Lilith (9 page)

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Authors: Ashley Jeffery

BOOK: Lilith
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Chapter Nine


Something Lost and Taken




I stared down at the list and rolled my eyes. All eleven members of the Bad Girls Club sat in a circle around Willow's enormous kitchen table. Her house was the official headquarters for the BGC's because of its size and flexibility. Willow's parents were more often than not out of town anyway, not to mention the fact that Willow's house was one sweet place. The seven-bedroom house was the crown jewel in Willow's dads
"let’s show everyone how much ridiculous money I have"

was busy handing out copies of the list to everyone else. It was sort of silly, it wasn't like we didn't already know the list and everyone’s roles in the upcoming take down of Lexie Vega.

Project Manager-----------




Private Investigator-------Liv

Bank Account--------------Willow





IT Tech---

"Liv is on surveillance, we really need to get as much behind the scenes footage and personal information a
s possible. We have a total of four months left before spring break so everyone needs to take their part seriously. Pacey, I need you to find out as much about what's going on with Lexie as possible. Just be sort of friendly but don't try overly hard. We want her to think everything is normal."

I didn't really like the role she wanted me to play, but the happier Rhi was the less likely Lilith would be to try and possess her. I was letting myself stoop to levels I never thought I'd ever consider, but
I was willing to do anything to save my best friend. I hated that I was lying to everyone including her.

I was lying to the Bad Girls by being here and pretending to care. I was lying to Dean about what I was really doing. If he knew I
was, actually partaking in this backstabbing high school drama he'd probably be pissed.

Which made me again wonder if maybe I should just come clean with everyone. I heard the familiar howling and laughter in my head. Lilith was mocking me. I looked around at the faces surrounding me. Not a flicker of black was
visible in anyone’s eyes.

Wherever Lilith was she wasn't far. I noticed the mirror on the wall to my right and shivered. She could see everything I did through her mirrors. Every move I made, every
thought I spoke of out loud.


I glanced over at Rhiannon's face and smiled an apology. I really needed to try and pay more attention.

"Sorry, what's up?"

Rhiannon rolled her eyes and tapped her foot impatiently. I glanced at the mirror behind her back and groaned, I needed to control this before it got out of hand.

"Is your dad building the props for the prom?"

"Yep, he's working on them right now." He wasn't thrilled when I asked him to make everything.

He couldn't understand why we were even involved with the prom to begin with, we'd never attended in the past, so our
sudden interest was baffling. Rhiannon's revenge plan was simple, and a little surprising at the same time. We'd been involved over the years with Drama, choir, and now this year with Musical Productions.

Her big idea was a play she wrote mocking Lexie. On top of
that, she was also having Avery and Candace go around to all of the students and get their true opinions of Lexie. What I'd said that day in the cafeteria had been Rhi's inspiration, Lexie was going to find out exactly what everyone thought of her. Including tid bits of embarrassing information Liv was able to dig up.

It would start off as a short play, a kind of comedy of errors about Lexie and what she'd done to other people, and end with her
complete social annihilation. I felt so guilty. I didn't want to be mean to Lexie, and the faster the days went by the worse I felt, until it was six days before my birthday.

Weston was supposed to be coming down today. It was nerve wracking, the idea of introducing my ex-boyfriend to my new one. Dean seemed fine with everything. We still hadn't yet had our important conversation about sex, and it was getting harder and harder not to bring it up. We were sitting in my room with our text books out, when I fina
lly couldn't take it anymore.

"I want you." I felt my cheeks heat the moment th
e words were out of my mouth.

It was true though, I wanted him so bad
ly it was hard to breathe when I was near him. I'd watch the way his shirt clung to his arms and shoulders, watch his big hands open and close and wish with all my heart he'd stop being so damn nice and put them on me. I mean he was an 18-year-old boy, and he'd yet to put his hand up my shirt. I watched the shock and confusion cross his face before he smiled smugly.

"Okay, I'm no
t really sure what to say now." He said.

I sighed and closed my door softly neither of my parents
was home, and they trusted Dean probably more than they trusted me, which was kind of funny. I was the one who couldn't stop thinking about

"You don't get it I want you. I want you to touch me, to be with me." My face flamed more as the w
ords tumbled out of my mouth.

I watched his jaw drop open a little, he probably wasn't expecting me to say anything, but I just couldn't help myself. He stared at me for what felt like forever, I sat down on the bed and covered my face wi
th my hands. Way to go Pacey.

"Have you, ever done i
t?" I asked through my fingers.

He adjusted uncomfortably on the bed, I looked up as he nodded silently. Of
course, he had, he was super-hot, and a teenage boy, but that didn't explain why he hadn't tried to really touch me.

"So why

He he
ld up a hand to interrupt me. "Why haven't I tried?"

I took a deep breath
and leaned back on my elbows. "Yea, well I mean I may not be the hottest girl in school but it'd be nice to know my boyfriend wants me."

e moved closer to me and placed a hand in my hair. "Do you know how ridiculous you sound, I love you Pacey."

I groa
ned and pushed his hand away. "Yea you love me, and I love you, and sadly I think we feel completely different about each other."

