Learning to Live (26 page)

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Authors: R.D. Cole

BOOK: Learning to Live
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It’s Halloween and the house is throwing its annual costume party
tonight. Since Trudy’s never been to one, I’m thrilled to be the one to
experience another first with her. I hope her eyes light up the way they
did after we built the sandcastle. She’s excited about dressing up too
but refuses to tell me what she’s wearing. Knowing Trudy though, it
won’t be too revealing, but it’ll still blow my mind.
I decide to dress in a gangster costume from the 1920s. It’s
different and let’s face it, I’m a guy who likes guns. Plus, I don’t want
any paint or other shit that will itch at the end of the night on me. After
I explained this to David, for the hundredth time, he finally stopped
asking me to go as Jeff Dunham’s puppet Walter. He asked Mason but
his mom needed to work so he’s taking his little sister trick or treating.
I’m finishing up my shower and putting on my black striped suit
when I see David with his face painted green like José the Jalapeño.
He has a stick painted from his chin to his crotch. There’s a sign
attached to it, so I look closer and shake my head. It’s a sign asking the
ladies to please hold his stick and he’ll talk dirty. Typical David.
“You really think chicks will fall for that shit?” I laugh because he
looks so ridiculous.
“Hell yeah they will. Any excuse for them to grab the goods.” He
adjusts himself and winks.
“So any luck with Elle?” I have to ask because it’s become his
goal before he graduates to sleep with her. I’ve never seen him so
focused on one girl for this long, so I think he might actually like her.
“Nah! But I’m just going to take my time, man. She’ll drop them
panties soon enough, but until then there’s always someone else.”
I grab my red silk tie to put on while I watch David in the mirror.
“You look like a fucked up Gumby with a stick so far up your ass it
came out the wrong end. Not something I see the ladies lifting their
skirts for.”
He just shrugs his shoulders and gives that cocky smile he’s
famous for. “Watch and learn, grasshopper. Watch and learn.” And
with that he walks out the door.
After I’m dressed I head out and see the house’s transformation.
Strobe lights and dry ice are set throughout the entire space. There are
spider webs and mummies hanging on every corner and a few
tombstones with different frat brothers’ names inscribed on them. I
walk in the kitchen and see someone put black lights up and plastic
spider rings in the ice cubes. It looks similar to last year’s party, but I
know this year it’s going to be better for me because I’ll have Trudy
I feel my phone vibrate and see it’s her calling, and I feel my heart
rate pick up. Damn, I love this girl. “Hey, babe.”
“I have the worst news.” She pauses and I know she’s not going to
be able to make it. “I have to work for a little while tonight.” I hear the
disappointment in her voice and try to take it away. She should never
be upset.
I clear my throat. “Hey, that’s fine I’ll just come and hang out
there until you get off.”
“You don’t have to do that. Besides, it’s only for a few hours.
Janet wants Blaire and Benji to do a set because the other band
canceled. I shouldn’t be past midnight, and I don’t want you to miss
your party.” She finally stops and I can’t help but smile. She’s starting
to sound more like Jazz with her anxious rambling.
“Calm down and I’ll take you and bring you home with me
tonight. No arguments. I don’t like you being up there since those
assholes grabbed you.” When she told me what happened that night I
was so fucking pissed with myself because once again, I wasn’t there
when she needed me.
I even swallowed my pride and thanked Benji for helping her out,
but he acted like a dick and walked off. Whatever. I didn’t want to talk
to the fucker anyway.
“Okay.” She sighs but I hear the smile in her voice. “But I need to
be there in about an hour. Is that okay?”
“I was just about to head your way. Maybe we can grab a bite
before you go in.”

Her voice becomes hesitant and I know what that
means. She wants to occupy our spare time with
activities that
don’t include eating. Well it does, just not food. “Or we could hang out
“Be there in a minute.” I hang up and run out the door like my ass
is one fire.

Later in the night I’m standing at the bar surrounded by an
assortment of costumes, but I can’t stop looking a Tru. She surprised
me by dressing head to toe in pink and black silk boxing shorts and
robe that has Tru Ali written out in jewels on her back. I asked her how
she did it and she said Jazz had a bedazzler and surprised her with it. I
watch as her pink boxer boots go up her calf and stop below her knee.
I feel my dick get hard remembering those long legs wrapped around
my waist earlier. She catches my stare and gives me a wink before she
heads over to her next customer.
“Jax?” I feel a tap on my shoulder and start to turn. “Did Mason
come with you?” I look in the direction of the voice and see Jazz.
She’s dressed to the nines wearing her Sunday’s best with big hair and
what looks to be a pig snout hanging around her neck.
“What the hell are you supposed to be?” I’m looking at her like
she’s crazy because I just don’t get it.
“Humph!” She pouts and picks up the pig nose to hold it over
hers. “Hello, I’m Ms. Piggy, you jackass!” She drops it then pushes my
shoulder and rolls her eyes while I laugh. “I asked if Mason came with
I don’t know why she’s asking about Mason. She told me a few
weeks ago she was seeing someone and she wasn’t ready to introduce
him. “Why?” I ask speculatively. “And why would you dress up as that

pig happens to own some killer shoes and never ages. And
to answer the first question, it’s because I’m not feeling so hot and I
need a ride home.” She does look flushed, but I figured it was from the
“How much have you had to drink and how did you get here
anyway?” I see her eyes start to water under the bar lights, and I know
she’s upset. I pull her into a hug and she wraps her arms around me.
Tru gives me a confused look, so I just shrug my shoulders. I have no
clue what the hell is going on with my sister.
After a minute she pulls away. “Mason had to take his little sister
trick or treating so he’s not here.” I hate leaving Tru but Jazz needs me.
“Give me a minute and we’ll head out.”
“No, Jax. I’ll call David. You stay here.” She reaches into her
purse and grabs her phone.
I put my hand over hers and shake my head. “No, I’m sure
David’s busy. I’ll take you.”
She nods her head while I go tell Tru what’s going on and give a
lingering kiss for all these assholes to see. Knowing Benji is on the
stage and away from her makes me feel better about leaving her, but I
plan on rushing back anyways.

