Lilith (2 page)

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Authors: Ashley Jeffery

BOOK: Lilith
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I wasn’t
exactly a virgin. I had attempted to lose it last year, when I was in a no-where close to love relationship with my boyfriend Weston, and it had been tragically awful. We ended up busting up about the moment his...well you get the picture. We were too good of friends to get that intimate. It really was a shame considering. We'd been friends for almost as long as Rhi and me.

Luckily our friendship survived
, although sometimes when I stood near him, my mind would drift and I'd remember the awkward nakedness and I'd turn about 50 shades of red. I guess that was one of those life wasn’t always a good idea to date a friend.

So after my failed relationship with Weston my love life, i.e. relationship status was non-existent. I was half a virgin
...kind of. Rhiannon teased me shamelessly for it. She had a lot more experience than I did. Rhiannon in the past two years has had half a dozen semi-serious boyfriends.

They we
re all older, college-aged boys, and they were usually tortured souls like we were. Artists want to-be rock stars, and outcasts. She didn’t sleep with all of them, despite Lexie's nasty rumors; Rhi was careful and not half as much of a whore as Lexie was.

The bell r
ang and I snatched up my backpack to leave the room. I wanted to put as much distance between me and the new guy as possible. I had a feeling that if given half the chance I’d make a royal idiot out of myself.

grabbed my arm and said. "Hey, Pace, stop for a sec, why don't you go see if Lover boy needs a ride home." She motioned with her head towards the door and walked away from me.

In my world, there was only two ways to do something when Rhi
asked. One, you either did it and made her happy, or two, you still did it only Rhi wasn’t happy and she made sure you weren’t either.

chose easy option one and tried to decide how much I felt like humiliating myself. We’d only exchanged a hand full of words. In fact I wasn’t even sure I remembered his first name...David, no…that wasn't it...I was almost, maybe, kind of positive it started with a D. Dustin? Nope...huh uh...what was his---.

"Pacey right?"

I looked up into the piercing eyes of the man/boy in question. He half smiled and a small dimple in his left cheek winked.
Oh, damn what did he just say?

name is Pacey right?"

I squeak
ed a little in answer, and swallowed hard before I spoke.

"Yea I'm Pacey, I'm sorry I can't remember your name.
Seriously, I'm not usually this stupid but I was just trying to remember when you came over. But yea I'm Pacey." Damn, I was babbling. I stopped talking and his smile broadened into a toothy grin. Well at least I was amusing him.

"No sweat, I'm Dean, Dean Charleston. I was just wondering what you were
doing after school. I just moved here so I figured you'd know what to do around here."

I couldn'
t think...
he actually wanted to hang out with me
. Super dreamy, yummy new boy wanted to be my friend. He’d asked me a question, what to do around here...

"Yea sure, I don't know what I'm doing now but you can come along if you want. I'm sure Rhi has something plann
ed, she usually does." He smirked and motioned with his hand for me to lead the way.

I walk
ed forward and out the door, conscious of the fact that he was following close behind me. I took a deep breath and looked around the hall for Rhi. She was leaning against one of the bright orange lockers laughing at something one of the fellow Bad Girls was saying.

r name was Jennifer Stevens. She was tortured by Lexie our junior year. Lexie befriended Jennifer when she moved here that year from Washington. All semester Lexie played the devoted best friend, she found out every juicy un-becoming detail she could about Jennifer, her family, and her friends.

At the Winter Formal
Lexie let the axe fall. When Jennifer showed up with her date dozens of pictures of her doing various embarrassing things surrounded her. Lexie was on the decorating committee and found it hilarious to use black and white shots of Jennifer.

All of the pictures were
anonymous; Lexie was smart enough to make sure Jennifer's head wasn't in any of the pictures. Lexie added glitter and tree branches to the pictures to make them seem more entwined with the rest of the decorations.

The next week at
school, the original pictures passed around with embarrassing information about Jennifer on the back. She left class crying and missed school for two weeks. The teachers didn't do anything either. Lexie had the whole school as well as the staff and parents wrapped around her twisted little finger. It made Rhiannon sick. She'd sought out Jennifer after, and we all became quick friends.

They smile
d when they saw us approaching.

"Dean, this is my best bud
Rhiannon, and this is our friend Jennifer. Guys this is Dean he just moved here." I said.

"Dean, hi, I just moved here last year let me k
now if you need any help adjusting." Jennifer’s last word jumbled when Rhiannon elbowed her hard in the side.

"I'm sure our dear sweet Pacey already has that covered Jenn. Speaking of which
, Jenn and me were just leaving. Hope you two have FUN." Rhiannon wiggled her eyebrows at me and pulled Jenn with her through the hallway.

Dean laughed
lightly as he watched them walk away.

"Your friend isn't very subtle is she
? So you want to go get something to drink?"

I nod
ded my head and followed him down the hallway. God I hoped I could keep myself from looking like a complete idiot.




Chapter Two


First Date?