Dean narrowed his eyes and m
oved closer towards me again. "Okay is this some weird girl code I'm not getting?"

I threw my hands up in annoyance and jumped him. Kissing him as passion
ately as I could. I straddled his body with my legs and pushed him onto his back. His hands were on me in seconds running up my back and into my hair pulling my face closer to his.

He kissed me so hard I thought my lips would bleed. I smiled into his mouth and groaned in pleasure. At least for
once, I was getting something other than perfectly controlled Dean. After the incident at school when I'd tried to touch him, he'd been the perfect gentleman. Which annoyed the heck out of me.

He took a deep breath, and cupped his hands under my butt. He stood up from the bed and turned us both around so that now my back was to the bed. Heat and excitement exploded in my belly. I tightened my legs around him and locked my feet together. He was so hot, I could feel the muscles under my hands
tighten as he moved us forward.

I felt the impact of his body plunging with mine onto the bed. He grunted and pulled away from me for only a second as he lifted his shirt up and over his head. I ran my fingers across his chest and down h
is perfectly defined stomach.

When my eyes finally darted up to his face I held my breath, his were a deep dark blue in their intensity. He threw my arms over my head and pinned my wrists with one hand, I squirmed and waited for him to touch me. He ran his other hand up my shirt and pulled my bra to the side. Cupping one breast softly
he ran a thumb across its peak.

I couldn't contain the moan that escaped my lips. He lowered his head to my stomach creating a small trail of burning heat wherever his mouth met my sensitive skin. I closed my eyes and tried to tug my hands from his grip, but he squeezed harshly. I moved my body ag
ainst his and felt his arousal.

He ran his hand down between my legs and pressed his fingers against me. I wriggled and moaned with the intensity of the things he was making me feel. I never expected him to be so controlling and so out of control at the same moment. He released my wrists and in one quick tug ripped apart my shirt. In
seconds, I was naked from the waist up. His tongue and mouth moved in sequence with his hands, bruising and scorching my skin with his passion.

He paused for a moment at my neck and kissed ever
y inch of my scars carefully. When I was with Weston, it had been this shaky, awkward moment. We'd stood and watched each other remove our clothes then we climbed under the covers together. It had been so easy, so passionless, and so empty.

Dean made me feel things I didn't know were possible. The boy that was usually such a gentleman, such a sweetheart, was an animal,
and I loved it! He moved his lips back to mine and kissed me fiercely. I dug my nails into his shoulders as explosions of pleasure spread like waves across my body.

He ripped off my pants, and then my panties, never once breaking the intense gaze of his eyes into mine. When he was back on top of me he stopped for a moment and ran one hand across my cheek, his thumb strok
ing me softly he just stared.

"What?" I asked breathlessly.

"Still want me?" The dimple in his cheek was smiling at me sexily. His voice was so deep it was almost a groan.

"Hell yea." I said.

He adjusted against my body then watched my face as he guided his flesh into mine. I felt my whole body explode with heat and pleasure. Later when our bodies were spent, and our hearts had slowed to a steady similar beat I allowed myself to look over at him.

My eyes filled with unshed tears of joy, I never knew that it could be like
that. I never knew that it could be so incredible. What I didn't see, and what I was too involved with Dean to realize, was that Lilith had stood in the mirror of my room and watched through the pane of glass as our bodies had expressed the lust we felt for each other.

The door to my bedroom slammed open. I looked up in surprise at the loud bang in confusion. I hadn't heard either of my parents return home. Dean sat up and reached for his jeans. I tried to cover my naked body from the
focused black eyes looking in from the doorway.

I couldn't make myself move. Dean was dressing frantically unaware that a demoness stood in our doorway. All he saw was the familiar face of my mother. While I saw the wrath of
hell staring me in the face.

Her eyes were a dark smoldering black. So full of hatred and damnation I couldn't look away. Her exposed arms revealed the black ribbons moving like waves across her skin. They churned and wiggled in anger. My mother's face was tilted strangely, abnormally to the side like she was waiting to
hear something from behind her.

I watched in horror as two women I'd never seen before walked like
zombies to her side. Their eyes filled with unforgiving black. I shock with fear when they looked at me and smiled.

Dean grabbed my hands and pulled me from the bed to cover me. It was then I noticed the shiny gleaming butcher knife clutched tightly in my
mother’s hand. She was holding it so tightly I could see small drops of blood dripping from her hand.

"Hello Dean." She said in a slithering voice, lik
e a snake assessing her prey.

He looked over at me in question but I couldn't speak. I didn't know Lilith could command more than one woman at a time. This made everything different, worse, and the fact that my mother was under her control made
my stomach roll with nausea.

"Time to die Pacey."

I pulled my jeans on quickly and looked over at her, shocked. Was she evil enough to make my own mother my murderer? I looked into her black eyes and immediately knew she could, and that she had every intention of doing so.

"What the
hell?" Dean said and pushed me behind him.

"Pacey, w
hy does your mom have a knife?"

I hesitated but tried to move him away from me. He was not going to be my own
personal human shield.

"Dean just move,
it’s okay." I tried to reassure him with my voice but he shook his head at my request.

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