Learning to Live (7 page)

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Authors: R.D. Cole

BOOK: Learning to Live
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I didn’t expect to find a job so soon, but I’m glad even though it’s
waitressing and tending bar. When Jazz and I were out looking for a
place to eat after we picked up a paper, she mentioned a place
downtown that has awesome food. The word food had my stomach
growling again, and since I was new to the area, I told her it sounded
good to me.
We pull into an area downtown, and she parks her car in front of
an old, red brick building with a black door. It’s decorated with
people’s names written all over it, along with some messages about
who loves who and so forth. I look above the door and see an older
sign that reads “Jay Jay’s.” There aren’t many windows and the couple
I do see are tinted with neon beer signs all over them.
When I turn toward Jazz to ask if she’s planning to start the party
early, she isn’t there. I look at the door again and see her walk through
like she owns the place. Following behind her, I reach the dining area,
and I start salivating from the smell alone. Man, I must be starving
because I need to wipe my lip to check for drool when I take my seat
across from her.
Menus are already placed on all the wooden tables and the place is
slowly filling up. I see more signatures and messages written on the
walls and even some of the tables. There are license plates from all
over and pictures of people from over the years framed on the wall.
I notice a long bar that’s seen better days along the back wall and
a stage to the right. Beside the stage I see a hallway that I’m sure holds
the restrooms. On the stage sits a black piano reflecting the lights from
the room and a stool sitting in front of a microphone by an acoustic
guitar. I can definitely picture people hanging out and drinking here. It
has a certain appeal that’s interesting.
Turning my attention to the menu, I thank the stars that it’s not too
expensive and won’t ruin my budget. I choose the cheapest thing I can
find and take out the newspaper and a pink highlighter so I can start
my job hunt.
While I’m browsing the want ads, the waitress walks up. “Hey,
ladies. My name’s Blaire and I’ll be your server today. What can I get
you two to drink?” I glance up when I hear her soft voice and notice
how pretty she is with her pale skin and long red hair that’s pulled into
a neat pony tail. I notice her eyes are hazel and they seem to take
everything in as she waits for our reply.“I’ll have water with lemon
please,” I tell her and glance at Jazz while she orders the same. After
she walks off, Jazz clears her throat and asks me what I’m getting. “I
think I’ll get a side salad and bowl of gumbo.” Just thinking of the
gumbo reminds me of Ms. Freeman. I only had it once while I lived
with her and I loved it.
“Well, I want one of those big cheeseburgers and a side order of
Mr. Mysterious and Sexy behind the bar.” I look over to where she’s
practically eye humping someone and see a really cute guy with black
glasses tending the bar. He doesn’t seem to be Jazz’s type to me, with
his messy blond hair that only comes to the top of his ears and ear
gauges. He’s lean and tall but I don’t think he’s quite as tall as Jax.
Then again, Jazz is so short he probably seems like a giant to her. He’s
wearing the signature black T-shirt with the Jay Jay’s logo on the front
and the word “staff” on the back with a long sleeve shirt underneath. I
think I see a tattoo on his neck that disappears under his collar, but he’s
too far away to be sure.
“Are you two ready to order yet?” I almost jump out of my seat
when I hear the waitress come back with our drinks. She seems to be
in a rush, so we quickly give our orders, minus the dude behind the
bar. “Do you think they’re together because she seemed kind of rude?”
I ask, and Jazz just shrugs her shoulders while she continues to stare
across the room.
I turn my attention back to the paper and after a few minutes feel
like I want to scream. Everything seems to state “experience required,”
but how you can get
stinking experience
if nobody will give you a
chance? I huff out a sigh and slouch in my seat, feeling defeated.
“Don’t worry, girl, you’ll definitely find something. It might not
be today, but next week instead. Keep your head up.” Jazz encourages
me while she pats my hand. I don’t have much money left, so I can’t
wait too long for a job to pop up, but I don’t say that and just smile and
continue to look down until our food arrives.
After we’ve finished our meal, Jazz and I talk about her family
again. You can see the love in her eyes as she discusses her parents and
siblings. She tells me how she and her younger siblings were all
adopted. For some reason after Jax was born her parents couldn’t
conceive any more children.
I go on to tell her about some parts of my life in foster care, but I
don’t want to bring down the mood, so I stick to stories of Ms.