The crowd is wild tonight and I can’t help but laugh at all the
crazy costumes they are wearing. I don’t recognize any of my regular
customers, and when they ask me for their normal drink, I can’t help
but look surprised. I’m still making good tips, so I must be doing
something right.
I’m still waiting for my heart palpitations to settle from how hot
Jax looked in his costume. The black suit with white stripes and bright
red, silk tie looked so good when he walked in this afternoon that I
couldn’t help but jump on him. A shiver runs over my flushed skin
when I think of his taste and the feel of his hands in my hair while I
rubbed my tongue on the underside of his dick. I can’t wait for him to
take me back to his house for round two.
“Excuse me, miss?” I wake up from my fantasy about Jax and turn
toward the girl dressed as a slutty officer.
I walk to her and lean over the bar. “Can I help you?” I can
already tell she’s trashed with the way she’s wobbling in her heels.
Why wear them if you can’t walk?
“Can I have another of these?” She passes me an empty plastic
martini glass.
I have no idea what drink she ordered earlier because Chris served
her. “What did you have, darling?” I try to keep my good attitude even
though I can hardly understand what she’s saying. It might be time for
her to be cut off.
“Um?” She shrugs and gives me a sloppy smile. “I don’t know but
it’s not my fucking job to remember.”
“Hold on one second.” I turn toward Chris who’s running
around like me trying to please this crowd. “Hey, Chris? Do you
remember what the slutty cop over there ordered earlier? She doesn’t
seem to know.”
He huffs a breath and gives me an apologetic smile. “Sorry, Trudy,
I don’t. I’ve already served like eight slutty cops all different drinks.”
He turns back and continues to serve a guy dressed as Hannibal Lecter
with the freaky mask and straitjacket. I shiver because that movie will
always creep me out. The fact that it reminds me of Brad’s beating
doesn’t help. He liked to slap me if I didn’t watch every part with him.
He and Tony would just laugh.
I turn to address the annoying officer, who’s now talking to
Spiderman, when I feel someone’s eyes on me. I turn around but I only
see Hannibal sitting there talking to a guy dressed as Marilyn Monroe.
I shake off the feeling and decide to make her an apple martini since
it’s a mystery and she probably won’t care either way. “Here you go.” I
place it on a napkin and slide her drink over to her.
She goes to grab it, but instead pushes it over in my direction. It
falls all over the front of my body. “Oops. I’m
sorry.” She
laughs and walks away instead of sticking around for another drink.
What a bitch!
“Dammit!” I can feel the stickiness soaking through my shirt and
feel the need to wash it off. “Chris, can I run to the restroom real fast?”
I ask and point to my wet outfit.
“Sure.” He shakes his head and laughs while I get out from behind
the bar. The restroom is crowded, but luckily I only need to use the
sink or I’d be in here awhile.
After I get cleaned up, I exit the bathroom and I’m pulled into a
dark corner with someone wrapping one arm around my waist and the
other covering my mouth. I feel breathing on my neck and shiver
because of the memories it evokes, not the good ones.
I can smell the stench of cheap alcohol on his breath mixed with
cigarettes when he speaks. “You still wake up sometimes, don’t you?
Wake up in the dark and hear the screaming of the lambs.” He licks my
neck and I can feel cold metal against my skin. He turns me around so
I’m facing the wall and releases me.
What the hell?
Terror courses through me and causes me to freeze
in place. Then after taking a deep breath, I’m able to calm myself
down. It’s only natural for idiots to show their true colors on this night,
so I shake it off and continue back to the bar. I look around and see
only the same characters as earlier.
“Alright everyone.” I hear Benji talk in the mic while I push
through the crowd. “This next song is for a very special girl that’s here
tonight.” The girls go crazy and I finally see him smiling his trademark
smirk and holding his black and white Fender. He looks so natural up
there on stage with Blaire behind the keyboard. Neither one is dressed
up tonight, but I’m glad. I couldn’t picture them up there as anyone
Things are still awkward between us and I hate it. We just don’t
know how to act around each other anymore. It’s like he can’t stand to
be around me, and it hurts my feelings. Then again, I hate knowing
what he’s doing to himself, so it’s hard for me to act normal. I hope
things will get back to the way they were, but I know as long as he’s a
user, I can’t look at him the same way. However, I will be there if he
needs anything. I hope he realizes that.
I then notice he’s watching me, so I clear my thoughts to enjoy
their last song of the night. I smile his way for encouragement.
“Trudy, this is for you.” My heart drops in my stomach before it
slams against my chest. I can’t move because I’m so caught off guard
people start bumping into me again. I listen when the buzzing in my
ears clears and Blaire starts the intro to Coldplay’s
The Scientist.

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