ben, and I see her hand shake. I can still
see the excitement in her even though she’s hiding it.
I sit in the passenger seat and buckle up. I’m not used to anyone
driving me around, so I’ll admit, I’m kind of uneasy. Turns out she
follows every traffic law, so I relax my grip on the
oh shit
I take in the interior as I ask Ben important questions regarding
the car's safety. It has black leather interior and a digital speedometer.
It’s an automatic but the shifter is in the center console so it looks like
it could be a stick. The sun roof is tinted, but Tru has already opened it
up and the sun is shining down on her smiling face as the wind blows
her long hair. There are a few cigarette burns in the back seat but
nothing so bad it would affect the quality.
We finally pull back in, and I scan the lot for Jazz. I see her
talking with one of the other dealers. She doesn’t seem to be flirting or
upset, so I leave well enough alone.
Jazz sees us and runs toward us and grabs Tru into a hug. “Tru,
this is totally you. I mean you look so freaking hot driving it. You
should definitely get it!”
Tru looks at Ben and bites her lip as she hands him the keys back.
“I think it’s great, but it’s a little out of my price range. I appreciate
you allowing me drive it though.” I walk over and grab her hand
before she can walk away.
Ben acts like the true salesman he is and says, “Well, dear, you are
in luck because this baby has been on our lot awhile so we’re dropping
the price this week.”
Tru looks at me and then at Ben. “How much of a price drop?”
“Well...” he pulls a sheet of paper out of his back pocket of his
khaki pants “...let’s see. It looks like the price is reduced by four
thousand dollars.
Her face is blank for a second while she goes over his words, and
I’m kind of worried she won’t believe him. Then she bursts into a
beautiful smile. I catch her as she leaps into my arms and kisses me in
front of God and everyone else. I’m instantly back in that shower and
forget about the onlookers as her body wraps around mine and I
squeeze her tightly to me.
She finally pulls back to take a breath and turns her face toward
Ben while I continue to hold her. “I’ll take it.”
I’d buy her anything in this world as long as she continues to
smile like that.

Since Tru is off tonight, we decide to go out and hit up a few bars
downtown. After we leave Grand Central, I suggest we head to Jay
Jay’s, and Tru gets excited because she thinks Blaire and Benji are
performing. I could give a flying fuck about hearing him perform, but I
need to speak to him privately.

As soon as we walk in, Jazz and Tru see Blaire on stage setting up
for the night, and they walk over to her while I look around for Benji,
but I don’t see him at first so I tell David I’ll be right back and head
toward the mens’ room. I see him come through the back door so I
follow him.

I feel my adrenaline spike as I think of this asshat making passes
at Tru. I walk in and stand against the white, ink covered walls and
face the only two stalls in the space.

I hear a rustling and the sound of a lighter flick. I don’t know what
the hell he’s doing, but I do know he’s not taking a shit. I lean back
and prop one foot behind me and cross my arms, letting the frustration
of the situation take hold.

Finally after about ten minutes he emerges, and I can tell I caught
him off guard when he sees me. I now know what he’s been doing in
that stall by his glassy eyes, but it’s confirmed when I see the track
marks decorating his skin.

He sees my stare and quickly rolls down his sleeve and gets
offensive. “What the hell, dude? Can’t a guy take a shit without an
audience?” He tries to push past me, but I stop him with a hand firmly
on his shoulder.

“Look, I really don’t give a damn what you do to yourself or how
many chemicals you pump in your blood, but don’t ever bring that shit
around Tru. You got it?” I take a menacing step in his direction to get
my point across. “And stay the hell away from her.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, dude. Besides, Tru
doesn’t want me, but it seems your ass is having some insecurity
issues where she’s concerned so maybe I have a shot after all.”

He’s so trashed right now that I hurry and say what I came to say
so I can get back to Tru. “Just don’t send her anymore fucking flowers
or any other shit in the future. And if I find out you do, the next
conversation will end much differently.” I turn and head for the door.

“Flowers?” he asks and I stop. “I didn’t send her any fucking
flowers.” He looks thoroughly confused and even though he’s stoned, I
can tell he’s telling the truth.

I just walk out and spot Tru dancing with Jazz. David walks up to
me and hands me a beer. “How did it go?” I’ve only told David some
of the situation because I need him to have my back in case there’s any

“He claims it wasn’t him,” I say and take a deep draw from my
beer. The cold liquid flows down smoothly, but watching Tru dance is
warming me.

I see Benji walk on stage to set up for their performance. I’ve got
to hand it to him. He hides his addiction well. If I didn’t just walk in
on him with a needle practically hanging out of his arm, I probably
would never know. However, when they start to sing I notice he misses
a few notes. I turn to watch Blaire’s reaction, but she just picks up
where he left off and gives him a look of sympathy.

I glance again toward Tru and Jazz. Tru smiles at me and waves
with her hand for me to join them. I finish my beer and start to head
their way.

“Do you believe him?” David asks before I can walk away. When
I glance his way he’s checking out a leggy, dark haired girl walking
past us with a tall, black guy and another guy.

“Yeah, I do.” I watch as the trio approach Tru and give her a hug.
You can tell they're friends because of her smile, so I’m not too

David however changes that. “Maybe it’s one of those guys?”
“Let’s go find out,” I say and start walking toward Tru. When she
sees me approaching her smile reappears and is bigger than before. All
I know is if someone wants to try and take her, they’re going to have a
fucking war on their hands.

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