Freeman and how she always supported me in dance. She seems really
interested in my dancing and asks me lots of questions. I’m glad she
sticks with
subject rather than the other.
We’re waiting on the bill when there’s a loud crash behind me. I
turn and see Blaire arguing with
cute bar guy
while she picks a fallen
pitcher of beer up off the floor. “I can’t keep up with every single table
by myself, Benji. Janet won’t be back until later tonight, and I need
some help on the floor.” Frustration laces her voice, and she sounds
almost in tears.
“I’m the only one here who can manage the bar or I’d help. You
know I would, but I don’t know what you what me to do. I can’t help it
if we’re shorthanded.” He starts to fix a fresh pitcher when I make a
quick decision.
I get up from my seat, knowing I could make a complete fool of
myself, and walk over to them with Jazz trailing behind me. “Excuse
me,” I say nervously while approaching them. “I can actually help.
You see, I used to bartend and waitress in Atlanta. I’m actually looking
for a job because I just moved here for school. Maybe I could do the
bar since I don’t know the menu and you...” I point to Benji “...can
help Blaire on the floor.” I let my breath rush out of my lungs, relieved
that breaking out of my comfort zone is now over.
There! I
approached them and made my point. The ball’s in their court.
I really
hope they take a chance on me because I really need this job.
They eye me and then each other. Benji scratches his head and
sighs. “Sure, but I’ll need to see your ID and I can’t promise you an
actual job just yet because Janet does all the hiring here, and she’s still
out. It’s her call, not mine, but we are in need of extra hands so I don’t
think it will be a problem.”
I hand over my fake ID and then turn to Jazz who is still checking
out Benji. I elbow her, trying to get her attention. When she finally
turns to me, I tell her to go on back to the dorm and I’ll take the bus
home. After some coaxing she finally agrees since the bar is twentyone plus after a certain time. However, she makes me promise to call
her when I’m done for a ride home and hugs me goodbye. Then I go to
the back to put on my new uniform consisting of a V-neck T-shirt that
has Jay Jay’s logo on the front and STAFF on the back. When I’m
about to head over to the bar, I stop and say a silent prayer. Walking
out I mutter to myself, “Okay, Trudy. Let’s show them what you can
I’m in the zone by the time Janet comes over to the bar and eyes
me up and down. I don’t know who she is at first and treat her like
everyone else who orders a drink. I’ve even flirted with a few guys for
better tips.
With my southern drawl, I ask, “What can I get ya, sweetie?” I
have to yell because business has really picked up. Instead of saying
anything, she stands up and walks down the hallway toward the
Ten minutes later she comes back and slides a yellow manila
envelope my way while continuing to eye me. You can tell she’s had a
rough life with her worn skin and bleached hair. She continues
smoking her cigarette. “These are all the forms I need filled out by
tomorrow. I also need your class schedule so I can work around it and
a copy of your ID before you leave tonight. I’ll be in my office when
you’re ready,” she says in a raspy voice before walking away.
“That’s Janet. Owner of Jay Jay’s and from the looks of it, your
new boss,” Blaire says while she picks up a drink order. “She’s good at
running this place, but remember this: her bite’s just as bad as her
bark.” She walks away, leaving me in disbelief and shaking nerves. I
hope I didn’t make a bad first impression on my new boss.
Then it hits me, I got the job!
OMG, I got the job!
I start doing a
happy dance behind the bar to celebrate. I’m not paying attention to
anyone when I hear a laugh beside me. I stop and turn to see Benji
standing there smiling. “By all means, please continue. I’m enjoying
the entertainment.”
He continues to snicker, and I can’t help but smile back. You
know why? Because
I think I break out the
“Running Man” as well as the “Sprinkler,” but I can’t be sure.
By the time the night shift people come in, it’s almost ten. I’m
introduced to a few more of the waitresses and Chris, the other
bartender. Janet tells me to head out after I give her the information
she requested earlier, and I’m happy to oblige. For one my feet are
killing me because I’m still wearing my heels. And two, I saw the girl
that kissed Jax last night walk in not long ago, and I really don’t want
to see Jax and her together.
“Need a lift?” I glance up after I leave Janet’s office and see
Blaire and Benji standing in front of me. I know they have to be tired
and I don’t want to inconvenience them so I decline.