I followed him outside to a black beat up truck. He led me to the passenger side and opened the door for me. He was being pretty nice, what was the catch? I eyed him speculatively and he smiled.

s it ok if I drive us? I’ll be safe." He asked.

got inside the truck without speaking. I didn’t really know the guy but I’d chance it. I really hoped I didn't end up chopped up into little pieces and shoved inside a hefty bag. At least Rhi knew who I was with if it came down to that. My murderer wouldn’t get away.

I watch
ed him walk around to the driver’s side door and get inside. He smiled at me again and turned the key in the ignition. The truck boomed to life, a loud deep growling sound that was almost soothing.

He reached over and
turned down the radio when the speakers screeched out the song
Time That Remains
by Three Days Grace. I smiled; at least he had good taste in music. I played with the silver and black bracelets on my wrist nervously. He drove out of the parking lot and into the street.

"So, Pacey wh
ere do you want to go?"

I chew
ed on my lip and immediately thought of The Hole in the Wall. It was a small sandwich shop in the center part of town. There were plenty of other people there to make sure I didn't get drugged and dragged out the back door by my hair. I struggled not to laugh. My over active imagination was getting a little crazy. Not an hour ago, I was imagining licking his skin.

"Take Main Street down to Center. The Hole in the Wall is on your left.
" He looked at me sheepishly.

Huh? The Hole in the Wall? What’s that a landmark or something?"

I laugh
ed and said. "It's the best damn hamburger place in town." I pointed to an empty parking spot and he navigated the truck into the space.

"Guess I'll just have to take your wo
rd for it. You ready?" He jumped out of the truck and walked around to open the door for me.

"I know,
it’s completely cheesy but my dad would insist."

I thank
ed him silently and followed him inside. We sat in a booth not far from the front window directly in front of his truck. The sandwich shop was exactly what you would expect for a small simple food joint. It had faded black and white squared linoleum floors. Red walls and tiny jukeboxes at the ends of the table. I grabbed a handful of quarters and chose some music.

Unlike the other places with the same paintings and similar decor, the one thi
ng that The Hole in the Wall had over all of the others was its great taste in music. I chose two songs by Kings of Leon, and one by Shinedown. I handed Dean a couple of quarters and waited for the music to start.

"Thanks. This place is very coo
l, where do we order?"

I point
ed towards the large menu hanging above the front counter.

"What do you want?" He asked

Hmm…a root beer float." I said.

I watch
ed him walk away. Aware that I was probably staring at his ass for longer than what’s considered appropriate. What the heck, was I doing here? I wasn’t the girl that meets the new boy and catches his eye. I was the girl who vanished into the background. I wasn’t self-deprecating enough to say that in a poor me sniffle sniffle way....I knew what and who I was, invisibility and all.

heard the door bells jingle and watched as Devil Incarnate walked inside. Lexie Vega narrowed her eyes evilly at me and leered when she saw Dean ordering at the counter. She was wearing her signature tight skinny jeans. A slutty tank top and her hair in perfect brown waves around her face.

I watch
ed her saunter over to Dean's side and then touch his arm suggestively. I was amazed when I saw him turn and gently push her away.

"Sorry, I don't know
you, so don't touch me." Dean said.

mouth dropped open in surprise. Holy crap nobody, and I mean NO-body turned down Lexie Vega. This was not going to end well. Lexie's mouth mirrored mine, hanging wide open in shock.

"Look I'm sorry if that’s
rude, but I'm here with someone and I'd really appreciate it if you didn’t touch me."

He paid for our food and walked
back towards me. I closed my mouth and pretended like I hadn't been watching the whole thing take place. He took the seat across from me and handed me my drink.

I took
a sip and casually glanced back to where Lexie still stood. She was staring at us, and she didn't look happy. I watched her take her finger and point to me and run it across her neck in a quick slashing motion. I swallowed wrong and coughed on the soda.

ho is that crazy girl?" Dean asked.

I choke
d again and covered my mouth in surprise.

"Seriously, you do
n't know who that is? That's Lexie Vega, queen of Culliver City, Royalty at our illustrious School."

He just stared
at me blankly; I didn't think it was possible to go one hour at my school without knowing who she was.

"Nope not a clue. Did she really
just point at you and make a you’re dead gesture?"

bobbed my head yes and watched him smile at my answer.

"Yep she's a
freak. I can't believe she gets away with that shi-…sorry, with that not nice behavior."

I couldn
't help myself I started laughing between words. "You better be careful she's serious when she says she'll kill me. She's a nutcase. I'm not even kidding. If you cross her, expect a horrible Social Death, and months of recuperation. She makes people’s lives hell at school, and it looks like both me and you are next on her list." I didn't want to think about what she had planned for me.

His face
went from blank to serious in an instant.

"She won't do anything to yo
u." He said.

food arrived at our table just in time to clear the tension but he never broke his gaze. He stared so directly into my eyes it was almost painful. Slowly his face softened and he reached out his hand to brush aside a red tendril of my hair.

