Lilith (13 page)

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Authors: Ashley Jeffery

BOOK: Lilith
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I sat alone in the dusty room for what felt like hours. My emotions kept going back and forth like a
Ping-Pong ball between rage, and sadness. Was I surprised that Lilith would go after my father? No, I couldn’t say that I was, I knew exactly how evil she could be. She sent my own mother to kill me. If it were in her power, she’d probably kill everyone I loved.

The thought made my st
omach churn with nausea. How could I protect them from pure evil? I stared at the phone and shook my head in anger. Why were men so damn easy? My mom had been dead what, maybe over a week, and here dad was finding his comfort in some skank he knew from work.



Chapter Thirteen


Point and Aim




Someone knocked lightly on the door and I sighed and moved to open it. Rhiannon’s guilt covered face greeted me.

“What did you do?” I wat
ched her fake surprise, puh-lease.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Pacey, it’s
kind of bitchy to be greeted that way jeez.”

I was shoved to the side as she walked
inside before asking. Typical Rhi.

“Please, I’ve known you for how long now? You can’t pull that I’m innocent
crap with me so just fess up. What did you do?”

She coughed and sa
t on the bed lowering her face. Whatever she’d done wasn’t good, Rhi didn’t play coy, she told you how it was.

“I might have told someone about the who
le Lilith thing without asking.”

I closed my eyes and paced the room.
“Besides Wes?“

I watched her meet
my gaze and then nod solemnly. “Okay who else?”

She straighten
ed her shoulders in discomfort. “Well it might have been more than just someone.”

winced when she looked at my face and I lost it.

say it, who did you tell Rhiannon?”

Rhi lowered h
er head again and I felt like a complete and utter bitch. How is it that the biggest, baddest, loudest girl I knew could look like a cowering innocent when she got caught. It wasn’t like I’d kicked her puppy.

“I told the Bad Girls.”

I should have known. “Great.”

head snapped up and she stood. “It is great, think about it Pacey, you have the entire Bad Girls Club working out how to kill this demon bitch. Isn’t it better that we have help. You know they’d never judge you, and they would never cross me. So there it is I told. And I’m not sorry, you should be happy. I refuse to feel guilty. In fact if you get mad, I’ll be mad that your mad, and I won’t talk to you for a week.” She thrust her nose in the air, and I started laughing.

“You already feel guilty,” I laughed again and walked closer to her looking i
nto her blue overly lined eyes.

“Really you won’t talk to me for a we
ek, can I get that in writing?”

Rhi stomped her foot and started to retreat. I can’t believe she stomped, what was she, seven?

“Did you just stomp?”

turned at the door and groaned. “Yea maybe, I just hate feeling guilty, it isn’t fair. Are you mad?”

I shook my head and smiled.
“Not really, it was only a matter of time. At this point the whole world knows I’m crazy, what’s a few more people.”

hi beamed and crushed me into a hug. “Okay I know I’m being soppy, and if you tell anyone I’ll kill you. But I love you Pace, you’re my best friend.”

I patted her ba
ck and tried not to laugh. Rhi wasn’t exactly the touchy feely type. She let go and moved back through the opened door.

“Wait, Rhi, what’s going on with you and

She froze without turning.
“Nothing, yet, anyways, but uh, you might want to come to the living room with me.”

Great what now?

Rhi turned
and looked at me with concern. “It looks like your dad’s here with some chic, I can‘t see her face though.”

Fear ran down my spine.

“Rhi, where are the guys?”

annon retreated a few steps into my room and whispered.

“Out there. Is
she, I mean is she possessed.”

I groaned in frustration, what was I going to do, why were t
hey even here. How did they even know where I was? I composed myself as much as I could and took a deep breath. I had to get out there and find out what was going on, and pray, that whoever this chic was, she wasn’t being influenced by Lilith.