“No thank you. My friend Jazz is supposed to come pick me up. I
appreciate the offer though,” I say and tell them I will see them
Tuesday afternoon at my next shift. I’ll be taught the menu with Blaire
training me.
“Night, Trudy, and welcome to the family,” Blaire says with a
wave and goes into Janet’s office.
Family? I’ve never been part of a
family other than with Ms. Freeman.
I feel my eyes start to get misty
with the thought, so I head to the restroom for some privacy.
While I dry my eyes I make a quick call to Jazz and leave a
message telling her to call me back. I decide to use the restroom but
just as I’m about to step out of the stall, I hear a something that stops
me in my tracks.
“See, Amanda, I told you Jax would meet me here tonight,” the
girl from last night says, and I feel my emotions of happiness quickly
turn into jealousy.
I hear this girl named Amanda squeal. “You’re so dang lucky,
Ashton. Jax is so hot and he’s loaded too.” So this is Ashton after all.
Jazz will not be happy about this. “Why can’t I find me one just like
him?” Amanda sighs. “I saw you disappear into his room last night,
and I just knew you two would be back together again.”
“Well, duh! Look at me. I mean who else would he want anyway.
Besides, Daddy likes him and says he’s from good money. He told me
he’d give me the biggest wedding ever if I snagged someone like Jax.”
I hear the door open as they leave and lean against the stall to calm my
I knew they were together so I shouldn’t be surprised that they had
sex last night after he dropped Jazz and me off. I am though because I
was hoping that maybe I was thinking too much about what I saw.
When Jazz said he didn’t have a girlfriend that hope grew, and now I
just feel like a complete fool. I shake these ridiculous feelings off and
remember my plan, which doesn’t include a relationship.
Feeling better, I step out of the restroom, and my eyes are
immediately drawn to Jax as he stands by the bar with David and
another guy. I look on the other side of him and Ashton is standing
close to him, saying something in his ear. A girl with bleached blonde,
curly hair is on the other side of her talking to Chris behind the bar,
and I assume that’s Amanda.
I turn fast to leave before I’m caught and run straight into
something hard and almost lose my balance. I glance up and realize
it’s Benji. Feeling my face turn pink from embarrassment, I rush out an
apology. “I’m so sorry. I feel so stupid.
I really need to pay
more attention.” I continue to ramble on as he continues holding my
shoulders. Then I feel a set of eyes burning into my back and know
whose they are. It’s confirmed when I hear his deep voice behind me.
“Tru? Are you okay?” Jax asks, and I can tell he’s angry. He must
think Benji’s trying to hurt me or something.
I turn around, forcing a smile, thankful Benji let go of my arms.
“Yeah, Jax, I’m good. Just leaving work and Benji here...” I nod
toward Benji “...is about to give me a lift back to the dorm.” I can’t
hold his stare for long because my emotions will show. I grab Benji’s
hand to head out, but we don’t get far before Jax is grabbing my
shoulder. His touch is so different from others I’ve felt, but I won’t
dwell on that right now.
“I can give you a lift if you want. I don’t mind,” he says, and it
almost sounds like he’s pleading.
I’m about give in because I don’t want to inconvenience Benji, but
then Ashton comes up and once again wraps her arms around Jax.
“There you are, baby. I was looking for you.” She eyes me up and
down while Jaxon just stands there not saying anything. When I glance
back to him, his eyes are staring me down. Then I look back toward
Benji. I feel really uncomfortable in this situation, so it’s obviously
time to go.
Benji must feel the tension too because he wraps his arm around
my waist and leads me out the back door. I can feel Jax’s stare the
whole time until the door finally shuts behind us.
We’re silent for a minute until Benji finally speaks.“Man, that was
kind of awkward, huh?” I glance toward Benji, who’s getting on a
black and chrome motorcycle. He passes me a helmet.
It takes me a minute to answer because I was holding my breath.
When I can finally nod my head, I say, “Yeah. I don’t know what that
was about, but I’m too tired to think about it. I really don’t care.” I
laugh, trying to act normal, and take the helmet. “You know I have
absolutely no experience with motorcycles. Besides, I didn’t mean you
had to take me back. I just didn’t want Jax to take me. His girlfriend
gets angry easily. I don’t think she’d appreciate him leaving to take me
somewhere.” I try to give him the helmet back, but he won’t take it.
“Seriously, I can call Jazz again for her to come.”

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