His fingers graze
d my skin. I almost jumped back in shock at his touch. It was electricity running through my veins. Like I’d only ever be alive when he was touching me. He rubbed a thumb across my cheek and spoke again.

"You have nothing to fear
Pacey. I'll never let anyone hurt you." And I believed him.

He said
it with such conviction there was no way I could disbelieve him. I’d only known him for a few hours and I already knew he would do anything to protect me, and as amazing as it sounded I felt exactly the same way.

were always talking about love at first sight. How their eyes wandered over a strangers face and somehow they knew…that they were it for them. I wasn’t in love with Dean because of his face, or the deep blue green color of his eyes. I wasn’t in love with him because of some trivial pretty package that would age and sag with time.

I was in love with him because he mad
e my blood boil. He made me feel alive for the first time. Somehow, I knew him without
him. Like some invisible bell inside me was ringing, chiming with the knowledge that he was finally here.

We spent
the next four hours in that booth and talked about everything and nothing. Time flew by on a new standard of time. I was changed. One touch of his fingers on my cheek and my whole world was upended. What I had with Weston wasn’t even on the scale anymore for weighing emotions.

s this how love felt? This all-consuming need to be near him. To feel his touch. I was terrified of something I couldn’t even describe. Something I couldn’t have controlled even if I’d tried. Love wasn’t something that you choose.

Love chose you, then proceeded to hit you over the head
with a bat, and told you to pay attention. The ringing bell inside me vibrated in my veins, creating a current of power that could rival a small city. I was high on something that had nothing to do with a popular dried herb, or stupid pill, and everything to do with one person.

That buzz followed me home. It sang me to sleep and whispered in my ears while I slept.

He’s here. He’s finally here.
It kept saying.

When I woke up
the next morning, I felt complete. I couldn't believe the need I had to be with Dean. I felt full when I was with him. Full in a way that had nothing to do with eating and everything to do with the empty feeling that I always felt in my chest. And here he was this boy I only met the day before and I knew I loved him.

My cell phone beeped
and I reached over and took it off my bedside table.

How did it go?

I stared at Rhi's message and groaned. I forgot to call her last night. She was going to kill me. I typed quickly and sent her a message back.

Great, st
range, wonderful, I don't know.

I got ready quickly and went downstairs. My mom and dad we
re in the kitchen eating. I grabbed an apple and made my way towards the front door.

"Stop right there young lady. What's this I hear about a
new boy?" My dad said.

I groan
ed and glanced over my shoulder towards my father.

"What do you mean?"
I asked innocently

"Please don't test my
, you were seen with a boy, a much older looking boy I might add by me personally. What's up?"

grinned and noticed his mouth twitching at the corner; he was totally messing with me, which was very common for my dad. He liked to mess with people, make them uncomfortable, and poke at fresh wounds. He was a brat but I loved him.

Whatever old man, that eyesight is getting bad. You should call your doctor it could be a sign of a serious problem."

He laughed and elbowed
my mom in amusement. "She gets that mouth from me you know."

My mom nodded along quietly. She was just as bad he wa

"You have no idea how much I wish I was adopted." But staring into their faces and my mother’s
thick auburn hair, I could never deny my parentage.

"But s
eriously who's this new boy?" My dad asked again popping a ripe red grape into his mouth.

"Dean, he just moved here, I took him to Hole in the Wall and showed him around town. He's just a friend dad, nothing
serious." The lie tasted bad on my tongue so I tried to swallow it and it burned as it hit my stomach.

My dad
sighed disagreeing. "I wouldn't be so sure about that, I saw the way he looked at you. Just be careful okay."

bobbed my head and walked out the door before they could stop me again. Rhiannon was waiting in her car in my driveway. I walked over to the passenger seat and got inside.

"Thanks, I nev
er made it back to get my car." I said.

She smiled and stared
at me without moving.

"What?" I ask

"Seriously you better
give me the freaking deets.” She said.

"It was
nice; he was nice, overly nice really."

"Wow nice huh. That it? That's a little disappointing, not to mention seriously depressing. Nice, ugghhh I‘d give up nice every
day of the week for just a little hot and heavy." Rhiannon started the car and backed out of my driveway.

"Well that
wasn't only it. When we were at Hole, we ran into your favorite person."

screeched the breaks and pulled to the side of the road. "No way."

Yep, and she hit on Dean too." I said.

"Wow did
he ditch you for trashy pants?"

I shook
my head no and smirked. "He turned her down. She wasn't very happy about it either. The bad news is she probably wants to kill me, but the good news is there is actually a boy in that school who is immune to her."

Rhi stared
blankly out the front window. Her hands were clenched so tightly around the steering wheel her knuckles turned white.

"Rhi, you ok?"

She didn't respond. I nudged her gently and asked again.

"Rhi, seriously are you ok?"

She turned and faced me speaking through her clenched teeth. "If that whore lays one hand on you I'll freaking kill her Pacey. I'm not even kidding I'm so sick of her self important, crazy, trashy, twisted shit."

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