I could feel my hands shaking as I walked down the hall.
My dad’s familiar Auburn head was nodding along with something Dean was saying. A woman sat beside him, I couldn’t see her face, they were both looking away from me. I studied Dean’s gaze when he noticed me, and he looked pleased, that didn’t make any sense. I kept walking and in slow motion, the woman’s head turned in my direction.

I let out a breath
of relief when I realized who it was. It wasn’t Bridget, or some new hooker being run by Lilith, there sitting next to my dad, wearing a genuine smile, was Dean’s mom. I would have collapsed on the floor in thankfulness if there weren’t so many people. That also explained why my dad was here with her. Dean wouldn’t go anywhere without telling his mom, and his mom, kind hearted as she was, couldn’t not tell my father.

“Hi Pacey, I’m so glad to see you. How are you feeling?” She pointed to my still bandaged arm and I shrugged. I’d gotten pretty use to injuries lately, even the really bad ones.

“Fine, it’s good to see you too. I hope that Dean being here isn’t a problem, I told him I could just stay by myself.” I eyed Dean’s sloppy grin and smiled. He wasn’t going anywhere.

“Oh no, actually I was thinking, and this is only because I don’t really like the idea of a bunch of students staying in a lake house by themselves. Dean refuses to come home, and I can’t make him legally. But
Rhiannon is underage, and her mom has stated that if she doesn’t come home she will call the cops and have Wes arrested for contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor. So I know you don’t want to hear it, but this is for the best. I think you should come stay at our house Pacey. I know Wes is your friend but staying out here where its remote, and the phones don‘t always work is just scary. Especially with everything that‘s happened to you.”

I studied her face and shook my head. No way, she could be influenced way to easily. The only reason I wasn’t afraid for Rhi was because of the fact that as long as she was happy, and stable, she was strong enough to hold her own. But D
ean’s mom had lost her husband and her life was still a little chaotic.

Granted she
was a really nice lady, but I didn’t know what to expect. Staying with her could end the same way it had at my house. I couldn’t take any chances. So that meant Rhi was out.

“I’m sorry, but no, I’m going to stay here. Dean and Rhi can go wherever they want, and I don’t want Rhi staying here if it will get Wes in trouble.” I narrowed my eyes
in Rhi’s direction and saw here shudder in anger.

mom was going to get an earful whenever she went home.

“I agree with Pacey mom, we want to stay out here to figure things out. And you can’t make us come home. We will go to school, and take care of ourselves. What you did was wrong Mr.
O’Brien, and you are the only one to blame for this outcome. I don’t know why you did that to her. Making her stay in that horrible place. But if Pacey doesn’t want to go home, than I’m staying here with her.”

I watched my
father’s face turn red in anger. “Look here Dean, you killed my wife, you don’t have any right to speak to me this way. And I already told Pacey I’m sorry. I’m glad you told me where she was Mrs. Charleston, but I’m leaving. You can either stay here or get a ride back with me.”

My dad
stood and stared at Dean’s mom. I watched the worry, and sadness fill her eyes. My dad shook his head and walked through the front door. Dean’s mom stood up and yelled loud enough for him to hear.

“Wait. Alright, if you need anything, and I mean anything. You can all call me okay. I’m sorry I have to go so quickly. Maybe you can come by for dinner tomorrow, all of you.” She moved forward and kissed Dean’s head, and patted my arm before retreating out t
he front door behind my father.

I sighed and looked around the room at my friends. What’s next, today nothing could possibly surprise me, and it was still my eighteenth birthday.

A few hours later, the Bad Girls members all pilled inside of the small dimly lit living room. It was still my eighteenth birthday. The realization of all that had happened on this one day was stammering. I’d gotten out of the hospital, found out my dad was the one who had committed me, and now all of my friends knew about what had been really happening.

But their arrival had nothing to do with Lilith and everyth
ing to do with my birthday. I didn’t know how Rhiannon managed it considering the short amount of time she had, but here they were, the Bad Girls, and a handful of their boyfriends, dates, or significant others.

