Learning to Live (24 page)

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Authors: R.D. Cole

BOOK: Learning to Live
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I moan and sit on my elbows to watch him grab my jeans and
slowly work them off my legs. Every few inches he kisses my skin
reverently. I need him to hurry up because this is torture. I’m so wet
and ready for him to just pound into me. Just the picture in my mind
has me ready to orgasm. Thankfully I’ve been on birth control
regularly since last March. I don’t want anything between us tonight or
My jeans are finally on the floor with his, and I’m waiting for him
to crawl up my body to answer what my body is asking of his. I feel
his kisses as he makes his way up my body and he seems to leave no
area untouched.
“Please, Jax, I need you,” I whisper. I feel like my body needs to
explode but it can’t without him.
“I know, baby. I know
what you need.” I feel his finger
spread my wet swollen lips. Then his hot breath is on me. I moan my
approval while my hips thrust up seeking release, but he takes his
other hand, holds me down and growls. “You taste so fucking good,
Tru. I could do this all night and never get tired.” The electric shock
waves his tongue causes releases a moan from my throat. I hear the
sucking and lapping of his tongue and feel his finger thrust into me
before a second one joins in.
He places one of his fingers in my mouth. “You want to taste how
fucking sweet you are, baby?” I taste the tangy flavor on his finger and
feel so dirty. But it’s a good feeling, so I suck it into my mouth.
“Come for me, Tru. Come, baby.” The demanding voice pushes
me to fall and my body convulses as my soul leaves, not wanting to
come down.
I’m still in oblivion when I feel his weight on top on me and then
the pressure as his cock fills me.
“Fuck me, Tru.
You’re so fucking
tight,” he says and pounds into me so deep I holler his name.
I can’t help but wrap one leg around his waist. He lifts the other
up over his shoulder. I bite my lip because the position is so much
more and I feel another orgasm building.
“Jax!” I cry with my eyes shut and pinch my own nipples while I
bite my lip.
“Look at me,” he commands, and when I open my eyes, his look
is so fucking sexy I feel my pussy muscles clamp down on him with
my orgasm. “Only
can touch you. Only
can give you this.
You are
mine, Tru.”
I watch his face contort into the sexiest sight as he comes inside
me. He kisses me while he pumps me full of his very essence.
Our breathing is so labored and our heartbeats are so fast, for a
minute I think we are dying.
But what a way to go
. He rolls over and
grabs me to move with him, and we stare into nothing trying to catch
our breath.
When we’ve calmed down and our breathing evens out, I start
rubbing my palms across his soft skin. The feel of him under me naked
is perfect “What does this mean?” I ask with my chin resting on his
chest. My fingertips touch his tattoo slowly while I admire its detail.
It’s so beautiful with the way the tree flows from his right shoulder to
his pectoral muscle. It’s made out of different tribal designs that meet
up and twist together to make the trunk.
“Well, I guess you could say it’s my family tree. All the different
colors are my parents’, brothers’, and sisters’ birthstone colors.” He
shrugs and smiles at me, showing his dimple, and I see his eyelids
getting heavy. “Without one another we would just be stray branches
being thrown everywhere. But together we make a tree large enough to
weather any storm.”
He becomes silent and I rest my head on his chest while he rubs
my back. His hand eventually stops and his breathing evens out so I
know he’s asleep. I soon follow, but before I completely doze off, I say
the words I’ve never said to another person besides Brian. “I love
you.” Then my mind drifts into the best night sleep I’ve ever

It’s mid-October and we still have no answers about who sent Tru
the flowers or the note. We finally received a return phone call a week
after calling Atlanta PD to check on Brad’s status and we were told
he’s still in jail, living on our tax dollars. Fucker should be hung by his
nuts on a ceiling fan and then turn it up on full blast. Good thing for
him I don’t create the laws.
Fortunately, we haven’t had anything else happen, so maybe it
was just some douche freshman playing a sick joke. Ashton’s been
keeping her distance as well, but not at first. Her dickhead dad tried to
serve Tru with papers for harassment charges against Ashton, but I
reminded him that the surveillance video from that night show Trudy
walking away with claw marks on her as Ashton continues to harass
her. Needless to say his threat was never brought to fruition.
