Legions of Rome (97 page)

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Authors: Stephen Dando-Collins

BOOK: Legions of Rome
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The Making of the Roman Army
Not. Dig.—
Notitia Dignitatum
Histoire de Lyon
The Satyricon
Lives of the Noble Grecians & Romans
Res Gest
Res Gestae
Riding for Caesar
Imperial Roman Navy
Lives of the Caesars
The Annals
The Agricola
The Germania
The Histories
Documenting the Roman Army
, “Documenting the Roman Army at Carlisle”
Excerpta Valesiana
De Rei Militaris
Velle.—Vellius Paterculus,
Roman History
On Architecture

Vindolanda Writing Tablets
W&D—Webster & Dudley,
The Roman Invasion of Britain
Warfare in the Classical World
Roman Imperial Army
The Day that Stopped Rome
Historica Nova



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