I say significant other’s
because not all the girls, had boyfriends. Avery was a total lez. but hey, it’s the 21
Century things like that rarely bothered kids my age. Sexual orientation was just another part of life.

I wasn’t sure if partying was the best idea under the circumstances. A bunch of under the influence teenage girls seemed like they’d be prime real estate for Lilith. Rhi, Dean and Wes weren’t drinking, but they wanted me too. For the first time all day I almost felt n

It was weird to feel the fog start to lift, and the voices start to break through. Everyone was waiting for me to open my presents. I rolled my eyes and reached for the next prettily wrapped package.

“To Pacey from Dean.” I smiled in his direction and ripped the bow from the top. The box was small about the size of a basketball and I laughed out loud when I glanced inside.

A tiny black kitten
pawed at my fingers. It chirped and I reached in to retrieve it from the box. Its fur was soft as velvet and shiny, it wore a tiny silver collar around its neck. Bitsy was engraved on a small shiny star.

y?” I glanced at Dean’s face and laughed.

“Shouldn’t I get to name her?”

Dean smiled and shook his head. “Nope, she’s Bitsy, like the Itsy Bitsy Spider. She reminded me of a furry spider leg so it fit. Do you like her?”

I grinned. Everyone else’s gifts were nice, but my favorite was the warm little body that purred in my lap.
Bitsy, was the perfect name for my kitten. When the Bad Girls started to make their way outside to the keg, I tucked her safely in my room.

The party felt like it was more for them, than it was for me. I wasn’t drinking, although it was nice to see everyone else enjoying themselves so much. A couple of girls stripped and jumped in
to the freezing lake water. We all laughed when they shrieked and came running back for their clothes.

Wes built a bon fire i
n the big rock pit on the deck. Someone decided that it was a good time to tell scary stories. Like I needed anymore of those.

I sat beside Dean under a thick blanket. Finding comfort in the soft musky scent of
his skin. I buried my face in his shoulder and sighed. It was definitely great to be out of the hospital. I listened to everyone ohh and ahh at the story Liv was telling.

I wasn’t really paying attention to her dramatized voice. A shiver ran down my spine but it had nothing to do with the story. All the giggling voices around me went silent, and Liv’s voice faded away. And I heard a voice through the eerie empty silence.

“And then the little bitch finally died.”

My breathing quickened as the words echoed inside my head. No one else could hear that voice, only I could. I pulled away from Dean and looked up over the crowd out towards the lake and the dark woods. The eerie s
ilence still remained, Dean started shaking my shoulders and screaming at me but I couldn’t hear his voice, I could only hear hers.

“Happy Birthday Pacey, and what a wonderful birthday it is, I wonder if you know how much easier it will be for m
e to kill you. You’re considered a woman now, no longer protected by the innocent light of God.”

I started to shake in fear and stared blindly at Dean’s face. He was still shouting soundless words. I watched his mouth move around each syllable in frustration, but the world was still silent. Lilith started laughing hysterically.

“Want to play a game Pacey? A game with no rules? I’m going to enjoy bleeding every last one of them. Happy Birthday.”

I jumped to my feet and felt a wave of
light-headedness came over me. The sound erupted all at once making me brace my hands against my ears.

Pacey, what’s wrong, Pacey, can you hear me.” Dean’s scared voice was yelling so loud next to my ear I jumped away from him.

I stumbled and almost fell towards the hot open flames. Wes reached out and saved me from the horrible fiery death.

“Sit down, everyone shut up, let her breathe.” He helped lower me back down to the deck and I placed my head between my knees and tried to ease the nausea. I took a few breaths and looked up into his face.

needs to get out of here, now!”

The noise that erupted was uncanny, I didn’t know what it was at first but it had to be bad, really bad. A loud
earth-shattering bang cracked through the air, a gun maybe. And chaos unfolded around me.

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