I watched the video and listened to all the hurtful things the stuckup bitch said to Tru and wonder why she didn’t tell me. Then again, I
never told her what Ashton’s dad said either. Turns out I was actually
right about Amanda and him, and she just found out she was pregnant
with Ashton’s little brother or sister. Ashton and she are no longer
friends, and Amanda was paid off to return home. I haven’t seen her so
I guess it could be true.
Tru is at practice for the fall festival performance her dance team
is putting on. She had showed up the other day and jumped in my arms
in front of Coach and everyone else because she got the lead in one. I
had to run a few extra laps, but it was worth it. She couldn’t say much
about it, but I know it’s to a song I actually like called
Imagine Dragons.
I head over to the dance studio after I’m done thinking of her
sweet ass body moving to the music. I’ll admit I was a little pissed
when I first saw her all over that Jamal guy. Then I figured out he and
Keith were a couple so it’s all good now.
David follows me to the studio because he’s still trying to get with
the leggy brunette we saw that night with Jamal and Keith. Her name
is Elle or Mel or some shit like that. She doesn’t want to give David
the time of day, and it’s driving him insane. I can’t help but laugh
because he always gets what he wants when it comes to women, but
not this one. He’s been rejected every time he talks her.
“I don’t know what her fucking deal is, man. I haven’t done
anything to piss her off,” David says as we watch the last few minutes
of the rehearsal. I know we aren’t supposed be in here, but we do it
I hear David but my eyes are fixed on Tru. I see her do some kind
of leap to Jamal, and he catches her with one arm while her legs are
wrapped around his middle. Then he bends her backwards, and his free
hand slides from her chin down to her breast. I have to repeat “
He not
into her”
over and over so I won’t go all ape shit about another man
touching what’s mine. Finally, she flips over to land on her feet and is
out of his embrace. She’s an incredible dancer and always blows me
away whenever I watch.
“Hey, asshole, are you even listening?” David thumps my ear and
I hit him in the arm.
“Yeah, dipshit. Maybe she’s heard of your reputation and doesn’t
want to be added to your fucked list.” I turn around again and notice
they’re packing up for the day. I get up and look at David. “Are you
coming or are you going to sit there and pout all day?” I walk toward
the group and away from him while he rubs his arm.
“I’m coming. Just watch. I know how to get her to melt. And once
she’s a puddle, I can dive in for the goods.” He wags his eyebrows and
struts in the brunette’s direction as she talks to Jamal. “Hey, Elle,
how’s it going?” He’s smiling at first and then it falls.
She just rolls her eyes and ignores him, so he turns to Jamal.
“Hey, man, can you give me a minute?”
“Sure,” Jamal says with a wink then turns to Elle and whispers
something before he walks off.
David gets his cocky smile back in place and says the stupidest
line I have ever heard. “So, Elle, you like Conecuh sausage?”
She just looks at him like he’s grown another head and says, “Yes.
“Well here you go, baby.” He points to his crotch. “Conecuh to
my nuts.” He laughs and I just shake my head.
She doesn’t laugh like he predicted. in fact, she shoves past him
and walks out like it didn’t happen.
He looks at me and looks confused. “What did I say? That shit’s
I turn around and see Tru laughing and shaking her head while she
comes to me. ”Hey, you.” She hugs me and I can feel her sweet curves
against my body. I start to feel a stirring down below. Man, it’s like I
can’t get enough of her. After that first time, which was the best
fucking night of my life because she said she loved me, the sex has
become unbelievably better. I didn’t think it could be topped, but I was
proven wrong the next morning and practically every day since. It’s
like our bodies just recognize one another and are so in sync that we
know what makes the other go crazy.
I shake these thoughts from
of my heads and hug her back.
“Hey to you.” I take her hand and grab her bag as we head to my Jeep.
“Yo, David, you coming?” I ask and he’s talking to another dancer
who seems to be buying his line. Then he leaves her and follows us out
to my Jeep.
As I drive toward Tru’s dorm, I glance in her direction. She’s so
fucking beautiful, but I love her with no makeup and sweaty like she is
now. “You work tonight, right?” I already know she is, but I ask
anyway. She nods and I continue. “Can you call in or find someone to
switch with so you can come tonight?” My parents are in town and
want to take Jazz and me out to dinner. They said Tru could come, but
she’s stubborn.
“No, Jax. I have to save money. You know that. Plus it’s a
dinner.” She smiles and turns back toward the window. I turn up the
radio to think. I know she has been saving money, but for what I’m not
sure. I already consider her my family. Deciding not to push the issue,
I relent and turn up
Bad Girlfriend
by Theory of a Deadman. Trudy
looks at me and rolls her eyes while laughing when I wink.
We arrive at her place, and I walk her to her dorm while David
waits in the Jeep. I haven’t seen Jazz lately and plan on asking her
where she’s been at dinner tonight. I set her bag on her bed and walk
up behind her as she grabs her clothes for a shower. “David can wait if
you need help,” I whisper in the back of her neck, and I feel her shiver.
I start kissing her neck and move her hair to the side. I slowly scrape
my teeth against her skin, and she makes a sound that causes
flashbacks from the other night to surface. “Even sweaty you taste
She turns and kisses me back, but then there’s a knock on the
door. “Hold that thought.” She kisses my nose and walks to the door.
Her rigid body posture when she opens the door tells me the thought is
instantly gone.
“Hey, Mrs. Coleman,” Tru says as she opens the door wider.
“Hi, Mom.” I walk up to Trudy, who looks so red from
embarrassment it’s comical, and pull her to my side.
“Hey, Jaxon, I didn’t expect to see you here. I came up looking for
your sister, but I can’t get in touch with her. I know she’s neighbors
with Trudy so I thought I’d stop by.” She grabs Tru and gives her a hug
that matches Jazz’s. My sister learned from the best.
Tru smiles awkwardly. I know she’s not used to the affection, but
she needs to get used to it being in my family.
“I’m sorry. Jax was just about to leave. We just got home. We
haven’t been here long, I promise.” Tru is so cute when she rambles all
I can do is smile and squeeze her tighter against me.
Mom just shakes her head, smiling, and looks at Tru. “Nonsense. I
only care that you’re safe in your
sexual adventures.”
I know they understand my sex life, but does she need to
say it like she has experience.
“I’m heading out.” I turn toward Trudy and kiss her even with
Mom watching. I just can’t help myself. “I’ll see you tonight after you
get off. Okay?” She’s been staying the weekends at my house, and I
love having her there when I wake up. I just hate her leaving on
“Okay,” she whispers and says goodbye to Mom before she heads
back in to get ready for her day.
Mom and I walk down together, and I tell her in a serious tone, “I
love her mom.”
She just pats my arm and looks at me with familiar eyes that say
she already knows.
Reaching my Jeep, David jumps out and hugs Mom. “Hey, Mom.
Did you bring me anything from home?” He always wants something
from Mom’s kitchen when she comes to visit.
She smiles lovingly at him, and I know if he wasn’t of legal age,
he’d become a Coleman. “Not this time.” He pouts which causes her to
smile. “Aren’t you coming to dinner tonight? I’m sure they’ll have
something you could eat.”
Yeah, but it won’t be as good as anything of yours,” he whines.
Rolling my eyes, I look at him. “You know, David. You are just
like a dog when it comes to my Mom. Always wanting treats and a
scratch behind the ears.”
He gives me the bird before Mom cuts in. “Boys!” She looks at
me and I immediately behave from habit. “Jaxon. I raised you better
than to call people names.” Putting her attention back on David she
pats his cheek. “And I didn’t raise you these past few years to be a kiss
Then I notice Elle with another girl, and she sees the whole thing.
David has yet to notice her, so I decide to play. “Yeah. Remember the
last time you kissed ass you had to go get that Hepatitis B vaccination
just in case.” He looks at me like I’ve lost my fucking mind, and I try
to maintain my serious face. I look past his shoulder and wave. “Hey,
Elle. How’s it going?”
He smiles. “Whatev…”
“Hey, Jaxon.” Elle waves and walks past us, laughing with her
friend. David’s face pales before it turns red as I burst out laughing.
It’s going to be a great fucking day.

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